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[PRV] What are those!? (Abeni/Kasdeya/Xiang)

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Sparkly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:45 pm
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Abeni was currently lounging in the Priest's Dens, eyes lidded as she watched her cubs. In this area of the den it was fairly warm, but not to the point it'd hurt the little ones. She'd found that it'd gotten easier to manage the children the past day or two... The first couple nights had been torture. Having not expected to be a mother, she wasn't prepared at all. But... So far, it hadn't been too bad. Hakuna had been right, and her advice had helped quite a bit. She yawned and rested her chin on her front paws, watching over the three.

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Xiang was awake again, he didn't know much else besides sleeping, eating, his brothers and his mother, but that was enough for him, he was content. Lifting his head to her now, he squeaked and wobbled slowly over to her face and bumping against it, he wasn't hungry or anything at the moment, so just being near her was enough.

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Like Kasdeya had done a few weeks earlier, the small cub set off in search of Abeni. She wondered what had changed during that time or whether the lioness had finally bee accepted as a priestess. Kasdeya knew the position fit her perfectly and that she would excel with her abilities. Curious and eager for conversation, the cub first checked in the priest den's, figuring it was a good place to start.

What she found was surprising. With wide eyes, Kasdeya looked over the dark figure and then over the small figures nearby. What had happened? Who were they?

Hearing a small squeek, Kasdeya let out a hiss, both making herself known and what she thought of the cubs.

Abeni blinked at Xiang for a moment, then let out a soft pur and nudge him back with her nose, a bit too forcefully. But she raised a paw to catch him before he toppled over. Smiling, she started to lick at him... Until she heard a hiss. Frowned and instantly sat up, her paw still against Xiang's side. When she noticed that it was just Kas, she relaxed, slowly slumping back to the ground. "Good afternoon Kasdeya..." Noting her suprise and anger, she made her voice soft and gentle. "Come here, I'd like you to meet a few people..." She gestured to the three, though her third son was asleep, and she let him slumber.

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Hiam's ear twitched when he heard the hiss, blinking he sat up and narrowed his eyes at the larger cub's direction. Someone new? Someone to fight! His brothers sucked at fighting. He pushed himself to his full hieghts, tiny legs still a bi wobbily. He hissed back, though it was more a high pitched spitting sound.

Xiang almost did topple, but righted himself and turned staying very near to Abeni's face, he wasn't scared, but slightly worried instead, the newcomer wasn't as large as mother. but still quite unknown, maybe she would be as fighty as Hiam was, he could hardly win agaist his brother's baby bites at kicks, what chance would he have against someone so big?

Kasdeya, still uncertain about the situation and confused as to just who the cubs were, was hesitant to step forward. She felt strange emotions rise to her throat and fill her chest. Was it jealousy, she thought? With a quick shake of her head as though to clear her mind and set her straight again, the cub slowly stepped forward. "Meet a few people?" Kasdeya repeated, eyeing the small bundles of fur that clinged so helplessly to their mother.

When Hiam reacted so quickly to her hiss, Kasdeya cocked a brow and couldn't help but smirk. The cub was decorated with what appeared to be bone markings and his eyes were striking. Perhaps a trait of his father? On his back were bone wings and Kasdeya, though unwilling at first, found them impressive.

Xiang's reaction was something Kasdeya expected from a cub. He was still young and clearly weak. Kasdeya never remembered being so feable.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:03 pm
Abeni stared at Kas as she stepped forward, smiling. "Yes... This is Odhiambo, Xiang, and Haezini. They're... my children. Surprise, hm? I didn't even know I was pregnant until I had them." She explained, brushing her paws against Xiang again softly to reassure him. "They're only about a week old... So don't be too rough. Or try to be." She eyed Hiam as he moved closer, unsure if he would hurt her, or vice versa. She had to break up fights all the time with his brothers.

Hiam didn't seem intimidated by Kas. He smirked and crouched down wobbly, short tail flicking. He was the larger of the three, and already a bit stockier. He hissed again and let out a mewed growl. Or what was suppose to be one, anyway.  



