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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:45 pm
History of Magic

History of Magic is a required class for all students attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. The class is a study of the magical history of the Wizarding World. History of Magic is taught from the first year to the fifth, with the option of an N.E.W.T. course in the sixth and seventh years. Students are educated in the history of their kind along with others such as "The Great Goblin Rebellion" and other historic times

Teacher: William Palmer Collier
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:39 pm
|| D o m i n i q u e || K a t h e r i n e || W e a s l e y ||

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Dominique had left Lily outside the Great Hall before realizing her watch was the one that was wrong. She was in a sprint down the hallways, getting yelled by Slytherins to slow down. She skidded to a halt at the History of Magic classroom. She had ran for no reason, because no one was here yet. Her cheeks were flushed from running, and her hair was in her face. She moved her hand to her face, as she wiped her blonde hair out of her face. She set her backpack down in an empty chair, and went out in the hallway to wait for some of her friends.

Misses Prongs

Kiki somoko

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:41 pm
Rosalie. Marie. Taylor

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Rosalie walked along the corridors heading to her class; she soon realized how close it was to starting. She scurried a little faster, her patience being tested when the stairs wouldn’t change fast enough. It was a good thing the History of Magic room was on the first floor though; otherwise she may no have made it, with time to spare no less. She took an empty seat in the back of the room. She didn’t like being called on if she could help it, though she usually knew the answer. She shoved the books she’d just checked out in her bag, except for one. She flipped the book open and began to read; at least she would read until class started. This book consisted of a totally different subject than the other one. It was about Vampires. Honestly she’d defend even vampires if it came down to it. People judge before they know, and it’s not right. They’re too stereotypical about things such as Werewolves, Vampires,…Metamorphmagi. And Veela’s actually. A lot of normal wizard women don’t like them. They could easily steal ‘your man’ without even meaning to. I see where they’re coming from but it’s not the Veela’s fault…usually. Rosalie let one of her hands slide through her hair. She shouldn’t be thinking too deeply about this, or else she’d never be able to pull herself out! She needed to focus on history of magic right now. Class would start very, very soon.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:35 pm
Will we lose it someday?
I want to protect you and that disappearing smile
The ringing voice that calls me dries out
Even if it gets erased by the wind along time
I will find you...

User Image Gregory Leo Wood User Image

Gregory Leo Wood strolled into the classroom a few minutes after Dominique, and surveyed the class. It looked the same as last year, plain and boring. To his surprise, he had been the fifth person to arrive and had even beat the teacher here. Seeing only a few familiar faces, or people he wanted to talk to, Leo took a seat in the back so that he would not be seen or bothered if he fell asleep. The teacher would most likely not care since he had been doing it often for six years now.

Leo sat down and examined the book that was resting on the two person desk in front of him. It was surprisingly a new volume that had been probably updated for the most recent events that had impacted the wizarding world. His parents always expressed how it felt like yesterday to them when Harry Potter had triumphed over the Dark Lord. It had all happened before he was born, so learning about it would be exciting, a lot more than goblins. A few minutes ad passed and the teacher had not arrived yet. Unfortunately, gold words began to slowly appear on the blackboard in front of them before Leo could fall asleep. The bright and magical words read, "All classes must turn to page 146 and read the chapter about the Goblin Revolts in Hogsmead." That was fine! Leo would just go to sleep ad read up on this assignment after classes today. Unfortunately, more words had started to appear underneath those. "Sixth Years' homework is to research the most recent Triwizard Tournament for a class discussion in a few days".

Letting out a sigh, Gregory took out a piece of parchment and a quill in order to write down both assignments. He did not want to forget the first assignments of his grade. Maybe that was the bit of Ravenclaw in him. That characteristic seemed like it was only what the Sorting Hat had seen. As soon as he put both away, Leo placed his head down on the desk and hoped he could fall asleep.

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Even though I keep on falling,
You laugh and help me up every time
As I board the vacant back of the bus
You flash me a small smile
I must place my trust in you...


