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Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:47 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:48 pm
Kweupe x Mafunde

As the sun set on the savannah, Kweupe stared off into the distance, the sunset reflecting in her sky-kissed eyes. She had come to a conclusion that would change not only hers, but her brother's life as well. She'd always dreamed of having a big family, with lots of children, but she couldn't imagine being shackled to one male for the rest of her life. For crying out loud, she was pretty much shackled to Mafunde, she didn't need more lasting attatchments. Except, maybe, to children. Children, of course, could always go out on their own.

Mafunde ran up to his sister with a smile on his face. He hadn't seen his sister in a few nights and was starting to worry if he would ever see each other again. They hadn't been separated for such a long time. At least it felt that way to him. "Kweu!" He called out as he sat next to her and followed her gaze, "What are you looking at?" He asked with a smile.

Kweupe turned and watched him run up, almost planting her face straight into the ground at his comment.
"The sun, silly. Geez, sometimes I think zebras are smarter than you," she replied and stuck her tongue out at him comically.

He nudged her with his shoulder, "Aw Kweu, you know I get my brains from you." He teased back, his tail swaying from side to side.
"Though, your not much smarter than me if your staring at the sun. You wanna go blind?" He asked and covered her eyes with his tail.

Kweupe snickered and pushed his tail down with her paw.
"It's a SUNSET. It's not that bright," she replied and turned back to the natural beauty.
"I've been thinking up an idea lately," she added a little offhandedly, though her tone was a little less playful. And that was pretty much as serious as she got.

"Sure you should be doing that?" He asked as he swooped his head in front of her, "You know what happens when you start to think." He gave her a goofy smile.

Kweupe stuck her tongue out at him again and swatted at him with her paw.
"I'm serious! I really have something here with this idea," she retorted, paused, and looked off thoughtfully for a moment. "I think..."

He took the swat in the shoulder, and laughed in return, but winced lightly when she noited that she was serious. This was going to be good. Mafunde waited for her to continue.

Kweupe made a face at him and scrunched up her nose a bit.
"I'm thinking we need kids in the family."
Never one to beat around the bush, she came right out with her idea, though it was a little vague.

Mafunde stared at her for a moment before looking away, a confused look on his face. He then let out a laugh, "Come again?" He asked, hoping she was joking.

"You heard me right. I said we need cubs in the family. I think it'd be great fun!" Kweupe replied with a smile and that cute little tilt of her head she had gotten from mama-Tumbui.

He sighed, "Kweupe, how are we supposed to take care of cubs? We don't know anything about raising cubs." He couldn't believe what his sister just said. Sure she was unpredictable, but he never thought she'd go this far.

Kweupe frowned and blinked at him.
"What do you mean, 'we don't know anything about raising cubs'? I know plenty about raising cubs!" she replied, the tone a little confused. Sure, she fully thought that her brother would reject the idea, but doubting her abilities? That was going a bit too far.

"Have you ever had cubs?" He asked with a matter of fact tone of voice. He couldn't believe what she was thinking. Not having cubs gave them the freedom to do whatever they wanted. After they came along, they would have to kill larger prey and more often to feed even more hungry mouthes. Not to mention they could get lost.

"No, which I think you would know already. But I DO remember how mama-Tumbui and abu-Moto raised you and Zi-zi and me and I've seen other beasts with their cubs," Kweupe argued, her ears flicking back ever so slightly. She knew very well that they would have to change the way they did things and a part of her knew that just as Mafu needed to lighten up, she had to learn to be mature, at least sometimes. And this seemed the best way to do it.

He sighed and hung his head, knowing that he wouldn't be able to win. After a moment of silence, he shook his head lightly "How do you plan on doing this." He sad as he lifted his head to look at her.

Kweupe looked off for moment, considering this question.
"Well, I thought maybe we could take in cubs like we were, you know? Maybe have cubs of our own someday, but I really want to be like mama-Tumbui and abu-Moto," she explained, looking off a bit, remembering mama-Tumbui and abu-Moto as well as a faint image of their real parents, Kiuaji'hanzua and Hewa'ngoma. She always thought they were watching down on her and Mafu, which was why nothing really bad had ever happened to them.

