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In the Shadows of Melenihr - Updated June 7-

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:48 am
Welcome to the Underground

In modern day society, things like Magic and Psionics are rarely seen, things of the past... lost to the eras. But for a few, they are an everyday reality that they must deal with, keeping to the shadows least they be discovered and exposed to the world. For a few, they find safe havens of refuge from the cruel world around them, for others it is a hard life on their own without a friend in the world to help them on their journey. Which are you?

The city Melenihr, is one such place that provides refuge for the damned of this world, though you have to know where to look. In the slums by the docks, on the edges of the poor quarter, in the bowels of the forgotten reaches of an otherwise pristine city... such places exist to those who know them. For those that don't, it is a hard life of hiding in the shadows and out of sight of the town guards, the punishment of being caught using magic or psionics is to be whisked away to an unknown place never to be seen again.


This is a RP for 6 to 8 people only, though if necessary we will open it up to more. Please PM your character to me only for acceptance. I will NOT accept additions through posts, all such will be purposefully ignored and/or ridiculed at my discretion. It will be as ongoing as possible, and we ask that you be able to post at least once a day if not more. If you are accepted, and cannot post for whatever reason, we ask that you contact one of us to let us know, and make sure your character makes a hasty exit from the storyline so we don't have to drag his/her inactive butt around.

I am aware also that most, if not all of you, wish to play your Kinselves, I ask that you refrain as much as possible from making your character overly powerful and/or perfect. I am aware of Crew, such as Asasno and Lucien, pasts... more than they might realise at this moment in time, and though I have no problem with the concept of Kin such as themselves as a characters I ask that they keep it at a reasonable level. Tone themselves down to fit in with the idea if that is who they end up playing.


Current RP Status: Open - Questing for Members (0/8 spaces taken)

Character Statuses:


MID (Hunters)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:49 am
Rules and Regulations

1. Follow Guild and Gaia TOS at all times. Any breaking of the rules, even In-Character, will result in the standard punishments already in place.

2. For those of you that don't know what the heck that is... no spamming, flaming, trolling, advertising or otherwise causing a nuisance of yourself. Anyone found doing so will be promptly ridiculed at our discression and repeat offenders will be unhesitataingly reported to the nearest moderator for further such ridicule.

3. Romance is fine, it happens in every good story. However anything above PG13+ will be reported swiftly, take it to PMs and IMs for cybering and such. We're here to RP a decent story, not to make out... clothes stay on, and parts stay in your pants.

4. Do not God-Mod.. this is one of my pet peeves and it will get you flamed by my sharp-tongue, followed by a swift kick in the butt. There is no such thing as an automatic hit, everyone gets a chance to react in a fight, and I'm sure we'll end up with some of that here somewhere too. I don't care what powers you do or don't have.

5. Don't kill others unless they want to be killed. Backstabbing from the shadows is fine, but you will not automatically end their life. This rule goes hand-in-hand with the one above, and you will recieve the same punishment for it. Or worse.

6. Please keep the level of literacy at a decent high. I can't stand 1337 or chatspeak (shortening your worths to "u r" or "y u" etc. It is annoying, and if you cannot type a minimum of five lines per post, find another RP elsewhere. Spelling and grammar errors are fine when accidental, but I will not stand for a purposefully large amount of them. I speak Proper English, and Proper English only, and I expect this entire thread to remain that way.

7. Keep OOC to a minimum. If you are going to play, then play... if you want OOC take it to the Spambox. I do not mind chatting OOC in (( )) {{ }} or whatever, but it must be accompanied by a decent post. See the rule above for further details of my definition of decent.

8. Rithuvious and myself are the Ultimate DMs/STs/Gods of this storyline, so what we say goes. Listen to our instructions at all times and do NOT talk-back when you have been issued instructions. Once again, this is a pet peeve that will get you beaten, and we think our characters are nothing out of the ordinary. We just know what goes on behind the scenes.

9. We reserve the right to change, add, modify, or delete any or all of these rules at a moment's notice, as necessary to keep things on track. If you don't like any of this, then don't even bother applying. Walk away now and don't come back. If you like the sound of this, and wish to RP with us, then create your character and PM it to us.. first 4 that apply are in IF they can prove to us a) that they've read and understood all of these rules, b) if their characters fit in with the idea (see our characters in the following post for ideas) and c) prove to us that they have a decent literary level.



PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:50 am

If you wish to be involved you need to PM either myself or Rithuvious with the following details. I will not accept any half thought-out characters, or really bad applications where it's obvious you have not read the rules above. This is your one and only chance to prove to us that you have the required literacy skills and that you wish to be actively involved in this RP. Use it wisely. We accept the right to refuse you.


