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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:23 pm
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Hadithi was shoulder deep in the salty water, staring out across to where the sun was rising over the horizon. He'd been looking for a small squid that had come up close to the shore, but it'd gotten away--too bad, he thought it would have made a nice breakfast for Misae. With a sigh, he turned from the waters to return up to the shore's edge. There he shook himself, sending water flying as his jewelry rattled around him like an unordered sort of symphony. Misae and the cubs were still in the cave. He'd been allowed to take over watch of them a few times now, but Misae was still in that stage where Lionesses required a lot of alone time with the cubs. Hadithi didn't really mind, he understood how Nature was, after all. Eventually he would be able to spend more time with them again, and he could hardly wait.

For now, he contented himself with bringing them the best food possible, helping Misae switch the cubs to real, soft foods rather than her milk. He also found little gifts for the cubs, gathering things up so that they might get their monkey friends to create some more jewelry for their litter. Right now he had a good stock pile of supplies picked up, but he thought he'd need more for a bigger selection. Well, his dinner plans for the moment were ruined, but that didn't mean that he couldn't go pebble hunting.

Finding the shiny pebbles that made pretty jewelry wasn't always easy, after all, for it depended on when the ocean decided to toss them up. The other day it had lead him to a group of clams who had been nice enough to give him the pearls held within their shells. He thought that Hisani, in particular, would like those. So, that in mind, Hadithi headed further down the shore in search of pretty things for his children.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:52 pm
It was so... open. It drew Lefika's breath away. The sea. Somehow, even with all her exploring, she'd never been. She'd never seen anything quite like it either, not even the wide open grasslands.
It was the way the sand seemed to melt into the water, and the water into the sky, like one great continuum. She stood on the shore, and she stared at it for a great long time, and it was sights like this that made it feel to her that her travels were worth it.

And as Lefika regarded the sky in awe, Sepoko scowled at the ground. He had no interest in beautiful sights. They meant nothing to him; he felt no reason to love them or admire them. They were alien. Right now, Sepoko felt that the only things which would be beautiful to him would be the sight of home, or one of those dear to him... like Ilori. He sighed, and he buried his head in his paws. He needed to stop thinking about him. It probably wasn't healthy.

A little bit of water splashed against his head, catching his attention. He glanced up to see the approaching male. Clearing his throat, the adolescent batted his mother against the shoulder. "Hey, mom. We've got company."


Lefika turned, a little dazed, still distracted by the glorious horizon. The first thing she saw was a brown mane, and momentarily she was paralyzed. But the stripes and the blue markings quickly tipped her off that this lion was not who she thought he was at first. She sighed, then looked away again to regard the sky. She really felt she had nothing to say to him.

And Sepoko could do nothing but groan. Of course. His mother was so difficult sometimes. She never greeted people properly; sometimes she could be so cold. Sepoko stood, shook the sand off his coat, then looked to the approaching male and gave the best greeting he could muster:




PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:24 pm
"Hello!" Hadithi stopped short, not having expected to see two lions on the shore, especially so close to the cave. For a moment instinct caused him to stop dead, a small voice whispering that they could hurt the cubs! The ocean rushed up the shore to cool his feet, and in its babbling waters he heard a reminder not to listen to that voice. Nature was right, normally, but there were things in a lion that were imperfect, and the thoughts he'd just been assaulted with were definitely imperfect.

After that strange moment, a smile split across his features and his tail wagged lightly behind him. The large male danced a few steps closer along the beach, intrigued by the strange new pair that had shown up. "Good morning to you!" His greeting was exuberant, the general joy of the past few days retaking his body and showing itself brightly through his grin and glowing out his eyes. Around them the Wind whistled and he had no doubt it would take tale of this directly back to his mate. "Welcome to the Ocean's edge! How are you this lovely morning?"
PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:06 pm
Sepoko watched Hadithi very carefuly, scrutinizing him with his silver eyes. He wasn't sure about this male. He made odd pauses and his expressions sometimes faltered. Sepoko had taught himself to read others in his travels, although it only seemed to serve his intense trust issues. When the water washed over his feet he paid it no mind; all his attention was on this new stranger, and his mind boiled with thoughts and worries. Were they intruding on his territory? What did he want from them; why did he approach? Why did he pause so strangely in his speech and movement? To Hadithi's question, though, Poko could respond only with a curt, "Fine."

