((Hey. Skittles invited me and filled me in on most of the story.))

Gaian name: Dire Kojack
Character name: Kojack Redfur
Race: Werewolf
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Wepons: A Desert Eagle and a long mace. On one end of the mace is a spike, the other end has a flail and chan, which can be retracted with a button press. The mace can also be split into two pieces with a different button.
Powers: Werewolf agility, both in full form and without it. If he had a 'job' it would be Barbarian, so he has a list of 'Power' moves that are powerfull versions of regular attacks.

Power Strike- A rushing technique that stuns the enemy.
Power Smash- A crushing blow with the mace.
Power Kick- A crushing kick.
Power Throw- Tosses an object or enemy.
Power Stab- Uses the spiked end of the mace to blind an opponent.
Power Kill- Impales the enemy on a clawed fist. Finishing move.
Bio: Not much is known about Kojack's past, other than that he grew up in Kine, hating the humans that disliked him. He has now applied to join the Dark Hand.
Personality: Kojack is like most barbarians, large and in charge. When he's not in combat he loves drink and women. When he is fighting, however, beware his bloodlust.

His hair is RED and BLACK like my avatar, and he's larger. Not as thin. He also doesn't use a sword.

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