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Age: 20

Sex: Male

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 135


Race: Human

Pets: None

Profession: Healer

Bio: Born the second son to the Jakoa family, Skitt came as a bit of a surprise to them. His mother had been told, after his older brother had been born, that she would be unable to have anymore children. He wasn't a unwelcomed addition though, despite being a surprise, and his family was just as happy about having a second child as they had been about their first.

He had a fairly ideal childhood, not too spoiled, and he grew up well. He attended school, much like every other child, and he found himself studying everything he could get his hands on. It was because of this that he discovered an interest in healing, and after much debate with himself, decided that maybe this was the path that he should follow.

He gave it a shot, and found that yes, this was at least the start of something that could lead him to his future, and he changed his mode of studying. Instead of studying everything, he focused his interests strictly on things that involved healing.

Now, though, he feels that he needs a new challenge, and a chance to use what he's learned in a non educational setting. And of course, to find out if there's anything new to learn.

Additional Refferences:

-Descriptive Stats-


    Spells - Level One: Healer

    -Healing Wish- “Zacelitev Želeti”
    Heals minor cuts and bruises on caster and/or allies.

    -Spoken Truth- “Govorjen Resnica”
    If Cast effectively, can cause target to spill anything they know that you wish to know. If not effectively cast, can only cause the target to verify if they know something.

    -Arcane Burn- “Opeklina”
    Spell burns the target with magic, can cause up to 3rd degree burns in the Healer concentrates hard enough.

    -Deceitful Eyes- “Goljufiv Oči”
    Allows the Healer to tell if a person is lying to them. Effects last only 60 seconds.