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In Hestia's name - Ufunuo, Ubele, Hifadhi - FIN Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:41 pm
Ufunuo sighed, settling on his haunches, watching his reflection in the rippling water. Of course Peke had left in the night, undoubtedly to search for Kuruka, too stubborn to trust the old lion to do as he said he would. Idiot, he only hoped Peke hadn't gotten lost as well, or worse. Not that Ufunuo could blame him, seeing that Hifadhi had returned without Kuruka, he had grown worried himself. Why did they keep splitting up?

He hoped they were both okay, and he hoped Dumu was okay too, though he had no reason not to think his friend was safe. The worst part was he felt responsible, like he should have done more to keep them together. Though he may have had his differences with Peke, he did not want anything to happen to him either, or to his friends, or his sister for that matter. He was a prince, they were his pride, his friends, his family, he should have known how to protect them.

He was at least glade that Hifadhi had let him come to the water on his own, it gave him time to think, to compose himself away from the eyes of others. Secretly he had hoped he'd find Peke and Kuruka here, but at he had known he wouldn't.

With a frustrated sigh, he flopped onto his belly, a splash of water fleeing as young paws broke the crystal surface. He wished his father was here.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:11 pm
Anger and frustration were at the top of Hifadhi's list of emotions for that particular day. He had not lost one cub. He had not lost two cubs. He had lost THREE cubs, out of FIVE. He was caught between possibly commiting the ancient ritual suicide, or smashing his head off the wall in frustration. He couldn't believe this. He had made himself so very... very clear... Peke was not to leave the cave. He had TOLD Peke not to leave! Was it really so hard to listen? He wasn't even willing to give the benifit of the doubt on this one for the anxiety caused by the missing Kuruka.

Right now, he was annoyed. There was almost no point in remaining where he was, not with only two cubs with him. He was only one lion... and he had failed Ngao and the cubs, and to top it all off, Ukweli. He had failed in the mission his oldest friend had given him... the shame he had brought on himself was terrible.

"I can't believe this... is a simple order so hard to follow? Stay together? Honestly..." He mumbled, beyond frustrated and fuming, "Vultures... enemies... unfarmilar territory... Damn it all..."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:57 pm
A sound pierced his ears, the flutter of feathers, an indignant cry.

"Watch where you're splashing, kid!"


Ufunuo looked up, eyes widening as his gaze fell on the speaker, startled to find a large bird of prey gazing back at him. The cub fumbled, paws hastily pushing his form upright, backing a pace away from the eagle.

"I-I'm sorry."

His first thought had been fear, fear of ending up on the wrong side of those talons. But it was a fleeting fear, quickly turning to childish curiosity and wonder. He had never seen an eagle so close before, at least not one that wasn't bonded to one of the pride members. His head titled, gaze searching each feature, each pattern, it was a beautiful creature.

"What's the matter kid, never seen an eagle before?"

Ufunuo shook his head, "No, not so close up, well, not an unbonded one anyways. My dad has an eagle, but he looks different..."

The cub fell silent, his voice trailing off as he realized he was rambling. But the eagle didn't seem to mind, instead eye the young lion with perhaps an equal curiosity, studying him, judging his posture, expression, temperament.

"You are of this pride are you not, the Aka'mleli? Speak up boy, I asked you a question."

"I-I am, my name is Ufunuo, my dad is Umoja."

"Excellent, then I have found the right lion."

The raptor smiled, if it was possible for a raptor to smile, watching the cub a moment longer. ufunuo's maw had opened to speak, to question, but the bird did not give him the chance, he had been trusted with an important task. Clearing his throat, he spoke again.

"I am Daga, I have been sent here, by Hestia. There is great unrest in your pride, a darkness that has crept into the peaceful land you call home."

"Hestia? The goddess Hestia?"

Ufunuo blinked, confused by the eagle's words. Hestia, darkness? What was he talking about? Did he mean the earthquake? Or was there something more?

"The very same. There has been a shift in the balance, a change in the order of life, those that are meant to be scavengers have become hunters, forcing the true hunters from the skies. This cannot be allowed to remain, the order must be restored, and the betrayer must be stopped."


"You know of the lioness Mchiwa, one of the rogues who has enter this land?"

Again Ufunuo nodded, "I don't like her, she's scary."

"You are wise to fear her. She has betray our kin, and thus has betrayed the goddess herself, she cannot be allowed to continue as she has."

Ufunuo opened his mouth, then closed it again, not knowing what to say or what to ask. He blinked once, twice, a paw raised to scratch at one ear. Though he tried to make sense of what Daga had said, he just didn't understand. Darkness, Hestia, betrayer, order, what did it all mean?

"You will let me follow you then, to return with you to your pride? It is essential that I return with you, that I carry out the mission that was given to me."

