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[PRP] Fishin' on the edge (Vuai & Haja) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:29 am
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He had been traveling for weeks, following the rivers and streams, following his nose to the next watering hole, to the next fishing grounds. It had only been a week or so since he had found the injured vulture, lost alone and hungry. He had taken him in and the pair became fast friends. They were fishermen, fishermen together and as one. As the bird had gained strength so they together had worked out a strategy, and they were now implementing that.

A tiny blue and orange dot soured on the horizon, dropping from the sky like a bottle rocket, The splash of water was small but the silver fish within the water leapt to the surface racing for all corners of the pool... And straight in to the black and white paws of Vuai.

As the fish fled towards him his paws darted in and out of the tormented surface hooking out five rather large fish.

Pelleas alighted on Vuai's shoulder fluffing out his feathers, the blue and orange vultures eyes sparkled happily. "Good catch today!" he chipped stretching out his long sleek wings.

Vuai smiled at the bird "Aye lad, we're lucky ta be blessed wit the skills we ave" He chuckles picking up the fish and throwing them on to a bed of grass further away from the edge of the pool of water. "Might as well eat in tha dry"  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:05 pm
Ah, another day! In Haja's mind, that was 'ah, another day to go fishing!' Since things had begun settling down after the quake and its aftermath, Haja had found herself at the lake more and more. It was her retreat from the drama, as well as being just plain fun. Haja was an exceptional fisher, having among her knowledge, a vast resource of information on fish. With Maboya at her side, they were unstoppable. As such, much of the pride's meals were of fish.

Today would be no exception. Haja padded along the edge of the lake, the water curling around her toes with each step. She was headed to the other side of the lake today. She needed to change things up, or the fish would grow wise and move away from the waterfront close to the pride. She wasn't sure if this was still pride land, but it was close enough that she could carry the fish back. A sack made out of leaves had become as much of a companion as Maboya and she carried it today, ready for some action.

"Alright, Mabs! You ready?" she asked up to her flying companion.

A chuckle came as a reply.
"You know I am, Haja. Always."

Basil Brett

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:16 pm
Vuai tilted his ears, a voice interrupted his train of thought, lifting his large head he smiled and slipped through the reeds at the edge of the lake, his dark eyes shimmered as he watched the yellow female and her bird.

"What ya watching at Vuai?" Pelleas squawked as he flitted to the large adolescent lions back. Stretching his bright blue wings the sunlight flashed off his steely blue feathers and he raised a brow.

"Hush lad, they be fishin, we don't wanna interrupt um." He settled amongst the reeds then to watch the two in action, they were like him and Pelleas, a pair together, he could see that and he smiled.

Pelleas clacked his beak and shook his head. "Well I'm gunna have a fish if yer gunna sit there. I'm hungry." If he could have given a cheeky grin he would have, his small dark eyes shimmered though and he flitted, delicately, from the large lions back towards their stash of freshly caught fish.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:28 pm
Haja was about to 'make camp' when Maboya gave a small chirp, indicating that they had company. She glanced up, surprised. She didn't think anyone else would be around these parts.

"What do you see, Mabs?"

Maboya clicked his beak before landing with a heavy thump on her shoulder.
"There's another lion and a bird over there. They seem to be together, as if bonded, but I don't recognize them as members of the pride," he said in his usual laid-back timbre.
"They don't seem to be a threat. They're just fishing, like us," he concluded.

Haja's ears perked up. She didn't know many other lions who enjoyed the water like she did. Perhaps she should meet this other lion. Besides, it'd be best to confirm whether or not they were hostile. One couldn't be too careful after what they had gone through.

So Maboya took to the air and landed in a nearby tree to sit and watch over Haja. She walked over to the other lion.
"Hello there!" she called cheefully while she was still a cautious distance away.

Basil Brett

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:58 pm
"Good afternoon to ya lassy, Im sorry if me an my firs' mate ere interrupted yer fishin'" He grinned cheerfully and stood stretchng out his limbs. For a young lion he was very large but his smile was wide, his dark eyes dancing lik the water they stood beside. "Me an Pelleas ave jus' bin doin' a lil fishin', would yas like ta join us? I think mah feet got a little over excited." He chuckles indicating the small pile he and the brightly coloured vulture had procured from the water.

Pelleas clacked his beak and looked at the pale lemon lioness curiously. "The hairy bloke yer speakin to there is Vuai, He forgets his name sometimes." He chuckles and tosses a fish in the air swallowing one of the smaller fish without a moments hesitation.

