So Tobi is weird. When he claims to be Uchiha Madara, he is all badass and evil. Before that he was a happy go lucky guy that was kinda funny.

How odd that he displays such varying behavior...Is he bipolar? Is he nuts?

No. He's Uchiha Obito.


Uchiha Obito - the Uchiha that was part of Kakashi's team that served under the 4th Hokage.

When we last saw OBITO, he was crushed under a rock during a cave in. Apparently his right side was crushed and the only thing intact was his left sharingan eye which he gave to Kakashi. In the end, Obito DEFINITELY lost his left eye. He only CLAIMS that his right side was crushed, but we don't know for sure. He had just befriended Kakashi and didn't want him to risk his life to save him, so he could easily have lied so Kakashi and Rin could escape.

TOBI - has a sharingan in his RIGHT eye. As Uchiha Madara, he tells Sasuke the history of Uchiha. I explain below why he isn't Madara, so the only other way he would know that... is if TOBI was another Uchiha.

But why cover half his face? Since it's a "bloodline" ability, the sharingan would obviously be in both eyes, so why would TOBI only use one eye? Is he just nice and wants to give everyone a handicap?

No... he doesn't show his left eye BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE ONE. Hmm, where else did we hear about an Uchiha having only one eye?

Notice the hair? Also - Naruto Ch 510 you can see him without a mask and he pretty much looks like Obito.

Tobi wears the mask to hide his identity and cover the scar. He only makes one eye hole because that's all he needs. Even during the flashback with Naruto's parents he has an old mask with ONE eye hole.

Yes, he is later seen with two sharingan eyes, BUT - he implanted Nagato's Rinnengan so who is to say he didn't implant someone else's sharingan before that. Moreover, he was "imbued" with the 1st hokage's cells which translates to cellular injection or DNA manipulation. Ocular implantation isn't that far fetched, especially since he REMOVED AND IMPLANTED ITACHI'S EYES INTO SASUKE, proving he has surgical knowledge to accomplish this.

Also, his name - Obito. If you just switch the syllables, you'd get Toobi. If you combine the O's, Tobi. Coincidence?

They even have strong similarities in their personality:

There are two sides to Obito. There's the childlike and playful nature of his when we first meet him, and then there's the dark, pained side of him that comes out when he fights and kills the enemy.

Sounds familiar? Tobi, who was the comic relief of Akatsuki ends up having a very dark and grim persona on the field of battle.

Why isn't he Madara?
Uchiha Madara was resurrected with his body and soul intact. Therefore, we know that when TOBI calls himself Madara, he's lying. Obviously that isn't Madara's body. What if Madara's soul was put in TOBI's body? Then the Madara that was resurrected wouldn't have the same personality. Thus, TOBI possesses neither body, nor soul of Madara, so TOBI=/=Madara.

Moreover, Tobi intended to use the Samsara of Heavenly Life jutsu in order to revive Madara... which doesn't make sense unless he isn't Madara.

What are your thoughts?

as of Chapter 599, CONFIRMED!