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Reply [IC] Aegnor'hini Lands [IC]
[AIM] Okay, you're not so bad (Mahewa/Kasdeya)

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Sparkly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:49 pm
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It had been a long day, in hindsight. Hewa had been attacked, dragged cross country, half-kidnapped and half-coerced. And now he was sitting in the middle of a Pridal area, surrounded by weirdos who claimed they were 'demons' or whatever. The main of them were blask or red, he noted, and he distantly realized that his coloring was a large part of why he was here. Why had he listened to her? That insane cub who'd talked him into returning with her. She'd brought him here then dumped him, claiming to be of to get their king. Well. That at least was something good. Surely a wise ruler sort would be able to set the record straight. He could get in, see the place, and get out. Or at least, he hoped he could.

Like Kasdeya had told Mahewa, she had set off in order to find her father and King of the Aikanaro'hini. Unlucky for her, however, he seemed to be nowhere within the borders of the pride and her siblings couldn't offer any helpful information. Assuming that her father had left in order to recruit more demons or hunt, Kasdeya began on her return trek to where she had left the male. With a light growl, she folded her ears back and spoke to herself, "Perfect timing, dad. I can always count on you.." Her voice was low and she was careful to make sure no one was around her.

After a few minutes, the flame haired cub found her way back to Mahewa. "The King appears to be out on royal duties." She lied, entirely uncertain as to what her father was doing. It didn't matter though as it wouldn't affect Mahewa either way. The male would have to wait to speak to the King anyhow.

Clearing her throat, Kasdeya looked away, finding it difficult to speak to the male. It seemed only yesterday the two were clawing at one another and battling verbally. With a light laugh, the female realised that it had been only yesterday.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:18 pm
Mahewa perked up a little upon spotting Kasdeya's return. Unfortunately, she seemed to be alone. Well bugger then. He rose to his feet, slightly stiff but with much less pain than the day before had visited upon him. He listened calmly, not showing his frustration. He was a guest (captive?) here, and like it or not, he could sense that behaving oneself was of great import here. And beside. He didn't want to be eaten for talking down to this...well she'd called herself a princess, hadn't she? Wonderful. A cub with attitude and rank.

"Of course he's out." He muttered to himself. "'S my luck lately. Things keep on this way and I'll be here a week. Beautiful." Of course he didn't let his aggrivation show, instead differing to the cub with a sort of haf-smile, half-griamce. "I can't see why that's funny," he obviously thought her laugh was at the King's lack-of-presence, "But seeing as I'm staying on a bit, perhaps I should...be taken somewhere?" He would need a place to stay if their King took too long. Preferably a nice cave no one would harass him in. As of yet no one save Kasdeya had thought to greet him, and for now that was just fine. Bavu had seemed kindly enough but...he too believed this demon swill.

What was wrong with these people? He'd have to wait to find out, but it rankled him still. "Or maybe you could...I don't know. Make yourself useful and show me around, or introduce me to someone else of rank who can do more for me."

Kasdeya felt herself bristle at Mahewa's comments. He was unhappy in her lands and acted as though she was foolish to believe what she did. Perhaps the female had been wrong to believe that the male before her shared the same demonic blood. Kasdeya could only hope that upon introducing him to her father that he might become more accepting of their ideas and understand that a demon's blood did truly run through his veins.

Still, Mahewa's comments wounded more than just Kasdeya's pride. It took a great effort to refrain from simply yelling for the male to leave if that was what he desired!

And then Mahewa reminded Kasdeya that he would need a place to stay. With a light nod, the female began in the direction of the dens. Turning her head back, she nudged forward and expected Mahewa to follow. If things did not go well when she introduced the boy to her father, Kasdeya hoped that she might witness Iartuupe's true demonic power to determine Mahewa's fate.

Kasdeya was at enough ease to bite her tongue until Mahewa continued to speak. Whipping around, the cub extended her claws and let out a light hiss. "I will have you speak when spoken to. You are in our lands and will treat me with respect!" While difficult for anyone to swallow, it did not seem such a horrible demand when Kasdeya had toned down her attitude and already begun to lead the male towards the dens.

She was trying and could only hope he'd do the same.

