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Hadithi ran down the shoreline, dead bird hanging from his mouth as if he were some overgrown hunting dog. He'd drag the feathers off of it soon, but he thought the kids might even like to keep those for some jewelry or play toys. He had Misae had decked themselves out a few weeks ago--Hadithi had met a passing monkey that had helped them figure out the way to string beads and the like without having any proper means of it. The end result had been a very gaudy day of dancing on the beach--not that Hadithi would have ever used the term "gaudy" to describe his beloved Misae.

Especially not now, he thought. Had his mouth not been stuffed full there likely would have been a dopey grin upon his features to go with his thought pattern. When he reached the cliff jutting out into the water he turned to run up the sand into the jungle beyond. The little, well-worn path there lead past a stream of sweet, fresh water that the pride used for drinking, then through a small meadow of tropical flowers and bushes directly before the entrance to the large cave the pride shared. The cave that now held Hadithi's pride and joy.

They'd been born a few days before, but as most Lions did, he'd given her room since then to be herself with the cubs before showing his face around the den. The only time he'd really come in was to deliver food to her, and then got out of there before he got a face full of claws--not that she'd mean anything by it, of course, it was just the way this time was for Lionesses. It was the Way of nature, and he knew that when she wanted him, the Wind would tell him.

... as he knew it would, it had. Hadithi entered the cave with a happy expression, the soft sand on the floor untouched save for his own paws crossing into it now. The wind had danced in here so often the past few days that it kept the sands smooth, but now they were still and showed the marks of his passing. "Hey," He greeted her oh-so-smoothly after he'd lain the dead foul on the ground at her feet. His forehead met hers in greeting, and he looked down upon the group of his children for the first time, heart leaping into his throat.

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"Hey..." the single word was said softly back at him, her forehead touching his, a small purr rumbling through her at the contact. It was obvious the female was tired; not only had the birthing worn her out (the fact she'd had to do it alone had been rather tiring on it's own - usually, a nanny, or other lioness would help out, but as it was, Kamaria had left a few days before the birthing), but for some reason, feeding the five healthy cubs had also worn her defenses out. It showed only in her voice however, for her eyes had gained some inner light within them that was unmistakable.

As soon as Hadithi settled down, Misae went back to her previous task; she'd been keeping herself occupied by licking each of the cubs clean, bathing them in turn as she hummed. There was a song in her mind, but the words didn't slip out of her maw just yet; the cubs, some at least, were asleep, and she figured that it'd not do to wake them up. Humming was a great substitute however, and so, the lioness did just that, "Some are sleeping," she explained before she retreated her head from the cubs that lay nuzzled against her white pelt, taking the bird into her mouth. Slowly and carefully, she plucked some of the larger feathers out, placing them to the side before feasting neatly upon it; it'd not do to ruin such pretty feathers, after all! She had half a mind of seeking out the Monkey friend, offering escort so it could eat safely in return for making some more jewellery for them.

Upon finishing her meal, the lioness turned her head to regard the small bodies, "This one," she said, pointing to the watermelon marked boy, "Has His salmon..." then she pointed at another, "This one... has my eyes; though they rarely open them, I got a peek," she smiled at Hadithi then, "Three have your eyes; the last one, this one," she licked the darker female, "Has my sister Raylan's eyes," it was almost amusing to note how Malika, Misae's mother, hadn't quite shown up on the cubs. Nyekundu, however, had; Misae thought, in a way, it was punishment meant for the mother that had abandoned her, so long ago. Malika's heritage had not shown, and thus, in a way, no one would know her here. No one would remember her. Karma, she thought silently as she groomed the cubs, stopping to point at the purple hued one, "I don't know where the purple comes from though... and this," she motioned towards the two girls, strange, almost crown-like markings, edged upon their fur, "I don't know either," turning towards her mate, she almost expected him to know.

After all, she'd come to rely on his stories and knowledge ever since she'd come to stay, almost just as much as he'd come to rely on her songs. Misae had missed those stories greatly during the time she'd spent alone with her cubs, however, she hadn't been able to help herself; when the birthing time had come, she growled, hissed, and practically shoved him out of the cave. Nature demanded she kept him away, and thus she had. She'd sent the wind to tell him not to worry thought, and that done, she'd set about her task.

