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Mawi Mai grinned slightly as she wandered away from the drumming circle. She was looking for some one to hang out with but it was really failing. She was bored and she really didn't know where he friends were, or her sister. She had no clue what to do now that she couldn't find anyone. She let out a small sigh as she walked toward her favorite spot, it was under a large shady tree near the border of the pride. It was her favorite place to be alone, the few times she didn't want to be surrounded by friends or family. Or if she just wanted to think, even if no one else was home.

She made her way to the tree then flipped her drum off of her neck. She placed the drum infront of her inbetween her front legs. She rested on of her paws on it thinking a bit. She flicked her tail behind her a few times liking the sound of the shakers on tail flicking behind her. She loved all of the sounds from any kind of her interuments. She started humming lightly as she did.