Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:38 am
Okay, still setting up and always will be as I will be updating this thread regularly.
I am fully open to any rp of any kind, but Guild RP's I'd prefer if I didnt have to make them, my muse for openings is completely dead xp I Love AIM rp and plotting, my sn is ThaminofXira. I'm online often, even if I am invisible.
I love Drama. Drama, heartache, mistrust, grudges - It makes the world go around. If you have a plot you think someone here might fit into just post! I can fit drama into almost any plot I've made.
And as a side note, as I know many people feel uncomfortable pm'ing others about breeding requests as they think the person they're pm'ing may get upset; I dont mind pm'ed Breeding requests!
RP's I need to/will set up:
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:42 am
Under Construction!! Name: Fonn Ardea Breed: Mutant (Zelda Cosplay X Spirited Wind) Obtained: Via Co-Own from NayNay Parents: Dinilawi X Danuwa Siblings: Offspring: N/A Mate: Cal <3 RP Color: OlivePersonality: Light and bubbly, she's almost always happy. She's forgetful, to the extent of every time she sits down she is poked by her own ice tail. She can also be calm, questioning, and remember everything. The type to answer questions with questions and to stare off into space thinking. She has two personalities. History: Fonn is the daughter of Danuwa and Dinilawi. She was cared for as a basket by her father, her mother not really in the picture. She had a happy childhood, but as she got older she began to wander farther and farther from her home and her father. She began to forget him and her home, and now she can not remember either at all. Plots:Plot 1: Fonn will soon run accross her father and future (unknown to her, danuwa, and Harlequin at the moment) Step-mother. It will be a reunion to remember. Not too long afterward she will want to know more of her mother, and will set off on a grand adventure to try and find her. I dont really want enemies for her, she couldn’t hold a grudge against someone anyway, but I dont mind her meeting soquili of the meaner types as long as they mean no physical harm. I'd like her to meet at least one of all the races (except Skinwalker, I have that covered) in her journy. This is the course Fonn will wander in search for her mother. Races Needed for encounters: ((Bolded types are still needed)) Normal- Quin Usdia- Wind- Danuwa Uni- Kelpie- Mer- Flutter - Alicorn- Kalona- Kirin- Angini- Maion Skinwalker- Aderes Mutant- Cal Plot 2: I'd like to find her one best friend that she will eventually travel with on her search for her mother. Found! - Cal Plot 3: And last of all, after she finds her mother I'd like to find her a mate. This isnt a high priority right now simply because I'd like Fonn to find true love, it will take many RP's or extensive backstory to have her fall for anyone. Breeding Status: [ Closed ] Breeding One: [Cal] Breeding Two: [Cal] Breeding Three: [Cal]
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:43 am
Name: Syipher Breed: Unedited Usdia Obtained: Custom Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: Ranulf, SweetPea Mate: Diejuste RP Color: BrownPersonality: Syipher comes off as being a jerk, but it is nothing more than an emotional shield to keep himself from being hurt. He is sensitive and because of this he tends to push everyone away. He is for the most part reclusive. He is frightened by those that don't show a mas amount of reserve and calmness due to his lack of experience with being around others. He prefers to sit at the edge of the group, to watch others rather than to interact. History: Syipher had a long history with his former mate Scarlet; one that ended tragically. When he and Scarlet were young, before they had kids of their own, they adopted a basket of a full sized soquili not knowing it was the son of a skinwalker that had once attacked the two of them. The boy was bright and playful, but as he grew he became overly protective of his family. It was to be expected, Scarlet was the same way about her family. But when Azzan harmed a foal to protect his 'uncle' Dru words were exchanged that sent his son fleeing the family. By now Syipher had two sons of his own, Ranulf and Sweet Pea. Syipher tried to keep the family together while keeping an eye on Azzan and comforting Scarlet; it was almost more than he could take. He tried to be patient with his sons, but they would not listen to him. Azzan returned to protect one of Scarlet's friends one day, and yet again harsh words were exchanged. This time though Sweet butted in and banished Azzan from the family. Syipher ad warned that if Sweet were to banish a family member he would be banished as well, but as usual no one listened to him. From that day forward Syipher had nothing to do with his son Sweet. In time, due to disputes between his sons, Syipher's refusal to accept Sweet if Sweet did not accept Azzan, and Scarlets refusal to acknowledge that there was any problem at all with their family, the family broke apart completely. Syipher for a while was on his own with his son Ranulf after cutting ties with Scarlet and Sweet, attempting to get Azzan to return to the family. More recently he has been running into an eyeless mare named Diejuste. He fears letting her in, getting to know her, but for some odd reason Syipher doesn't mind being around her. Plots: Plot 1: Adoption. It was the one thing that Syipher has come to believe tore his family apart. Azzan is his son, always will be; but he cant help but think that if he hadn't taken Azzan's basket home none of the drama would have happened. Syipher doesn't ever want to adopt any soquili again, but he isn't one to leave a helpless basket out in the cold cruel world either. Have a basket that needs adoption? Perhaps Syipher can adopt said basket; hopefully the experience of raising another foal that is not his own will open Syiphers eyes, help him see that Adoption isnt as bad as he's come to believe it is. Breeding Status: [ Closed ] Breeding One: [Used with Scarlet] Breeding Two: [Used With Diejuste] Breeding Three: [Reserved for Diejuste]