Beloved Conversationalist

Kiki somoko

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:30 pm
Rosalie. Marie. Taylor

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Rosalie glanced up occasionally, whenever someone entered the room, she half hoped someone would actually sit with her. Then again, she’d probably act like a complete wally and scare them off, even before class started. She had a talent, making people think she was unsocial in less than five minutes. However, she always thought she’d get along with someone who loved magical creatures as well fairy well. Considering she could talk for hours about them. Rosalie watched as another male entered, he was in her year, she was sure of that. She was the type to know everyone’s name in her grade, yet they knew not of her. As I stated earlier, if they did know her, she was usually labeled as that weird Metamorphmagus girl; that is if they could actually pronounce Metamorphmagus or even knew the name for what she was. Anyway, the male that entered took a seat in the back as well. He was a good distance away from her, but she still felt a bit nervous. Human contact, goodness, how frightening it was.

Before long, the teacher entered the classroom; silence consumed every student, as if some sort of disease. Rosalie quickly placed her book into her backpack along with the others. Her backpack was fairly big; it was a messenger bag to be exact. She preferred to have her books and other supplies at her side, instead of her back. Wearing a robe really did mess with the literal backpacks anyway. The board caught her interest when brilliant gold letters began to form. Homework? On the first day! Only six years had to do it as well! It wasn’t that she hated work; she just wasn’t fond of it. She quickly pulled out a piece of parchment and her writing quill. She quickly scribbled down the assignment along with a few notes.

Then she opened the book, one that had been placed on there desks that revolved around the subject, to the exact page. She scanned it slightly, and then began reading it in detail. With how much reading she did, it would be a breeze to read only one chapter. Hogsmead? Oh…yes, when she thought about it, she actually did know what it was. The thing was, she hadn’t gotten a chance to actually go. First years were not allowed to go, and then her mother’s hissy fit caused her to leave before she could experience it. Rosalie smiled slightly; she had heard that they had a good book store; not to mention fabulous candy. The only problem was, she had no one to go with. Her mind wandered. So many things would be happening this year, but she had no one to go with. Hogsmead was just the smallest detail. What about the Yule Ball? Even if she got asked by someone, which wasn’t likely, and actually didn’t chicken out, which also wasn’t likely, she’d most probably find a way to screw up. She’d probably be absolutely horrible at dancing, at the wrong time no less, and bring the person down with her!

She shook her head, and sighed when she saw that her book was still on the same page. She needed to read, not think right now! Read…and stop glancing around the room. This, the glancing, only led her to notice the male in the back had his head down. Why? Wasn’t he a Ravenclaw? Don’t they love…knowledge and therefore class? Or something? Or was she actually being stereotypical? This horrified her! Again, read! Read, read, and read. And stop looking at that boy. She shifted her view back to her book, her side bangs falling in front of her face, while the rest was up in a sort of pony tail slash bun. Goblin Revolts huh….?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:44 pm
Cage William Patrickson

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Cage ran into the classroom, and to his horror, had seen the teacher standing in front of the class and the actual class dead silent. "Sorry, teach" Cage said scanning the room for anyone he knew to sit with. "Not a problem mister williamson, class hasnt started yet" Replied the teacher.

Cage noticed the hufflepuff quidditch player that he had seen in the library, and walked over to her. He had also spotted the Ravenclaw seeker, but he had his head down, and Cage thought it best not to disturb him. "Hey" Cage said "is it okay if i sit here?" He asked her, glancing up at the board only to discover that they had gotten homework on the first day of class. Cage rolled his eyes, another fun filled semester of historyhe thought to himself  


Kiki somoko

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:18 pm
Rosalie. Marie. Taylor

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Rosalie nearly jumped when she heard someone speak. Her pale green eyes, specked with blue, peered at the familiar voice. She’d only heard it a bit earlier after all. Cage. Well, let’s see, he was looking straight at her, and she was one of the only students that had an empty seat next to them. Yep, I do believe he was talking to her. She scrambled for her voice, where exactly had it gone. “Y-yes of course.” She replied softly, a sheepish smile spreading across her face, she couldn’t help her stuttering.

