It's me again, our resident Chozer-B'Tshuvah..,.. or should I say, Slow-zer B'Tshuvah. It's sort of a long process. But I've been making some big strides in the last few months, from starting to keep Kosher-Style to keeping a near-Orthodox Shabbat every week, which I've got to say, I'm starting to like.

Anyway, I am applying to colleges. Two of them, actually.

------College A is a well-known place around here whose name carries a lot of weight, if you know what I mean. And it's so close I could live at home and commute there easily, which would be ideal considering my medical/emotional problems.
It looks like a good fit... except there's no Judaics. At all. None. And that's kind of a big deal to me. I've always gone to Jewish schools and have even thought of myself as a Rabbi someday (educational; I'm a teacher, not a preacher).

----College B is an even BIGGER name, much harder to get into, much more rigorous, would have to live there at least part-time... but it's got Judaics out the wazoo; I'm talking a HUGE department. Undergrad and Grad. And I have some pretty serious connections that could help me get in. AND my dad works there so I could get a full ride courtesy scholarship.

I just found out that I got into College A! I won't hear back from College B for a few months. If do get into college B I will probably go there, for the Judaics.

...And then I get this big envelope from College A. College A nominates me for a scholarship and invites me to this super fancy, invitation-only event next monthwhere I'll participate in lectures, write essays, have intellectual discussions (basically everything I kick arse at) to compete for the scholarship.
Apparently I'm guaranteed the minimum prize just for showing up, and if I make a really really good impression... well, a full ride is on the table.

At first I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean. it's basically a competition tailor-made to my strengths and I could win a lot of money potentially, but I feel bad about leading them on when College B is my first choice. Also, if they throw in a little plush mascot I'll be guilt-tripped from here to eternity.

------Oh, and did I mention it's on a SATURDAY?