Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:46 pm
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECONDARY QUEST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:Edited Unicorn Soquili:.Colorist wanted:Name of horse: Ura Owner: SkyDragono Gender: Male Temper: Solemn Breed: Demon Prince Description: Based off a character from a short Manga called Mugen Spiral Base color: light Golden peach (skin-tone). He has a small scar on his forehead. Eyes: Dark gold Mane style & color: Short bangs (like on the cropped male hairstyle) with a braid down his back that is red-brown. His tail will be red-brown at the tip. Hooves: Brown Horn: Edited, short (maybe hoof-length) spike that's white. Just plain, no spiral. Reference image(s) : All except for the first image, the rest of them are black and white. There are very few pictures out there for Mugen spiral. They're more to help capture the detail. Example 1 (for hair color, skin tone, arm bands,scar marking, and clothing color) Example 2 (earing, necklace, and upper body reference) Example 3 (clothing example, and hair style example) Example 4Example 5Example 6 (can see the repeating symbol on his upper shoulder around his shirt) Example 7 (another hair reference) Example 8Which stage you want them to start as? Adult Default accessory color(s)?: N/a Premade Tag Number: 016 Woodland Path (if I can't get a shrine background, I would like this one please) Tag frame color (for custom tag) : Whichever you think works Tag feather color (for custom tag) : Black feather with Red at the tips for the large one. White with Blue at the tip for the other one. Tag BG (for custom tag) : ShrineHair/clothing edits (if any) : He wears a blue outer coat, the trimming of the coat has some symbols around the edging of his sleeves, and on the bottom of the coat it is trimmed with white decals of plants and butterflies (see reference images). The inside edge of the coat is trimmed with a large band of black, with alternating red triangles that continue down to the bottom edge of the coat. It also has a white short-sleeve shirt under it. Dark leather bracers cover his arms from the elbow down to his wrist. Around his waist is just a white sash. on his ankles are golden cuffs. On his ears are just small a small red blood-red crystal ball hanging from a small golden chain. His 'necklace' is just one red gem blood-red gem surrounded by three smaller white balls on either side, tied on with a light cord. (see reference image). He has a small scar across his foreheard, below his horn. His horn is not the normal length, but a small white horn with no spiral to it. Price :: 2 mil  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECONDARY QUEST--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:14 pm
*DONATIONS* Sun Staff - Can't remember who gave this to me, but I'm still holding it and hoping it goes up in price to help with the quest. So, whoever gave this to me, thank you!! Albert Donations5k- Cyhorse random donation. Thank you!!!! 40k-Ivory_Field O.o Thank you so much! 5k- dolphingurl for my birthday! Thank you! 389k- Ivory-Feld O_o *owns her soul now* 100k- 'Raze Thank you! Ura-Chan Donations50,000 Roman Foi - Thank you so much for helping out! Skyfire Dragono500,000 - techabyte Thank you! 10,000,000 - ~Kiana_Nala (HOLY COW) O_o
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:51 pm
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:52 pm
SUPER RARE. Edit Category: Heavy Soquili Species: Edited Crossbreed Ulun'suti/Hippogriff Soquili (Original Character Cosplay) Body Build: Normal Gender: Female Staring Stage: Basket Concept Origin: Me WIP needed: Yes please ~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~Body: A very pale blue-white coat with a light blue towards the skin (undertone), with a tattoo over the eye in a light shade of blue (pattern seen in reference) with the center being over the eye, and each 'arm' of the tattoo having one over the eye, and one under the eye. Claws on the front feet are a silver with a light blue base to them. The back cloven hooves are the same color pattern. Face: She has bright crystalline eyes the same color as the gem on her neck. Though the eye with the tattoo over it has a 'star' shape from the center of the tattoo in the Iris. Her muzzle is that that of a 'Suti as she has teeth, but not the long extended mouth (normal sized) Mane: White-blue like the body and medium length (to her knees at least), flowing eloquently to the side in a breeze, though with a little more blue undertone, with darker shading grey-blue near the neck, shading to white from mid-range to tips. Tail: Scaleless Ulun'suti tail. Also white like the body, with the a feathered fan near the tip of the tail, with the feathers the same color, shading a little near the base to the same color as the wings. Hooves/Fetlocks: the feathers are a bit longer on the back feet around the hooves, shading