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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:57 pm
The position of the sun above didn't even mark it as midday yet, but Nyunya was already exhausted. During a walk she had taken to purposefully get some fresh air away from her family, she had managed to bring six more into it. Hence the reason she didn't yet have the energy to get up at that moment. It was sort of ironically amusing... She'd gone for a little stroll (or waddle, really, as that was all a mother could do when about to bloody pop all over the place) to get away from the little things that stressed her out around the den, only to find six more little reasons for having a stressful morning.

Not, however, that she could ever complain about them. Every single one of them was beautiful, and she had fallen in love with each the moment it arrived. Though, she couldn't deny that she was a bit dismayed by the gender ratio, with five boys to just one girl. Just putting up with the other two had been a challenge - for as long as they both were here, anyway. How was she supposed to manage with five of the little buggers running rampant? She only had two eyes, after all, and she knew girls could get up to their own kind of trouble separate from their opposite gender. This period of motherhood already promised to be more challenging than the last, that was for sure.

With a sigh, Nyunya leaned her head on her crossed forepwas once more, letting her eyes settle gently on the colourful bundles huddled together. So much pink this time. One of her new little boys was almost entirely pink. But looking at them all, cuddled together and tucked against her slide, sleeping soundly after their first feeding, she... couldn't say, completely honestly, that she was anything other than enormously proud with these beautiful babies. Looking at them, it didn't seem possible that cubs so sweet and innocent could ever give her trouble.

Of course, they would likely prove her first opinion right soon enough. They always looked innocent when they were asleep.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:12 pm
Taabu had been more than willing to let Nyunya go out on her little walk. Sure, she was pretty far along, but the hormones that were running rampant with her pregnancy were only adding to the anger that she was so infamous for. Not wanting his head to be bitten off, he had let her go without argument, let her go for her little stress reliever. After all, it wasn’t exactly as if she could go very far with the way she was waddling. However, as the day started to progress and he realized she wasn’t coming home when she should have, he began to get quite worried. That was the reason he was out here now, trudging along at quite the quick pace, eyes furrowed in worry as he tried to locate his white and pink mate among the earthy tones of the land surrounding their home.

“Nyunya! Nyunya!” he called, his voice growing more frantic the farther he went without seeing her. It was probably his worry that caused him to half stumble through the underbrush that surrounded Nyunya’s birthing place, and his eyes widened considerably as he saw her laying there. For the moment, he didn’t notice that there was a rather strange mixture of white, pink, black and brown laying at her side – all he saw was the beautiful mate that he had worried himself sick over. “Nyunya, I was so worried, why in the world are you just sitting around here like - ” and then he stopped. With a deep breath, his eyes slipped back to the little bundle of fur he had previously dismissed, eyes widening.

“Oh god, Ny,” he whispered softly, sitting down slowly so he wouldn’t fall, and taking a deep breath. The first time she had given birth, he had been the only one there to help her, and both of them had been so young. Now, they were so much older, and certainly much more experienced, but he couldn’t help but feel that anxiety mixed in with his suddenly overwhelming pride. No matter that underlying feeling, however, he smiled down at her as she lay there. “They are.. beautiful.” He only wished he had been there with her like he was last time – but it was too late for regrets.


Eloquent Lunatic


PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:38 am
Nyunya's head lifted as she heard her mate's frantic voice calling for her. She had opened her mouth to answer, but at that precise moment, there was a bit of wiggling movement against her side and it stole her attention. With a frown, she paused. Hm. Knowing Taabu, he would most likely be rather upset that this had happened away from home. Especially with the fact that the first birth hadn't been... smooth (though, that was all because he had been there and freaked her out, she was well prepared to say if he started about it). Perhaps, for now, she should not give away her position and just catch up with him later, once she had figured out what she could tell him to keep him happy and quiet... and also how she was supposed to transport six babies with one little mouth. Another predicament she would solve easiest without Taabu there and berating her.

