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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:12 pm
Nondo watched fascinated.

The white-necked raven had been around Mchawi long enough to know when she was recieving visions. He wasn't, however, used to the aura that manifested over her when she in this state of mind.

Seers could recieve their visions in numbers of ways but their sight could never show them anything but pictures of the past, present or future. Not normally, anyway. Mchawi was a seer but she was not a particularly strong one. She had shaky visions, visions that showed her snippets of the bigger picture. He knew how much that frustrated her, but knew that she could do nothing about it.

It was because of her weakness that she'd had to rely on another in the first place.

He hopped closer, canting his head to get a closer look at her face. Her whole body was rigid, the fur along her neck and shoulders bristled upright. Her mouth was fixed in some sort of startled snarl and her eyes flickered from side to side as if she were watching a bird fluttering in front of her nose.

Nondo knew, in this state, that Mchawi couldn't see him. She was absorbed in the vision that had come across her so abruptly and she would not see him again until it was over.

He gave a harsh caw and clacked his beak.

A bird of few words he might have been, but he was certainly not stupid. He let his bonded push him around and order him with stern words. He let her do it because he was curious about her, because he wanted to see how this all played out. Besides, they were quite similar in some ways.

Mchawi gasped as if she'd been kept from breath and Nondo leapt back, feathers ruffled.

"M-mistress?" He cawed timidly. "What did you see?"


The incident had not been long ago, but since then a lot had happened.

Nondo had not been told everything, but from the bits and pieces he had caught of the hushed conversation he had the feeling that something had been thrown into the works of Mchawi and Msiba's plans.

Either way, the lioness was clearly not about to let this get her down. She was off to find her most "favourite" of lions; the miserable-faced Unyevu who she kept away from as much as possible. It wasn't that she was frightened of him, or guilty of being close to him. In fact, she wasn't sure what it was. He made her feel...odd. It was something akin to hatred but...at the same time, not. How she could both hate and not hate a lion she had no idea. Mchawi was a determined female and she knew that she had to find Unyevu, and quickly.

She could have sent Nondo ahead to let Unyevu know that she wanted to speak with him, but she did not. She would rather come across him unnanounced and watch the ugly expressions on his face. What would it be today, she wondered. Anger, hatred, bitterness, fear. It could be any one of those and more.

One never could tell with Unyevu.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:27 pm
Unyevu thrashed about on the ground. He had been at it for several minutes, when he awoke with a start, drenched in a cold sweat and gasping for breath, trembling slightly. Where as some seers had completely tame visions, and others were more moderate, Unyevu nearly always ended up making some sort of scene, which was unfortunate for him.

If he didn't draw so much attention to himself, perhaps he wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

But now was not the time to dwell on that. It wasn't his fault, though that did not lessen the bitterness he held against those who had torn his life apart. Msiba and Mchawi especially, they were the ones he hated so deeply, but he was powerless against them. For now, the lion would just have to grit his teeth and obey, at least until another avenue opened itself.

"Chozi?" He whispered, looking around for his companion. To his surprise, the snake-eagle was still sound asleep, even with all the racket he had made. He sighed, and stood up, wandering away with shaky footsteps to think. As much help as Chozi was, he needed a bit of time alone to ponder the meaning of this vision of his. Had it been from the past? The future? Or perhaps it was going on at this very moment. Unyevu could not tell, but one thing he did know was where it was.

That particular ability was what plagued him the most.

"What I wouldn't give to be completely ignorant." He murmured to himself as he walked, head low as he watched the ground remorsefully. "I don't care about the past or the future, and I certainly don't need to know where in this god-forsaken place it is." He growled, "All I want is the here and now, is that too much to ask?"



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:32 pm
"Yes." Mchawi replied stiffly.

She had padded up softly and just in time to catch Unyevu's last few words. Oh what a miserable sod he was, always moaning and complaining. Hell if she'd been given such a gift she would have thought herself blessed! If she could have swapped her miniscule, weak powers for his, she would have done it in a second, even if it did bring discomfort.

