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Superhero/Villain Internship Center

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:23 am
Below are the profiles for active characters in the RP. This is where you can read through the profiles of other players to give you a good idea as to what kind of strength and power each player posseses. It can also give you a little backround information that can be useful in the RP itself.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:27 am


Username: Roskuel
Character Name: Sid
Alias: Reflect
Gender: Male
Age: Late 20s
From: London, England
Powers: Shape Shifting (can change not only his own form, but the form of anything he touches) he can also absorbs the power of the person he shifts into (Note: He doesn't technically have to touch skin to skin, all he needs is for his aura to come in contact with the other person's aura, i.e he can copy through clothing)
Weapons: Anything he can get his hands on.
Appearance: He could be anyone, however, due to a recent encounter with a super by the name of Sol, no matter what form he takes, he has a scar across his right eye.
Costume: Re-flect
Intern or Villain: Villain

Current Stolen Abilities: Creation and control of fire, Control of earthen materials, Super speed, Rogue's ability to drain life force and thoughts, Creation and control of electricity, Shifting into any material he physically touches

Username: Tegian
Character Name: Lincat
Alias: Reaper
Gender: Male
Age: 16
From: Russia
Powers: Initial Powers: Curse Touch {Cause severe illness and/or drainage of powers can kill if concentrated}, Able to disrupt telepathic/telekenetic signals {Which makes him imune to such things}, Flight.
After-Death powers: Phantomism {Invisiblity, ability to move through solid objects, Hide objects inside his own body, possess living beings, etc}, Phantom Fire {Green energy blasts}. Curse Aura {Cannot control, Vary rare ocurance, Range varries depending on how angry he is, Related to Curse Touch.}
Weapons: Ussually fights with a Scythe though he has many weapons at his disposal, all hidden within his body.
Appearance: Lincat ussually appears in long black robes, giving the impression he is in fact 'The Reaper'. His hair is a very dark black. His eyes, a part of him he does much like, are completely black, save for the pupil which is white. His 'skin' is completely white, almost as if he were made of bone. He's only about five feet, four inches tall, but dispite being rather short, he's very intimidating.
The one thing that disrupts his 'reaper' like appearance, is the presence of his beautiful white, angelic wings, though he often leaves these invisible and intangible.
Costume: Always in 'Costume'. Though he can change his appearance at will, to anything he so wishes.
Villian or Intern: Villian

Classified Information: At the age of ten, after he recieved the first of his powers, Lincat killed his entire family. Although it was entirely accidental. He was than sent to live with foster parents, who he killed the day he turned 11. This time, done on purpose. After that, he was sent to America, for possible rehabilitation, though that's not what the government had tried. They tortured him and did tests on him for years, in beliefs they would be able to use what they learned from him to make a special breed of soldiers. But one day, a few weeks after his sixteenth birthday, the tests finally ended his life. But, he did not leave the building in a bag, he walked out. He was a ghost, and he had aquired a few new skills apon his death.


Username: Siris99
Character Name: Charles Lasek
Alias: Tosda
Gender: Male
Age: 16
From: South Dakota, USA.
Powers: Can change his body to be made of any material he touches. IE can touch a statue, and turns into a living statue himself.
Weapons: Whatever is around
Appearance: click
Costume: Wears no costume. For a mask, he puts on tribal war-paint.
Villian or Intern: intern

Username: The_Beast_Within_Us
Character Name: Randilyn Daveigh
Alias: Umbron (derived from umbra: a phantom or shadowy apparition, as of someone or something not physically present; ghost; spectral image)
Gender: Male
Age: 21
From: Camembert, France
Powers: He is simply a shadow, able to change his size, shape, and dimensions (2d or 3d) at will (a.k.a. he changes into the shape of another person's shadow fitting in perfectly so as not to be noticed, he changes into three humanoid shapes on the wall appearing as though three people are coming around the corner), seperate parts of himself from his main body for a short time, and has a decent enough ability to imitate voices (not a super power but a hobby)
Weapons: uses shadows divided from his body to cover an area in a hazy fog or absorbs pure darkness to make solid weapons
Appearance: Umbron
Costume: none, he is a shadow.
Villain or Intern: intern

