((*prays she got it in on time* o-o; ))

The young princesses were getting steadily bigger, and soon would be more active. Their eyes had only just opened and they still spent much of the day laying around their parents. Tesni’ world was very small for now and most of the time she was busy with her sisters, the other three little bundles of fur, and getting food from her huge lovely mother, and getting washed and sleeping. She had no idea she and the others were under such scrutiny yet.

Macheo, however, was older and much more aware. The juvenile maned wolf and her sister weren’t allowed to play with the young cubs yet, because they were ‘too small’, though Macheo looked forward to having new playmates. Still, she came to have a nose, peeking into the royal den-room around the corner of the door frame while her tail wagged out in the corridor. They needed to hurry up and grow bigger! Macheo was waiting~


“Well, we’re no longer the last of our lines.” Kainda observed, as she sat next to Muroki as they watched the kitten-cubs grow used to their paws, two puppies running rings round them, the princesses’ first games upright taking place out in the courtyard. Where it was sunny and they could easily be watched over by the three proud parents and the rest of the clan. Life in the Temple, under the sun, as it should be

“What was it your mother said, dear one?” The golden lion asked, even as he moved his head so his gaze could see his two brown daughters tug at each others ears and see little Tesni take another tumble. It made him smile to see how fast the lighter of Kainda’s own daughters moved to nuzzle his palest to her feet again. The growing bond there was so obvious already but also so tender and new. A natural one -

“It was - Akinyi sends the last pup of her line for the last son of your house.”

“Then dear one, I say this in return. I, Muroki pledge two of my daughters to your two, Kainda-wolf, in the hopes that bonds shall blossom there like flowers blooming in the desert oasis.” – and now too, a negotiated one.

“…poncy court language was never your strong point.” Both laughed as the cubs, the lion gently cuffing the wolf affectionately with one huge paw for her cheek. She was the sassy little sister he’d only found half way through his life. Luckily for their children they’d grow up together.

Again, Tesni wobbled, and before she fell Macheo was there alongside her.


“I wonder what it’d be like not to be a princess.”

“ Probably just the same, little sister” The young wolf drawled in reply, taking a minute to stretch before settling down at the cub’s side.

A raised eyebrow.

“Okay, so maybe not exactly the same. I’d be able to drag you off for adventures more often and we’d get dustier and there’d be less lessons for us both.”

“True. It’d be nice to try. Just being normal.”

“You already insist on going along with Tifua for her lessons too!”

“Oh you love it!” The cub nudged her, laughed, showing a cheeky side she kept only for her bonded.

“Mm….one day, I’ll give you that.”


“Yeah. Trust your Macheo, I’ll sort something out.”


Fedha was a wonderful healer, but sometimes all you can do is wait.

Kainda lay curled in her den, Akinyi resting on one side will Macheo was flopped between her paws. She turned to lick her healthy youngster, the dear girl who looked so like her. But she turned her attention back to her paler daughter when she whimpered softly.

The night was hot and Kainda's fevered daughter barely slept at all, was more unconscious than anything, as her body combated the snake venom. Fedha had dosed her with her herbs and her swollen ankle was bound up. But all they could do was wait.

A sob at the door made the mother look up sharply. It was dark of course but she could see the princess Tesni there, her eyes on her dearest friend. The small cub looked so calm and serene as always…save for her wide eyes and the unhappy set of her mouth.

Tesni! You shouldn’t be here. Go back to your mother, Queen Johari’ll be missing you.

Kainda could have berated her. But she knew as well as Johari would, and all the others, that a whole nest of snakes couldn’t have kept Tesni away from Macheo tonight.

So she just nodded and the girl padded over to her bonded. Laying down, the lion licked the pups fur soothingly, hoping to cool her, murmering comforts. Macheo still shivered but settled down some, so Kainda could rest. Trusting Tesni to look over Macheo and aake her if thepup's condition took a turn for the worst.

Kainda often said her Macheo kept the young princess going, supported her, but less often evident was how Tesni’ calm confidence supported the usually energetic pup.


“Tesni! Look at these.” The pup dropped a pile of reeds at her bondeds paws, interrupting the princess in reading a story off one of the picture-walls. The golden cub looked down at the wet tangled plants with quiet annoyence. Looked like rubbish to her at first sight and it was such a good story.

But, seeing how happy Macheo was, clearly seeking her approval, what could she do but smile?

“Oh those are nice!” Erm… “What are they dearest?”

“…friendship bracelets.” The pups face had fallen. Wasn’t it obvious?

“I wasn’t sure if they might be tail rings, that’s all! They’re beautiful.” She reassured her, amused to see how quickly Macheo perked up. She was so lively and happy, yet also so spoiling and protective. It was endearing, really~!

And so Tesni let her friend slip on damp bracelets and as she was dragged away out to play in the sun they dried. The small flowers on the reeds wee lovely and while crude, they were kind of pretty after all. So it was alright in the end and Macheo was pleased.

Besides, the wall-story was old as the Temple itself, it’d be there later. But today only lasted today. Better to go play while she could.


Sometimes, they sat or lay next to each other during their lessons, listening to their various teachers….and though they were either interested in the lesson or bored and yawning, annoyed at spending time like that or enjoying it, it didn’t matter. Because every now and the Macheo or Tesni would rest their weight against the other or make the other girl laugh or flop their tail over the others and share a grin – their secret sign of love – and that made everything alright.

Seasons later when they were older, and roving, or later still when they were teachers themselves and had their own children, and later yet still, when their muzzles greyed and they were elders, when times were good, or average or hard…no matter hat it’d be okay.

Because a bond between Macheo and Tesni was made and it could never be broken.