towards a silver-blue at the tips. Reference Image(s): Pet conversion / Tail tip / OC artwork / Tattoo~*~ Physical Traits ~*~Horn(s): None Wings: Like the male hippogriff wings/more full then the female hypogriff wings They are white along the arm, and shade to a darker silver-blue at the tips. Scales: She will have the Uluns'utite leg and body scales, though not the belly scales. For the Hippogriff, they will always have the scales on the feet. Other Notes: She does have a 'horn-like' attachment. It is basically like the first feather of the cockatoo hippogryph headpiece, and the feather has a fuzzy thick back side, much like ostrich feathers; they flow a bit. This starts out as blue silver at the base, and is white-blue at the tip like the rest of her body. (like in the reference) She also does have the sharp teeth of the Ulun'suti, but does not have the extended long mouth. it can be just a few fangs sticking out of the normal-styled mouth. ~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~Trading Post Items: none Custom Items: A blue jewel resides on her chest; swirling and shifting like the ocean, with a silver edging that reaches out in flowing tendrils of water, to lay on her skin. An older style silver skeleton key around her neck on a chain, below the gem attached to her chest. It is on a simple yet elegant silver chain. She also wears a pair of wing cuffs near where the the thumb of her wing would be, with a blue gem the color of the one around her neck. Around her ankles she has some simple silver cuffs that twine like curls of water, and in the center there is a blue jewel that is surrounded like the cuffs like a stone surrounded by the river flowing around it. On her back leg thy are above the elbow. Reference Image(s) for Items: Key / Bluestone for gem color ref/ Gem Reference / Full ref~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~Name of horse: Skyfire Ormr Owner: SkyDragono Breed: Cloud Dragon Temper: Peacemaker Mate: n/a Tag Background: XTag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): White and white with light-blue tips ~*~ Existing Pets ~*~If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: n/a ~*~ Ulun'Suti ~*~Do you want them to have an Element?: Yes (If so) Element: Water
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:36 pm
*-*Normal Soquili*-*Colorist wanted :: Agneza, Rapidashtrainer, or Sirenz Name of horse :: Lunar Eclipse Gender :: Female Temper :: Adventurous Description ::She is a smoke silver bengal, her coat being white with the gray pattern over it. Gold eyes, and a spotten mane and striped tail (like a tiger) [Reference Photo1][Reference Photo2] [Reference Photo3] [Reference Photo4]Starting Stage: Adult Tag Feather color :: Silver and Dark gray Price ::800k Username: SkyDragonoCustom1 Entry Tag: (Purewalker Charmed | Solo Custom) Edit Category: Minor Edits Soquili Species: Purewalker Cat Body Build: Regular front leg bent Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original design WIP Needed? Yes please -- Colors & Markings -- Body: She is a smoke silver Bengal, her coat being white with the gray pattern over it. See Reference images Face: Gold eyes See reference images. Eyebrows: Miffed Eyes: Unhinged (Cat eye slits?) Mouth: Snarl with fang 2 Mane: Cropped back of mane, with windblow bangs Spotted similiar to her coat See references for colors/pattern. (This is for her Peltless form.) Tail: Warrior's braid striped like a tiger in the same color as in references. (This is for her Peltless form.) Hooves/Fetlocks: Paws. Claws out. Reference Image(s): xxxx-- Physical Breed Traits -- Pelt: Cat Walker Raised ears with curled tail with detailed shading, detailed shading for the pelt. and bat walker wings raised upwards if possible, colors in the same shading/patterning as her coat, membranes for the wings translucent please. Other Notes: Would like to have her with an unpelted version (mane and tail type listed above) -- Accessories & Edits --Trading Post Items: Triple ball piercing silver, a collar with a silver bell(reference for collar style/colors below). Double bands for legs also in silver. Charm Middle of chest and same color of gold as her eyes. Reference Image(s) for Items: Collar (Feel free to change the closure part) Obtained!!!
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:45 pm
Helpful Hint(s): Don't direct-link your images to the ones on the sites, as you'll often end up with 404 or some other such errors as you do now (your cloud dragon Soq being one).
Instead, save the pictures and host them on an image-hosting site (imageshack.us; photobucket.com; tinypic.com) so that you won't lose them.
And I do believe I was told that the Taiki cosplay couldn't be gotten anymore, as the person that already had him commissioned said "NO!" to any other versions of him being made (I was soooo freakin' disappointed about that as well, as I desperately love Juuni Kokki).