She had no right to deny him the seat, especially when she knew no one else would be expecting it to be open. No one was coming just to sit next to her. She glanced at his expression, seeing him roll his eyes after looking at the board. She giggled quietly; her gaze turning to the board, he was probably thinking the same thing she had. Homework, on the first day, what fun! What she really wanted to do was get to Care of Magical Creatures! However she didn’t have it today. Rosalie sighed, pushing some of her chocolate brown hair out of her face; she peered down at the book once more, waiting for Cage to take a seat. She began to wonder, however, if he would try to talk to her. Which would most likely result in more stuttering.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:25 pm
Cage William Patrickson

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"Thank you" Cage said grinning at her. Cage took the seat next to her and noticed her giggle when he rolled his eyes at the board. "So, im guessing that this is your favorite class to then" He said laughing sarcastically . He could tell that Rosalie was being a little bashful. She sighed and looked back down at the book on her desk so he decided to make some small talk before class started.

"So, we should have a really good quidditch team this year, all of our players are looking like they really improved, not to say that we didnt have a good team last year" Cage said, hoping that maybe she would open up about something that the two had in common.  


Kiki somoko

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:48 pm
Rosalie. Marie. Taylor

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Rosalie glanced up at Cage as he took a seat next to her. He thanked her? It sounded like a privilege. Sit next to a chick who’s hair and eye color change with her emotion, a Metamorphmagus, woo woo. That was negative, it shouldn’t be thought. Some people were okay with her status. Her gaze went back to her book, yet quickly returned to the male, that was no sitting next to her. He spoke once more. She couldn’t help but smile slightly; it was all she could do to hold make a laugh. “I-It’s okay…but I’m much rather be in Care of Magical Creatures…” she said, her expression brightening a bit with the mention of her favorite class. She didn’t bother shifting her gaze, once more, back to her book.

He looked like he wanted to say something and sure enough he did. Quidditch huh? That’s a lovely topic. No, that wasn’t sarcasm, she actually did like Quidditch. She used to play with her older brother, Hunter. It was the, let’s go easy on her because she’s a girl, at least that was until she smacked a bludger at him so hard he needed some stitches. A smile slide across her face, and she nodded her head in agreement. She sort of wished Hunter was still going to school here, then she could play with him once more, but alas, the git graduated before she got back. “And try-outs will be….w-well sometime next week.” She commented, though it sounded a bit stupid after she said it. What was the point in saying it? Rosalie pursed her lips together, stupid, that’s why she doesn’t talk much. Magical Creature facts have usually already come up by now. “…m-maybe we’ll get some new players.” She added, trying to justify the reason she’d said it.

It struck her soon after, this was probably the most she’d said in four years. Her mother talked enough for the both of them in Germany. And she took after her father, whom was once a hufflepuff himself. Maybe that’s why they didn’t work out well. She frowned slightly; her hair's end flashed a deep red. Her hand, of course, flew to her hair, covering up as much as she could. Now, perhaps he’d decide not to sit here after that stunt…
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:01 pm
Cage William Patrickson

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"Hey thats cool, i took that class too, its not my favorite but its definitley not my least favorite" Cage said glancing up to the board again. He had noticed her demeanor change when Care of Magical Creatures came up so he decided that would be a good topic to stay on. "Do you have any pets?" He asked Rosalie "I have a cat, but he mostly just stays curled up on my pillow all day" He added.

After she started talking about quidditch seen the look cross her face, it was the look that Cage often got himself when he thought he had said something dumb. "Yeah, some of the new players didnt look so bad either" He said comfortably. He could see she was still being shy, mostly because of the way she tried to hide her hair, which was turning red at the ends. He laughed as her arm shot up to her hair and he jokingly flinched "Sorry" Cage said grinning "Just a reflex"  


Kiki somoko

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:28 pm
Rosalie. Marie. Taylor

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Rosalie smiled a bit, it was nice to know that there would be someone there she even faintly knew. If he’d been a friend of hers, she probably would’ve told him that she would cling to him, jokingly of course, but that would just make her seem…well clingy. Not to mention it would sound stupid, and would probably scare him a bit. She didn’t know him well enough to joke around terribly. “Nice wording.” She commented, the volume was not much more than a murmur. It’d be bad to say you hated, or even just disliked a class in front of someone who loved it. He handled that quite well she commented silently. She glanced at him. Once more, a smile spread across her face.

