User Image

Applying for a Breeding:

User Image Please follow all of the Breeding Rules found here.

User Image If you are customing into a litter, please follow all of the rules outlined here.

User Image Trades need to be sent to this account, Kireiryuu.

User Image I do take items. The only items I accept are Donation items (Monthly Collectible) and Mythril coins.

User Image I cannot do any lineart edits as of right now. Please go to the specific colorist for that.

User Image Please do not edit your breeding posts! Please try not to change/alter your custom cub/pup post unless you tell me ahead of time. Thank you!

User Image

Special Terms

    User Image Default Lines: New, revamped lines*
  • If you want different lines, please specify.

User Image For Rogue only!! If you are having a rogue litter, please specify which of the adult male/female lineart you want your cubs to grow into. Male Adult Lineart Chart & Female Adult Lineart Chart

    User Image Throwbacks:
  • Yes = a possibility of a color from somewhere in the cub's direct ancestory. If you choose "Yes", throwbacks will NEVER account for the majority of a litter.
  • No = no colors from the cub's direct ancestory.

    User Image Randoms:
  • In a rogue breeding = automatically choosen.
  • In a reguarly breeding if "Yes" = there is a possibility that a random color might be chosen. If random is done, it will NEVER account for a majority of a litter.

User Image

Getting the Cubs:

User Image Once the cubs/pups are complete, they will be sent to both owners (if there is more than one owner).

User Image

User Image Please copy and paste this form in the thread.

Breeding form
Father's name, image, and owner OR "Rogue":
Mother's name, image, and owner:
Pride: Pride name here OR "Rogue"
Roleplay Links for Father (if not a rogue): Link #1, Link #2, Link #3, Link #4, Link #5
Roleplay Links for Mother: Link #1, Link #2, Link #3, Link #4, Link #5
Would you like having a throwback? Yes/No
If so, please list images of those ancestors (or aunts/uncles) here:
Would you like having a random?
Cursed? Yes/No. If yes, Link

For Rogue litters only: (Which adult female/male lineart do you want them to grow into? If you don't know, you can have me decide.)

User Image

Number of cubs/pups each species can have:

Lion (includes gods): 1-6 cubs
Leopard: 1-6 cubs
Cheetah: 1-5 cubs
Wild Dog: 1-8 pups
Hyena: 1-5 pups
Leopard x Lion cross: 1-6 cubs
Cheetah x Lion cross: 1-5 cubs
Cheetah x Leopard cross: 1-5 cubs
Leopon x (Pure or hybrid): 1-3 cubs
Leotah x (Pure or hybrid): 1-2 cubs
Cheeton x (Pure or hybrid): 1-2 cubs
Avian: 1-6 eggs
Genet: 1-6 kittens
Hare: 1-4 kittens
Jackal: 1-9 pups
Klipspringer: 1-2 fawns
Maned Wolf: 1-6 pups
Ratel: 1-5 pups
Serval: 1-3 kittens
Snake: 1-10 eggs
Waterbuck: 1-2 fawns

User Image