Versatile Cat

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:09 pm
Xi turned to look at Abeni before moving slightly towards his brother, he mewled and then added a small voiceless hiss of his own, the first time trying the action, he did it again with a better result, a small hiss issued, though it was much quieter than Hiam's.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:30 pm
Kasdeya lowered her ears as Abeni spoke. She didn't know she was pregnant? How did adults not know about things like that? Young and still naive about much of the world, Kasdeya looked strangely towards the female that she had admired so much. Was that was happened to her own mother? Was she unaware of her own pregnancy and did not wish for her cubs? Or.. only wanted some of them?

Speaking quietly, Kasdeya continued to look over the smaller cubs. She would listen to Abeni and be very careful with them. Afterall, they were young demons in the pride and would need to be cared for until their inner demons could care for them.

Reaching out a paw, Kasdeya brushed the small cub named Xiang. He too had a wing marking on his back and Kasdeya wondered if this was because Abeni's mother had been a Goddess. Were those wing markings similar to the wings of their grandmother?

When the two cubs began to hiss more in return, Kasdeya's ears went farther back and the cub looked away for a moment. She had come to spend time with Abeni and here it seemed the older lioness had her hands full.


Sparkly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:23 pm
Abeni watched Kas closely, noting her hesitation. She couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the girl... Even though they hadn't talked a whole lot, she knew that there was something about her... Something she couldn't help but be drawn too, and want to help her.

"Is there something you wanted? I could try to get the cubs to play together so we could chat." She purred, standing to stretch.

Hiam blinked over at Xiang when he tried to hiss to, frowning in annoyance. Only he could kiss! Or at least, that's what he thought! He growled and pounced at his younger brother like he always did, gums gnawing on the pale cub's ear. Luckily he hadn't quite grown all of his teeth yet.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:30 pm
Xi leaned into the touch from Kasdeya, happy that no harsh actions were forthcoming, he missed Hiam's annoyance and so was easily pounced and when gums were set upon his ear he flailed and kicked, squeeking, attempting to shove him off, or at least hold his own, he had not 'won' yet, but that didn't keep him from trying.  


Versatile Cat


Sparkly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:42 pm
While Abeni had meant to be helpful with her words, it sounded to Kas as though she was simply being a burden to the new mother. With so many new responsibilities, how could Abeni have time to share in their meaningless conversations? Ears remaining folded back, the cub shook her head slowly and looked back towards the cubs. "No, I suppose not.. I didn't mean to wake you, or them."

Hiam's sudden aggression towards his brother reminded Kasdeya for a moment of her own siblings. She had shared that same sort of relationship with Moricorm, though watching it amongst cubs made Kasdeya wonder if at times she was ever too rough with them. It was all training to become a great demon, right?

Stepping closer towards the cubs, Kasdeya wrapped a paw around the skeletal marked cub and pushed him aside as though to avoid the paler cub. The pale cub was slower and not as quick to temper as the other. Narrowing her eyes, Kasdeya spoke seriously towards Hiam, "You need to learn to control your demon, Hiam. Lashing out is no way to show that you're strong. It shows a weakness in your control." While Kasdeya was perhaps stepping on Abeni's toes, the cub's actions showed a sort of sisterly care for the cubs.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:50 pm
The young mother nodded slightly, front paws crossing over each other as she once again settled on the ground. Watched, curiously observing how the older cub handled the newborns. She soon smiled softly, not seeming to be bothered that she was taking on the role of teacher. Abeni was happy to see her doing so. Besides, she considered the advice to be wise.

Hiam blinked when he was pushed away from Xiang. He growled in response, his aggression turned towards Kas now. He gummed at her paws and tried to scratch her. Perhaps he had heard her and choose to ignore it, or perhaps he just didn't understand.  