"I guess so, but I have to go back to the den, Hifadhi and Ubele are waiting for me."

"Then to the den it is."

Still confused, words ringing in his ears, Ufunuo turned from the water, paws falling to the earth as he trod back to the den where the others waited. He glanced at the eagle, watching as it followed him. He still didn't understand, and he hoped he wasn't making a mistake. But they were allies with the birds, with Hestia, surely this eagle had not come to harm them. And it was an eagle, an eagle that had found him, maybe Daga was his bonded! True or not, it was an exciting idea, and it spurned his steps into a trot, the hint of a smile on his maw for the first time that morning.

"Hifadhi? Ubele, I'm back."  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:53 pm
Ubele sighed in annoyance, her tail twitching with agitation. Of course Peke was gone. If she hadn't been so tired, she would have realized that he would never stay in the cave when Kuruka was missing. So now he was gone, Ufunuo had gone to get a drink of water or something, and she was all alone. Why did this keep happening? Awhile ago, everything had been fine. Now, everything was all screwed up.

Glaring at the stone wall next to her, she let her mind wander. Back to memories of time spent with her mother and father and other pride members. Back to when things had been simple and easy to understand. All of the people that she'd known since she was born; their faces flashed before her eyes . . . .

Slowly, all of Ubele's muscles began to stiffen. Her eyes grew wide and unblinking. Her hackles rose and a grown was caught in her throat. An image flashed before her eyes with such clarity, she almost believed she was seeing it with her own eyes.

Ngao . . . the guard.

Ubele had always gone out of her way to bother the adult female, arguing with her. She'd never let her do anything that she wanted.

Ngao, her expression was one of pain or terror. Blood dripped down her fur . . . dripping down . . . forming a pool, a puddle, of red on the ground . . . a shadow. A dark figure . . . a shadow loomed over her . . . threatening . . . menacing . . . fearfearFearFEARFEAR!

Ubele sat up with a gasp, sweat dripping down her fur. She panted for breath, dragging in huge gusts of air. Her small form shook and her eyes roamed the cave wildly before settling on Hifadhi. With a yelp, Ubele bolted over to him, stumbling several times on legs that felt broken. She threw herself against the adult's side, attempting to get some comfort from him.

"Hifadhi! Hifadhi! Please, we have to go back. We have to go back! Right now!"


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:28 pm
Hifadhi blinked in suprise, everything fading away in that moment. Agitation gone as a fatherly instinct came over him. He reached around a paw, drawing the small lioness in close to him... an awkward hug, one he wasn't used too, to say the least, "Ubele... Ubele... What is it? Did something happen? What's wrong?" He could understand why she would be afraid, with so many of the others missing... but... no, this seemed a little more serious, "Tell me what happened?"

He couldn't risk losing another child... if she ran off in fear, or for some other reason... He already felt tense with her brother off getting something to drink. He wasn't sure how much more he could take... he really was finally starting to feel his age. He didn't like that much at all.

What could the girl have seen that would have frightened her so much...? He should have left Pepo to watch over her brother... but the bird needed to eat. And he needed to find something for them to eat. At least Pepo hadn't complained... He never did when all the chips were down. It was only when things were running smoothly that he had to stir things up.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:30 pm
His tail flicked with each step, paws falling soft against the earth. In the daylight this place was much less frightening, now it was exciting and new, and he could not help if his father had ever come here. Had he seen it as a cub himself? Was he lurking somewhere near by, no knowing just how close he was to his children? Or was he lost like Kuruka and Peke? No, his father would never be lost, if he could, he'd come home, soon.

With a surge of energy, the last distance to the den was crossed with a bound, a small smile on his paw, proud that he had found the way back on his own. Pausing at the entrance his eyes searched the land, taking in the view that surrounded him. Would they still be able to explore once they found the others?

He was shaken from his thoughts, the flutter of wings near his near, the p***k of talons at his back, as if a rock had suddenly landed on him, a sharp rock.

"Ow, those things are sharp, you're heavy!"

He had almost forgotten about the bird of prey, or at least failed to notice him for a moment. That was until he was rudely reminded by the weight of a crown eagle on his back. It was perhaps fortunate that the Daga had remained perched for only a moment, before fluttering to land near the cub's paws, and indignant look in his eyes.

"Then don't run off without me, kid, it's dangerous to fly in a sky full of vultures."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's alright, just don't do it again."

Ufunuo shot the bird a curious glance. He still wasn't sure, but decided to trust Daga, he had no reason not to. Shaking his head as if to clear stray thoughts, Ufunuo turned to the den, forepaws stepping through the entrance.

"I'm back, what's up?"

His ears lowered, eyes looking from Ubele to Hifadhi then back again, something felt wrong.  