Lefika, who believed in answering every question asked of her and answering with honesty, turned slowly away from the sky to face Hadithi and smiled almost imperceptably at him. "I am well, thank you." She said. That done, she turned her attention back to the sky. She saw no reason to give anyone any more attention than they asked for. The rest of the time she took for herself.

Sepoko groaned and buried his face in his paw. His mother could be so rude sometimes. Turning back to face Hadithi, he took it upon himself to make the formal introduction. "Sorry about her," he began. "She's kind of... insane..." He trailed off a moment, pondering this, then let it go and spoke again. "My name is Sepoko, and this is my mother, Lefika. We're travelers. I hope we're not intruding or anything." His bashful side kicking in, he blushed and glanced away. He really hated intruding...  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:45 pm
"Not intruding!" Hadithi responded with a chuckle, almost immediately. He paused again, looking out at the sea for a second with one ear cocked towards it. There was something whispered by the waves, something important, but he was having a time making it out this morning. It wasn't from the sea, he thought, but something else entirely. Dithi didn't know what, but it was something that required his attention. A storm maybe? Or maybe Mother? They'd know in time, he wagered, and once more returned his attention to the pair. Without warning, he plopped himself right down onto the sand, completely relaxed, "Its good to meet you, Sepoko, Lefika the travelers. Actually, we're rather glad to see you; it isn't often we see travelers here, though they're always welcome." Hadithi looked down at the water rolling over his paws.

The children, our children

"No they're not... are they?" He asked, raising his eyes and head to the horizon with perked ears. No answer came to that, and Hadithi was forced into going on without one. He hadn't a clue what the Ocean meant by that, and he was old enough to realize that he wouldn't get a clue until it allowed him to--so were the ways of the Muses. "What do you mean she's insane?"

Hadithi ran his eyes over Lefika, somewhat surprised. "She seems perfectly rational to me, if a little quiet. Nothing wrong with that, of course."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:03 pm
"That is right," Lefika agreed with Hadithi, rolling her shoulders. "I am not insane. You should not call your mother insane, Sepoko." Although by the look on her face, she didn't seem too bothered by what her son had called him. He could call her anything he wanted, for all she cared. She knew her boy was emotional and needed to express himself more than she did, but she also felt that he ought to be a little more polite. He'd always been such a polite boy; she didn't know what'd gotten into him.

Not that she was about to appologize for him. What Sepoko said was his own perogative, and none of her business, really. She smiled at Hadithi once again, then turned back to the sky. It was her way of thanking him; words were unneccessary.

And Sepoko took it upon himself to vocalize the unspoken sentiments. "Thanks," he said, although he wondered vaguely who he referred to when he said 'we'. He only saw one lion here. And he also wondered who Hadithi was speaking to when he said 'no they're not'.

Perhaps, he began to think, he was wrong in his assessment of who was insane. But he wasn't about to say it. He didn't want to risk upsetting anybody. He frowned a little, feeling fairly certain that his mother was somehow insane, but let the subject go. She'd asked him to stop, and so he would stop.

Choosing to change the subject, Sepoko decided to look into the matter of 'we'. "So... do you have family here or something?"



PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:11 pm
That was possibly the wrong question to ask at that moment, depending on what one wanted to hear. Immediately the most ludicrous grin one could dream up spread itself across Hadithi's face. Ever aspect of the male wriggled in childish excitement at the question; in fact, he seemed to positively glow at the question. "I do!" His butt wiggled, "This is the home of my family, you see, my pride. We're small now, but we're growing! My mate, Misae, had our first litter the other day and they're positively gorgeous!"

He was so excited it was at once entirely adorable and completely distressing to see on a grown male. "Two sons and three girls; they're so cute! They're still in the cave right now, not large enough to go out just yet, but they will be soon. The oldest boy has already managed to walk a few steps on his own! That happened just yesterday, actually; wonderful day that it was!"

Hadithi heaved a great, happy sigh, finally settling again, "That's what I'm doing out here, actually. I wanted to find presents for them, while i tracked down some supper... then I found you two. Which is good, actually; Friends are always good to have, and we love friendly travelers. Especially if they bring stories."

