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My lovely Resignation

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illuna x

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:25 pm

Yep if you read the title you'd know I' resigning. So if anyone would like to come forward to claim position as Crew Leader over "Champions of Light". Feel free to talk it over with TheBasmentDweller. I realize I wasn't cut out for that and many other things I've tried holding here within the guild. Since COUNT is a part of this account. He is also coming with me. He can come back if he chooses to create his own account I doubt that he will do.

Well, I'm resigning because I only wanted to find people to brawl, nothing else. Sure this is a guild for brawl but, I feel as if I have been straying from my original intentions.

Well I thank all the people who put up with me, the guild for accepting me, and the people who I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to.

So long! and best of wishes to this guild. ^_^

~Sealed with heart
PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:32 pm

Bragging Rights!!

- I passed Dwellers amount of posts 8/08? And guess what? I'm not a MOD!

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illuna x


950 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:54 pm

Bragging Rights!!

- I passed Dwellers amount of posts 8/08? And guess what? I'm not a MOD!

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That's becuase I rarely post nor do I care about my post count.


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