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My Twilight Fan-Fiction ** UPDATED 08/15/08

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If You Could Have A Special Vampire Power It Would Be The Ability To:
  Read Minds
  See The Future
  Feel And Mess With People's Emotions
  Cause Hallucinatory Pain
  See Relationships
  Find People
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:27 pm
Okay, so I've never written a fan-fiction before. This is a brand new thing to me.
Anyways, I think I'm pretty good writer, but my English teachers usually beg to differ (English has never been my subject). I tend to write in a more factual way, position papers and essays are easier for me.

Now, on to the point!
So I was looking through other peoples and I was like "you know what? I think I'm going to take a stab at writing one." So I started one currently untitled. It takes place Six Years after Bella becomes a vampire, and is set in Blackwater, Britsh Columbia (Which is fictional. I made up my own town, yay! I was having a too difficult time trying to find cloudy locations.. and I moved the Cullens to Canada! Yay, again!)
And they're going to school again. Now, I based the school system off of what happens here in Alberta (I don't know the system in BC) Jr High is grade 7-9 and High School is 10-12.
OH and each chapter will be in the point of veiw of smeone different. Ch. 1 is Bella and Ch.2 (currently in progress) is in Edward's.
ENJOY! (and feel free to leave me comments on how I can improve)

One last thing, am I doing a good job of staying in character?


Chapter One
Bella’s Point Of View

It’s been six years. Six years that I’ve been one of the Cullens, six years since I made my way through the painful three day conversion, six years since I started battling with my instincts for self control. Six years that I’ve been Edward’s equal.

The conversion was the most painful experience of my life, both mentally and physically, but did I ever expect anything else? From the moment Edward’s razor sharp teeth sank into my throat to the very end of the three days he never left my side. He held my hand through the pain, rubbing soothing circles. Each time I looked up at him I saw the sheer pain in his eyes, knowing that he had caused this, that it was his fault that I felt as though someone had injected acid into my veins. It caused me pain to look at him, knowing how he was feeling. I’m not sure if I objected to him staying or not. Of course, the mental aspect of my pain came from knowing how unhappy he was watching me, but I don’t know if I would have survived if he had left me when I needed him most. Edward had talked to Carlisle about morphine, and he proceeded to inject as much as he could without causing an overdose. The only relief the morphine gave me was when it would cause me to slip out consciousness, but that only happened for limited amounts of time, not enough to feel complete relief. But as the pain started to die, I started to feel changes. I could hear movements, sounds that had previously escaped my ears as a human, I could smell, there were so many distinct differences of scents I had never noticed before. And when I could concentrate on something other than the fading pain, I noticed the burning in my throat. The thirst.

After the change, Carlisle (and the rest of the Cullens) began searching for my ability. We had been doing trial-and-error tests for about a week, and we were about to give up and go with the assumption I had no ability, when I discovered I could cast thoughts and illusions. The thought casting works like an opposite to Edward’s ability, he can read thoughts and I can project mine. And, when I do project thoughts, the person’s mind is opened for me to hear. Illusion casting works exactly like it sounds; I can make illusions appear upon my command.

Throughout these six years, we were living in Southern Alaska. Carlisle worked in a hospital in Anchorage, we were settled about 50 miles outside the city. Edward eased me into a vegetarian lifestyle; he took me hunting often when I was new and then slowly less and less until I could handle about a week between trips. After about three years, he started taking me near people. At the three year mark I’d like to think I was doing very well, I learned to cope with the constant burning in my throat, and now it even seems oddly comforting. When Edward first took me into town it was unbelievably difficult to restrain (it was a good thing that Edward was stronger than me again), it felt as though someone had poured gasoline on the fire that was already burning in my throat. The next time I knew what to expect and it slowly got better from there. I noticed the differences in each person’s scent and became fairly sensitive to them.

Early this year, Carlisle decided I was ready for school, I wasn’t particularly enjoying the idea of going back to school again, I was actually dreading it, and we needed to move on. We’re now living in Blackwater, British Columbia. It was an excellent choice of location. It has an average of 357 overcasts per year, fairly long winters, zero familiar faces, puts a border between us and the wolves and is home to an abundance of wildlife including three types of bears and Mountain Lions.

It was now that I was packing my school bag, preparing myself for four years of repetition. Edward, Alice and I were entering grade nine and Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper were entering grade ten. And because this town is so small, the junior and senior high schools are mixed into one, Blackwater Jr/Sr High School, so even though technically Edward, Alice and I are in junior high, all six of us will still be in the same school.

I did one last look over at myself in the mirror, grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I, of course, was beautiful now. I was still getting used to my reflection every time I looked in the mirror. I rarely looked at my reflection in the last six years in the fear that I would see the bright, almost neon red irises staring back at me. The red had always given me an unsettled feeling, I had spent too much time seeing them in the faces of my enemies and I did not want to see them on mine.

I stood at the bottom of the stairs with all my newly adopted siblings except Rosalie. She was still getting ready.