... "Do you bring stories?"
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:30 pm
Sepoko smiled brightly on Hadithi. Well this was good news. It was joyous, and it was normal. If there was one thing Sepoko really loved to hear about and talk about, it was family. "Hey, congratulations," he said to their company.

"Congratulations indeed," Lefika agreed, "That is wonderful news. I adore children." Her attentions shifted now more towards Hadithi. One thing Lefika had in common with her son was an interest in family. In fact, she rather missed the days, despite the claustrophobic conditions of the cave, when her boys were little.

Oh, Ajabu...

She tried to let him out of her mind.

Sepoko was not at all bothered by Hadithi's excitement and energy. In fact, it rather reminded him of someone he missed very much. "And congratulations about your pride as well. The more the merrier, right?" And it was clear to him by the older male's statements that he shared Poko's philosophy.

But stories? Sepoko couldn't think of any stories. "I'm not sure..."

"Stories?" Lefika interrupted her son. "You want to hear a story? I'll tell you a story." She stood, held herself tall and stately, her well-groomed fur getting slightly rustled by the sea breeze. Her face was determinedly blank, and she fixed eyes with Hadithi. Yes, she had a story for him.

Sepoko faltered and stared back at his mother. "Um, mom?" What had gotten into her?  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:35 pm
"Thank you!" Hadithi seemed to do all the more better for the happiness shared around him. Despite his acting completely foolish, he'd been aware of a strange sort of sadness about Sepoko. In a way it tainted the air about the boy; the lioness too, though hers was more like an impenetrable fog. Hadithi was enough of a feline to wonder what caused it, but well enough raised in his traditions not to ask. It wasn't his business, after all, and it was most likely not happy--unhappy things should be left alone, if they didn't wish to be aired.

He did not, however, notice the strange way that Lefika jumped upon the story idea. Instead, his joy only tripled at the thought of having a story. He settled a little more into the salty mud at the water's edge and leaned forward somewhat towards the lioness. "Please! Tell it!"
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:59 pm
Lefika smiled a cutting smile where she stood, and he tail swung slow and steady like a pendulum. She sighed, she breathed deep, then she spoke:

"I was born to a small and tight-knit pride far from here. Their name has been lost to time, and is unimportant now. We lived in a thick grove in the jungle, and my parents were strict and kept me close. The whole pride was very ordered. I spent my days with my head low, being told what to do, where to go, how to live, always in the same place.

But when I got some time to myself, I liked to watch the sky through the gaps in the trees, or look out beyond them, and wonder what was out there, wonder what I was missing, what it felt like to be out of this tightly closed space. My parents told me these fantasies were silly, and unproductive, and that instead of daydreaming I ought to spend my time hunting like a respectable lioness." She laughed once, shortly, humorlessly.

"I hated it.

"Our numbers had already been thinned before my birth by the Great Plague, but when I reached adulthood we chanced to have a second thinning. Much of our pride were older lions, and they passed on around the same time... my parents included. Now don't get me wrong, I was saddened to lose my parents, those who had raised me and nurtured me... but... I was also relieved. As much as the other survivors insisted I must stay to rebuild... there was no longer anything to tie me to the pride, no reason to stay.

So I left in the early morning while the others slept, and never thought on them again... until now, anyway. I left them behind me, and that jungle behind me, and I finally got to see what was beyond the trees. I stepped out into a great, wide savannah, of rolling grasses and open sky, and for the first time in my life... I felt... free." She closed her eyes and sighed. She could still see the scene vividly, like a painting on a wall. For a moment she was silent, reflecting, and when she opened her eyes again, she was smiling wide. "From that moment on I vowed never to let myself stagnate, never to stay too long in one place again, to let myself see all the world had to show me. I've only attempted to settle down once since then, when my children were born. My ex-mate, Koda, I thought..." She trailed off a moment, her smile failing her. No, she wasn't going to get into it.

"Anyway, being here now, on this seashore, with the wide open space and the wide open sky... it reminds me of my first day out in the open." She looked up, and she stared at the passing clouds for a long time.

