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[PRV]Some things just have to be done[Kilelo|Kabili][FIN] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:55 am
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This sucks Kabili though to himself as he rubbed his jaw which was still sore when that creepy female had cuffed him. Ever since his parents told him that they were relocating he had lost his mojo, his insperation, his will to play any more practical jokes had been lost. Now all he felt like doing was walking around the pride taking everything while he still had the chance. It was hard to believe that they'd be leaving these lands. His mother's whole family [well most of them] lived here! And now they were leaving.

He couldn't blame his parents for wanting to leave, almost everyone in the lands was related, it was hard to find those that he wasn't related to. His parents had quite a few children that ran around, a few of them having a large amount of children themselves. And his grandfather....he couldn't even begin to describe his grandfather and his new children along with his mothers full-blooded siblings.

Kabili forced himself to calm the emotion that was running through his body. The sudden urge to flee, to hide from his parents so he wouldn't have to leave but he couldn't do that, no he needed to go with them no matter how much he didn't want to. After all he had a friend in these lands, a friend that was depending on him to help her in the future and now he had to leave her.

"This reeks." He mumbled out loud striking out with his claws at a nearby tree.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:34 pm
Not too far from the young cub's location sat the gaunt lioness, Kilelo. In a streak of extreme luck, the female had stumbled upon a long fallen tree. It had been down for years, it seemed, and was rotting away nicely. Experience told Kilelo that the old wood would be home to a plethora of bugs. Once she dug into it with her claws, it was clear her assumptions had been correct. Worms, slugs, and beetles practically spilled out of the rotten wood. Wasting no time, Kilelo tucked in, greedily gulping down the insects. The deeper she dug, the more she found. The young lioness cringed as she felt the bugs writhing about inside her mouth. She hated having to eat this, it was an attrocious meal, but it was protein none the less.

Necessity had taught her to live like this. She didn't enjoy it, but she did what she needed to survive. After sucessfully clearing most of the infestation from the wood, Kilelo licked her chops; the ever present hunger pangs in her stomach satisfied for the time being. This chance meal had lifted her spirits quite a bit, and had put her into a drastically better mood. It was as she was cleaning herself that Kilelo hear a familiar voice. Her head perked up, along with her ears, as she stood. A light smile grew on her sunken in face as she trotted quickly to where she had heard the sound.

Not surprisingly, a small white cub soon stood before her. It had been a few days since she'd last seen Kabili, and this was a pleasant surprise. Kilelo had grown fond of the little guy as they had talked a while back; he had spunk. But now, looking upon him, Kabili didn't seem to be himself. He seemed somber, not carrying that mischevious grin that Kilelo liked to see. She tilted her head, approaching him even closer,

"Something the matter, little pal?"



PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:55 pm
Kabili had had his back to Kilelo and his frustration and focus on the tree kept him from noticing her. When she spoke, she startled him and he jumped forward his heart pounding. This was a first, Kabili rarely got startled but she had managed to do so. Perhaps it was because he was distracted, or just wasn't paying attention to what was around him anymore.

"Oh....it's you..." He mumbled softly when he turned and recognized her. "Everything...." Kabili replied to her with a sigh. He brought a paw to his forehead and pushed his budding mane back out of his eyes. He didn't want to tell her but at the same time he did. After all he had to tell her, because if he didn't then....then she might hate him. Kabili didn't like the sound of that at all, he didn't want to be hated by anyone especially not his only friend.

"I don't want to leave Kilelo. I don't." He started saying not explaining what he meant, he wasn't too sure how to. All he knew was that he didn't want to go.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:48 pm
Kilelo had obviously not been apparent enough about her approach, as when she spoke, the young lion jumped about a foot in the air. The adolescent wince slightly, feeling a bit bad for startling the poor guy. When Kabili spoke, it was apparent things were just not going his way. The tone of his voice was not a happy one. After hearing him speak, Kilelo closed the distance between them, sitting down next to the cub, her bony side pressed against his white, fluffy one. She wasn't exactly sure on how to comfort the cub, as she had no experience with anything of the like, but instinct told her that perhaps he'd feel better if he knew she was there for him.