Character's Name: ((Try to refrain from using your username where possible, however I am aware that some people (like myself) have original Gaian names which are fine as long as they are not taken from popular sources, or do not contain 1337 (numbers, symbols, other non-english characters, etc))
Race: ((All we ask in this section is that you have a character that appears to be semi-human. We are hiding in the shadows, and are occasionally forced into the light... this means that you have to be able to blend in, and at 'first level' you would not have advanced cloaking abilities.))
Appearance: ((Preferably Image - literacy does extend to image choice, please think about your image and make sure it is appropriate for your character, and appropriate for this setting. Using an image that you in fact have not created yourself such as from popular anime or "my avatar", does show any "originality", and that is one thing we are looking for. Originality in all aspects, especially the character you use.))
Profession: ((Normal/Day Job - what your character does for a living, the knowledge he or she carries everywhere with them, and what they enjoy doing on a daily basis. ))
Mage or Psion: ((Obviously one OR the other - if you are confused as to which is which, please check the next post before continuing.))
Main Ability of above: ((Everyone gets 1 to begin with. Be aware that if you are a Psion I would expect that you would have a limit somewhere, for example a Telekinetic would only be able to move small objects to begin with, a Mage would have limited resources such as spell components thereby limiting the amount of casting they can do.))
Bio: ((Optional, but we prefer you put something here. *))
Weapon: ((Again, one to begin with. Please refrain from giving your character one major weapon.. for example a "Genocide Cannon" or other such overly powerful gun. Consider your resources carefully and make a reasonable choice based on a realistic resource selection.))
Equipment: ((Keep it reasonable, anything you need for your job or to live only... anyone PMing me with ""I have a billion dollars, a Ferrari, a yacht, etc"" will not be accepted. We're meant to be hiding from the spotlight people. Also note that if you do not list it here, or pick it up along the way, you do NOT have access to it.))

*If you do not wish to divulge your character's history, please include with your application a short scenario show us that you are able to RP at the required literacy level



Character's Name: SwiftShadow
Race: Elvish
Appearance: Shadow
Profession: Hacker by night, Rogue by day.. one and the other go hand in hand and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Mage or Psion: Mage
Main Ability of above: Shadow Elementalist (He can create and manipulate Darkness only)
Bio: Shadow is an orphan, who learnt at an early age the best way to live was to stay out of everyone's way.. or sight. He has the inate ability to draw upon magic, and chose to speacialise in the ability of Darkness/Shadow so that he could manipulate it to help him hide, to steal, to kill as necessary. He has no qualms about doing so for gold, or for fun, though he prefers to talk his way out of as many situations as possible. He has no problems being contracted as an assasain, though he will often turn around to his 'victim' and negotiate for a better pay than the killer.
Weapon: Single b*****d Sword that is sheathed along his spine between his shoulderblades. He rarely draws it unless it is absolutely necessary, and he is never ever without it, though it cannot always be seen.
Equipment: Laptop w/ wireless modem, cell phone, lock picks, Sword and Sheath (Above), a silver/amthyst amulet, a pack of cigarettes, a silver Zippo (lighter).

Name: Alarhnis
Age: Unknown, you could never guess her age as she appears both old and young.
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
Personality: Alarhnis is very wary of others and has to make sure they�re completely safe before even talking to them. She doesn�t speak much, only when it�s required of her and even then she prefers speaking telepathically. She can still use her vocal chords though. She absolutely hates being touched and if touched by someone will immediately distance herself away from that person or lash out.
Appearance: Alarhnis
Profession: She literally has none, she does what she feels like, for instance stealing food and traveling around. The only profession I can think of would be a Monk as she has her own honour code and a thirst for knowledge. She also fights barefisted, without a weapon.
Mage or Psion Psion
Weapons: She has none, except those that she has in handy (claws, teeth, tail) and she sometimes uses her empathy with spirits to help her.
Powers: She has a massive affinity with spirits, and some empathy. But mostly with spirits she can see, hear, listen, speak, feel, touch them (the list goes on).
Bio: Ever since she was young, other demons noticed a difference in her compared to others. A light/purity in her soul that others detested her for, they showed her how they felt physically and verbally. Even her father who worked in the council of the village she lived in hated her. A man named Sanctom started a rumour about her which well�.it was true but it just confirmed other�s beliefs. The rumour was that she was different, her father stopped her mother from seeing her and made Alarhnis believe that her mother didn�t care for her. Eventually after beatings and being shouted at, she decided to start her life somewhere else, somewhere that people wouldn�t care if she was �different�. She then left the village to follow her ambitions. To learn more about her powers and to improve them.
Equipment: Mint leaves, lockpick and a cloth pouch.
Other: Alarhnis is crazy about mint, she will eat it in any shape and form. *grins*

MID (Hunters)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:51 am
Other Information

This post is reserved for any further information that may be needed as the RP progresses. NPCs, Timeline/Background information of Melenihr, etc.



PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:54 am
Storyline Introduction

The night is dark and overcast, not only from the cloudy night sky, but from the lack of activity within the city walls. The moon, if it were to be seen tonight, has passed it's zenith and the majority of the citizens of Melenihr are fast asleep. Nestled safe in their beds after a day of chasing after husbands and children, long hours at the office, a hard day at a construction site... or perhaps, as it is for some, they are passed out after an evening of revelry, lying in the gutter where they fell.

However, for a select few, this is the time of night when they awaken. The time when they shine like stars in the un-natural darkness, while the city police are looking the otherway, content after their suppers and quiet evening. This is the time that the scum of the city make their appearance, and along with them come the outcasts of society.

Bend, broken, mangled, used and manipulated in one way or another... outcasts every one of them... they find refuge in this time of night. In the lack of 'normals' to watch them with distainful eyes, their noses upturned at their lack of etiquette or cleanliness, to turn their back on them and treat them as if they either don't exists or that their not worth knowing.

Some of these are none of the above, but instead are trained professionals, they might even be able to pass for 'normals' under the right circumstances. But like the downtrodded of society, this is also their time to shine... their time to play... their time to be themselves, and to mess with their hidden abilities... from the safety of the darkest reaches of the otherwise light city...
The Ruby Room - Roleplaying and Joint Story Creation

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