"Haha! Sorry lass I'm fergettin me manners, me ma would give me a right good bath fer that, names Vuai, son of Nahodha'kota and Khepri of the Bhari'mtoto, born an raised a fisherman." He beams, his high set ears flickering.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:08 pm
Haja had a bit of a time getting her ears used to the lion's accent, but she was beginning to get the hang of it. She smiled and walked closer. Sensing the lack of danger, Maboya flew down from his perch to land on a nearby log.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both!" Haja chirped.
"I'm Haja, and this is Maboya."

Though excited to meet another fisherman, Haja held back on mentioning her pride. She still wanted to make sure this lion didn't have a bad interest in the pride. On that note, though, her ears flickered at the mention of a fishing pride? Was there really such a thing?


She didn't recognize the name, but she had lived with the Aka'mleli for most of her life, so that wasn't a big surprise.

Basil Brett

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:23 pm
"Yar lass, I was born an' bread on tha sea shore, my ma an' pa still live on tha sands. I left 'ome not too long ago, wanted to see whar else I could fish." He chuckles Sounds strange I now, but there 'as ya be more places than jus' tha sea yanno?" He grinned sheepishly.

Pelleas chuckles again and stretches out his wings flapping heavily until he landed upon Vuai's back, he pulled gently at the lions growing mane. "Aye an' it's a good job he was out and about, I'd be dead now if he hadn't found me. Bought me back fromt he brink so he did."

"Ye give me far too much credit Pelleas, Yer woulda found a way witout me." He grins cheekily looking back at the bird. "Tis odd ta find another fisherman in tha middle of the savannah."

Pelleas clacked his beak and whacked the big lion with one of his large sleety wings. "He's too modest miss Haja, I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for him."  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:32 pm
Haja grinned, suppressing a chuckle. It was cute how well the two got along. It seemed the young lion had found his bond bird. She remembered when she had first met Maboya. It seemed like the two weren't going to get along too well. Mab was usually serious, with a dry sense of wit. Haja was a near polar opposite. Never quiet, she leaped at the sound of anything new and was quick to tell everyone. She was cheerful and open.

The two had found their companionship had grown around a mutual love of water and fishing. Now, Haja couldn't imagine her life without Maboya, and Maboya felt the same in return. They were co-conspirators, if the fish eagle was a sometimes reluctant one.

"That sounds pretty amazing! Living on the seashore, I mean. I make do with this lake," she said jokingly, her eyes lovingly scanning the waters.

"So are you traveling with any goal in mind?"

She heard a quiet snort from Maboya, commentating, as always, on her habit of jumping right to the subject. She rolled her eyes at him and waited for a response from the other lion.

Basil Brett

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:53 pm
Vuai purshed his lips and rolled his wide shoulders. "Not really lass, I'm guessin' I'll find what I'm lookin' fer when I find it. I'm not in any hurry to return home though I occasionally miss the salty scent of the sea, I'm enjoyin' tha adventure, findin' new rivers and lakes an waterin' holes ta fish in ta find new species I aint never seen afore at tha tides edge." He chuckles lightly "I'm liking this lake though, tha fish ere are lovely an' fresh."

Pelleas looked over at the fisher eagle and flashed his wings, the sun shimmering along his bright feathers. He was proud of his feather colour and slightly vein, though the big male lion kept him mostly down to earth. "Your friend looks like a good fisher." he clacked his beak and a grin would have formed if that was at all possible. "bet I can catch a bigger fish than you" he grins, a playful glint in those dark eyes, he felt the best way to get to know another bird was by challenging him to a fish off.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:05 pm
Haja nodded.

"It's great when you find that niche where you belong. Luckily, I found it a long time ago. I would love to travel to see other types of fish, but I doubt I could ever really leave home."

An amused grin spread across her face at the Pelleas's words. She glanced over at Maboya, waiting to see how he'd respond.

The fish eagle's voice was cool and relaxed, but a glint shown in his eyes.
"Oh, you think you could beat me? Here, on my own turf?"

Maboya, by nature, wasn't very competitive, but it was always nice to have a challenge every now and then. Haja, on the other hand, loved competitions, and immediately grinned at the thought of such fun.

"Ooh, perhaps we should make this a team competition?" she asked slyly of the three males.

Basil Brett

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:52 am
The young male's face split in to a very wide grin as he looked to his own bird, the bright blue of his friend reflecting in his almost jet black eyes. "Aye, it sounds like a plan. Off ya go lad" he nudged the bird to his nose letting the large vulture rest there for a moment before he clicked his head, launching the brightly coloured bird in to the sky.

Pelleas spread his slatey blue wings letting out a quiet squark as his body launched in to the clouds, the sky itself became his camouflage as he swooped and tilted through the cloudless sky awaiting the start of this game.