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Tactical Tycoon

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:56 am
Ubele couldn't help it. Her limbs kept twitching, wondering what it was that she had seen. It had been much too clear to just be a figment of her imagination. So what had happened? She wasn't sure, but she did know that they had to get back to the others. Something was calling, pulling her back to the pride. They needed to get back there and they needed to go now. Her gaze roamed the cave and locked onto her brother. At least he was safe and back. But now they could leave. She glanced back and forth between the two males.

"Hifadhi, Ufu, we need to go back! Ngao, she's in trouble or in danger! She was bleeding, and there was a shadow and something is wrong! We have to go back and help her!"

Her voice rose an octave, showing her anxiety. Her paws beat gently against Hifadhi's side to reinforce her words. With her head, she attempted to nudge him in the direction of the entrance. She didn't know the way back, so he had to lead them.

"Please. We have to go!"
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:57 pm
Horror struck something deep within Hifadhi. Ngao... practically his only family left... like a daughter to him... and this little girl had seen her in danger. He had to fight to stay rational. To stay calm. Ngao... if anything happened to Ngao... No. No. Not her too, not when he had come so close to losing everything else. He had to warn her... he had to tell her she was in danger... but the cubs... the cubs... What did it matter? He had already lost three of them anyway. The cubs were one thing... but Ngao... Ngao was so close to being his daughter... how could anyone ask him to chose?

"Ubele... stay calm... Just stay calm..." He said quietly, managing to contain himself, "Ufunuo... come over here..." He glanced at the bird, but aside from that, paid it no mind for the moment. He had other things to attend to, "I want you to tell me exactly what you saw..." Ukweli had been a seer for the entire time Hifadhi had known him. He had heard many visions described... and if Ubele had seen something, for real, and Ngao really was in danger... then they had to go. And they had to go fast.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:43 pm
"Ubele? What's wrong? What--what happened?"

Eyes darted between the pair, almost frantic, uncertain of who he should look to first. What was wrong with his sister? He had never seen her so upset, never in such a panic. Had she seen something, had something happened? Was it a nightmare, a vision, Ubele had visions?

He ran to his sister's side, nudging his head against her side. He wanted to comfort her, to support her should she fall. If only he could have helped more, he didn't like to see her so frightened.

"Go back, but--"

The maw snapped closed, cutting off his words before they escaped. He had started to say "what about the others?', but something stopped him. If Ubele was this frightened, if she was this certain, then surely they could not waste another moment, then they had to go back, now.

His gazed turned to Hifadhi, a determination in his young eyes. Hifadhi seemed afraid too, then they -had- to go back, now, they could ask questions on the way, but they had to move now.

"We can't wait, let's go no!"

He didn't want for an answer, rushing from the den with Daga at his heels, stopping only to look back at Ubele and Hifadhi, to make sure they had followed.

"Come on!"  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:09 pm
"Ufunou! Do not lose your head!" Hifadhi ordered, managing to retain his calm -barely, "It is dangerous out there, and we must set a path. We cannot simply run off and not know where we're going! That is how Peke got lost!" He said, harsher than he wanted to, but he needed to be in control. No matter how afraid they were, they needed to keep order. Or else Ngao... rushing in could only put her in more danger...


"Now... I want to hear exactly what happened." He told Ubele, kindly and fatherly, "Please... leave nothing out. Then we'll go and help Ngao, I promise we'll keep her safe. I just need to know everything you saw, it could all help. Anything could help." After everything he had heard from Ukweli... even the smallest things could help, when it came to visions. Anything for Ngao... Gods, anything for her. He was sorry that he would put Ubele through explaining, and sorry he was harsh with Ufunou... but he had to know. He had to protect his old apprentise... his Captain...



Tactical Tycoon

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:11 pm
Ubele's fear started to wane slightly. Not much, but enough that she began to get angry. She didn't have time to explain! They needed to leave now. If they didn't . . . it might be too late. Explanations took too much time. Even her brother agreed with her. She was distracted only for a second by the sight of a bird with Ufu. Had her brother . . . found his bird? That was a question to ask later, when there was no danger. For now, she would wait.

Turning back to the adult, she growled deep in her throat. She needed him to move and stop wasting time. He cared for Ngao too. Why wouldn't he go?

"Hifadhi, we don't have time for explanations! We need to get back to the others right NOW." She accented her words by stamping her paws against the ground. At any other time, it would have sounded like a childish tantrum. However, the fear and concern in her expression was enough to convince anyone otherwise.

"Hifadhi, I will tell you on the way, but if we are going to help Ngao, we need to leave now! Or else . . . the shadow . . . ."

She tried one last time, catching Hifadhi's gaze with her own. "She was bleeding, Hifadhi. LET"S GO!"

