Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:13 pm
CURRENTLY: Trying to find Emiko a stallion for Emiko's plot. Suichii is looking to help some wayward soquili. Everyone is looking for RP, really.
Hai! As stated I have officially joined the crowd and made a plot thread for my whole herd. Generally I'm linent, however I reserve the right to turn you down. I won't be like, "that sucks, get out of my sight", I'll just say that "I'm not up for that RP right now, but if I do need it, you'll be the first I call." And I do mean it. Sometimes a plot will sit in my head after it's been suggested and it'll incubvate until I love it. There a 99% chance you'll hear from me in a week or so. Enough of my rabelings. On to the... . . . TOC! Whee? Welcome Scarlet Sweetpea Claude Suichii Memory Emiko ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Records
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:50 pm
Scarlet's Plot Status: Open / Not Top Priority
Gender: Famale Breed: Corgi Obtained: Ameh custom slots Mate: Daytona Foals: Sweetpea Ranulf Siblings: Supposedly one brother who died as a foal. Parents: Supposedly a mare and a stallion who died protecting her.
Sugar: Meeting new soquili, butterfly chasing, nice soquili, swimming, her family, and helping other soquili in anyway. Crab Apples: Mean soquili, winter, being yelled at, loosing soquili she loves, and not being able to help.
Persona: As a foal Scarlet was forced to grow up suddenly, this made her devoid of the usual foal memories. Therefore as a young mare she became childishly extroverted and very caring. She doesn't want anyone to have to go through what she went through. She tends to approach life with the wild wonder fo a child. Everything seems new to here every day!
Plot Ideas: Anything, at this point Soquili Preferred: Any gender any type[color=tan][b][size=18]Scarlet's Plot, Yo![/size][/b][tan] [insert soquili Picture here] Plot preference: -what do you want you soquili's role to be in Scarlet's life?- RP preference: -long term or one shot?-
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:19 pm
Sweetpea's Plot Status: Accepting / Not Top Piority
Gender: Male Breed: 2nd Gen [CorgixLeopard Blanket Aploosa] Obtained: Dawniechan Breeding Slots Mate: Giada -image comming- Foals: None Siblings: Ranulf Parents: SyipherxScarlet
Sugar: Mares, friends, family, winter, flirting, and controlling things coming from his corgi heritage. Crab Apples: Condescening life forms, summer, Soquili that dare to lay harm to his family, Soquli that run from thier family.
Persona: Sweet is fiercly loyal and highly flirtatious. Mainly he sticks to Usdias, as regular Soquili scare him out of his mind and rather make him angry becasue they call him a foal.
Plot Ideas: Again I have nothing. Have something he'd fit into? Why not PM Zactura or myself? Though Zactura really is the better RPer. xD:[color=steelblue][b][size=18]Sweet's Plot, Yo![/size][/b][/color] [insert soquili Picture here] Plot preference: -what do you want you souili's role to be in Sweet's life?- RP preference: -long term or one shot?-
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:19 pm
Claude's Plot Status: accepting / not top priority
Gender: Male Breed: Fire Opal Obtained: Tig's Mineral Event Mate: Istas Foals: N/A Siblings: N/A Parents: N/A
Sugar: Family, being the hero, rescuing the damsel, slaying the dragon, and flirting a little. Crab Apples: Failing at being the knight he is, when others get hurt.
Persona: He has a bit of the Harry Potter Complex. That is he needs to be the hero about something. Anything. It gets on some Soquili's nerves
Plot Ideas:Claude wants to be an elder. It's his very fondest dream to be such a figure of leadership and protection. However, to get there he needs to prove that he's a leader. So what better way for him to do that then teach in his own way? Claude needs students who want to learn to be Lady and Sir Knights, or even jsut have a few questions to ask!
Soquili Preferred: Anyone in need of a teacher![color=orangered][size=18][b]Claude's Plot, Yo![/b][/size] [Insert Soquili Picture Here] Plot Preference: -What do you want your Soquili' role to be in Claude's life?- RP Preference: -Long or short term RP?-[/color]
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:20 pm
Suichii's PlotStatus: Looking for Wayward soquili Gender: Male Breed: YYH Cosplay Obtained: Tig's November Customs Mate: N/A Foals: N/A Siblings: N/A Parents: N/A Sugar: All that has happened to him since he came to these lands, his new family, intellegent conersation Crab Apples: Stupidity and arrogance Persona: He's very laid back and just enjoys watching other Soquili have a lovley time. Plot Ideas: Suichii has set up a delightful little camp near to his own home. It's sort of a halfway house for confused halfbreeds, recovering abuse victims, crazy soquili, and all manner of hurting soquili. There is more than enough room for anyone, and everyone gets thier own teepee. Soquili Preferred: Any soquili who needs help, even just advice! [color=darkred][size=18][b]Suichii's Plot, Yo![/b][/size] [Insert Soquili Picture Here] Plot Preference: -What do you want your Soquili' role to be in Suichii's life?- RP Preference: -Long or short term RP?-[/color]
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:21 pm
Memory's PlotStatus: Accepting / Not top priorityGender: Male Breed: Keyblade Cosplay Obtained: Dihi's November customs Mate: Flower Foals: N/A Siblings: N/A Parents: N/A Sugar: His alone time, reflecting, general peace and quiet Crab Apples: Too much stimulation, arguing, and sudden, loud noises. Persona: Memory spends most of his time going over past events and turning them over in his mind. He drains everything of it's knowlege and insight, and the uses it later on when he neededs it. He believes that this is the reason we make mistakes, to learn from them. Plot Ideas: He'll work for yours! Soquili Prefered: Any [color=saddlebrown][size=18][b]Memory's Plot, Yo![/b][/size] [Insert Soquili Picture Here] Plot Preference: -What do you want your Soquili' role to be in Memory's life?- RP Preference: -Long or short term RP?-[/color]
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:00 pm
Emiko's Plot Status: Surrogate Needed
Gender: Female Breed: Spirited Obtained: Ameh's July CC Customs Mate: N/A Foals: N/A Siblings: N/A Parents: N/A
Sugar: Fun, fun stuff, having fun, fun Soquili, and mares. Crab Apples: Borring stuff, being bored, boring Soquili, soquili being mad at her, and being yelled at
Persona: Emiko is just a child. She cries when she makes mistakes becasue she's afraid others will be angry with her. She likes to play with anyone she comes across, and speak in the 3rd person.
Plot Ideas: Upon the heartbreak of her so-called "father" taking the love of ehr life away, Emiko has chosen to show both of them by bringing home a stallion. This would prove to the both of them that she doesn't need them for anything, and can take care of herself. This is an extremly childish thing to do, and would require someone to put up with ehr antics. As you know, she's just an over gornw foal, looking to make a point. The stallion would have to put up with that charade until a point to be discussed when he freaks out from living a lie and either asks Emiko to be his mate because he's fallen in love, or leaves her heartbroken once again.
Soquili Prefered: Males with complementary coloring, prefrably. [color=blue][size=18][b]Emiko's Plot, Yo![/b][/size] [Insert Soquili Picture Here] Plot Preference: -What do you want your Soquili' role to be in Emiko's life?- RP Preference: -Long or short term RP?-[/color]
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:02 pm
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:06 pm
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:07 pm
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:08 pm
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:10 pm
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:11 pm
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:11 pm
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:13 pm