"Aw, what do ya mean? Tell me, will ya?"

The pained expression on her young companion's face was troubling. Kilelo was not a social creature, and thus, she didn't have many friends. Hell, she didn't have any friends. Save for Kabili of course. She rather valued him. Her head tilted as he spoke, just what was that supposed to mean? As far as she knew, he wasn't going anywhere; he was just as much a part of the pride as she was. Kilelo's rather raspy voice was soft when she spoke, her tone troubled,

"Leave? Where? What do you mean Kabili?"



PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 6:27 pm
The cub bit down on his lower lip looking away from the female as she pressed herself against him. She was trying to comfort him, he knew it but it was really only making things worse. He moved away without really thinking about it, he wanted to be close but at the same time didn't. "I have to leave. Soon." He told her softly his mouth dry and his voice scratchy, like he hadn't spoken in a while.

He swallowed running his tongue over his teeth and against the roof of his mouth. He started to pace nervously, not sure how to go about explaining all of this. "They say there's nothing here for us, our blood's all over the place. It's hard to find someone not related to me....so...we're leaving..." He stopped moving, his body facing her but his head pointed towards the ground, his eyes watching his paws as he made circles in the grass. "I have no choice, Mom won't leave me behind....so I have to go."

This was hard, much harder than he ever wanted anything to be. "I don't want to leave..." He mumbled shaking his head.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:35 pm
Kilelo looked pained as Kabili got up and moved away from her. Ok, so she totally sucked at this being a good friend thing. Obviously, she sucked at comforting others. It was a bleak aspect of thought for the young female. Odd colored eyes watched the cub pace to and fro, his nerves obviously getting to the better of him. Kilelo extended a paw to him, letting it waver in the air for a moment before chaning her mind and letting it drop to the ground with a dull thud. She had to face it, she didn't know what the hell she was doing. Best route would be to just let him talk it out.

"All related? That's a crummy reason to leave..."

The full force of the situation obviously hadn't hit the skeletal female just yet. Hell, there was nothing here for her either, there never had been, but she'd never left. The big difference was that she /didn't/ have any family in the parts. She figured it would be nice to. Suddenly, it all hit her. Inter-relations and all that jazz. That would mean...

"Like, leaving the pride? For good? But..."

Kilelo's words didn't hold any anger to them, just a tone of strong despair. Her one and only friend in this dumb place was leaving! Then she'd be all alone, just as she had been days ago. It was disheartening. Kilelo rather liked having the feeling of knowing that someone on this earth actually cared that she existed. Especially someone that she could talk to. But now, he'd be gone. They'd known each other so short a time, there was so much they still had to talk about!

"...We've only just become friends..."



PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 8:10 pm
"It's not just that...Mum says there isn't really anything here for us....Or something like that." Kabili let out a deep sigh frustrated that he couldn't remember the exact details. "There's a reason, something like what I just said but I can't remember her exact words...." This was all just so frustrating! "Her dad is busy with his new litter, the new king has been chosen, everyone's moving on with their lives and so will my mom and she thinks that by leaving it'll be better."

He finally looked up at her and saw her saddened expression and heard the despair in her tone. This was hurting her, just like he knew it would. "Yes...I'll be leaving. I don't know if it's for good, I think Mum wants to find a new pride to join and live in...but I'm not sure, I just know that we're leaving." His tone was sad, he really really didn't want to leave. It was one thing if his family left but forcing him to go too wasn't fair! He didn't have a say in the matter at all.

"I know Kilelo I know, I know. I don't want to leave...." His voice trailed and he took an uncertain step toward her. He didn't want her to be sad! But what could he do? "I have no choice, I have to go..." He told her his voice dropping to a quiet tone. He took another step forward trying to catch her eyes. "I'd stay if I could...but I can't."