With that, she rushed out the entrance of the cave with her brother and the bird, forcing the adult to follow, or risk losing them as well.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:03 am
"Can't you explain on the way? What if it's already too late?"

Paws shifted with urgency, his eyes almost pleading, the fear and worry spoken in his expression. Something was wrong, very wrong, and though he had never known his sister to have a vision, he knew in his heart that she must have, that she had seen what she said. The longer they waited, the less time they had, then maybe it would be too late, the vision might have been happening right now.

Mchiwa, the name broke into his thoughts like a shock. Daga had said she was bad, that Hestia had said so, maybe--they had to go now! If Ubele thought Ngao was in danger maybe the others were too, and maybe the other cubs had made it back--Dumu!

He lept another step unable to stand still any longer. Turning back, he gazed back at Hifadhi, come on! They couldn't find their way back without him, but they had to go now, he had to follow Ubele.

"Please, Hifadhi! Ubele, wait up!"

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:14 pm
"UBELE STOP." Hifadhi roared, his own fury spilling over as his patience ran out. When it came to Ngao, there was only so much he could take, "If you get lost and we have to look for you, you'll only put Ngao in more danger! We will leave, and you will explain on the way!" He snapped, making sure both cubs were close before he started to head back. They were so head-strong... He never would have gotten away with acting this way when he was younger.

But then... he supposed that when he was younger, things had never been as dire as they were now. He had never been able to step in and protect the ones he loved with plenty of warning in advance before... And Ngao...

"Stay close, let's go." He muttered angrily, starting to walk... rather briskly, but he wanted the cubs to keep up, "And Ufunou..." He glanced at the bird, trying to maintain his calm as he kept up his stride, "You'll have to explain that bird to us before we get back as well."


Pepo watched the skies. He had heard the commotion on his way back and watched the lions leaving. He followed after them, but his eyes were turned skywards... "Damn it Hifadhi... wander off without me again and we'll have to have a serious talk." He muttered under his breath. But the bird was worried.

Vultures were about. He had kept a weather eye around, and he had seen them. Hard to spot, but he knew what he was looking for. They were close... and there were open areas on the way back to the pride. Any number of places where the cubs and Hifadhi could be ambushed... "Hestia damn them all... not now." He continued to mutter, "I'm far to young to die to some dirtbags..." He rethought his insult. "Scumbags. Dirt implies substance..."
PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:57 pm
His ears fell, posture lowered in a visible cringe as the old lion bellow. Hifadhi looked so angry, or maybe he was afraid. Either way, Ufunuo was certain he did not like that look in his eyes, it was not a look he ever wanted to see again. It was frightening.

But Hifadhi had agreed, and they were moving now, heading back to the pride, and that was the important thing right now wasn't it? And Daga, he had said he needed to go there too didn't he? To stop Mchawi and the vultures, though he had no idea what any of it really meant. Had he done the right thing? He didn't like Hifadhi being mad at him.

No, they had to go back, and quickly. His paw steps hastened, Ufunuo trotted at Hifadhi's side, determined not to fall behind. If ever there was as bad time to be lost, it was now.

"Daga? I met him at the water, he said Hestia sent him."

Daga followed close behind, wings spread, flying as close to the ground as he dared, a keen eye glancing skyward. Infernal beasts, shadows darkening the sky, it was time they were reminded of their place.

But something told the eagle that the vultures would not be so keen to listen, and he was certain they would make that very clear. They were nearby, watching, perhaps waiting, he could feel them. Feathers ruffled with a chill, he didn't like it. Did they know that he was here?

"Stay alert, kid, we're being watched."

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:15 am
"Hifadhi..." Peop flew out of the jungle, landing on Hifadhi's shoulder, glancing skywards, "The other bird is right. Vultures... I thought we might be able to avoid them... but they know we're here." He said quietly, before glancing towards his fellow bird. He said nothing, remaining with his bonded instead.

Hifadhi growled low in his throat, "Of all the blasted times for those idiotic birds to appear it had to be now..." He looked thoughtful, glancing towards the sky, eyes searching for their enemies, "How many would you say?"

"Enough to be dangerous." Pepo said, glancing at the cubs, "Especially for ones as small as them..." He whispered, so that he wouldn't frighten the young ones more than he already had. Or rather, more than Hifadhi had. Idiot had lost his temper... though he wasn't all that suprised. Not if Ngao was involved.

"Alright... stay close." Hifadhi said, his calm returning as he smiled at the young ones. Now he couldn't worry about Ngao. He had to keep the little ones safe. If anything happened to them because he was consintrating on something else... he shuddered to think how he could live with himself, "Don't worry, I'll watch over you. I'm sorry I snapped earlier, I was just worried... but now I need you to do exactly as I say, no matter what happens, understand?"
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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