Sepoko was in awe, breathless. His mother... she'd never opened up like this to him before, nor to anyone that he'd seen. He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe it at all. "Mom..." he breathed.  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:15 pm
Hadithi nodded. His hyper exuberance seemed to have faded during her story, but not in that it was no longer there--it now just had a new direction. He absorbed her story, much like a sponge, giving it much thought and consideration. Against his skin the waters lapped. They had been cold when he was a child, but he'd grown so used to being amongst the waves that each touch was like a warm hug; still there was no doubt that he would freeze if he ever stayed in the water too long. It was this that inspired the reply.

"Your story is a good one," He gave a nod, "And not unsual to my people.

"We were wanders once ourselves, long ago. I remember the time of the wandering, as well as the plague that cut us down too, the time before we saw this shore for the first time."
Hadithi sighed, looking lovingly out upon the waters. "You see, our ancestors were always wanderers. We never felt right staying in one place too long, for there were always people to meet and new stories to hear; songs and dances to be learned... and wandering was a good life. We had much fun and learned many things, and never once thought we might settle down..."

The lion chuckled. His voice took on a strange, sing-song quality then, a ghost of a melody behind him, "And then we took a path somewhere... that lead us to this shore. And once we saw the shining waves, we knew our hearts were turned. There was no doubt, no great debate, for we knew at last... here was a place that even we... could put our paws to rest."

"Though, we do not always."
The lion shrugged, with a laugh, "A portion of the family always remains here, but there are members that take to wandering from here to there. They bring back the best stories."

Hadithi offered Lefika a warm, understanding sort of smile. "it is hard to cool ones paws, even when your elders say you must. The Ocean has ways to sooth that, though, if you give It time."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:33 pm
It was now Lefika's turn to be attentive. She always had been a good listener. She sat down in the sand, staring at Hadithi as he spoke, and she dug her paws deep into the soft sand. His story conquered her ears.

When he was finally done, she paused a moment as she processed his words, and then said, "Your story is beautiful. I believe we may be rather alike in philosophy." She, like he, took a moment to look to the ocean. "That is the way I have always wished to live; forever discovering new things, new stories, new sights, new songs. To be moved by the wind as it blows..." She moved in a little closer to let the water wash around her ankles, in and out with it's slow, soothing rhythm. "I think I could learn to love this ocean, too. It changes everything every time it moves." Now her attentions were on the shifting sand, and remained there for some time yet.

And Sepoko just stared at his feet. It had been a long time since he'd felt so out of place. He was in the middle of people who were very worldly. He himself had never had any interest in being worldly. He wanted stability. He wanted home. He wanted...

God, what did he really want? He wasn't sure. He could feel himself withdrawing even though he sat very still. He suddenly felt as though he had nothing to say or contribute, and opted not to bother his elders if he had nothing to say.



PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:44 pm
"Everything changes, yet everything stays the same." Hadithi chuckled. Though his gaze seemed to be out across the waves, he half-watched the boy from the corner of his eye. There was something there... Hadithi, once again, was not so much the idiot he came across as. "There is much to be said for change; without change and adaptation everything would die. You cannot become too rigid, or else the wind will try to blow you apart. However, to change too much is just as distructive. If you leave all your roots behind, the wind will blow you away so that you never come back again.

"A medium is what is best, i think. Roots to plant you, but flexibility to bend you. Change, but only change when it is a good change; when there are things to be gained from that change, and minimal loss."
Hadithi offered her a sheepish smile, "Or so it is the Ocean said to me, for that is how the Ocean works. It moves and changes with every passing moment, but there are elements in it that stay the same. For instance, it will always be heated and cooled the same way, there will always be coral reefs somewhere, and depths no land creature will ever know. Change.. but stability too."

"That, I think, is why we settled here."
Hadithi gave a soft laugh, looking back at her finally. "Because we did not have any settled roots, and we grew smaller. But planting roots when you have had none for so long can be a tough thing. It was a trying time for us, and we were almost blown away, but I believe we have finally settled into our earth."

Something whispered again and Hadithi flicked and ear. "Our ways of change have not forgotten us, though. We welcome those who would like to travel here, those who share so many things with us, it would seem." He offered her a smile to indicate whom he meant. "For as long as they would mean to stay. We welcome them if they would come and go as they please, for all those with peace in their hearts and open ways of mind are welcome here."