Notes: In the sunlight he does not lose power but must keep himself sustained by occasionally absorbing or "feeding on" nearby shadows. When he does this the shadowed area becomes bright as though bathed in sunlight, slowly fading back to shadows. (Here, we are breaking the laws of science. Saying that light is the absence of darkness, not the other way around.)
When he feeds on pure darkness he gains the ability to interact with physical objects for a short time.
He hurts the same as anyone, substantial enough to be cut or stabbed
when hurt he "bleeds" out particles of shadow that do not reattach, he must "feed" to regain his strength.

Username: Roskuel
Character Name: (Not even he knows)
Alias: Frostbite
Gender: Male
Age: Looks around 20, but doesn’t have a recorded birth date
From: Somewhere in the arctic circle
Powers: One of his powers is the ability to withstand even absolute zero without so much as shivering. He has the ability to use the vapor in the air to make ice appear out of nowhere. He also has the ability to control ice. Meaning, he can stop it in mid air, spin it around, mold it into a duck, make it dance, and still hit his target without so much as moving a muscle.
Weapons: He is equipped with a large hatchet for extra support. The hatchet includes a piece of Frostbites unthawable skin imbedded in the head, allowing him to control it while it's flying through the air.
Appearance: Frostbite
Costume: same as appearance
Villain or Intern: Intern

Additional Info (Important to Read):

Frostbite is frozen to the point that there is an outline of blackened skin around his body. He is frozen down into the depths of his body. The only thing actually keeping him alive is the fact that one of his powers is the ability to withstand absolute zero. Don't get within 2 inches of him without protective gear, and don't ever touch him, such mistakes would either freeze you solid or inflict 3rd degree frostbite.

He is alive in only the barest of senses. He has a miniscule metabolism, needing to eat maybe every other week, and is frequently lethargic, moving sluggishly and stiffly. His heartbeat and breathing are typically so slow that they are undetectable through many methods. This also explains why he does his ice tricks without moving. Meaning his mind is superior to even most telepaths, due to the fact it is one of the only things he depends on.

It doesn't bother him to reign in his cold aura either. It's already done everything it can to him, so why not? The longer he stays in one place, the lower the temperature drops, and the larger his cold aura gets. If he stands in the same area long enough unchecked (say almost a full day), he could freeze an entire city block, the things closest to him becoming so brittle that they'd crumble if you breathed on them the wrong way. He has to wear specially made clothing so the material doesn’t shatter when he walks.

Frostbite likes heat the same way people like caffeine. It's a stimulant for him. He actually becomes more active, and more physically capable, the hotter it gets. And he is drawn to really intense heat, since his current state makes it impossible to feel more typical levels. His body is now naturally so cold that he can walk through an inferno with no ill effects.

Username: The_Beast_Within_Us
Name: The only thing to name him was "Mother Nature" who didn't take the time to give him an everyday name
Alias: Animus
Gender: Male
Age: 19
From: The Amazon Rainforest
Powers: He has the ability to change into any animal (including human) and gains the abilities of the animal he changes into (If he changed into a cobra he would be poisonous, if he changed into a spider he could spin a web) he also has the ability to speak to any living creature in any form
Human appearance: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ouC92wvILSw/SKmW42_tmKI/AAAAAAAADZI/peWtVjwivOA/s1600/Inuzuka-Kiba-Akamaru-naruto-anime.jpg
Costume: His animal forms are his costumes. When an animal, he has two red lines under his eyes as he does in his human form
Villain or intern: intern
Who you want to intern under: Reaper

"Mother Nature" is a voice he hears in his head. It is the only thing he had when he was growing up so he speaks of the voice as his mother. This voice guides his actions and controls him as a very stern mother controls her child. When she says jump, Animus asks how high.

