My Betrayal is a special subforum perfectly ruled by the Gateway Guide. The purpose of My Betrayal is to add a special rule while roleplaying, to try and keep things interesting. However, it does not simply stop at a special rule. The Gateway Guide may invade your roleplay herself, and wreak havoc.

The purpose is to see just how well one can adapt to her barrage of attacks. She will god-mode, power play, and just be a general b***h. But that's the fun of My Betrayal, to see how long one can stand against her before getting tired of her, or perhaps she may get tired first.

But beware, if it seems she begins to lose grasp on her own world, she will call for help. And this help shall wreak havoc just as recklessly as she.

Basically the more popular this particular subforum gets, the more people I'll allow to do whatever the hell they want razz