He was going to have to tell her good-by, after all he wasn't sure when they were going to leave he just knew that it would be soon.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 8:33 pm
Kilelo sat silently as she listened to Kabili speak. She didn't know his mother, nor his father, hell, she didn't know any of his family, so she couldn't put a face to what the cub was talking about. But, if it was his mother's decision, she was sure that there was a firm reason behind it. Mothers did what was best for their children, she was damn sure of that. She doubted Kabili's mother was making him leaver just to spite her, but she couldn't help but to feel hurt. All of this talk made her realize just how insignifican't, how useless she was in this pride. All this stuff was going on, and she was oblivious to it all. It was another sad realization.

"So... So you don't even know where you're just... Just that you are?"

Kilelo's voice quivered as she spoke. She was trying to hold back her emotion as best as she could. The gaunt creature was rather distressed, but she didn't want to upset the cub by showing how upset she really was. At least, at least Kabili wouldn't be alone in this new place, wherever he was going. He had his family; the siblings he so talked about, his parents. At least he wouldn't be left all alone.

"I know you don't buddy, I believe you..."

Kilelo didn't move as the cub advanced, but she made no motion to catch his eye contact. She knew that if she caught that jade gaze, she'd probably lose it all together. Kabili was supposed to be that quirky, mischevious cub that she'd come to be friends with. This moment really seemed to age him, and it was a depressing thought to the lioness.



PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:56 am
She wouldn't look at him..That meant she was hurt and if she looked at him everything might fall apart, her emotion that was. "Kilelo...." He called her name taking another step forward. "I want you to know that I'll always be your friend, no matter how far away I am, or whatever happens in the future." Kabili meant it, he meant it with everything about him. He hoped this would lift her spirits and maybe if she was happier he'd be too.

He was supposed to be saying good-by but he decided that he'd rather not. After all good-bys seemed to permanent and this wasn't permanent, he wouldn't let it be. "We'll be headed towards the ocean. If you need me I'll be there, waiting." He paused inhaling deeply. "This isn't good-by, I promise. Even if my parents don't want me coming back when I'm older I'm going to anyway."

He grinned at her, trying to make her think that everything was going to be alright, because it was....right? "Promise."
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:18 pm
Kilelo nodded as the cub spoke. It was true, she knew that as a fact. Distance wouldn't stop them from forgetting about each other. Surely, they'd still be friends. But what was killing her, was how emotional she was getting. She'd only known this little guy for a few days, afterall. But the more she thought, the more it came to her. Below that innocent mask she'd met him through, there was something so genuine, so real; she liked it. She didn't want to lose him.

Odd colored eyes darted up, and then back down. She didn't want to face him. He was leaving that was for certain. And she was sad for him to have to leave his home, she truely was. But the gnawing in her chest came from guilt. Guilt that she was feeling bad for herself. With a sigh, her gaze met his, and as soon as it did, her eyes got watery, blurring her vision. She didn't bother to blink it away.

"I'm so selfish..."

Kilelo shook her head violently. She was the one that wanted a friend, that needed a friend. She'd be alone.

"I'm so sorry Kabili. I'm sorry. I'm sad to be alone again... At least you have your family. I've got no one."

There, it was out in the open. The reason she was so crushed. She was going to be alone. A few days ago, she wouldn't have minded being on her own, but now that she'd gotten a taste of friendship, she didn't want to be without. The thoughts felt like they were eating away at the gaunt female's insides. Trying to collect herself, Kilelo nodded, biting her lip. That characteristic grin Kabili had plastered on brought another pang to Kilelo's chest,

"I won't forget, promise right back."

"The ocean, I'll remember...



PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:03 am
Kabili shook his head. "No Kilelo, no you're not." She wasn't selfish, not like everyone else. There was no reason for her to feel guilty about it. Everyone had things they all wanted and not wanting to be alone didn't make her selfish, it didn't at all. "It's alright, it's alright..." He whispered her hoping that he sounding soothing, comforting. He took another step forward looking up at her before pressing his head against her neck, in the form of a nuzzle. She was bigger than him so it was slightly difficult but he didn't mind, he just didn't want her to be sad anymore. Seeing her in that pain, pain that he brought, made him sad. "You don't have to be alone, not for long..."