Username: the_beast_within_us
Character Name: Red 73
Alias: Red 73
Gender: Male
Age: 19
From: Secret ninja training camp, Japan
Powers: Telekinesis, highly trained in martial arts and an assortment of weaponry, super-agility
Weapons: An assortment of ninja weaponry
Appearance: http://www.guymoviereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Ripped-Rain-in-Ninja-Assassin.jpg
Costume: http://xboxmedia.gamespy.com/xbox/image/article/617/617421/ninja-gaiden-black_1116566583.jpg
Villain or Intern: intern under Re-flect  


Vice Captain

Friendly Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:44 pm

Username - Spencer24sony
Character Name - Danian "Dane" Wyder
Alias - The Dark One
Gender - Male
Age - 22
From - Venus(it had pretty swimming pools), now on Earth, Los Angeles
Powers - ages, but is immortal and can only die from a wound to the heart
Weapons - Guns, pistols, shotguns, grenades, etc
Appearance - http://www.fanpop.com/spots/wesley-wyndam-pryce/links/2986156
Costume - There's one costume I'm want to use, but I can't copy a picture of it, so for now he doesn't wear one.
Hero, Intern, or Villian - Hero

Hero interns:

Username: Siris99
Character Name: John Fisher
Alias: Ivory
Gender: Male
Age: 17
From: San Diego, CA, USA
Powers: Bone Manipulation. Accelerated healing (Skin only. Allows him to use his powers without bleeding to death). Transmutation of clothing (only switches clothing from masculine to feminine, and vice versa)
Weapons: His Powers.
Appearance: click
Costume: click

Username: Roskuel
Character Name: Ros
Alias: Terron
Gender: Male
Age: 18
From: Texas
Powers: Advanced Geomancy. He can control anything of earthen material.
Weapons: Powers
Appearance: Click
Costume: Ultimate
Hero, intern, or Villain: Intern
Transportation: He usually uses the earth beneath his feet to create a glider so he can soar through the air, but occasionally, when not in a paticular rush he uses his green Ducati
EXTRA: Terron has been a part of the organazation for quite some time now. He increased his power greatly, allowing him to save countless lives, and even fight with the best. However, he is only at an advanced level and has three more levels to go before achieving Superhero status. He was well on his way, but something stopped him from continuing in missions. In an epic battle between the heroes and a giant alien creature, Terron risked his life to save hundreds of innocents, causing over use of his ability. His broken arm, legs, and fractured skull healed over time, but every time he used his powers his brain blitzed, disabeling his power completely. One day, a special designer stopped by the HQ to speak with the heroes. Seeing Terron's condition, he agreed to create him a suit (see "costume"). Not only did the helmet stop his episodes... it was now easier to control the materials at his disposal.
Hero, intern, or Villain: intern

userName: the_beast_within_us
character name: Geraldo Grant Green
alias: The Shimmer
gender: Male
age: 16
from: Chicago, Illinois
powers: Teleport (breaks his molecules into light particles, travels at the speed of light to his destionation, and reforms in the blink of an eye) but has trouble slowing momentum from his previous actions during teleportation,
weapons: Edged-Rapier
appearnce: http://i366.photobucket.com/albums/oo104/Roskuel/adf66266401f30_full.png
costume: http://i366.photobucket.com/albums/oo104/Roskuel/Hero Creations/Shimmer.jpg
hero or intern: intern
who you want to intern under: Nightwing

note: He comes from a wealthy family and is loaded with access to his moneys
with the teleport and momentum thing, the momentum from whatever he was doing before teleporting stays with him. He has been working on controlling this and has gained a little bit of skill, ex. he falls off a cliff and picks up a speed of 45 mph he teleports to a plateau and continues foward from the spot he teleported to at a speed of 30 mph so he teleports again slowing himself to 20 mph etc. until he finally comes to a stop.