Unfortunately, she was not going to have her way, and her darling mate came crashing through the underbrush, much to Ny's discontent. She felt yet another stir of movement against her side, and had been about to tell him to bloody keep the noise down when his mouth opened and words started spewing out. Her eyes widened, and for a moment, she was stunned. What was he thinking? Did the idiot not see that she had a pile of sleeping cubs tucked against her side? Obviously not! Her usually brilliant mate was doing a marvellous job of supporting the stereotype that you couldn't have both beauty and brains. As Nyunya felt yet more wriggling afainst her, she opened her mouth to interrupt Taabu and give him a severe telling off (quietly, of course) when luck saved him and made him stop talking.

"Keep your voice down," she admonished quietly instead. "They've only just drifted off." That was a damn sight better than what he would have gotten if he'd continued to talk so loudly and had further disturbed their cubs. She may be tired out and happy at the moment, but her anger could still be easily brought to the surface, and upsetting her babies was a fast and certain way to get it done. However, since Taabu was following his temperamental mate's unspone rules, he was safe. For now.

"I hope you're prepared, Taabu," she continued in a whisper, her lips quirking in a little smile. "There are five boys this time and only one girl."
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:15 pm
He frowned immediately as she used that tone of voice with him, no matter how silent she was being. He hadn’t meant to come barging in and wake up the cubs, but how was he supposed to know that she had already given birth? For all he knew she could have been out here dying from a ramped raging elephant, or she could have broken a leg and wouldn’t be able to get back to the den. He had been imaging a hundred awful things. He wasn’t just worried for her, but for the cubs she had been carrying in her belly. He was extremely overprotective of his family and the thought of even one little thing going wrong while she was out here had been enough to make him go rightfully crazy with worry. It would have been worth waking them up if he knew they were ok. He just got lucky and had it both ways for once.

“I didn’t mean to be so loud,” he said quietly as he moved to lie down next to her, framing the cubs between their bodies and leaning in to give her cheek a long cheek. Then he simply let his eyes fall down to them, sweeping over each of them in turn, watching the small bodies bundled between them. Their size amazed him now even more than it did then, the fact that they were so tiny was almost unbelievable. He felt like he might crush them if he moved too close, or touched them even. It was probably his own size in contrast to theirs that did that – they didn’t look so enormously tiny compared to Ny.

“The boys aren’t so hard,” he said with a smirk, glancing back up to her with a little grin on his mug. “After all, Njozi turned out right fine, and Rengo might not be around but he really isn’t so bad either.” He chuckled, then, and turned his eyes back up to hers, “just better hope none of those boys turn out to be humongasaurs, though. That could a problem.” Well, not for him, but she had never liked that Njozi had been so much larger than her without even being fully grown.



Eloquent Lunatic


PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:41 am
Staring at her mate with an expression that bordered on incredulity, Nyunya raised an eyebrow slowly. "Boys aren't hard?" she parroted back at him. It seemed to Ny that she had a more accurate view on things than Taabu did. "We have five here, Taabu. Five growing up together and getting up to all sorts of mischief. Rengo and Njozi were fairly easy to look after because they grew up separately. Trust me... boys fight when they're together. Or they get into trouble together. Or both. I remember, I grew up with two of them."

Still, despite her words, the small lioness looked down upon their new horde with an overflowing amount of pride and affection in her eyes. While she may take full advantage of a mother's right to complain, already she loved those cubs more than life itself. And truthfully, it was only her hormones that made her talk that way to begin with; hormones added to the knowledge that she had a pawful of problems ahead of her with a litter this big. But even so, that was a ways off. She could relax for a bit, while they couldn't even open their eyes and were adorably dependant on her It was vaguely amusing how she cherished the times when she didn't have a moment of time that wasn't dedicated to the twenty-four hour care for her newborns, but dreaded when they got older and gained independance, leaving her alone for portions of the day.

She slowly laid her head down, tucking it around a small, fluffy body and gently nudging it closer to her for warmth, smiling at the adorable mewl it made in protest at being disturbed. Her softened red eyes moved slowly up to her mate's. "Taabu... do you have any suggestions for how we can get these six back to the den as quickly as possible?" She hadn't wandered far, had been physically unable to, but the den was still a distance away. She didn't feel comfortable having any of them out of her sight just yet, not even completely comfortable leaving them with Taabu - though she trusted him implicitly. Her mothering instincts were kicked up into hyperdrive again, just as they'd been with the first litter.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:18 pm
Taabu chuckled softly at his mate, deep red eyes watching her as she muttered on about how hard boys were to raise. Taabu actually found it much easier to raise boys – he couldn’t relate to the little girls well, had never been able to sort out any of the problems that they had once they got past their early days. The boys he had always been able to relate to, always would be able to – their growing experience had been the same as his own, after all. Right now, being the brilliant lion that he as, Taabu realized that his best option would be to not argue with his mate, the lioness who had just spent the last few hours birthing his cubs. “I will take your word for it, love – I was a one cub litter.”