Mafunde heard her out without interrupting her until she was finished. A sigh escaped his lips, glad that she was more focused on taking in cubs than having any at the moment. He didn't think he could handle a serious relationship at the moment.

"And besides," Kweupe continued, since he didn't feel inclined to say anything in rebuttal, "I don't think I would mind having cubs, myself. I mean, Mama and Papa would have wanted us to have cubs of our own someday, right?"

That was it, the tipping point. He hated it when she brought Mama and Papa into things. She knew that was his weak spot and she loved to use it against him. He finally let out a sigh and nodded, "Yeah, they would..." He said in a low mumble. "Just....don't do anything drastic." he said.

Inwardly, Kweupe congratulated herself for accomplishing her goal. Of course she had little idea of how much of an effect Mama and Papa had on Mafu, she was really just speaking her mind.
"Drastic? What do you mean by that?"

"You know, go out and find the cutest guy in the area and get yourself kids..." He said, hoping she would take his advice at least once.

"Of course I won't go out and find the cutest guy and have kids," Kweupe replied, rolling her eyes and standing. She turned and faced in the direction of where she had left Chui.
"I have to find out if the male's intelligent. I won't have any of MY kids being stupid. Now, I have a friend who's going back to the jungle this evening and we were invited along. We haven't been to the jungle in soooooo long! Let's go!"

Mafu rolled his eyes when she brought up the comment about him being smart. "You better, that way it'll balance out. Gotta have one smart person in the family." He chuckled and walked up to her. "Alright." He agreed to the journey. "I'm getting tired of this boring scenery anyways."

"You know you just called yourself stupid, right?" Kweupe asked over her shoulder, giving him a "You just said..." face as she tried not to laugh.

He looked at his sister with a glare and hung his head low. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that..." he said as he walked up to her. "Are we going to go or what?"

Kweupe chuckled a bit under her breath and took off at a slow run towards where she had left Chui. It wouldn't take long to get there, especially if they kept this mild pace.

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:35 am
Shaha x Mafunde

Shaha chased a small gray shape across the plains. "Safimoto, you get back here, child!" he called and his daughter. They were near the jungle, of course he worried that Matawi would be upset being this close to the jungle, but they were just passing by. Safi giggled as she ran, amused at this new game.

Mafunde sighed as he remembered what had just happened. He had become an uncle. Not only that but they were b*****d children. He was filled with so many mixed emotions he was a nervous wreck! He was so proud that he had become an uncle, but the fact that his sister had them illegitimately made him sick to his stomach. He walked to the edge of the jungle. He needed to see the vast planes that were his home. All these trees surrounding him made him feel claustrophobic, and now than ever he needed to get out.

Safi looked back at her father and her tiny paws tripped up, sending her into roll, smack dab into the paws of a cheetah standing at the edge of the trees. "Safi!" Shaha cried, not immediately recognizing the cheetah she had run into. He was very protective of his family and he immediately got scared when his daughter looked up at the cheetah with her big blue eyes, smiling.

Mafunde snapped out of his thinking as he felt a little bump at his paws. He looked down to see what looked like a gray colored cheetah, only she had a tuffed tail. He couldn't help but smile at the young one's expression as he leaned down and gently grabbed her around her neck and straightened her up. "Are you alright? That looked like quite a fall." He lied. He hadn't seen the fall, but she looked like she was in a strange position to have just run into him.

"Get away from he- Mafu??!" Shaha started off yelling at the cheetah, then nearly tripping, himself as he froze in place. His blue eyes grew really wide and the pink scars, new around his left eye, whitened a little bit in shock. Safi smiled up at the cheetah, cooing before bounding back to her papa, giggling as she bounced around him.