“Rose!? Are you done yet!?” Emmett called impatiently at the foot of the stairs.

You would think that once granted unlimited time, one would gain a little patience, as time no longer holds value, but not Emmett. I mean, he had only been waiting a minute or two, and we had plenty of time, but Emmett was impatiently tapping his foot waiting for Rosalie.

“Don’t rush me, Emmett!” Rosalie hissed down the stairs, “It takes effort to look this fabulous!"

Emmett rolled his eyes and continued with the tapping. About five minutes later Rosalie appeared at the top of the stairs, looking as breathtaking as usual.

Sadly, we all had to walk to school; no one was pretending to be old enough to drive. We would have to wait a month or two until Emmett’s “birthday” when he would get his licence, and even then all six of us couldn’t fit in one car, some would have to walk until either Rosalie or Jasper became old enough. Lucky for us this town was so small the school was only a short walk, ten minutes max.

“Ready for school round two?” Edward asked me.

“Not really,” I answered, “it was boring the first time around, I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like the second.”

He smiled and took my hand as we started the walk. I had very slyly switched my wedding ring to my right hand. I planned on telling anyone who asked that I had inherited it, which technically was the truth. As soon we started seeing people (we live on the outside of town, in a pretty secluded area, much like the Cullen’s house in Forks) he let my hand go. I was not totally sure how this whole adopted-siblings-as-coupes thing was going to work out in the end, but the Cullens had done it before, and I knew it would somehow.

We arrived at the school about, like I predicted, ten minutes later. It was now that Alice, Edward and I had to split off from the others to go to the junior high part of the school. As we walked we met many awed and curious stares. It reminded me of my first day at Forks High, seeing the five beautiful people in the cafeteria.

All three of us approached the woman sitting behind a folding table handing out schedules. I saw her eyes widen in admiration. Edward was the one who spoke.

“Edward, Alice, Isabella Cullen.”

The woman seemed momentarily dazed. I could sympathize with her, I knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of those eyes. She assembled her scrambled thoughts and began flipping through a stack of papers.

“Okay, Alice, Edward and Isabella, here you go. Have a nice day,” she smiled and handed the sheets to Edward.

He thanked her and moved off into a less crowded location.

Edward and I were in class 9-1 and Alice was in 9-2. In this school you travelled around with one class and one class only. There wasn’t a different class per subject. However this does not apply to options. Alice and I were in art together and our classes were mixed for gym.

The warning bell rang and we parted to go to our first class, Social Studies for Edward and I and Science for Alice.

We took our seats in the back of the class, but as soon as the bell signalling the start of class sounded the teacher produced a seating plan. This plan placed Edward and I on opposite sides and put me in the middle of three boys. I could tell this class was not going to be enjoyable.

The teacher began talking about what we will be studying for the next nine months and I stopped listening. It wasn’t going to be anything new, and even if it was I could learn it in a matter of minutes with my fabulous new vampire mind.

So I just tuned it all out and waited for the bell, that would free me from this boredom to, ring.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:20 pm

“Don’t rush me, Emmett!” Rosalie hissed down the stairs, “I don’t wake up looking fabulous!”

Correction, she cannot sleep so therefore she cannot wake up.

Truthfully and honestly that was the only noticeable error I found! Yay you! Now, since it would be fair and all, would you mind reading over my story, Eleven? It'd be fair since I read yours, you know?  


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:45 pm
That was a great chapter for your first one! It's easy to read and I couldn't find anything wrong with that other than what Oatmeal already pointed out (:
Hope to see more of your work soon~
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:04 pm
I Am SO Oatmeal

“Don’t rush me, Emmett!” Rosalie hissed down the stairs, “I don’t wake up looking fabulous!”

Correction, she cannot sleep so therefore she cannot wake up.

Truthfully and honestly that was the only noticeable error I found! Yay you! Now, since it would be fair and all, would you mind reading over my story, Eleven? It'd be fair since I read yours, you know?

Oh haha. I never noticed that technicality.. I guess I should go edit that..
Thanks for pointing it out.

And I've read yours. It was good. You're a great writer. I'm waiting for an update.



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PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:32 am
Oh you've read it? Yay. Lol, I just thought that no one had because no one commented... silly me. xD Well, I plan on getting a few chapters up today. Can't wait for an update on yours, too!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:43 pm
I Am SO Oatmeal
Oh you've read it? Yay. Lol, I just thought that no one had because no one commented... silly me. xD Well, I plan on getting a few chapters up today. Can't wait for an update on yours, too!

uhh I have major writers block writing chapter 2. It's about half done and I can't figure out where to lead it... I'm hoping to find some inspiration pretty soon and the words will just flow out of me!



PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:40 pm
I was not sure if I was ever going to finish this lovely chapter! I was suffering from extreme writers block!
I wasn't sure where I was going to lead it, and no inspiration was coming to me. So I ploughed on and found that this chapter was for me to feel out Edward's emotions. I needed to figure him out.
So, I don't really know how you'll react to this one.
I find I have a lot of loose strands in my mind and I need to find a way to tie them all together. But anyways, I have an idea for the next chapter (but I don't know where or how my conflict is going to appear...) so I think that one will be easier.