He watched her with the cubs, smiling from where he sat. He knew how she had been with the first ones. She loved him, but there was something too hard to explain between a mother and a new litter. He would not get between them unless she asked, and he would not do anything she didn’t want him to. However, he saw little to no way to get the cubs back to the den without her allowing him a little bit of room to work.

“The only way I can imagine getting them back to the cave, in any manner that would be timely and easy, is to let me take them one by one. I can make Njozi stay in the den and watch the ones I take, and you can stay here and watch the ones I leave until they’re all there.” He shrugged, glancing away, “there’s too many to.. do it any other way.”


Eloquent Lunatic


PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:11 am
Nyunya was a smart lioness, and she also knew her mate was a smart lion. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't be her mate, despite how irritated she could get when he was right and she wasn't (which happened as often as it didn't). But being smart, and knowing Taabu was also smart, she strongly suspected he was humouring her by agreeing so easily. Ordinarily, she may have called him on such an affront, preferring to prove she was right than have the victory handed to her, but today, she was simply too tired. Giving birth could do that to a girl. Besides, she deserved her easy victories for today - and for many days after. And if Taabu really did remember what she was like the first time around, he would know that wouldn't be the only liberty she would be taking. Nyunya knew how to milk her ordeal for all it was worth.

For a few quiet moments, the new mother considered her mate's words. What Taabu suggested seemed to be the only reasonable way to handle the situation, but that didn't mean she liked it. It involved her being separated from some of her cubs for a while, and that just wasn't ok with her. Likely it wouldn't be for a while - at least not until they were old enough to tell her they wanted some time to themselves. With a sigh, the small lioness finally nodded, reluctant though it may be. "All right," she murmured. "But you'll have to make sure Njozi's there before you start taking them." Taabu would know that, of course, as well as every other important detail necessary to make sure their cubs were as safe as possible, but that didn't mean she could help directing and instructing him like that.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:35 pm
He was quite thankful that she was too tired to argue with him. She was stubborn, and she liked to argue to some degree, though it never really amounted to anything other than amusement. It was just the way it worked. She fussed, he laughed and told her how beautiful she was, and life went on. Right now, however, he was just glad they didn't have to go through the typical of routine. He just wanted to get the cubs somewhere safe, out of the open, and have her there too. She might have issues being separated from them, but he had issues with them being somewhere so vulnerable. His own instincts were starting to kick in.

"Well, I'd like to get them there as quickly as possible, Nyunya," he said with a tilt of his head. His eyes swept out across the lands around them, forever paranoid about what might come along. He was starting to regret that he'd have to be separated from them for any amount of time, to leave them here, but there was nothing he could do. "Let me take one with me, and if he's not in the den, I'll bring the cub back to you until I can find him?" It would cut down time - not much, but enough that he'd be satisfied.


Eloquent Lunatic


PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:04 am
Again, Taabu was speaking a great deal of sense. And he reasoned with her before she could argue the point herself, which yet again proved he was smart, and that he knew her well. Try though she automatically did (if a tad half-heartedly, due to fatigue), she couldn't think of a single thing to argue about to try and keep her cubs with her just a little while longer. Even though she knew she'd be with them again the moment everyone was safely returned to the den, the idea of being separated from any of them still made her anxious. Irrational though she knew her concerns were, she was just never able to shake them. Though, if she permitted this to ever happen again, she would stay in the den around the day of her birth and send everyone else out.