The cubs had been meant to be born with their mother, so they would recognise her scent about any other, "They're all so beautiful," Misae herself, no longer fat, looked exuberant; somehow, her pelt seemed more brilliant than usual, and her whole form seemed to practically glow as she smiled at the small cubs. They were the future, after all.

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Her world for so long had been dark. But it had been comfy and warm. This new world felt cold on her damp fur and she had cried out in distress before finding herself under the loving tongue of her mother. It was a very comforting feeling and if her fur hadn't been constantly pushed "against the grain" she might have fallen asleep right there. As it was, she had gladly crawled up to her mother's stomach for her first meal before curling into the space created by her mother's armpit between her forearm and chest where she fell asleep.

In the womb, she had dreamed although she could not remember what. And her first out-of-womb dream was an empty peaceful drift and as smooth as a butterfly's wing on the wind. For surely she would have put to use such imagery if she had the exposure to do so.

The flexing of her mother's muscles stirred her from her sleep. She blinked with her mother's red eyes, letting out a yawn from her gapping maw. Hisani brought her lips together, smacking them almost loudly and looked up at the new form almost lazily. She smiled a cubbish smile at the stranger and let out a friendly mew. His creamy back matched hers in a way her siblings hadn't so she stared at him in curiously. But she was a slow and unsteady cub for the moment so remained content to observe her new world and companions with wide eyes from her current "hideout".

Or at least she would have but the feathers caught her eye. She knew no words to give them but knew she wanted to touch one. Her eyes narrowing playfully, she dragged herself forward on her belly and paused just before them. She pulled her body away in a little crouch without moving from her spot and swatted at the feathers gently. When they did nothing, she smiled and this time touched one to actually inspect it. It looked almost fuzzy and was quite smooth. She wanted one.

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The experience of being brought into this new world had not been a very pleasant one by any means. She had been yanked from the comfort of her mother’s warm belly and thrust into a world that had been cold, frigid, and generally quite unpleasant. However, after the initial process of being birthed, cleaned, and settled against her mother’s warm fur to begin suckling, she had soon forgotten the nearly traumatizing act. That was really unsurprising, for what lion ever remembered being born into the world once they had grown? No, as it was with most cubs, the event had been shoved into the back of her mind almost immediately and each passing day wore away the memory of it just a little bit more. Now it was barely a ghost, thought about none at all, and soon it would pass away into nothingness. She had become content with this world now, and why should she not be? She had a warm place to sleep and a big, full belly – no, the world in which she had lived before this one had been forgotten in this new contentment.

A little yawn cracked the jaws of her maw, eyes squinted up tightly as her tongue curled and her entire body stretched out in its first reaction to being awoken. She nuzzled her head against the warm belly of her mother where she lay wedged between it and one of her many siblings, lingering in that comfortable world where one was only half awake and content with snuggling against the closest soft and warm object. However, as she remembered that rousing brush of something warm against her small head, she creaked open those little eyelids to look once more at the familiar world – which was really only just the inside of this den. She wasn’t aware that anything else existed in the world.

Imagine the surprise that glimmered in those citrus orbs as she saw the figure of a new large lion lingering next to the beloved creature she had come to know as ‘mother’. Blinking back the fuzziness that came to one’s vision just after waking, she wiggled herself forward to get a closer look at him. This, of course, simply caused her to wiggle against the rest of the siblings that were currently slumbering haphazardly against the warmth created by both their mother and the rest of the siblings. It must have been comical, seeing her tiny little form crawl and maneuver between and over the limbs that obstructed her path. It was a long road in her mind, this crawling on little paws towards the great looming creature – although, it reality, it was only a foot or more.

Irritated with her own incompetence, the little girl experimentally put her paws underneath her form, giving them a little shove towards the ground in the only way she knew how to mock the stance she saw now on the male. It was a wobbly first attempt and although she stood for a few good moments, she soon toppled rather oddly and landed on her rump. Unsurprisingly, her bottom jaw began to quiver – one glance at the male, however, and she stopped it immediately with a small shake of her little head.

It wasn’t that he intimidated her, or frightened her – in fact, it was quite the contrary. Something about him seemed utterly familiar, similar, and the scent of him had been mingled on her mother’s fur. She had been smelling him faintly all along from the scent he had left behind, and although he had been gone until now, she still knew that he was someone connected to her – even if she didn’t realize how with her little cub mind. With all of that said, it was only natural that she wanted to impress this almost familiar stranger. She wasn’t going to give up so easily, not when she had the basis for this little thing down.