What was life without a bit of pain?

The raven swooped in to land at her paws and hopped forwards brashly.

"You're pathetic Unyevu. What difference will it make complaining about things like that? You can't change your gift no more than you can change the colour of your dingy pelt." She snorted and came to a stand-still, eying him suspiciously. "Just get used to it."

Might as well get straight to the point. She wasn't one for beating around the bush.

"You had a vision I take it."
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:46 pm
Unyevu stopped in his tracks, glaring at Mchawi. "I'm complaining less about the visions, and more about those who see fit to ruin my life because of them, witch." The lion had heard many of the others calling her that, and Unyevu felt that it was more than appropriate.

Inside, he was already seething. Only days before he had had a full-on shouting match with her brother Msiba, but no matter how much he longed to do the same to Mchawi, he knew that it would not be wise. Mchawi was rather easier to provoke than her brother, (but then again, who wasn't?) and Unyevu did not trust that he would stop before he went too far. No, best to just swallow his anger for now, though he would be no means be pleasant about it.

Then again, he hadn't been pleasant about anything in a long, long time.

"I did." Unyevu said gruffly, still drenched in sweat, though not noticeably shaking any more. "I suppose you'll be wanting to hear about it." He snorted. Of course she'd want to hear about it. If not, then he wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

"I saw a white raven, crying out for help. What do you make of that?" He spat the words as if they were poison, and avoided making eye contact with the lioness as he spoke. The less he looked at her, the less likely he was to lash out and make a horrible mistake.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:55 pm
She couldn't help but smirk at her newly adopted nickname. It wasn't a nickname she'd given herself, of course, and it was meant to hurt her feelings or make her angry, perhaps. However, Mchawi liked it. It described her perfectly and the image it created suited her down to the ground. She liked to be feared. She liked to be in control.

She snorted softly and schooled her expression.

"Yes. I would." She sat and coiled her tail around her. "We would." She corrected, hooking a paw around Nondo and scooping him to sit directly at her side.

The bird, looking slightly irritated at the treatment, ruffled his feathers and gave a hoarse caw.

"A white raven?" She repeated with a frown. "No one in the pride has a white raven...do they Nondo?"

The bird shrugged. "I cannot say for certain, Mistress."

Mchawi growled deep in her throat, growing frustrated already. "Curse you Unyevu. You may be a better seer than I am but your visions are no easier to unravel." She dug her claws into the dirt. "It could be the future bird of a lion who has not yet bonded with an avian?" She thought aloud.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:12 pm
Unyevu simply shrugged, "I have never seen a white raven before, but I assure you," He rolled his eyes, "If I see one, you'll be the first to know." His voice dripped sarcasm, his tail flicking impatiently behind him.

"Better? If you say so." He scoffed, "Though if I was that good of a seer, I no doubt would have seen your wickedness before it managed to affect me." He shot her another dirty look, his entire being full of spite. He would never forgive them for what they had done to him, never.

"Perhaps, if it was the future I saw." He shook his head, "For all we know, that bird has been dead for a long time. It may even be symbolic." He snorted. If there was one thing the two of them had in common, it was that knowing the meaning of their visions was one thing that would frustrate them until they knew what it meant.

Unyevu thought for a moment. His visions had certainly caused trouble, but perhaps they could be the key to him getting his freedom back.

No, now was not the time to be scheming. As much as he hated to do it, he knew he ought to be focusing on the task at hand; deciphering his vision. Though he despised the fact that it would further Msiba and Mchawi's plans, he felt that if anyone had the right to know what his visions meant, it was him. He'd not just give up the precious information to Mchawi and walk away, he wanted to learn it's meaning no later than she did.

"When ever it happens, that bird needs help." He grumbled, "Even if it is in the future, then what? Go to it and give it the assistance it needs? Or," He glared maliciously at Mchawi once again, "Force it to do your bidding, hm?"