Though, even with Taabu's suggestion being perfectly sound, that still left Nyunya with a choice that seemed... impossible. How to choose which of her newborns to be taken from her sight? This was a dilemma no new mother should ever be confronted with. Almost despairingly, she stared down at them. She was unable to decide on any. Finally, with a sigh that was both exasperated and pained, she closed her eyes and turned her head away. "Just take one, Taabu, and go," she said, urging him to do it before she stopped him even as she shook her head no. "And hurry up. Please?"
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:20 am
Taabu wasted no time following his mate's orders. He knew her well and figured that if he didn't go ahead and start moving them as soon as possible, she was likely to change her mind. Hell, if he knew her, she'd change it without even giving him a decent answer as to why she had done it. The fact that she had just given birth and was still probably suffering from the mental state that seemed to poison all women during the gestation period, he was sure that he needed to go as quickly as he possibly could while still being careful of the cubs.

So, with a small nod and a gentle, quick lick to her maw, he grabbed up one of his sons by the scruff and set off towards the den. He couldn't go too quickly, not with the cub, but he went as fast as he dared with the little thing in his jowls. Luckily enough for the both of them, their older son just happened to be lazing around in the den for a little bit. Surprised, but always willing to help, Njozi began to watch over the little rugrat as his father darted off once more.

Taabu went considerably faster upon the returning journey. No cub to carry meant he could make up some time, so when he reached her, he was just a touch out of breath. He managed a nod, a deep breath, and muttered a quick "he's there" before he picked up another. The process went through five full trips until Taabu came back one last time to find Nyunya there with their daughter, and a boy that looked so much like Nyunya that it was amusing.

"I can take one, and you can take the other, love," he said, drawing in his deep breaths as he peered towards her. He was out of breath - he'd gone as fast as he dared, all to ease Nyunya's worry as soon as he could. He moved over to the last two cubs, pausing before her. "Then you can get back to the den and back to the other cubs, alright?"


Eloquent Lunatic


PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:56 am
It had taken all of Nyunya's strong will to remain where she was while Taabu took one of her babies from her one after the other and disappeared toward their den with them. She lay there with the slowly dwindling bundle of cups, tense and alert, ready to spring to action at any moment... though what action she expected she couldn't have told anyone. All she knew was that every instinct she possessed told her to stop allowing her children to be taken from her and gather them all once again. Only the fact that she was too stubborn to give in to the urge stopped her from actually attempting this.

But when Taabu returned to make the last trip with her, the petite lioness was already on her feet, pacing in an agitated fashion, though she never strayed more than a few inches away from the last two cubs, a young daughter and the son that looked most like her out of all the boys from both litters. As she heard her mate approach, she looked up with a forced smile and a strained expression on her face. "That took far too long," she said, even though Taabu had probably made the journey in record time - and had no doubt worn himself out a bit in the process. Nyunya hadn't physically been able to travel miles away from the den, but it was further than anyone would like to go over and over again at speed.

Briefly, she buried her face in his mane, taking a deep breath she hoped would calm her a bit, seeking the comfort of his presence. "Let's just get us all back home quickly so my nerves can settle, ok?" she murmured into his thick fur, shifting her head to look down at the last two.

[Mm... I haven't forgotten Ny has to have her freak out. If you make Taabu pick up Tapanga whenever you have time to reply, I'll make her have it when she grabs her clone baby. xD]  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:07 pm
He had been somewhat surprised to see her up and pacing about like that and half of him wanted to scold her for doing it. She was weak, had just given birth to seven cubs, and he certainly didn't need her passing out on the way back to the den. Although, the more rational part of his mind told him that he probably didn't want her to burst on him. In fact, that's the last thing he wanted for himself or the last two little cubs curled there while the rest of their litter were already safe in the den.

"Yes, I know it did," he said softly at her comment, although he knew he had done the entire process as quickly as possible. There was no need to argue with her. It was stress and nerves that caused her to feel that way and no amount of words would change her mind. Not to mention that arguing with Nyunya was usually quite like arguing with a tree - you never really got anywhere with her.

He allowed her all the time she needed to lean against him, and as she did so, he dipped his head to nuzzle lightly against her maw. He didn't want to imagine what she was feeling right now, struggling with emotions and instincts. He knew he was having a hard time himself, and he hadn't even done any of the things she had. He pulled away from her slowly then, moving to the cubs, and nodded. "Alright then, let's hurry so you can get home," he muttered, then dipped down to pick up the little female in his jowls before turning to wait for his mate.