With her head held a little higher, she pushed herself up once more, riding out the wibbles and the wobbles as she fought to stand. This time she managed a few shaky, unsure steps before plopping down on her once more – ending up closer to her mother’s shoulder. That was enough for the little girl and she leaned her head comfortably against the paler form of the angelic lioness, her body slumping against the soft warmth. She lay there, comfortably, but those tiny eyes gleamed with unspoken curiosity as she stared up at the newcomer she felt she should almost know. She dared a glance at the sister that had crawled towards something she couldn’t quite make out from this side of her mother’s form, but lost interest in whatever she had – the big lion was more important.

"My mother," Hadithi watched the little girl with a crown who was pawing a feather. His voice was soft as he considered this, a mere whisper filled with too many mixed emotions to name. "Tumbuizo. That crown is hers... Kamaria actually has one too, hidden under her fur-tuft." The male gave the slightest chuckle for the sister that was continuously on the go; she'd barely stayed put more than five minutes these past few moons, but such was her nature. Had he not known better he would have thought the Wind called her, rather than the Stars. A spot of wiggling brown caught his eye, and Hadithi's attention turned to the lovely, blue marked girl wriggling her way closer to him.

With bated breath the enchanted father watched his daughter attempt her first steps. His warm smile grew into a gentle grin and slowly he moved himself to lay down on the other side of the pile, his body forming a circle with Misae's to keep the children in. He leaned over the fowl between their paws to touch his muzzle to Misae's forehead once before the female they would come to call Hadharani once more stole his attention.

Leaning down, to look into her tiny, golden eyes he let his eyes run over her precious little form. To him she was gorgeous, all of his children were, and he was completely enthralled by them. Hadithi chuckled. "You're a brave little one," He whispered and closed the distance, pressing his nose to hers for a moment. His slid over her maw to her neck before his mouth opened to groom her shoulders. Her scent marked itself in his mind, and it could be certain he would do this to each and every one of his children. "Have you picked call names for them, Love?" He asked his mate between licks of their daughter's fur.

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Near him, one of his sons began to stir.

The second born cub, he was also one of the largest. Which, in the minds of some, could be considered ironic as he was also the most flamboyantly marked of the litter. Pink spewed up his legs, crossed by the one real mark Malika had left behind, though Misae did not seem to have noticed it: a bright, foresty green. He stretched his thick, heavy looking limbs and gave a little yawn. After a few bleary blinks, he rolled back over into his mother's stomach for some more sleep.

That didn't seem to work, however. Unlike his siblings, he didn't seem to care too much about memories of the warmth they'd shared in the past, indeed he might have already forgotten it in favor of the warmth the families bodies drew together now. The past was, after all, behind them and what point was there in concentrating your time on it? A few pokes with his nose to Misae's stomach and he'd found himself a n****e.

It was becoming more obvious by the day that this male, despite not being the eldest, had likely been the dominant one in the development process. He was physically dominant in all things now, which generally indicated preference in the womb. And when he'd had his fill of milk, belly fat and round from more-than-sufficient feedings, he opened his bright blue eyes and rolled over to get a better look about them. Two of his other siblings were awake, one playing with some strange looking object, akin to the thing that their mother wore around her neck, and the other playing with... a stranger. What was this thing cleaning her?

Curious, the pink boy began to wiggle himself closer. Like his sister before him, he pushed himself up onto wobbly paws, albeit for different reasons, attempting to figure out a faster way to move to what he wanted. Unlike her, he did not give up after the second try. Several times he fell before he figured out that he could push himself up just a short distance, a few inches off the ground, and crawl forward somewhat faster than attempting to stand all that way up above the ground. So it was that he, watching the ground by his feet more than his destination, ran straight into the wave marked foreleg of his father.

Hadithi's head rose at the nudge against his paw. He blinked first down at his daughter, then chuckled as his gaze turned to see the little pink boy at his arm. The boy shook his head as if dizzy and Hadithi gave his little wisp of a black mane a good, affectionate lick, "Be careful, little one." The advice was pointless, of course, as the cub was too young to understand yet, but Hadithi said it regardless. It was good for cubs to hear their parents--it was how they learned. "The purple... I'm not sure of," he finally answered an unspoken question Misae had voiced. "though.. blue and pink..well, stranger things have happened." Hadithi gave another soft laugh. "Regardless, they're all beautiful.. absolutely beautiful."