Okay, so I hope you enjoy this chapter because it was really difficult for me to write.



Chapter Two
Edward’s Point Of View

I couldn’t help but stare at her. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. And she was mine, my Bella. I knew she was mine, she wore my mother’s ring, she gave up her soul to be with me, so why did I continue to feel the fury, the jealousy, which erupted inside me from the thoughts of our classmates? I knew it was completely irrational to feel such things, but every time someone thought about her, about ‘getting together’ with her, I wanted to tear them apart, to tell them off, to say she’s mine and only mine. I tried to stifle those uncivilized feelings and thoughts by staring at her. She looked as though she was paying close attention, but I knew her mind was a million miles away.

I spent the rest of that class watching her, ignoring the voices that kept sounding in my head. It was a blessing when the bell finally rang, however, I knew this was only the beginning of the thoughts that would invade my mind. I rose and met her at her desk, feeling the curious eyes on us both.

“Shall we?” I asked, holding a hand out towards her.

She looked up and smiled at me, gathered the rest of her things and took my hand. All I wanted was to hold that hand forever, to pull her in closer, but I knew I couldn’t. It was almost painful to stay a distance apart.

She stood and sighed as she released my hand. I smiled, knowing she was feeling exactly the same. At that moment it was hard to believe that I ever felt like I did just moments ago. I knew she was mine, I knew she felt as strongly for me as I did her.

We walked in silence towards our next class, Science. The Science room was bright, with tables of two, it was much the same as in Forks. We were immediately intercepted by an elderly woman, I assumed she was the teacher.

“Hello,” she greeted in a kind voice, “I’m Mrs. Gregory, welcome to Blackwater. Would you two be more comfortable sitting together?”

I liked how she assumed we were two unstable adopted teens, and we would have a nervous breakdown in her classroom if we were too far apart. She gave us a very concerned look, she really was trying to be accommodating, so I nodded.

The rest of the morning passed in the same fashion. We were always asked something along the lines of “Oh, would you two prefer to sit together?” And the thoughts continued. I couldn’t really blame the humans, though. The human mind was not very complicated; they were fascinated by anything new. Whoever said “variety is the spice of life” knew exactly what they were talking about, and everyone in this school was craving spice.

All six of us sat at one lunch table. News travels fast in small towns and most of the student body was already gossiping about us. Half were telling the story that we usually used; we were a bunch of adopted teens all living with the doctor and his wife, and the other half were making up crazy stories like we were a bunch of juvenile delinquents, expelled from our last school. I wasn’t sure where people came up with stories like that, but they were fun to listen to, so I didn’t mind.

Our next class was Gym. This was the one I hated the most. One wrong move, one slip in control, and our cover would be blown. We tried to pretend we were all uncoordinated, like Bella was while she was human, so we could participate as little as possible, but there were always times we were forced to play. Not many people believed we were terrible at sports, we were all so graceful to the human eye, so it required plenty of acting on our side. This was the class we actually had to pay attention in, and the hour always seemed to last forever.

I was most worried for Bella in this situation. Alice and I had done this plenty of times in the past, and we knew what to expect and how to react. This was Bella’s first. She had shown incredible self control so far, she had adapted to the lifestyle very easily, I assumed because she chose this lifestyle, but it was just too easy for something to go wrong. A human could trip and fall into you, they would realize how cold and hard your skin is, or if for one second you weren’t paying enough attention you could spike a volleyball through the floor.

I was fairly sure that Alice had looked into the immediate future to see if we might have an accident today, but most gym accidents happened because someone made a snap decision to chase the ball or block someone else’s shot. Gym wasn’t the kind of thing that could be planned. Lucky for us, this was just another introduction to the class. However, the first unit would be slow pitch, which is exactly the same as baseball except for the pitch. We had only encountered a few thunderstorms in the last few years, but had played a game for each one. Bella had proved herself to be quite the player, and that’s what frightens me.

The day seemed to last forever. As if it wasn’t bad enough that I had to go trough high school again, I had to spend the day hearing thoughts of children planning to hit on my wife. And to make matters even worse, I had to pretend all I was feeling for Bella was brotherly love, the tension building inside of me was unbearable. This day could literally be described as hell on earth.

As we walked home the tension got the better of me. I pulled Bella aside and kissed her. Relief flooded my entire body as my lips moved with hers. I couldn’t imagine anything better, and it was all mine.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:53 am
woah this is AMAZING!!! I LOVE IT!!! Please keep writing I'm rooting for you!  

Kari Twilight Mist

Shameless Bibliophile

Kari Twilight Mist

Shameless Bibliophile

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:04 pm
The one problem I have with the story so far, however, is in chapter 2 it mentions the potential disasters that could happen in Gym with Bella but then you skip what happens in Gym entirley. You might want to 'flesh it out' or elaborate a little to fill in the gaps.  
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