Okay here's the thing, I've been working on this story in my mind for the past seven years and I think I'm about ready to sit down and write it out, but I'm stuck on a few things
So I was hoping that some individuals might be willing to help me work out some of the details
Here's the first part

there's this sixteen year-old girl called Rose Friday who finds this device (which she decides to name the shifter) that can take her to parallel universes
now here's the sticking point, I'm not exactly sure how I want her to find it
here's a few of the ideas I came up with

She's going to the library when it just blasts from the sky in front of her
She's just broken up with a friend and accidently drives/bikes into a ditch where she finds it
She's shopping at a yard sale and finds in in this old dresser/hope chest

and for that matter, which universe should I put her in first?

The Fairy Universe where all the elves and goblins are?
The Steampunk Universe?
Or the Medieval Universe, where society is still in the dark ages?

And also, what should be her reaction sequence upon finding that she's been put in another universe and can't get back to her own?

slightly confused followed by excited, followed by dismayed?
excited followed by dismayed, followed by denial?
or worried, followed by sad, followed by hopeful?