True. Arabic is the language of Allah (swt). Any translation is an interpretation, not the real thing. Ill accept this mostly on Cultural standard, but i would have presumed Allah speaks all languages, especailly since Allah was the first of all things and Arabic is not one of the oldest langauges.
Prayers are to be done in Arabic, as well as certain greetings and farewells.
Thank you, i belive that it would be no great stretch to learn certain prayers
Um, well then all of the USA military members that are Muslim are bad Muslims. rolleyes
What site did you get it off of?
Have you checked about Muslims in the British military? 1)I belive it was www.muslimconvert.com or something along those lines
2)And i do not actually know any Military Muslims in my area , to be fair i preumed it was an opinion, as with any faith i presumed certain interpritations are taken from person to person
It may be just a hadith, but if its in the Qu'ran, I'm not entirely sure. Everybody gets so disagreeable about these types of things. So annoying.
neutral Yes i can imagine hah!, thank you for clearing it up!
PS. Wouldn't the Brits like you for learning Arabic? You would be picking up an immensely important language...
You would think as much, but from what i gather the majoity of speakers are Civilian Contracters, people who knew it before they joined up, or people who manged to grab basics while on Tour in etiher Iraq or Afghanistan, We are enocuraged in the British Army to go on courses and always learn new Skills, but at the same time we allso have general Dutys and unpreditcable shift patterns, and not all the time we would like