Gaian name: Gunner Farse
Character name: Farse Ledge
Race: Perfect Vampire
Age: 98 (looks 13)
Gender: Male
Wepons: A heavy machine gun with rocket launcher attachment.
Powers: Normal powers of a vampire, which allows him to use his giant machine gun easily.
Bio: Farse was a small boy whos parents were killed by Lycans. He sook out the Vampires so that he could take revenge. The vampires of the Red Ink coven trained him to become a perfect fighter before making him a vampire at the age of 13, the age when he was physicially fit enough to fight hard. After the disintigration of the covens of Kine, he joined the Dark Hand in the hopes of hunting more Lycans. Eventually he was brainwashed into becoming an even better fighter, and serves the Dark Hand as best he can.
Personality: Farse is a cold killer, a scary sight on such a small boy. Sometimes, though, when he's not fighting, he can be a bit kooky and random.
Apperence: User Image
Black hair and blue eyes.