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Age: 42

Sex: Male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 155 lbs

Build: Slim

Race: Dark Elf

Pets: None

Profession: Healer

Bio: Dysius has spent the last 20 years as the assistent of a powerful Alchemist in the drow city of Bel, but has found the work repetitve in the last few years and is craving a change. With the skills of basic healing learned from years of watching his mentor, Alsis Heym, work his healing craft from the little alchemy shop, Dysius set out to find a new home, one he could set up himself. Unfortunately the turn of war and the terrors of the night soon had him stuck seeking shelter, what little could be found, in the walls of Vanya. With all the turmoil in the world he was hopeful that his family was still safe back in Bel, though he had a sinking feeling his younger brother was not so safe up in Magicae Amenti......

Additional Refferences: None yet! /cry

-Descriptive Stats-

    Hair: Buzzed on his left (your right) side except for long-ish sideburn hair by ear. Right side (your left) is choppy reaching in places to his shoulders. All white.
    Eyes: Standard Drow Crimson
    Skin: Dark Grey with scars on his left (your right) cheek, three small claw like marks. As well as larger jagged scar covering his right (your left) elbow.
    Shirt/Pants: Open vest up top with large white folded collar while the body of the vest is teal. Pants are a basic washed looking grey, very worn.
    Belt: Basic black belt with silver buckle
    Boots: Standard black calf high boots with steel toe coverings.
    Jewelry: Two nose piercing on either side, two eyebrow piercing on his left ( your right) eyebrow. One lip piercing. Eight studded earrings and one loop earring, same on both ears. All piercings are silver metal though not actual silver.

    Spells - Level One: Healer

    -Deceitful Eyes- “Goljufiv Oči”
    Allows the Healer to tell if a person is lying to them. Effects last only 60 seconds.

    -Arcane Burn- “Opeklina”
    Spell burns the target with magic, can cause up to 3rd degree burns in the Healer concentrates hard enough.

    -Healing Wish- “Zacelitev Želeti”
    Heals minor cuts and bruises on caster and/or allies.

    -Resist Magic- “Ustavljati se Čarodejstvo”
    Caster is now resistance to magical based attacks, while they still hurt, they cannot be used to kill the Healer.