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:23 pm
If she was irritated by his sarcasm she never mentioned it. In fact she hardly seemed to notice. Maybe she was just used to it by now and had decided it helped move things when she just choose to ignore it. Either way, when there was a vision concerned she wouldn't let her feelings get in the way. Visions were too important for that.

She stirred uncomfortably and let her eyes fix on a point on the horizon, using it as her source of thought. If it was symbolic what could it mean?

"Any thoughts, Nondo?"

The raven bowed, spreading his wings slightly. "Us ravens are very wise. Maybe it means there is wisdom in saving it?"

"Wise? You flatter yourself, bird." She swatted him away with the tuft of her tail and watched the bird scuffle in the dirt before righting itself. It made her feel a little guilty when she looked into his face; eyes hard with hurt and displeasure. But only a little.

"Now, now Unyevu. Do we have to keep bringing up the past?" She sighed. "Do you not tire of muttering the same old phrases again and again? We know you hate us, you've got that point across. Now let it lie." She shook her head as if pitying him. "If you want to see wickedness you won't find it in me. You don't know the meaning of true wickedness, so don't pretend you do."

She stood then and paced. "If it is in the future then we'll rescue it." She gave him a sly smile. "No. I will make it my prisoner until I can figure out its place in our grand plan."
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:53 pm
"Yes, we do." He said scathingly, "I'll only tire of telling you about my sorrow only when you see fit to cease causing it." He shook his head, "I know plenty. You killed one I loved, and use my family as means to control me, take my power as your own." He growled, "Murder, blackmail, and then telling me to basically get over it? That's more wicked and evil than I've ever seen in my lifetime."

Unyevu's hackles raised threateningly for a moment as his hateful eyes locked with hers, "You threatened my mate. How can you sit there and tell me to let that lie? If you had ever loved anyone the way I love her, and then had them snatched away in an instant, then maybe you'd realize the pain I feel every day." For a moment, anger turned to sorrow as he thought of her, and how he would probably never see her again. And his children... His own children must think that he abandoned them without a word.

Moments later, Mchawi's voice snapped him out of his depressed mental state, and he snorted in response to what she said. "Typical. Well, what ever you end up doing, leave me out of it." He murmured, his voice noticeably less hostile after his outburst.

"I don't to have to witness another innocent victim being forced into the service of your grand plan." His sarcastic edge came back as quickly as it had gone, but his voice still lacked the spite it usually had. "Not that you care. I doubt that you really care about anything any more, do you?" He asked, remembering what Msiba had said. According to him, he didn't care about anything at all any more. Unyevu couldn't help but wonder if Mchawi was the same way.

"I don't know why you two do what you do... And I can't say that I care." He shook his head, "I just hope you know how many lives you two are destroying in the process."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:34 am
She looked at him, her face expressionless. Not even she was sure what she was feeling as he said those things. Here he was calling her evil, calling her murderer but she certainly didn't feel like she was evil. If she were the epitome of evil then she wouldn't need to fear anything - because everything would fear her.

But that's not how she felt at all.

She met his eyes with her cold glare. She let him speak, let him get it out of his system. Maybe he'd move on after he'd poured out his feelings - but she doubted it. He was caught up in his hatred and she knew what that was like. Being caught up in hatred had turned her cold and possibly "evil" too; turned her without her even noticing.

"You're too far in now, Unyevu." Her voice was steely. "You can't turn back now."

However, his following words hit a nerve. She visibly flinched and a growl rumbled in the back of her throat. How dare he say that she didn't care? He truly never realised, did he? He thought he understood but truly he understood nothing. What gave him the right to stand there and tell her that there was no care in her?

A memory she had squashed beneath her paw long ago was starting to resurface.

Maybe she had loved this lion once.

She had never really believed it and she wouldn't believe it now. But whether it had been love or not, there had been something there, whether it be lust or something more genuine.

But apparently Unyevu hadn't even been aware of it.