A wink followed this, though she may not have understood why, "Especially if they like the Ocean."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:25 am
Lefika remained stoic as she sat and listened, but inside she was wondering and marveling at this lion and his words. Never in her life had Lefika met someone who thought so beautifully... and so much like her. His words made sense to her, a lot of sense, and in fact, what he had to say set her mind turning. "I do believe you are right on all counts," she said somewhat absently as she turned her head to glance back at her sullen son. "And we thank you graciously for your welcome." She watched Sepoko a little longer, and he, noticing that she was watching, stared back at her curiously. Upon being noticed, Lefika turned back to Hadithi and said, "Pardon me, but may I have a brief word with my son in private?" With that, Lefika turned tail and ushered Sepoko away slightly down the beach.

Sepoko walked alongside his mother, brows furrowed, wondering what she could possibly be thinking now. His mother was a mystery to him--why, just now he'd learned more about her than he'd ever known. He wondered if all sons felt this way about their mothers, or if it was just his crazy mom. "Hey, what's going on?"

Sitting down before her son, Lefika took a moment to carefully consider her words. Then, looking him in the eyes, she told him, "I have been a bad mother."

Of all the things Sepoko had expected to hear, that was the last. In shock, his ears snapped back flat against his head. Where was this coming from? Had he done something to upset her? Suddenly Sepoko felt a tremendous guilt boiling up inside of him for having done anything to make his mother feel so badly. He hung his head low. "No you're not," he assured her. "You're a wonderful mother."

Lefika shook her head hard. She wasn't going to hear it; she'd already made up her mind. "No, Sepoko, do not humor me just because I am your mother. I have been a bad mother. I have not listened to you, nor listened to what you wanted. This is why you have been so quiet and sad, yes?"

Sepoko floundered a bit, uncertain of exactly how to reply. "No... not... entirely..."

"But it is part of it," Lefika finished for her son. "I know. And I am sorry. I have been selfish." She laid a paw down on her son's shoulder. "And a mother should never be selfish. So I want to give you a choice." She leaned in close, fixed her eyes on the her son's, the ones that so much resembled hers. "Do you wish to stop wandering?"

Sepoko stood corrected. This was the last thing he had expected to hear. "What!? But... but mom! You... you... you love to wander! I can't possibly make you..."

Lefika smirked. "No. You cannot make me. I will always be a wanderer. But you are old enough now to make up your own mind, I think. Would you like to settle down?"

He just couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You... you mean... on my own?"

"On your own or not is entirely up to you," Lefika replied. "But you need to set down roots. And though I will always wander the world... I believe I need some roots too. We... need a place to belong." And her paw withdrew and hit the earth as she once again looked to the horizon.

Tears sprung to Sepoko's silver eyes. It was what he'd always been thinking, the one thing he thought his mother would never understand... and here she was, understanding. "Thank you, mom."

Lefika smiled gently, and nodded once, then stood, and wandered back towards Hadithi. "Pardon once again," she said. "But when you say we with open hearts and minds are welcome to stay as long as we mean to... how long do you actually mean we can stay?"  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:04 pm
Hadithi watches as they walked away, perfectly fine with their need for privacy. As they began to speak quietly to one another he turned his eyes back to the Ocean, thinking over what he'd said. It had never occurred to him before why his family had chosen to stay, other than the fact that in this place, this cove, they found a home they'd missed. There had been some sort of calling to this place, deep inside of everyone--though most especially him. It was almost as if some sixth sense had sprung up, telling them where they needed to be.. and what good would come of this place, even after the bad. For Hadithi had traveled a hard road despair after his family had all but disappeared.. things had come out alright, though. Everything was going to be good.

"... how long do you actually mean we can stay?"

The lion's ear swiveled back towards the female as she'd returned. He only caught the last of what she'd said, but it was enough. He gave her a quiet sort of smile, "All lions are welcome upon these shores, so long as they keep the peace with the Muses and the Family, here. We don't tolerate unneeded violence, is all.. but you're welcome to stay as long as you like--forever, even--we love guests."

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