The adult gave another sigh, raising one paw to scoop the pink male to him. Lowering his head, he took his time to groom this one as well, marking him in memory.
The boy struggled a little at first, but like his sister he recognized that there was something familiar about this one. The scent of him was one he'd smelled, though distantly, before. It was all over the cave, and their mother, and carried to them on the wind every time it came whistling into the cave. After a few moments the caresses of Hadithi's rough tongue became welcome and the cub settled into his father's grasp. Whomever this male was, the cub liked him and a deep purr rumbled in his chest.

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Indeed, Misae had noticed the green upon the cub, however, she'd instantly cataloged it as the green under her eyes; none of the cubs had her mother's strange lines under their eyes, nor her pink eyes. They also lacked the odd markings on their shoulders; In a way, Misae was glad, while in another, she was sad. Idly, she questioned how Malika had ever been able to abandoned her litter in the first place; there was nothing short of an apocalypse that could have forced the white lioness out of this den and away from her children. It did not really compute in her mind, and despite the anger she should have felt, she found herself wondering if her mother was safe, and happy, where ever she was.

She paused, only briefly however, as she watched two of her young ones taking their first steps; a warm smile appeared on her maw before her red gaze slid over to Hadithi, "They're walking, just for you," she murmured before slowly reaching over with her maw to snatch on of the large feathers, placing it before her tan, and blue marked child's paws, "They recognise you."

Lowering her head, she settled down to groom the darker of her children, her tongue bathing her as she silently congratulated her on her first few steps, "This one," she said between licks, "Will be Hadharani..." she murmured, her maw leaving her only when her motherly instincts were completely satisfied and she felt the small female was clean, "That one," she motioned towards the green marked boy Hadithi himself still hung onto, "Will be Tau... and this one," she nosed the feather closer to the tan-blue marked child while talking, "Will be Hisani," this said, the mother reached out with a paw to bring the two still sleeping cubs closer; the purple-marked male, and the red-marked female. From some reason, the female reminded Misae great of a song she'd sung her father back at El'wadiyi lands; the markings under her eyes looked like tears. Red, blood-stained tears, while the crown on her head almost seemed to mark her a gypsy. A crying gypsy, "I'm not sure about this one yet, but the boy will be Nili'jicho... I like his eyes."

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Almost as if on queue, the smaller of the two boys opened his eyes; a startling blue, filled with curiosity as they slid to glance first as his mother, and then slowly, to glance at the stranger beside her. Then the boy paused; no, this large lion wasn't a stranger. Not entirely, for there was something agonisingly familiar about him; something that Nili couldn't quite put his paw on. Not like it really mattered though, for the small cub seemed to know instinctively, that their mother wouldn't have let the male into the cave, had he been a threat to any of them.

Thus, the small male was content to remain where he was, cuddled again Hadharani's side, and his mother's neck, his blue eyes peering up at he whom they'd all come to recognise as 'father' soon enough. It was amusing to note that his mother had first thought him to be a female upon birth; his frame was more feminine than that of his brother, and for some odd reason, he seemed content with snuggling and cuddling while the other boy seemed more prone to battling his way round the litter. Tell truth, had Nili had any way to voice himself, he'd have claimed his brother's actions to be utterly preposterous and uncivilised. As it was, however, not only did he not even know what said words meant, but had no way to voice them; he contented himself with frowning slightly at Tau, making a 'hmph' like sound at the back of his voice.

He had no want, or need for that matter, to behave like Tau. In fact, right about now, Nili wanted a bath. He voiced this, as best as he could; with a loud, almost obnoxious mewl, directed both at his mother and the large male beside her. His tiny brows knitted together in consternation, as if not quite believing how either of them could be ignoring little ol' him in favour of the rest.

Misae chuckled at the loud noise; she'd come to more or less know her cubs, in the few past days. She'd come to see how Tau was dominant above the rest, how Nili seemed to be demanding and almost.... delicate, while Hasini was curious and Hadharani was determined. The smaller, red marked female was calmer than the rest, content to remain sleeping most of her time; Misae had yet to determine how she'd turn out, "He's a bit demanding... almost like a flower, demanding the sun feed it all it's light, for she is the prettiest on this earth and surely deserves all it's attention," what the lioness did not know, was that she'd give Hadithi quite an exact description of just how their purple-marked son would turn out to be.