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:44 am
Name: Leeroy Jenkins Breed: LETSDOTHIS!! (Cosplay) Obtained: '10 WoW event Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: OrangePersonality: Leeroy is.... Well, He's him. He's laid back once he gets to know someone, but untill he does he's highly paranoid that someone will steal his chicken. Other than that he's impulsive and random. History: Not long ago he was fighting a helboar by the name of Kenet on the edge of the dark portal. Kenet fell in and without thinking Leeroy jumped in after him. Leeroy woke up near a nice hot spring. He hasnt left the area since. Plots:Plot 1: I'm open to anything; just post and we can discuss matters further. Open for Ideas on Plots!Breeding Status: [ Open] Breeding One: [Open] Breeding Two: [Open] Breeding Three: [Open]
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:44 am
Name: Adaya Breed: 1'st gen Obtained: nov '07 Customs Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: Beaming Sunlight, Dusk Mate: N/A RP Color: BluePersonality: Adaya is cold, standofish, short tempered, and blunt - unless she lets her guard down or is trying to get something from you. Though, I dont think she will let her guard down any time soon. History: Recently she let her guard down for a male named Ruka, who happened to - on a night she doesnt remember - get her pregnant. She started to fall for him, head over heals in love... Untill one day she was surprised by the news that he had impregnated another female. Furious she left without a word to him or any of her children she had had with him in an attempt to purge that portion of her history from her mind. Plots:Plot 1: It's hard for me to type a specific plot for Adaya, as at this moment it is unpredictable as to what she may do in any given situation. I have ideas as to what I want, but they're mate plots and may take a while to go through. My plots for her are basically this - she meets a guy and she and he instantly hate each other. they meet for several short instances spouting insults, threats, ect - deapening the hate. One instance where they meet they get trapped together (captured by someone, snowed in, ect - Actually, since she now resides in the mountains, slipping and nearly falling off a cliff sounds ideal)and are forced to tolerate each other and help each other out of it. Guy starts to fall for adaya, but she doesnt fall for him since she's still pissed about her last relationship. Run into each other more, but more of just the guy checking up on and attempting to court her. She doesnt notice the feelings the guy has. then, just as guy is about to give up, something tragic happens to adaya (sickness, she's attacked, nearly drowns, ect) and guy comes to the rescue. Adaya ask why he'd want to save her, guy admits feelings, and she gives in to trying the relationship thing once more. Breeding Status: [ Open] Breeding One: [used with ruka] Breeding Two: [Tentatively open] Breeding Three: [Tentatively open]
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:45 am
Name: Zul'brin Breed: 2nd Gen (Mutant Kalona X Mutant Alicorn) Obtained: Breeding Parents: Eviotil ver Spitfire & Richmon Siblings: Enali ver Rash Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: PurplePersonality: Brin isnt the typical Kalona. Her mutant genetics basically allowed her to be whatever she wanted to be. She is kind and gentle. She does eat meat, but only fish and only when she believes it wont disturb others - I guess one could say she is self conscious and doesn't want to impose on others. Lastly, she is protective of those she cares for. When someone she cares for or deems a friend is threatened she is vile and vicious, violent and volatile. History: Brin is part of the result from an OOC breeding. It is unknown how she became lost, but one way or another her basket ended up in the forest alone. It was in that forest that Aislinn came accross it. Linn searched for a parent, but after some time, and running accross her mate, the search seemed hopeless. From the scent of death and blood lingering on the foals wicker casings Linn and Zuzu assumed it's parents were killed and took in the basket as if it was their own child. They cared for the basket, never letting it out of their sight. To say that Linn was not surprised when the filly emerged would be a lie; she was shocked and somewhat frightened. But the filly, having never known or been around anything 'Evil', cam out of it's basket with a quite innocent demeanor. She was given the name Zul'brin, a troll name from her adoptive father who was himself a troll. Plots:Plot 1: ??? - Suggest something? ^^; I'm still fleshing out her personality, so I'd greatly appreciate any and all RP for Brin ^^ Plot 2: Brin is huge as an adult. She already knows she can take foals flying with her, they're small enough for her to puck up with her tail. But she has promised adults that she will take them flying as well and they arent so easy to carry. I'd like for someone that is good at constructing things, whether it is a two-legger or soquili, to help her come up with a harnes or something that brin can use to carry adult soquili as she takes them flying with her.