“Yes,” She answered; she nearly giggled thinking of her pet, “I have a Crup named Basil.” She said, laughing softly now. Her gazed shifted to his face once more, she wasn’t even sure he’d know what a crup was. A cat huh? Most either had a cat or an owl at Hogwarts. Reason being they were small enough to make decent pets in a small space. They didn’t make as much of a fuss. A crup was too big and Basil however, might eat a few things; he was a crup after all. They were known for eating, whatever was available. Her baby brother had fallen victim to Basil’s habit. “…w-what does he look like?” she asked, letting her curiosity get the best of her. Usually she wouldn’t ask. Really now, where were the facts? Why were so many logical sentences coming out? She was glad that he’d said that; the thing about the first years. It almost made it alright, the thing she’d said, supported it if you will.

Rosalie’s eyes widened when he started laughing at her. At the fact that her hair color changed no less! She stared at him until he spoke once more, though she did still stare after she heard what he had to say. The fact that he seemed okay with it was almost as horrifying as if he’d decided to stand up and bash her verbally. Well…maybe not but it still surprised her a great deal. “Your reaction to a Metamorphmagus is laughing…?” She asked slowly, she needed to get that into her head. He laughed? Was that a good thing? Well it was most definitely a better reaction than she had pictured! Still…how could he just laugh? Had he never heard about them, about the fact that people don’t trust them? The stereotypical people at least, just because we could change our appearances at will. Rosalie wasn’t sure how to take this.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:53 pm
Cage William Patrickson

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"Thank you" he replied to her comment about him taking the question well, he thought to himself with a slight grin that it was quite an odd thing to compliment, but he took it in stride. "ooh a crup" Cage said as she told him about her pet. " And me with just a boring old cat, were you allowed to bring him?" Cage asked her. He knew that they like to fill up on whatever was available, so he knew it was probably a no, but she was comfortable talking about it, which was a good thing.

"Hes Black and grey, with orange paws" Cage answered her question about his own pet "And his legs are a little to short for his body" He chuckled as he pictured his cat trying to jump into bed with him this morning.

Then Cage saw her reaction to him as he started to laugh with her hair changing color. She didnt look to happy at all. "I didnt mean to offend you" Cage said quickly. "I know that alot of people around here are arrogant and judgemental, but trust me, you wont get any of that with me" He said trying to recover quickly. It was the truth though, Cage had realized long ago that life was much to short to not get to now people because of what they were. It was one of the few things he had learned from his mom in his later years at hogwarts. He looked away not knowing what to say next, he hoped that he hadnt hurt her.  


Kiki somoko

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:22 pm
Rosalie. Marie. Taylor

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Rosalie nodded her head slightly; she was surprised he knew what a crup was. Boring old cat, cats weren’t necessarily boring, but they were common; a lot of muggles owned cats. She giggled slightly then answered “No, unfortunately, I had to leave my best friend at home,” She paused, ”he’d probably eat my roommates homework or something, and then I’d get in a bit of trouble anyway.” She added thoughtfully. Other than that, he’d probably be fine…well except for the fact that crups don’t like muggle born wizards. That might be a bit of a draw back. They don’t like muggles in general. She needed to work on that more. She pursed her lips, and then glanced at Cage as he spoke. She held back an ‘aww’, which was quite difficult. She loved animals and magical creatures, anything; they were so much easier to function around. And they didn’t judge you; they just returned your love. Rosalie would very much like to see his cat, but she wouldn’t dare ask. She wondered though, if his short legs made him off balance. Poor thing.

