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-Character Information-

Full Name: Alaise Moreau.

N i c k n a m e s: alli, laise.

A g e: 24

G e n d e r: female.

H e i g h t: 5 foot 7

Physical Description: Alaise has died pastel pink hair, light blue eyes and a slim but athletic figure. She is nearly always seen wearing either white or bright coloured clothing. She also has a scar on her chin from an accident when she was a young child.

r a c e: Human.

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes:
- She knows enough martial arts to defend herself if she needs too.
- She can lip read and can use sign language- both of these she learnt from her deaf cousin.
- She is very fit, she goes running everyday and goes to a dance studio three times a week,

We a k n e s s:
- She tends to make friends too easily, which has gotten her in trouble a few times in the past.
- She hates small enclosed spaces after being stuck in a closet for over a day when she was a young child. For that same reason she hates the dark and will occasionally have panic attacks if she stays in a dark place too long.

W e a p o n (s):
The martial arts her father has made her learn since she was 8 years old. A small knife she keeps hidden in the inside pocket of the jacket she always wears.

P o w e r (s): none.

-Background Information.-
(Unknown is not acceptable. You must give us some insight as to who your character is, where they come from and of the such...)

Alaise comes from a wealthy family, Her father had inherited his money from his grandfather who had owned a number of different successful companies before he died in mysterious circumstances. When she was a young child her father was away a lot leaving her alone with her mother for most of the year. What her father didn't know is that her mother was suffering with a mental breakdown. He only found out about his wife when he came home early from a business to find his wife gone from the house and alaise locked inside a dark cupboard under the stairs.
He divorced his wife when she refused to get help and spent his time at home looking after alaise, he signed her up for martial arts so that she could learn to protect herself. He also signed her up for both ballet and modern dance classes.
When alaise was 18 years old her father died in a car accident leaving her with his large wealth, which she now uses to help other people as well as giving herself a comfortable living.
She hates relying on her inheritance though and tries to concentrate on the ballet instructor job she has at the studio near her home.

Sample RP:
Alaise watched closely as the young children in front of her finished the ballet routine that she had spent the last few weeks teaching them.
As the children finished she clapped and smiled brightly at them " Well done." she said her voice full of joy. " You did that perfectly,well it's time for all of you to go home now. I will see you on Wednesday to practice one more time before the recital." She watched in silence as all of the children left with either their parents or guardians, she loved seeing the excited looks on the children's faces when they told their families what they had learnt.
As she watched them leave she turned to see a little girl called sophia sitting on the floor looking down at her feet. "Did she not come sophia." she said soothingly before gently picking the girl up." come on then i'l take you home." she added before leaving the studio and heading towards the road carrying the girl carefully as she walked.