Plot 3: Brin poses an extreme threat to those around her and to herself. She has a tendency to fling her tail about uncontrolled, a dangerous thing to do considering it has many sharp blades at the end of it. She has already managed to accidentally cut herself several times; but what if it were to happen again, or worse, what if it were to happen to someone else? I'd like for someone to teach her about the healing property of plants. She does not visit two leggers and may not be able to visit a uni if she is badly injured. I'd like for her to be able to mend, or at least start mending, any wounds she may receive from herself or others despite the fact that she has no powers to do so.
Plot 4: Brin, due to her kalona blood, is built to fight. She has many tools to use; her teeth, her tail blades, her horns, but she doesnt know how to use them properly. She has her sparing partner, Enzo, and because of this she knows how to use these items for both defense and offense, but she doesnt know how to use them tactically or properly. I'd like to find her a teacher that will teach her how to fight, using these tools not only as an offense but as a defense as well.
Plot 5: I'm pregnant? - Brin is preggors!!! Yet she doesnt know it. She's craving things she knows she cant eat, is getting a bit heavier, and has sudden mood swings from happy to sad to happy again! Can someone please tell her she's pregnant so she can freak out already!!! xd Breeding Status: [ Closed ] Breeding One: [Used with Typhoid] Breeding Two: [Reserved for Enzo] Breeding Three: [Reserved for Enzo]
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:46 am
... Under Construction!! Name: Kenet Breed: Mutant (Deranged Helboar Cosplay) Obtained: Soquili Wow event Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: Dark RedPersonality: History:Plots:Plot 1: Breeding Status: [ Open ] Breeding One: [Open for Offers] Breeding Two: [Open for Offers] Breeding Three: [Open for Offers]
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:49 am
Under Construction!! Name: Aditi Breed: Obtained: Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: Personality: History:Plots:Plot 1: Breeding Status: [ ] Breeding One: [Open for Offers] Breeding Two: [Open for Offers] Breeding Three: [Open for Offers]
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:52 am
Under Construction!! Name: Breed: Obtained: Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: Personality: History:Plots:Plot 1: Breeding Status: [ ] Breeding One: [Open for Offers] Breeding Two: [Open for Offers] Breeding Three: [Open for Offers]
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:51 am
Under Construction!! Name: Breed: Obtained: Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: Personality: History:Plots:Plot 1: Breeding Status: [ ] Breeding One: [Open for Offers] Breeding Two: [Open for Offers] Breeding Three: [Open for Offers]
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:42 am
Under Construction!! Name: Breed: Obtained: Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: Personality: History:Plots:Plot 1: Breeding Status: [ ] Breeding One: [Open for Offers] Breeding Two: [Open for Offers] Breeding Three: [Open for Offers]
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:10 am
Under Construction!! Name: Breed: Obtained: Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: Personality: History:Plots:Plot 1: Breeding Status: [ ] Breeding One: [Open for Offers] Breeding Two: [Open for Offers] Breeding Three: [Open for Offers]
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:57 am
Under Construction!! Name: Breed: Obtained: Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: Personality: History:Plots:Plot 1: Breeding Status: [ ] Breeding One: [Open for Offers] Breeding Two: [Open for Offers] Breeding Three: [Open for Offers]
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:17 pm
Under Construction!! Name: Breed: Obtained: Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A Offspring: N/A Mate: N/A RP Color: Personality: History:Plots:Plot 1: Breeding Status: [ ] Breeding One: [Open for Offers] Breeding Two: [Open for Offers] Breeding Three: [Open for Offers]
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:52 am