Mafu tenced as he heard the yell, but after hearing his name, his ears perked as he heard his name. He looked up to see Shaha frozen in place. "Shaha?" A wide smile appeared on his face as he bounded over to the gray and orange lion, leaping over the cub and tackling the lion to the ground. "What are you doing out here?"

Shaha laughed and Safi giggled as his older brother exclaimed. "I'm passing by, with my family," Shaha replied and tilted his head, shoving the cheetah playfully off. "What are you doing here? Where's Kweupe?" While Shaha asked his questions, Safi hopped over to Mafunde and tried pouncing his tail-tip.

He continued to smile as he was pushed off. "You have a family now? Man do I feel old." He said as he looked down to the gray cub. "This one of your children?" He asked as he flicked his tail tip to the side to entice her even more. When Kweu came up, his face sunk. "She... she's in the jungle taking care of five kits by herself so to speak." He sighed, thinking that he was a double uncle. This was too much to handle.

Shaha smiled and nodded. "Safimoto, this is your uncle, Mafunde. She's the eldest of five," Shaha replied as he carefully watched his daughter chase the tail. The large lion frowned when Mafu explained about Kweupe. "That's a lot of responsibility for just herself... But is she happy?"

Five, again five. He was the uncle of ten. He almost lost his balance when he heard. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Aye she is happy, but I'm worried that she's gotten into something she may not be able to handle. She also had five." He sighed and let Safi catch his tail. "I know she's going to round me into helping out, but we've never dealt with something like this before. I mean sure there were young ones when we were with everyone, but these are new born cubs, and this time, were playing the part of the parent."

"But that's how parenting works, Mafu. Unless you work a lot as a nanny, when you have children the first time, it's completely new. I mean, I'm in a completely new territory here. Well, I helped raised my friend Matawi's daughter, but she was by herself and there was the three of us adults, so this is completely new," Shaha replied, smiling fondly at his daughter. Meanwhile, upon catching the tail, Safi immediately stuffed as much of it as she could into her mouth.

Mafu thought about what he said and continued to wriggle this tail back and forth, not realizing that it was eaten. "I guess your right." He said as he flicked an ear back. "I just don't like the fact that she doesn't even have a mate."

Shaha frowned as well and sighed. That was a different story, but... "Mafu, have you talked to her about it? She may want children, but doesn't want to have a mate, at least not yet. We can just hope that she finds someone she loves," he replied as Safi began to chew a bit, her baby teeth small, but still there.

He winced a little as he felt the sharp teeth dig into his fur and bite at his skin. "But don't you think this is a little drastic? I mean she could have taken in some cubs like we were. She didn't have to use this as her first resort."

Shaha sighed and shook his head. " I really don't know, Brother. I wish I could tell you, but I don't. You really should talk to her about this..." he replied and frowned at his daughter. "Safi, get your uncle's tail out of your mouth," he told her and she reluctantly did so, pouting and swatting at the tail with one paw. Shaha looked back up with a smile. "Why don't you bring her and the cubs? We can celebrate our families growing a bit bigger."

"I've tried talking to her about it, but every time I do, she gets all huffy and leaves." He said sighing again, "I don't know if it's the hormones or what." He flicked his tail to get the cubs spit off of his fur. "Maybe you could talk some sense into her. After all, both of you are in the same boat now.

"I'll see what I can do. Why don't you bring her and the cubs to that rise over there tonight?" Shaha asked, nodding to a large hill a ways away. "I can talk to her and we can celebrate the cubs' births."

He nodded. "Sure, if I can find her." He said as he stood, "Might take a while to get all the cubs though." He said as he started back twords the jungle. "I'll make sure we make it." A smile came across his maw. "It was great seeing you again Shaha."

Shaha smiled back. "Until then, Brother!" he called back and looked down at his daughter. Safi looked up at her papa and grinned innocently. He shook his head and picked her up, carrying her back to where the troupe was "camped" to tell them the news.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:36 am

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:38 am
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:52 am

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:54 am
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:55 am

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:56 am
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:57 am

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:58 am
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:59 am

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:02 pm
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:03 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:04 pm
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