Name:Gul'drin Do'tlar (prefears to be called Gul or Drin for short)
Alignment: CN

Appearance:Has silver like hair to a point were you can almost see your reflection on it, eyes are of light gray color, skin is dark-gray wish can sometimes be confused for pitch black if in the surface light. has a refined appearance on his face. has a scar threw the eye wish he prefers for no one to ask about.

Background History: Was born in the societies of the Lolth followers, his mother escaped a terrible fate for him and manage to make it to skull port were some followers of Eilistraee took him in before his mothers death do to illness.
Was raised in a school of magic till the age of 5(50) were he was only able to learn tow magic powers of advance nature mysteriously all other basic magic some how he did not catch on.
Upon escaping an ill fated attack on the school thanks to one of his teachers at the age of 7(70) he was left wondering, at the age of 9(90) he found a secret school of Rogues he trained in the arts of thievery, traps knowledge, dual weapon combat, projectile(shurinken, darts etc.), poisons and antidotes, and assassinations till the age of 25(250). in this school he became a Vhaeraun Follower. he excelled at nearly all arts except for assassinations his careless attitude makes him a sloppy assassin.
At that time of 25 he wonder meany places of the under dark and the surface world he aided meany people in his short time being a stray adventurer of sorts were a rogues multitasking skill were necessary it was most likely he was there (still wonders around both worlds as he pleases).

Magic utility belt:given to him by a mage of great power do to his efforts of saving the mages life. it has the ability to carry an over whelming amount of stuff despite its size, and as long as the item fits the entry hole of the pouches and pockets it can Cary as meany of a particular item as he wishes. 3 pouches and 3 pockets plus 2 dagger holders for each of his daggers.
Pocket 1: holds multiple lock picks and trap disarming tools.
Pocket 2: holds various antidotes and first aid tools
Pocket 3: holds various poisons wish he ads to his throwing knifes and daggers before going in to fights depending on the goal of a fight he has a poison specialized for that.
Pouch 1: nearly an unlimited supply of smoke pellets.. meaning when in a pinch he will ninja his way out of there by throwing one of these. he limits it to a 100.
Pouch 2: nearly an unlimited supply of throwing daggers. he limits these to a 100.
Pouch 3: despite he is broke most of the time he tries to fill this pouch with gold coins. the highest ever reached was 5000g 4000s 3000c wish he would have kept if he did not had a gambling problem.
Light leather vest.
Light leather pants.
Magic silent boots:no mater were he runs or how hard he steps you wont hear the sound of his movements in the grounds.

Dual swords, dual daggers and hand to hand combat skills.
1)2 Short swords:Have Magical Gems between the hilt and the blade one gives the sword the trait of deflection from energy type attacks, the other has a gem that gives the sword electric trade if the sword or shield that clashes with this one has no insulation like leather or wood on their hilt i would not like to be the guy who blocked or clashed it with out that
2)2 daggers:these baby's he is particularly fund of namely be cause both of them are prepared with one of tow of his main favorite poisons wish causes paralyze and stun for the target.
3)100 throwing daggers: he may combine these randomly with one of the numerous poisons found in his poison pocket but he dose this rarely during or before combat.
4)100 smoke pellet.
Skills & Powers:
the only 2 magic powers he was able to learn when he was 5 to 6(50-60) were.
1.Morphes: Allows user to transform him self as another humanoid or person as long as he likes during the range of 72 hours. Depending on how meany hours he uses it is the amount of time needed for recharge.
2.Shadull: Converts user in to a moving shadow allowing him to move threw walls, sealing, and door cracks for about 1 hour max recharge is also time dependent, also becomes useless if light in area is of high brightness.

He has a varaety of skills:
Languages: Drow, Dwarven, Elven, and 7 other common human languages.
poisons and antidotes expert.
Traps: detection, disarm and rearms, plus builds.

Combat Weakness:As some can already tell the weakness is mid physical strength as he relays more on hes blinding speed for evasion and brain simply put if hit at any moment a temp.coma or death will get him first rather than surviving a deadly blow from a warrior by taking it head on he will evade instead