Otherwise, good luck.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 8:22 am
REALLY WANT Taiki from Twelve Kingdoms Edit Category: Moderate Edit Soquili Species: - Half Kirin Body Build: Regular Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Twelve Kingdoms Cosplay WIP Needed? Yes please! -- Colors & Markings -- Body: Black/dark grey with several grey-blue spots on the black, no scales. Surrounded by some light-blue sparkles, same color as the back spots. Body Color: #4F585D / Spots: #91B7C4 / Mane/Feltlocks/Eyes: #B2AFB2 Face: Eye Color: Light Grey/silver. Inner ear: dark grey Tip of nose: Light grey located just between the nostrils, and down to the upper lip, and just across the top of the muzzle (almost like a cat nose) Mane:Light grey/silver medium/long (no farther down then the chest), kinda fluffy and flowing. Tail: Long tail with some body, flows around by the back hocks (ref 4) Hooves/Fetlocks: Long feltlocks the same color as the mane and tail. Hooves, cloven. Reference Image(s): 1, 2, 3, 4 These are also Soquili customs from the same series, and generally the look I'm going for him: 5, 6, 7-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Kirin horn custom, made like image 4, pale grey/silver like the mane/tail with the outer edge of horn dark grey, inner horn lighter grey. (like reference image 3) Scales: No scales Other Notes: Just a few light glowing spots around his body, in the same blue color as his spots. -- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: None ~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Taiki Owner: SkyDragono Breed: Kirin Temper: Shy Tag Background: CC (but maybe moonlight?) Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): Sparkly feathers, one body color, one spot color. Familiar: Gouran x Attempts: 1
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 8:47 am
Edit Category: Very Minor Soquili Species: Normal Body Build: Normal Gender: Stallion Starting Stage: Basket Concept Origin: First Breedables Pet WIP Needed? Yes please (just for his back marking) ~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~Body: His body is a charcoal gray, nearly black in color. On his back is a great flaring like a sun or a star, blazing hot yellow at its core and cooling to green, and then blue as it reaches the tips, then fades further into his coat. His legs a little above the knee, fade into a lighter gray, then for his back legs, fade to a lighter red, then into darker as it reaches his hooves. For the front legs, they also fade to grey, but a little below the knees he has bands of red, almost like cuffs, and below that is a pair of white socks, streaked with red as if his legs are licks with flames as he's running, or dripping with blood from a fight. Face: His eyes are a brilliant bright sky blue. His nose has a spot of purple on the tip, surrounded by white, and rises into a blaze that comes before his ears much like a circlet, or a small crown. Mane: Wild style, with red near the base until halfway down the neck, with his bangs to his ears red, and then shading down to gray half-way down his back. Tail: Long style 2, with red near the base shading to dark gray tips Hooves/Fetlocks: The hooves are red for both sets, with the back hooves streaked with charcoal. Reference image(s): Original, Another shop In the first picture it shows pink, and I would like the pink to be removed please, faded more like the second reference image~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~Trading Post Items: Arrowhead Custom Items: None Reference Image(s) for Items: N/a ~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~Name of horse: Mirage Owner: SkyDragono Breed: Cosplay or Spirited Temper: Playful Mate: None Tag Background: 008 A New Day by Ameh Tag frame color: Blue (CC for which shade(s). ^_^ ) Tag feather color(s): The large feather will be dark in color like his body. The smaller feather will be colored liks his back marking, with red at the tip of the feather, and blue towards the end. ~*~ Existing Pets ~*~If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Yes I did, a very long time ago. Price: 552K
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 7:52 pm
*-*Edited Normal Soquili-Cosplay from The Black Arrow*-*Colorist wanted :: Agneza, Rapidashtrainer, or Sirenz Name of horse :: Black Arrow Gender :: Male Temper :: Gentle Breed::Outlaw Tag Background:: A forest Description :: I would like to get his black cloak with the white cross on the shoulder, and his bow to his side. His mane and tail will be platinum blonde. Reference Photo(s):: (still trying to find this as the movie is hard to find images from. It's from 1985) Starting Stage: Adult Tag Feather color :: Black Price ::800k
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:25 am
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:Normal Soquili:. Colorist wanted: Name of horse: Jaxom Owner: SkyDragono Gender: Male Temper: Mischevious Breed: Spirited Description:Eyes: emerald green Mane: Light blue shading to dark blue Tail: Reference image(s): JaxomWhich stage you want them to start as?Adult Default accessory color(s)?: colored like his back marking Premade Tag Number: Tag frame color (for custom tag): Green or blue Tag feather color (for custom tag): Tag BG (for custom tag): Price: 550K  Changing to a half kholana
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:42 am
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:52 pm
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:31 am
Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:06 pm