As quickly as the memory came she forced it back away, not wanting to be disrupted by it now.

"You are wrong, Unyevu." Her words were bitter. "Maybe, in fact, I'm the only one of us who does care."

"You may call me evil, but it will mean nothing. You do not understand the ways of my mind, or the ways of my brother's mind. You never will. So you will grow fat on hatred and bitterness and slowly but surely you'll turn into one of us. I can see it, Unyevu. We may have wronged you, but in your desire to hold onto your hatred you are turning into the very thing you despise."
PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:31 am
Unyevu growled. She was right, he was so entwined in this 'plan' of theirs, and even more so in his hate for them, that no matter what happened he knew that things could not go back to the way they used to be. He could not revert to the lion he used to be, because he could never forgive them for what they did. He could never forgive himself, though he was not entirely sure what for.

But what was this? Unyevu snapped back to reality as he saw Mchawi react to his words in a way he had never seen before. Had he managed to touch a nerve? "I see. You do care about something. Watch yourself, Mchawi, those who you care about most are the most dangerous to you." He scoffed, "Because they can be used against you. But you know that already, don't you?"

Yes, that was the one thing that gave him pleasure in his feeble existence. When ever he could, Unyevu poked and prodded his tormentors and, if only for a moment, made them squirm. Forcing them to break from their normally callous attitude made him feel empowered, as though he was finally in control of something.

He liked that.

"My desire? You think I want to hate you?" He snarled, quickly losing his cool. "I never wanted to hate anyone, but now I don't have a choice! You keep telling me to let go, but you don't understand. I can't let go. Do you know why?" He hissed, but stopped himself. 'Because when I let go of what I love, then I'll lose myself. I'll become you.'

Damn it, why did Mchawi have to be right about this?

"I won't lower myself to your level."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:41 am
She smiled, not because she was unhappy, but because it was the only way she could hide what she was truly feeling. She wouldn't let him know that he was getting to her - despite her earlier flinch at his words.

She put that mask firmly back into place and hid behind it as she always did. She was the witch, the schemer, the evil creation. "As well as you do, Unyevu." She answered curtly. He spoke truth. After all, she and Msiba had used it against him.

Maybe it wasn't a great idea to show him that she did care, but it was already obvious. She cared deepest of all for her own brother, Msiba, and that would be clear to everyone. He was the only one she trusted with her secrets and he was the only one who truly understood her. As much as she loved Machafuko, though with him she certainly didn't show it, he could never understand her as Msiba did.

As for the others, she cared for them in her own way. She cared for them whilst they were useful to her.

"Stop with your self-pity Unyevu." She snapped then, rising to her paws. "Do you wish to guilt-trip me? Because if that is what you seek, don't bother wasting your breath. If I am as evil as you say, then I do not feel guilt or remorse. I'd have more respect for you if you just tried to kill me. But you won't, will you?" She smiled cruelly. "Because if you do, you truly will be lowered to my level."

She laughed.

The raven, who had been watching silently, hopped up onto Mchawi's shoulders.

"Cling to your love, Unyevu, let's see what good it does you." She sneered. "Maybe you are that pitiful white raven. Maybe you are crying out for help, waiting for someone to save you." She looked bitter then. "And who would save you, Unyevu? The pride dislike you as much as they dislike me. You have no friends, no allies except for us. Remember that."
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:01 am
"Guilt trip? Bah, I know full well that you do not feel guilty for what you have done." He laughed bitterly, "But you are correct, as much as I'd like to rip you to shreds, I have more self control than that. Everything is on the line for me, and I would not gamble it on a selfish impulse."

Unyevu fell silent, his mind racing with the possibilities as Mchawi spoke. Perhaps she was right, perhaps he was the raven from his vision... But no, he couldn't be. Could he? The lion closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling the strong pull of his vision. Away from here.

"No. I am not the raven. Not now, anyway." He smirked, "The location of my vision isn't here. It is far off, and I don't plan on being there any time soon."