Versatile Cat

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:55 pm
Still on his back after Hiam was pulled away, Xi continued to flail a bit, now trying to right himself. He was panting just a little bit as he rolled, further away from his brother, mother and her guest. When he looked up, Xi squeaked again, now because he was left to his own devices and couldn't swiftly return to his mother's side, though not from lack of trying, he scooted across the warm rocky floor.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:09 pm
The fact that Abeni simply watched and allowed her to help assist in the teaching of the cubs had Kasdeya smiling proudly. Having never been incredibly close to her own siblings, it seemed that the cub saw the potential in fixing her past issues with these cubs. Perhaps even though she was unable to connect with her own blood, she could find some strange company with Abeni's offspring? Perhaps they might also find friendship with her?

When Hiam turned on Kasdeya, the small lioness cleared her throat and offered as loud a roar as she could muster. Maybe if she could establish some dominance with Hiam, she could gain his respect and better help him learn from his demon.

Looking up towards Abeni, Kasdeya smiled awkwardly, "I think you have a very strong kid right here. I bet he'll make a great demon once he's older."


Sparkly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:44 pm
Abeni smiled wider when Kas seemed to get in a better mood. It made her happy to see that she would approve of her sons, and possibly become close to them as well. Maybe they could be a... family. It was such an odd thought for her...

"Thank you... I'm kind of hoping that maybe you can help teach them. I'll be a bit busy with my duties... Though..." She smiled slyly. "That will mean you'll have to come around more often. I hope you don't mind."

Hiam blinked, eyes wide. The roar made him stumble back, clearly suprised. He'd never heard anyone make such a noise... His brothers could only mew, and his mother never rose her voice to them. He was left dumbfounded... Then intrigued. He stood and walked back over to her, poking at her with his nose and paws curiously.

Abeni chuckled softly, then glanced to Xiang. Since Hiam was busy with Kas, she reached over and pushed him closer to her, then started to groom the smaller cub affectionately.  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:01 pm
When Kas roared Xiang froze, quivering on the stone floor, her voice echoed all around the cavernous space, distorting as it echoed back through the warm moist air, he squeaked and shivered, his ears flat against his head. The sound was not upsetting, just the suddenness of it, he couldn't help but cry out, he wasn't as brave as Hiam was, but his complaints were swiftly silenced by Abeni's attention to him. Mother was always comforting, always there, Xi watched Kas and Hiam from behind her arm, silent now.  


Versatile Cat


Sparkly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:54 pm
Abeni seemed to know exactly what to say to please the small demon before her. Giving Kasdeya such a large responsibility and trusting her to fulfil it was just what she needed. Puffing out her chest proudly, the cub nodded. "I-I think that I can have time between training and lessons. Or, I can take them with me so that we can all learn together." It was strange feeling a desire to help the smaller demons learn. She had always worried about herself. This was certainly something new.

While still happy and proud at her new position, Kasdeya had noticed Hiam's reaction and almost felt guilty about it. The fact that he had not acted again said something to the female though. Perhaps she had done the right thing? Maybe next time he would know she wasn't someone to push around. That would really help with their group lessons when Kasdeya would look over them!

Her pride quickly disappeared when she heard the sad cry come from Xia. "Oh! I'm sorry!" She quickly exclaimed to Abeni, another first for the cub. "I didn't mean to scare him so much." Her ears lowered as she felt the guilt increase.

Glancing out towards the den opening, she smiled slowly and then looked back towards the dark female, "Thank you so much for this chance to prove myself. I won't let you down! For now though, i'm going to practice! I have to know my stuff in order to teach them!"
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:03 pm
She laughed softly in response to Xiang's cries. "Don't worry. He'll be alright... They will need to be tough anyway." Still, she nuzzled a bit at the pale cub. When Kas dismissed herself she nodded in understanding. "Good, I'm sure you'll be a good tutor..." Grinned. "Come back soon. Hopefully next time they'll be walking around a bit more."

Hiam blinked at Kas when she walked off, head tilting to the side slightly. He just watched the exit until she was out of sight, then slowly moved back to curl up beside his mother. What an odd monster she had been...  


[IC] Aegnor'hini Lands [IC]

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