He wasn't a seer but he was sure that there was some way that he could find her even if they were too far apart to see each other directly. Where though? Where could they find each other? Dreams...Dreams let anything happen! Maybe that's how she'd be able to see him, that she wasn't alone! "Search for me in dreamland and you'll find me...." He paused, inhaling. "You'll never be alone as long as you dream." Kabili wasn't sure if it was the truth but he did believe that if you thought about another enough they'd find you anywhere; their thoughts, their dreams and sometimes in their future.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:08 pm
Odd colored eyes darted up to the cub as he spoke. He didn't think she was being selfish? Kilelo sure felt that way. The need for some companionship in her rather miserable life was fairly strong for the young lioness. But alas, she was fated to wander this earth all on her lonesome. However, Kabili's leaving was something that needed to happen, it must've been Fate's plan for her. Kilelo definitely believed everything happened for a reason. Maybe this wouldn't end up as such a tragedy afterall? Maybe, maybe not, but now, all it seemed like was a tragedy.

This time, when Kabili approached her, Kilelo didn't make a move to shift away. She gave out a sad little smile, hoping her collar bones weren't sticking too uncomfortably into his cushy little head. The female gently draped a paw over his shoulder, giving the cub a light hug. As they both stood there, Kilelo stared off absently into space, her mind churning with these depressing thoughts. She didn't want him to go! The more she thought, the tighter her hold on the cub became, though she didn't exactly notice.

Though after a few minutes, she came back to her senses, quickly releasing the cub from her grasp, sheepishly smiling at him in apology. With his statement about dreaming, Kilelo couldn't help but to chuckle very lightly. It was such a naive way to think about things, but it was so endearing at the same time.

"Yeah, Kabili, our dreams.... Anything can happen..."



PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:00 pm
He could feel her grip tighten on him but did nothing, he sorta liked it and knew that there was a good chance they might not see each other again before he left with his parents. Kabili didn't know much of what was going on around him, his mother was keeping it from him and his siblings to protect him. He did know however that he definitely did not want to forget about his first friend. It also wasn't just that she was his first friend, he considered her his best friend because she knew the real him while everyone else didn't.

"I'll be back from where ever we end up going, I'll be back." He whispered softly looking up at her. His small frame shook with a shiver briefly as he inhaled deeply to keep himself calm. There was no way he would let himself break down in front of her. He just wouldn't let it happen. "I won't let you stay alone for too long." He promised.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:24 pm
As clueless about everything around them as Kabili was, Kilelo was ten times as lost. Unlike the cub, she really didn't have any ties to this pack, other than being born into it. These had been her mothers lands, or so she thought, and she respected that. She couldn't just pick up and go. This was the only home she had ever known, as out of place as she was in it.

And then, all of her thoughts were once again brought back to the beginning, right where they had been when Kabili brought her this unfortunate update. Her only friend was leaving. Surely, not gone for good, but gone far enough as so they couldn't enjoy each other's company. Kilelo's withered gaze lowered to meet Kabili's youthful one. She bit her lip, focusing her mind on that and trying not to shed any tears. His words were so hopeful, but what would actually happen, neither one could predict. They could only hope. Hunkering herself down closer to the cub's lever, Kilelo rested her chin atop his head light,

"All I know is, I'm gonna miss you Kabili. Gonna miss you a lot."



PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:33 pm
"I know, I know....." he whispered softly keeping his gaze on the ground. He didn't like how sad things were and despite how had he was trying not to cry or to show how much this really made him sad he couldn't help it. A few hot tears rolled down his cheek and onto the floor. "I'm going to miss you a lot too." he told her his voice cracking a bit.

Swallowing dryly he ran his tongue over the roof of his mouth to prevent his voice from cracking again. If he let it happen again he might completely break down, something he didn't want Kilelo to see. Besides it would probably result in the same thing from her and he hated seeing her sad, hated being the fact that it was because of him that she was sad. He wanted her to smile.

"Promise we'll definitely meet up again?"
[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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