Name: Bikou Shuei
Aliases/ Nicknames: The Mad Hatter

Physical Description:

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Bikou is an abnormally pale person that is extremely thin. His original hair color is black but he often dyes and highlights it different colors. He eyes are what makes him the most unique though, one of them is a brown so dark its almost black and the other one is a blue so bright it is almost white with a black circle around it. He is most often found wearing suits. He has three suits that he wears all the time. The first one is a light blue with black pinstripes, the second one is a solid blood red, and the third is black with red pinstripes.

Age: 20, October 31, 2008

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Akuzetsu

User Image

Zanpaktou: not achieved

Shikai Release: Caress Them, Akuzetsu

Shikai: not achieved

Bankai: not achieved

Special Accessories: none

Skills: Extremely flexible with amazing reflexes.

Abilities: none

Personality: Very smart with a morbid sense of humor. He is slightly insane and this makes him extremely unpredictable. He tends to be very manipulative but only when he gets board. He is a party animal and a drinker never turning down any initiation to either.

He was born into a family of Yakuza bosses and because of this he was both pampered and tortured on a daily basis. When he was three he began to study on how to fight with his fists and with a wakizashi. Around this time he skin also began to get extremely pale and his eyes began to change color. He was never allowed outside of the house due to his appearance. His Grandfather and Father didn’t want the rival gangs to know that they had a weak heir. When he turned 15 he escaped his house and his family, putting about 50 of the yakuza gang members in the hospital. He was taken in by a businessman as a body guard and he taught him everything he knew. The man died of cancer three years later and Bikou took over his business. He was killed on Halloween in 2008. He was at a rave conducting business when he was stabbed in lung. When he awoke from death a man wearing black robes was standing over him and without a word sent him on to the soul society.

Signature/Patented Technique: none

Guild Status: Unseated, No Zanpaktou

Online Schedule: 3-5 Monday through Friday, Pacific