Cage never ceased to amaze her, his reaction now was almost as amazing as the other. He’d thought that he had offended her? By laughing? Most people responded with something nasty! That was almost pleasant. Ah, well he answered her question, he did know what she was, and she knew what everyone thought of her. She changed her expression to a thoughtful one, looking at the front of the room. This was an interesting development. Rosalie tried to form words to comply with how she felt. And eventually she looked back at him, though she discovered that he was no longer looking at her. “I….I’m…you didn’t offend me.” She stated. “I was just surprised, I’m sorry.” She said, pursing her lips together once more. She might’ve overreacted a bit. She thought for another moment, and then smiled. “It’s kind of how I react to someone being so…sweet.” she breathed the last part; she was being a bit bold by even saying it! Of course, it was a slight form of mockery on her part, but she didn’t mean it nastily. She found it sweet, especially the effect from her shock; he quickly jumped to make sure he hadn’t offended her. That was nice. It was such a foreign concept to her though. Someone actually accepting her, someone that wasn’t her family…
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:44 pm
Cage William Patrickson

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Cage let out a chuckle as she told him of her crup eating other peoples homework. "That would be a fun conversation with your teacher, well i did my work but my friends pet ate it"He said in a goofy voice. He thought that he was beggining to sound silly so he moved onto her other question.

Cage noticed her expression change when he had apologized and realized that she was more just surprised than anything else. "For the most part people are usually nice around here, but theres always some people that are going to think there better than everybody else" He said, his voice trailing off. He knew that he hadnt or couldnt ever of had it as bad as some people treated her, but her family understood her unlike Cages. He was very relieved when she told him that she wasnt offended by it.

He heard her voice trail off as she told him he was being sweet. Cages cheeks turned slightly pink, and he replied "Well there's nothing youve ever done to me that would make me think different of you, you seem pretty sweet yourself" finishing with a smile towards her  


Kiki somoko

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:31 pm
Rosalie. Marie. Taylor

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Rosalie watched him chuckle, and once he spoke she understood why he had done so. That would be hilarious…not for the person who had to go through with it, but still. This time she couldn’t quite stop herself from laughing, his ‘goofy voice’ was well rehearsed; her right hand moved to lightly cover her mouth as she laughed. She was too easy to make laugh really, if it was truly funny she’d laugh more; eventually he would probably get tired of her laugh. “Very fun.” She commented after she’d calmed herself down. It was always hard to calm yourself down after having a bit of a fit of laughter. The thing that had made her laugh so much though, was the fact that she could literally picture Basil doing that and then that happening. It was priceless.

Rosalie peered at him once more. What he said was most probably, true. Though she couldn’t be sure, she hadn’t had time to truly see how nice people were; her first year was kind of rocky. She examined his expression as she listened to what he had said. Well, he wasn’t stereotypical; most would have noted that the Slytherian population was usually the ones that fit in that category. She thought back, no, she was pretty sure there were people from a couple of the houses that clearly disliked her. Most girls, she wasn’t sure why though! It wasn’t like she was pretty or anything, really now. Maybe that’s when her fear of talking to people started, whenever she talked to the wrong person, something bad would happen. "You're probably right...or at least...I'd very much so like to believe you." she said pursing her lips together once more. She did, she really did. Maybe then, she could meet someone and not pay for it. Have some friends.

Her eyes widened once more, at his response. The whole thing about his slight blush was completely okay with her, he looked cute, but this oh no, not this. He complimented her! She could already feel her hair changing to a bright pink. She placed her head down on her desk, her arms acting as a wall as they leaned against the table. She glared at him lightly, she wasn’t mad him personally. “See that’s not fair, you blush, but I get a pink head of hair, and you can't exactly cover this up.” She groaned. Rosalie finally sat back up straight, pushing a hand through her hair; she untied it and let it fall down over her shoulders. It was only a bit longer than her shoulders, of course at the moment it was a vibrant pink. She began fixing it back into its abnormal pony tail slash bun. And eventually the pink began to fade back to it’s normal chocolate brown.

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