Username: A_Peaceful_Soul
Character Name: Ryan Howards
Alias: Vepo (greek for water)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
From: Shanta, Alaska (a small village in Alaska with a population of about 20)
Powers: He has the ability to control all forms of water, whether they be solid, liquid, or gas. He can cycle them through their forms.
Weapons: He carries a pouch of water with him at all times. The lid to the pouch is ice so he can access it quickly.
Appearance: http://th03.deviantart.net/fs35/300W/i/2008/305/1/e/Water_lily_by_NelaTheFairy.jpg
Costume: He wears tights that cover his entire body, they are teal and a darker color of teal for the trim. The only thing you can see on him is his blue eyes. He keeps his water pouch on his belt on the right.
Hero, Intern, or Villain: Intern


Username: Roskuel
Character Name: Brent Saints (Officer Brent)
Alias: Impact
Gender: Male
Age: 32
From: Chicago, Illinois
Powers: He emmits pulse waves from his body, that if concintrated enough, can effect even the ectoplasm (the spirit of a person: usually only seen or felt in times of high spiritual activity, such as a medium contacting the dead) of the target (the target feels not only physical pain but a disruption in the soul as well)
Weapons: Badge, Side pistol, and Baton (not to mention his concussive powers)
Appearance: Officer
Costume: n/a
Hero, intern, or Villain: Hero Partner (not a hero or intern, but helps the heroes as if he was)

Bio: Officer Brent is a man of the peace. However, he had a big problem with super powered beings. Not just Villains, but Heroes as well. He didn't trust any of them and felt they should be stopped. When he was just a child an unknown hero failed to save his father (who was a marine) from being killed by a vicious assasin. Ever since, he has had no respect for powered people..... until now. Brent has found himself agreeing with the actions of heroes since he has found his new abilities.

Username: Tegian
Character Name: Lillith Vehdan
Nickname: Lil
Gender: Female
Age: 29
From: Alberta, Canada
Powers: Mind Reading. Healing - [Herself and others].
Weapons: Gun, baton, Taser, etc.
Appearance: [Casual]
Costume: [In Uniform]
Hero, intern, or Villain: Officer Brents partner.

Bio: Lilith, nicknamed Lil by her prevoius partner, was born in Alberta and moved to Vancouver apon adulthood. She had always wanted to be a doctor, as she always thought that would be a good place to use her powers. But, she never got good enough grades in school to be able to have her choice of career, so she went to her fall back. A police officer, as that was what her father had been before he died.
She's never told anyone, save for her mother and very close friends, about her abilities and she doesn't wish anyone to know. Sometimes though, people figure it out on their own.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:49 pm

Nightwing - d**k Grayson (siris99)
Static - Virgil Hawkins (siris99)
Rorschach - Walter Kovaks (Tigan-Maroon Griffin-)



Vice Captain

Friendly Elocutionist

Vice Captain

Friendly Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:53 pm

Username: Siris99
Character Name: Isak Ravitshar
Alias: Sol
Gender: Male
Age: 19
From: Sweden, Earth
Powers: Energy construct (can create and control an unknown energy. The energy is a translucent colored mass shaped as he wishes it to be).
Weapons: His powers.
Appearance: click
Costume: Uniform
Hero, intern, or Villain: Freelance, works on whichever side he feels.

Username: Chandranath Faolan
Character Name: Salmar (Sal)
Alias: The Warrior
Gender: Male
Age: Eons old
From: Planet called Valhalla
Powers: Immortality, Strength, and near Invinciblity (Hulkish)
Weapons: Normally fights with a large Sword and Axe.
Appearance: Salmar
Costume: Warrior
Hero, intern, or Villain: Neutral

Username: the_beast_within_us
Character name: Commander Joffier (Joe-Fie-Air)
Alias: none
Gender: Male
Age: 34
From: Paris, France
Powers: No real powers but he has the experimental branch of the French military at his beck and call
Weapons: He is trained to fight with any firearm or martial weapon. He carries a pistol and a saber at all times. He has his own personal supertank.
Appearance: http://www.wrongsideoftheart.com/wp-content/gallery/posters-c/commander_1988_poster_01.jpg
Costume: He wears a white commander's uniform. It has the tassled shoulders, the ruffles, a button up shirt, and is covered in medals.
Joffier's goal is to make the French army an unstobbable fighting force. He plans to do this by recruiting the supers of Vancouver. He will do anything to obtain his goal whether the supers are willing or not.  
Superhero/Villain Internship Center

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