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The tan and blue stared with wide eyes over her shoulder as her siblings moved into action in a way she hadn't. She had been content to crawl and drag herself whereas two of her siblings had done what she had not. They had challenged the strength of their feet for the reward of getting closer to the stranger. But in fact, she was confidant that she had won, if it had been a challenge at all. The stranger had come to place himself closer to them and had directed words at her tiny body, perhaps even the tiniest of the five cubs. She smiled up at him as if giving him her gratitude for the words. The cub did not yet know what they meant but coming from such a comforting voice, she could only guess they meant good. His warm affections for her mother put him close to her heart immediately so that she could think no ill of him. She would be glad to call him father.

She blinked as her senses alerted her to movement at her front paws. Delighted as to what it could be, she turned her small head to look down at the feather. Success! For surely, she felt as though she had been given the blessing to keep it. She was tempted to pick it up and take it back to her hiding place before she felt the weight of a burden. It was a name, a word that would be hers for a time. She paused to listen to the melodic voice of her mother and turn the name in her mind. But like sugar in water, it dissolved and spread itself out over the gradient until she could not remember it troubling her at all. For it was a sweet name and she had no reason to distress over it.

She looked over at her purple brother and his demanding voice and then back to her active siblings. The cub was much less assertive and active than her moving siblings so she pulled herself backward to the warmth of her mother as if to stay out of the way should they suddenly decide to run about. She had no wish to intrude or to cause trouble.

As the larger lion’s nose pressed so firmly against her own, her first reaction was to cross her eyes and look down at it. Of course, this only resulted in her leaning back little by little in an attempt to see the mug that was colored very similarly to her own fur. She managed to stay upright for a few moments, albeit doing so quite awkwardly, but finally ended up flopping backwards as she pushed her upper form too far back for the lower to support it. However, it was a soft flop and after that gentle tongue began to stroke her little form, she thought nothing of her blunder. Instead, she rolled over onto her back comfortably to expose more of herself for cleaning with her little paws poised against her chest. Like her brother, she liked attention, although hers was much more modest and she would never demand it – she just liked to cuddle.

Regardless, the young lioness cub that would soon come to be called Hadharani felt a bit of sadness as her father’s attention was turned away from her and settled instead upon her larger, but younger, brother. As things with cubs go, however, it was only a momentarily lived emotion – for her mother then decided that her bath had not been good enough and granted her with another round of attention. The little cub basked in it, curling up comfortably against her mother as she was cleaned.

She had no idea what her father had said to her, or what her mother had begun talking about, simply because of her lack of knowledge as a cub when it came to the area of language. However, she could recognize the tones of those voices, soft and very kind, and they worked just as well as any words could have. She nuzzled lightly against the form around her, filled to the brim with a sort of fuzzy happiness that one only experienced around family. It was a perfect sort of happiness for a cub with little other worry in the world other than how far it was to wobble between feeding and cleanings.

Just as her little eyes had been on the verge of shutting in her warm, happy contentment, that loud screech brought them flying right back open. Looking slightly startled, she wiggled until she could look in the face of her brother, little ears wilting more and more the longer his bawling was allowed to go on. Unsurprisingly, the soft-hearted little female turned her head away and tried to bury it in the softness of her mother’s fur, as if that would block out the noise. It really was rather wretched and loud – she didn’t like loud noises.

She leaned against her mother, round belleied and full of milk and watching with her tan and blue sister. Not withdrawn but not forward either. wraptly curious but unmoving as though she might break a pond to ripples. Her eyes were wide and blue blinkinking. she stammer shifted back and forth as though she -might- walk forward but didn't move just yet...blinking her new eyes to focus more clearly on bright feathers, clattering beads and deep brown fur.

Hadithi couldn't have been more proud than he was at that moment. There was something about laying there with his mate, watching their children learn to walk and play that made his heart dance. In fact, it sort of felt as if it would explode at any moment; this was both good and bad. With a nuzzle to his feisty son's stomach, he lifted his head to look at the other when he began to whine. "That one has lungs," He laughed softly. Leaning forward he narrowly missed getting Misae's tongue across his nose and licked Nili's head. Once more he marked the scent, then turned to the last little girl to get up. She seemed more content in just sleeping, but the noise had woken her.