He followed along behind the female when she went, and he took her scolding with a neutral face. He put up a meek retaliation, saying "The guest is usually always right, but I suppose I have been a bit...off. It's been a confusing few days. I suppose I have taken it out on you too." He did his best to smile, an awkward sort of face, if only because he still felt wary of things. He really should be better behaved. What would Bodaway say if he saw him behaving so crassly, especially to a girl. Well fine, dad. Mahewa would be on his best behavior from now on. He was a sort of ambassador, he realized. And that was an important job. But you had to do it right.

"Lead on, your highness." He retried his smile, doing better this time, though he broke it off with a yawn. Hhmm. That wasnlt good. He didn't really want to nap here, but the thought of a snug cave was so nice and...He shook himself. No, it'd be ebst to stay awake. "Oh...I don't think I recall your name. I suppose callign you 'highness' will do, but it's rather stiff." He may as well try to appeal to her wanting him to stay or something..."And if I am to stay, I'll need to know it sooner or later, right?"

While Kasdeya wouldn't let the male know, she was appreciative of his understanding and cooperation after her demand. Having been the one to lose the fight, Kasdeya was almost fearful that the male would simply retaliate or demand a challenge once again. Honor was of great importance and the small female cub would have been unable to decline. Still healing from their last battle, Kasdeya was not entirely in the state for such a challenge.

Continuing forward, Kasdeya kept silent for a good portion of the way. The dens were almost visible in the distance, appearing as small stones from where they stood. While it was clear it would be a bit of a walk, at least there was visible inspiration. When Mahewa continued to speak, Kasdeya shot a glance quickly behind her as though to remind the male to keep quiet unless she requested his voice.

Despite her harsh exterior, Kasdeya listened to what Mahewa had said and nodded lightly, shifting her gaze forward as to continue moving. "Kasdeya." She said flatly.

But while the small cub continued on, she proceeded to ask, "What's your name?"


Sparkly Shapeshifter


Sparkly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:19 pm
Mahewa chuckled a little. Well in the heat of argument or batle, one did tend to forgeth things. He'd told the female his name before, but she'd forgotten. No matter. He would not press the point. "Mahewa. Da named me. It's not as fine as his name, but it suits me." He padded along, visibly lightened in step and spirits upon seeing the dens. They were in the side of the hot-mountain, as he thought of it. Much like the little cave he'd holed up in before. With only mild surprise he realized he'd forgotten to notice the heat. Well that was one of the benefits of being young. He adapted well.

The silence that fell between them was thankfully not an awkward one. He would wonder at that later, but for now he was simply glad. What had they to talk about really? Not much though...Maybe he could get a little info.

"Pardon my speaking out of turn, as you'd put it, but...the talk of demons has got me thinking. It's strange, but I think I get it. Like te more I hear it, the more familiar I am with it." Well that was obvious, the more anyone heard anything the better they knew it. But with luck she'd think he was meaning that somethign she'd said had sparked some 'demonic memory' in him, and that another nudge would make him 'remember' more. "Could you tell me more? I feel like it's important to refresh it all." Knowing about their rules and beliefs couldn't hurt, and with luck he could use it to his advantage later. When he really thought about it, other than the odd greeting there hadn't been anything too unusual so far...

When Mahewa announced his name, Kasdeya's cheeks turned a light shade of red. She had heard his name before and realised that this was the male's second time announcing it. Glad to be looking forward, Kasdeya's face was well hidden and away from the male. Through her dark fur, it was difficult to notice the pink anyhow! What she hasn't learned, however, was that it was the male's father who had named him.

While Mahewa was certainly broken Kasdeya's earlier rule, the female was glad for the silence to be broken. Their first meeting had certainly made all of their meetings afterwards incredibly awkward.

Taking the male's speech one topic at a time, the female found herself curious about what he had said earlier. "Why do you say your father's name is better?" Kasdeya has always taken pride in her name and didn't understand why someone would think otherwise about their name.

Mahewa then sparked Kasdeya's curiosity by telling her that he was beginning to remember things. Once again, the female looked behind her, through her feet didn't cease in moving forward. She was suspicious of his sudden change of heart, but decided to amuse him anyhow. Kasdeya fully believed that Mahewa would be a beneficial addition to the pride.