Vuai smiled at haja and bowed his head. "My ol' man always said ladies firs' lass," He grinned playfully showing his white fangs his mouth spread in a very wide cheery grin. "an tha genulman in me aint gunna let it be any other way, after you my frien" He whispers looking up to the sky his gaze fixed on the deep blue dot which hovered silently awaiting his turn, his friend and partner.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:29 am
The yellow lioness grinned, mischief glimmering in her eyes. She looked to Maboya, who's brown eyes shone with the same attitude, and they both nodded. It was 'go' time.

She beamed warmly at her competitor.
"Well thank you! It will give you a fine opportunity to see how it's done right."

The words were said light-heartedly. This was all in good fun. But they were going to try their best, and they had the home field advantage. She knew these fish. She knew were the biggest would be, and the best places to go to catch them.

Maboya flew across the lake in a quiet circle, close to the water, but not close enough to disturb the water's occupants. He flew back to Haja and latched himself onto her shoulder before whispering in her ear. She waded slowly into the water until it was just beneath her shoulders. She waited for the waters to calm.

Maboya's keen eyes scanned the water around Haja as she walked, noting the movement of the fish. Some days they were more flighty and retreated quickly away. Today seemed to be their lucky day. The fish were weary of Haja at first, but then slowly began returning closer to the lioness.

Maboya took to the air again as quietly as he could. He circled the water, his eyes on the fish and the unmoving Haja. He lowered himself suddenly to the water's edge and cried out loudly. The fish, surprised, quickly moved to retreat. Right near Haja. With a swipe, Haja's paw jutted out, sending three slick fish into the air. Haja snapped at one with her jaw before ducking to the side as Maboya grasped another in his talons.

Success!! The two in one shot!! The two fishers retreated to the shore to show off their prizes.

Basil Brett

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:53 am
"Haha! On ya go lassy" The young male grinned cheerily as he lay down to watch the two in action. He smiled as maboya circled his own gaze turning up towards his own bird. They would have their turn and they would be ready, they were always ready, the vultures keen eyes surveying the area.

Vuai turned his dark eyed gaze back to Haja as they captured their fish and he let a hearty chuckle rumble his young frame. "Aye lassy ye be knowin ow ya catch round ere." He beamed and dove to his paws slipping around the lakes edge his gaze never even looking to the water, he kept his black marble like eyes fixed upon the bird whom fluttered in the sky.

Pelleas circled his deep blue wings rendering him almost invisible to the fish below, he liked how that worked and he used it to his advantage. Capturing sight of the fish as they lazily started to relax he suddenly plummeted head first in to the waters, his beak snatching a fish as the others fled for the shore line and the quick swiping paws of the fisherman form the sea.

Vuai's pale tipped paws dipped once, twice, pulling out two medium sized fish as Pelleas came to land upon the braod back swallowing the fish he had captured without a word.

"Tis good eatin' round here an' the company isn't too bad either." the slaty blue bird squawked. " It's been a long time since I had a fishing competition. I'm not sure who won tho." he winked at haja stretching his wings.

Vuai laughed heartily. " Ya know my pa always said ladies are much better at everythin." he chuckled happily. "I'd ave ta agree with I'm on this one lass I bow to ya prowess." He grinned in a lop sided charming manner and bowed his head.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:52 pm
Haja laughed merrily and shook the water out of her coat.
"Well, I'd say it was a tie. You two are marvelous fishers!!"

Maboya landed nearby and bowed gracefully to the two other males.
"Indeed! It was a pleasant competition. I like to think we all might have learned something from one another."

He and Haja would have to try changing up their tactics. See how well they could do. But for now, it was lunch time. After food and a short rest, they could finish their catch for the pride.

Haja lifted her fish with a paw as a toast.
"To teamwork!"

With that, the two tucked into their respective catches.

Basil Brett

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:04 pm
"Aye team work." Vuai smiled and nudged the bird which still stood astride his back before he lay slowly and stretched out his chunky legs. He let a yawn stretch his maw flashing his young white teeth. Watching Haja as she ate he smiled gently and rested his chin upon his paws. "Thar be some more fish just over there I've ad me fill if ye wanna take um wit ye, ye look like ye came with a job ta do I 'ope we weren't too much 'o a distraction to ya." He winked cheerily a dashing, youthful grin spreading across his maw.

"Don' think I've ever met anyone as keen on fishin' as me an mah partner ere afore."

Pelleas chuckled and settled down upon his friends broad back his wings folding at his sided his head tucking backwards ready for a rest. "You're showing your age again Vuai." The vulture chuckled clacking his beak cheerily.  
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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