Their father gave the softest of chuckles, barely a sigh, and leaned in. Taking her up by the back of his neck, he put the girl down beside her more roudy brother who took little interest in her. It was time for this last one's bath, and 'marking' in his mind. If she cared to go back to sleep during it, he wouldn't be offended.

Beside him, the one called Tau gave his brother a baleful look. The little whiner got on her nerves, though he hadn't yet the means to express that. The difference between their personalities was already marked, even with the lack of most motor skills and any form of language. It wasn't too far a stretch to see a sort of competition between them, especially when Tau marched (read: crawled defiantly) between his parents paws to his brother's side and promptly began to bite and suck upon one of his ears.

"And he," Hadithi murmured, eyebrows raising as he watched, "Is a right feisty one." He made no move to stop it, however, as he knew that 'boys would be boys.' Beyond that, sibling rivalry was a common component of children--even among a peaceful group of lions. Nature wasn't without violence, after all, and they'd have to learn to balance life with death, violence with peace, soon enough.

"They're all something like flowers, though," Hadithi finally addressed, "in their brightness... and their beauty." He chuckled, "Then again, their mother is a rose." From outside he heard a soft chorus of laughter, probably from the flowers themselves. "We'll have to figure out what to call this one... but there's time for that," He gestured to the girl he was holding right then.

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To say Nili was offended, was an understatement; had he had the means to, the smaller male would have offered his brother a piece of his mind for ruffling his lovely fur up and drooling all over his extremely perfect ear, thankyouverymuch! As it was, however, Nili was only able to growl softly (more of a purr, really) and turn his head in an attempt to n** at the offending party, small paw pushing and grabbing, at the same time, at Tau's body. The contact was, amusingly enough, both welcome and disliked; there was a distinct bonding going on between both males, and though Nili was indeed making quite a fuss at the moment, later on in life, only his siblings and parents, would be allowed to touch his person in such shameful ways.

Of course, it was soon enough discovered whom of the two males was the dominant one as Nili finally gave up and instead leaned in to his brother's strange grooming; attention, was, after all, attention. He was, in the end, getting what he'd demanded, albeit from a different lion than he'd hoped, alas. Beggars can't be choosers.

Chuckling, Misae let both cubs at it, shaking off some sort of imaginary dust from her form in a swift movement before pushing the cubs towards her belly; even the one that seemed to be more content with sleeping than anything else, "There's always time, just like there's always life... somewhere. Even in places you'd never imagined," looking up at her mate, the female smiled, "Aren't we all?" she answered softly, a whisper, to his claim that she was a rose; tell truth, this was the longest Hadithi had been allowed inside the cave, but even now, Misae was growing slightly restless. She didn't want to, but still, she squirmed slightly after some time, sending a slight glance at Hadithi, almost a warning; it was in nature, and instinct, and she knew he would never hold it against her.

"It's time," she said softly, leaning in only briefly to offer the male a long lick against his maw, an apology for something she'd not really voice out loud. He'd be back soon enough anyhow... probably with new stories to tell them all, for even if the cubs couldn't quite understand the words, the sound of their father's voice would inevitably lull them to sleep, "You should tell us a story come nightfall..." it was an invitation for him to come back at the given time as the lioness smiled.

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The tan and blue cub watched everything with wide eyes from her location. She didn't know what to do, really. Or more like what she wanted to do. Had she known the brothers were actually fighting for at least a little bit, she might have attempted to play mediator. But as it was, she had no voice nor ability to realize what had silently transpired between the two boys who at the moment seemed to be fine with each other, if not paying adept attention to each other.

She looked down at her feather. In her backwards shuffle, it had become slightly misshapen. As though overcome with a sense of obsessive-compulsiveness and narrowing her eyes into a focused expression, she set to work fixing it. Licking a paw with her tiny tongue, she reached down and brushed the barbs of the feathers back together as if with her saliva she could re-interlock the barbules together.

She looked up briefly as her siblings were pushed back towards their mother's belly, where she was. Then she turned to her parents, smiling up at both of them as if approving of whatever they each had and were saying. Without hesitation, though, she went back to her feather.