Eloquent Lunatic


PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:21 pm
Nyunya took advantage of all the time Taabu let her lean against him. With her eyes pressed into the darkness of his mane, she could at least forget a little bit the sick, gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach that came from having bonded with her cubs and suddenly being parted from them, even if it was for the better in this situation. She took in deep, steadying breaths and tried to will the tension from her body.

Though, when Taabu finally moved away, everything flooded back in again. All her efforts to find some modicum of calm were washed away like the tide. The petite female squared her shoulders and braced herself as much as she could for the ordeal to begin anew. Another thing she had a problem with was having her cubs out in the open so young. What she and Taabu were doing went against so many of her motherly instincts (over-protective though they may be) that it was almost a physical pain.

She sighed softly to herself and bent down to pick up the last remaining cub, yet another son, but as her eyes settled on him, she suddenly froze with her maw only a few inches away from the helpless bundle of damp fluff. When he had come into the world covered in the fluids of birth and had been placed with his brothers and sister, Nyunya had not noticed his individual looks, only memorised his scent and absorbed his warmth, sharing her own. She had not noticed that one she naturally and unconditionally loved so much bore such a resemblance to the one she hated with all her heart.

Nyunya quickly pulled back, stepping a few paces backward and away from her son, her eyes never leaving his tiny form as she slowly shook her head. "No... no. Not him. No."
PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:19 pm
Taabu had turned away as his mate finally went to pick up the little boy that was resting there all alone. The girl in his maw seemed quite at peace, even with a male she had barely spent much time with - perhaps she knew on some level that he was indeed her father. Or perhaps she was just asleep, despite the awkward positioning. He was happily about to start on his way towards their den when he realized that Nyunya was hesitating. A slight frown began to form, and just as he began to turn to look at her, he heard her words come across him clear as day. He was baffled, momentarily, staring at her facial expression and trying his damnedest to figure out just what it was that had disturbed her so. Looking down at his son, however, showed him just what it was that had occurred to his mate.

He stalked closer to the suddenly horrified lioness, setting down his daughter slowly and carefully upon the terrain and turning to look at her. "Nyunya," he said softly, watching her intently before his eyes shifted to his son, "I know what you're thinking, love." He knew what her father had looked like, knew very well from a hundred descriptions, although he himself had never really seen him. What Nyunya just didn't seem to understand (at least to him) was that she herself looked strikingly like her father and that their cubs were bound to resemble him. He frowned, shaking his head, but forced himself to say what he was thinking - after all, he couldn't have his mate despising their own son. "Nyunya, he looks like you." That was all he said though, despite the fact that he'd have liked to tell her she was beautiful, that any cubs that looked like her were blessed. He didn't need to fill her head with compliments - he needed her to think clearly.

"But I'll take him, you take her," he said as calmly as possible, in a simple this-needs-to-be-done-with sort of tone. He moved over, leaned down, and scooped up his son in his maw much like he had his daughter only moments before. Unsurprisingly, this cub didn't really protest much either - perhaps he had forgotten how compliant cubs were before they learned to talk and think for themselves.


Eloquent Lunatic


PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:10 am
Taabu's words and movements snapped her out of her trance. What her mate said made sense, of course, as it was bound to, coming from him, but although Taabu correctly guessed what Nyunya's reaction was about, he didn't understand. Of course, with her looking like her father (which she did realise, and hated), some of the cubs would resemble him... but not this. The little cub she saw before her was an exact replica of her father, and though she still loved it with all her being, there was also a separate gut-instinct reaction of fear and loathing, not directed at the little one itself, but at the one he was a reflection of.

"Taabu... he's identical!" she said in a loud whisper, making no move yet to pick up her daughter. "You didn't see Nyekundu, you don't know - you can't know... you can't realise how much... they look the same. There are no differences!" Of course, there were, but Nyunya's continuing trend of irrationality kept her from seeing that. Nyekundu had never borne a red mark around his ankle, and if the cub were to open its eyes, she would see it had its father's red, amd not its grandfather's yellow.

She could only keep staring at the little bundle dangling so helplessly from Taabu's gentle jaws. It was almost an absent, yet completely instinctive move that brought her daughter closer with a careful, protective paw; even at her most distracted and frightened, she was a good mother.
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