-- AIM rp log between Amin & Kipepeo ((Seph + DFA))

It had been a cheetah this time...a smart-tongued lass with wicked green eyes and a mouth on her that would make a sailor blush. Amin had sent her running, even after she'd mentioned that she knew his mother...of all people...his mother? Yeah right. She should have come up with a better story. Hakuna was not one to consort with non-demons on a friendly level of any kind. They'd gotten into a tangle...juvenile demonling and adolescent brat, and now there was a wound on his foreleg that he was sure would scar. Hah. That would be something to show Nyota later, the pompous dolt. With a rumble of satisfaction, he went tearing in towards the center of their pride lands, away from the borders. Fighting made him hungry, and the rabbit warrens were overdue for a raid anyway.

Red eyes were silently fixed on one of said rabbit warrens; granted, she was perhaps a bit too young to catch one of those, but that didn't mean she couldn't try it, right? Her 'father' had been teaching her some rather... interesting tricks, and the lithe cub thought it was time to try them out. Sadly, with youth there came inexperience, and the fact that her paws were blood soaked was warning the creatures from coming out; the scent lingered in the air and told them someone was just outside, waiting for them.

Despite this, Kipepeo kept watch of the hole from a small distance, niave, brilliant eyes fixed on it. Innocently persistant, she was entirely unaware of the older male's approach. All in all, she made quite the strange picture; a small, black girl that might have looked hurt from a distance, but was, in reality, slightly blood soaked from her earlier play time.

In his rush, he might have tripped over her, had he not scented her first, the distinct, coppery smell of blood on her paws alerted him to the presence of another...and made him think of his own aching gash. So had there been a fight...? This close to the center of the pridelands? Hackles raised, he was preparing a snarl low in his throat, baring teeth...when he saw the cub, and stopped mid-growl, something that made him look quite silly, a frozen sort of grimace.

Shaking his head, he called softly to the little female. "Hey...what're you doing?" It looked like she was hunting rabbits, naturally, but...er...the rabbits could smell her a mile off like that, for if he'd scented the blood, then the long-eared fluffballs certainly had too.

The eyes that had been fixed on the hole rose up to greet his own, blinking almost innocently at him; in a way the blood that lingered on her coupled with the innocent way she turned towards him was almost eerily creepy, "I wanted a larger toy," came the soft reply, as if the thought that what she 'wanted' should have been obvious, "But... they don't come out, and I don't fit," as if to demonstrate this, she raised herself from her spot to pad over to the hole, lowering down to stick one crimson stained paw inside, waving it in the darkness to no avail.

Frustration crossed her features momentarily before she retracted her paw and sat down once more, "You... smell like Nyota," again she turned towards him, "And look like him. but you're blood red. not blue," she had heard the blue male had other sibblings, but had not met them; actually, she was usualy content with being left alone, and so had not made an effort to greet the other cubs or juveniles of the cub, "Who are you?" if anything, she looked curious, rather than scared. Then again... Kipepeo never looked scared.

For just a few seconds, his ears lay flat against his skull as he considered her, giving the younger lion a skeptical look, stopping just short of shaking his head in dismay at her mannerisms. What an odd little duckling the demon pride had obtained in this one. Not that that was considered a bad happenstance...somehow it seemed natural in the grand scheme of things. "They think you smell funny." He replied simply, gesturing to her paws with one of his own. "You broke your other toys, so they don't want to play with you." Fumbling for terms that she could understand, it made sense that the blood on her came not from the little lioness herself but some other unfortunate critted who had become her plaything.

Mention of Nyota caused a flicker of that hostility to rise for just a moment, before he subdued it again. Nyota was not a particularly pleasing subject just now. "I am Nyota's brother...his sibling...one of the heirs to the pride." Dipping his head in a sort of bow, as he'd seen his sire do, he then raised himself up to his full height. "My name is Aminilipa! And who are you, rabbit-hunter?"

"They do?" confusion crossed the lithe thing's features then, as if she hadn't quite paused to concider this to be a posibility. Then, her eyes strayed down to her paws and she lifted them to herr maw, her small nose wiggling as she took in their scent; she didn't think she smelled funny at all. Her tongue darted out once to lick at her paw then, silently conveying her previous thought.

As he spoke again, her ears perked up, "Oh...." and then they fell back, the fact she'd understood what he was trying to say obvious as she pouted for a moment, "Well, that's not fair, is it?" ah well, that just meant she needed a bath then; she'd ask 'mother', or 'father' later before she gave the rabbits another try. The thought was shoved aside as he introduced himself, "Nyota's?" after a moment, she offered him a smile, drawing nearer to lean her head down, sniffling at his nose with her when he bowed to her, ruining the formality of the situation, '" Nyota found me," she explained, "He brought me here and caught me one of those rabbit-toys too. My name is Kipepeo," her eyes then strayed to the gash he was sporting and a frown crossed her features, "Did you play with a toy that was too big for you?"

Well of course they didn't seem odd to her...bloodstained paws. Blood was, after all, an integral part of who they were, of this new heritage that they were such a vital part of. Cerulean eyes regarded her for a moment, before he laughed softly. A twisted little she-devil she might be, but when she was so small, it was rather cute, to tell true. Not that he'd tell her that, he wouldn't insult a lady without cause, even so minuscule a lady.

"No, it isn't really fair, but that's how they play, since you're outside their house, you have to play by their rules, and get all tricksy with them." He grinned, fully anticipating a rabbit hunt by this point in time. Perhaps they could get her a new toy, and if he taught her how to catch them herself, she was likely to be far better pleased with her new ability, than a toy that would just be broken in a short while. Anything to best Nyota. "Kipepeo, a pleasure to meet you." At mention of his wound, he shifted slightly, showing it off. "And no, it was a cheetah, and she was bigger than I was, but we...played...and I chased her away. She was an intruder, you see, so she couldn't stay." And a brat like her would have made a terrible slave.

Had he actualy paused to tell her such things, it was most probable he'd have recieved a smile; it'd have been a compliment, in her mind, to have been called cute. But then again, Kipepeo's mind didn't quite work and fuction like most of the other pride's females. She was smaller than most of them, and sweeter in her actions, even if her obvious fascination for blood and torturing little critters betrayed the naivity in her actions. In a way, the sweetness was sure to become some sort of weapond once she grew, no doubt, for it would make her enemies feel more at ease around her, never actualy expecting a strike, "Ah..." a pause as her eyes raised up to his, "When I was alone, I soon learnt that I could not play with toys that were too large for me. I saw one kill a cub once," there was no emotion in her words; no regret for having watched it; after all, it had taught her a lesson. Anything that helped her survive was a valuable lesson.

After a moment, she eyed the wound again, "When I came here, I was not treated like an intruder," though by all means, she should have. Instead, Nyota had simply allowed her in, and had even caught a rabbit for her. All in all, despite how blood thristy the pride was, Kipepeo had learnt to love them like only a child could; they'd done nothing but help her, and protect her, and thus could, in no way, be evil. In fact, she would have probably argued that point into the very ground had some outsider told her everyone within the pride was dangerous, "You should clean it," without much of a thought, she leaned in to treat it herself; her 'father' had taught her that when hunting, one could gain wounds and how to properly treat them. And untreated wound could fester, and a festering wound was weakness that could not be allowed, "Like this. Father taught me."