As that loud, wretched noise had come to a stop, the little brown female of the large litter had taken a deep breath. She paid little heed to her brothers and their fighting, as it was obvious that they were going to work it out on their own all in due time. Besides that, she really just wanted away from the purple-toned male that had just made her want to cover up her ears with her tiny little paws. In all reality, she was a calm little thing that just simply didn’t want to put up with the less-than-suave techniques Nili was using to get attention. Not that this was all readily apparent to her simple-minded cub thoughts – she just hated that noise.

As her mother scooted her back close to her belly, a little smile split her maw. Her stomach was already beginning to protest from lack of food, even though her belly was still rounded and extended as many cubs were. She nosed her way around the soft belly of her mother until she found a n****e, then contented herself for a while simply feeding. Well, that was a cubs favorite thing to do – besides sleeping of course. Eating and sleeping – oh, the simple pleasures of life!

She crawled towards her sister, making sure not to ruffle that little feather she had been trying so hard to fix, and curled up against her side. Trying to walk and crawling around had taken a lot of energy out of her little body – she was just a young little thing after all. Her full belly had made her eyelids heavy and combining that with the warmth radiating off of her mother and sister, she was slowly beginning to let herself drift off into a dreamland. The last thing she saw before her eyes finally closed once more was her mother leaning over to lick the new male that she had connected, in an emotional sense, to what a cub would have an idea of as being a father – and then, with a smile, she faded from consciousness into a peaceful world.

"Alright," Hadithi didn't miss the point she was making; it was rather hard not to, really. He gave the lightest chuckle, returning the nuzzle and settled the girl he had been holding in with the rest of her siblings. For a moment the male paused , still laying there and looking at them. He thought that Misae would have patience with him, for he'd waited so long to see them in the first place. Seeing how Hisani seemed attracted to the feather he'd brought in, Hadithi thought he'd try and gather "presents" for them to have jewelry made out of. He thought, if he looked for her, he could talk that monkey into helping with more. Protection against predators was worth a lot, after all, for even the peaceful Kizingozaa had to eat other creatures.

Yes, Hadithi nodded to himself faintly, that seemed like a good idea. More than a good idea, actually. With that game plan in mind, Hadithi rose to his feet to shake himself. Once he'd stretched himself out, the male bent to gather the last of the avian carcass he'd brought with him and turned to head out of the cave. At the entrance he paused, pondering something, and turned to look back towards his mate and cubs.

"Misae," He asked after putting the bird back upon the ground. He needed to throw it out for scavengers to pick at ... somewhere that wasn't close to their cave. But first.. there was something a little more culturally needed. "I know I need to go, but... there's one thing first. Its.. well, its tradition."

Hoping she was rational enough now to allow it, he took another step in and smiled slightly at her. After a moment, his gaze shifted to the collection of cubs at her belly. Feeling a song he'd heard so long ago well up inside him, Hadithi opened his mouth and let it loose. It was a traditional lullaby, one they'd sung to every Kizingo'zaa cub when they were born; a tradition that welcomed them into their culture and the life around them. "Under the snow, beneth the frozen streams, there is life...

You'll have to know
When nature sleeps she dreams
There is life

And the colder the winter
The warmer the spring
The deeper the sorrow
The more our hearts sing

Even when you can't see it
Inside everything
There is Life..."

The Nganolinda wasn't used to this role, it was normally the Wimbolinda's place to remember these songs. But, this time was different... he was the only one around that remember this, other than his sister.. but she wasn't here and it was his litter. Misae was still learning, but she seemed happy to do so, and for that Hadithi was thankful. The male moved closer, nuzzling his muzzle into the kids.

"After the Rain
The sun will reappear
There is life

After the pain
The joy will still be here
There is life..."

His eyes raised to Misae's. The next words were the most important, really, for it spoke more about their way of life. Hadithi didn't know who had written this song, it was one of the things that would be forever lost to time, but whether it was one of his ancestors or a lion or muse of some distant land and time, it still rung true.

"For it's out of the darkness
That we learn to see
And out of the silence
That songs come to be

And all that we dream of
Awaits patently
There is life.."

That done, and yet unscarred by his mate, Hadithi thought it best not to push his luck. He gave her another sweet smile, then once more made for the cave entrance. The carcass was lifted back into his mouth, a few feathers dropped upon the floor, and soon that was the only thing left to mark the fact that Hadithi had ever been there at all. But, for those who might hear it, there was a whisper from the distant waves that sounded almost like a song.