He flinched slightly, "Friends? Allies? Is that what you call yourselves?" He snorted, "I'd rather have the world as my enemy than have you as my friends." He hissed, beginning to pace irately. "Don't try to lie to yourselves by calling me your friend. I'd sooner die than spend time around you by choice."

His rage was building once again. How dare she call him a friend? Msiba, too, had used that word to refer to him. They were not his friends. He had no friends, except for perhaps Chozi, but he knew for a fact that if you cared about someone, you would not hurt them the way they had hurt him. A friend was supposed to help you when you were hurting, not kick you while you were down.

"Maybe I will go die. Then what will you do, hm? How will your plan unfold if you lose your little guide?"



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:31 am
She nodded. Seemingly satisfied with his reply. She wouldn't blame him if he lost control and turned on her. He seemed to grow more and more angry with each passing day.

It was stupid really, getting so angry. There was nothing good that came from it. Either way, she had tried - and failed - to try and get him to let go of a little of it. The anger certainly didn't seem to be helping with his visions at all and if this white raven was useful, somehow, then she wanted to know more.

It didn't make sense, however. What use to her was this vision if it was too far away to reach? Surely someone else would rescue it before they'd even finished their work here. Or maybe it would die. Either way, she couldn't see the significance.

"If you're holding something back on purpose Unyevu. I'll find out." She warned darkly.

"Come now, Unyevu, how is that any way to behave? Your mate would be dissapointed in you. Here I am offering friendship and you throw it back in my face." She tamed a smile on her face and took a step forward.

"Go, then. Go find your death." She hissed. "Our plan may come to an end, but so will the life of your mate. What do you care more about? Getting your revenge on us or your mate's life?"
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:43 am
"Holding back?" He snorted, "I've told you everything I know, Witch. You ought to know by now that you have my cooperation, no matter how grudgingly it may be." A snarl formed on his face as he spoke. How dare she accuse him of holding back information? He had always given them what they needed to know, when they needed it. He would not risk the lives of his family.

"Don't tell me how she would feel!" He snapped, "You don't know anything about her. You two are complete opposites! She is loving and gentle, but you are vile and cruel. You will never understand." Unyevu flexed his claws furiously, digging into the ground. He would not take this from her, he would not. What did she know of his mate? Nothing. Mchawi could never understand his feelings for her, or the pain he had felt of losing her.

Of knowing that he would never see her again.

A low growl formed in his throat as she spoke. "You know the answer to that already. If I was so uncaring as to be willing to sacrifice her, I'd be long gone, and you'd be one seer short."

Oh how lovely it would be to make them suffer in such a way! But every time the desire to act on his rage came up, the thought of his mate and children always held him back. He loved them far too much to take a risk with their lives just so that he could get his revenge.

"And you wonder why I have a hard time letting go."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:45 pm
"I am female, just as she is, Unyevu dear." She put a mock kindly voice on. It almost sounded like she was being nice, if it wasn't so obvious that it was being completely put on. "Every kindly lioness can turn given the opportunity. Are you saying she would not turn on me if she ever found out what I was doing? No creature is so sweet that they won't fight if their buttons are pressed. She has claws and teeth just as you and I."

She purred, shaking her head.

"The warmth of a female is just the same as any other." She snorted softly. "If you were to lie at my side and close your eyes it would be like lying next to her." She took a step forwards, eyes watching for any sign that he might attack.

She knew she could push Unyevu, but she was unsure of just how far. If he did attack her then she wouldn't come out unscathed. She certainly didn't want to die now, not when things were starting to look up for them.

"It's lucky for us then that you have a heart filled with love. Do you really think you won't let go of her, Unyevu? Give it time and you won't even remember her face, nor the faces of your children." She shook her head with pity, but it wasn't genuine. "And she'll never forgive you. Not after you abandoned her. She wouldn't understand."

Now he knew, she growled to herself, what it was like not to be loved.
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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