"What would you like to be 'refreshed' on? Certainly you must have particular questions?"

Mahewa sped his step a bit, catching up with his escort and trotting along beside her, matching his longer steps to keep pace with her smaller ones. "My father had a splendid name. A real fighter's name. 'Bodaway'. Much better than Mahewa, though I suppose Bodaway would suit me about as well as Mahewa would suit him." He had to smile, thinking of his father. The huge red firekin had been a loving parent to his rogue offspring, and many a day had been spent tussling and frolicking with the male.

He frowned a little at Kas's return on his interest in the demon life. The more he thought about it, the more curious he became. And he wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. "Well...how do you know? I mean. does it just come to you, or does it sometimes take a while? Is knowing...liket he feelign you get when your teeth suddenly break skin, and your ace gets wet with blood?" That was one of the most exciting things Hewa could think of, and recalling the female's fascination with the blood he'd worn upon their first meeting, he assumed it would be a comprable simile. "And...ahve you ever doubted what you are?"

Kasdeya listened to the way Mahewa spoke about his father and for a moment wished that she shared that sort of connection with her own parents. Her mother was long gone and her father played an amazing role to the pride. Iartuupe was one of the Kings of the pride and while he bore many children, Kasdeya couldn't help but bother him with any of her questions or worries. He was a busy male and the small cub knew she was at the bottom of his priorities list. Still, it would have been nice to have some positive memories. Perhaps it was meant to work out that way. She was a demon and these situations only made her stronger.

Mahewa's questions and the way he spoke about hunting were just was inspirational to Kasdeya. He seemed to get for a moment what it was like to be a demon. Perhaps that was why her inner demon had chosen to take the body of a lion. Lions were powerful creatures and the hunt was an important part of their survival. Even as a cub, Kasdeya's elders stressed the importance of knowing how to hunt - how to take a kill.

Glad for the change in conversation and finding something to relate to, Kasdeya eagerly responded. "I was born in the Aikanaro'hini, so things i'd imagine are different for me. Being a demon has been greatly encouraged and accepted. We are taught from the moment we're born of the laws and ways of the demons."

While not fully answering Mahewa's question, Kasdeya's eyes seemed to have lit up and she stopped for the first time during their travels to fully envelop herself in their conversation. "I have never doubted my demonic heritage." Kasdeya said boldly, full belief clear in her gaze.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:31 pm
Mahewa stopped when Kasdeya did, oddly wound up in the conversation too. This was why he traveled. He loved getting to experience other cultures, other lands. "It is hard to think how others would, especially those raised different, yes." He agreed wholeheartedly. Her assurance that she inded had been raised to believe this stuff did impress him. Perhaps the pride wasn't so bad. There had to be something substantial to their teachings if someone as strong of mind and spirit as Kas followed their ways so unwaveringly.

He offered a smile that turned into a wide, gaping yawn. "Ah, apologies. Before the...events earlier, I traveled quite far. You'll have to forgive my exhaustion." He shuffled a bit, eager to get on to sleeping. Still, the chatting was nice. "It sounds...interesting at least. We were not raised to know one way in depth, as my family often strayed into the lands of others. I suppose I was raised a bit of every pride we kept with in my youth. It makes discerning one belief from another hard, to say the least. Having something solid, something firm like the demon laws must be a comfort."

Kasdeya watched as the male yawned and felt angered for a moment, as though he was insulting her. Was it that boring to hear of her prides ways? Shifting her gaze forward once again and continuing on, Kasdeya spoke quietly, "The dens are only a moment away. If we continue, we'll be there shortly."

The rest of the short walk to the dens was in silence as Kasdeya, like she often was, found herself frustrated.

It occurred to her then that perhaps the reason for her determination of Mahewa's demon was not because she truly believed it, but because she could not believe that she was defeated by a simple rogue. If Mahewa was truly a demon then it would seem reasonable. He was older and more advanced. Perhaps he had better learned from his demon?

With a light growl to herself, Kasdeya nudged forward and then turned around to begin back from where she came. "The dens are up ahead. If it looks empty, it's likely available." And that was all she said before walking away.


Sparkly Shapeshifter

[IC] Aegnor'hini Lands [IC]

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