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[FIN] The ususal friendly meeting (Intuthu x Jumuu) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:51 am
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They had been meeting up regulary since that first meeting. Life at home had become so much easier knowing that he would be able to leave and meet her with his normal hunting excuses. Of course there were many suspicions arising because of it but no one seemed to question it, he just acted like a rubbish hunter in the desert and so they were grateful when he left.

He had waited at the tree for Jumuu but she hadn't arrived, it wasn't the first time and so he headed to the pride, he had never had to go in the pride before and there was denying that he was terrified of entering her prides lands. She had always said there would be nothing wrong with it but he couldn't to it.

Today he layed himself on the grass just by the border of her lands. He allowed his tail to flick from side to side. He didn't like being this close to her pride but he would rather be this close then miles away from it. At least he had a chance of seeing her a little sooner then if he had been waiting at the tree still. Oh he had missed her, even if it hadn't been that long. She was his only friend, his best friend and he could be himself around her without having to worry about anything. He just loved her, she was awesome and so he waited. She would arrive soon he was sure.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:01 pm
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The young lioness trotted anxiously to the borders of her pride, golden eyes bright with delight. Sure, she was running a bit late, but with luck Intuthu wouldn't be kept waiting long! Sometimes it was difficult to get away but never would she think about standing her friend up! No, they had made a deal while younger, and his visits were something the ebony lioness always looked forward to.

It amazed her how long she'd kept the lion as a friend. Together they had grown from silly adolescents in to young adults; she had become a skilled huntress and he now towered over her. How the times had changed. . . and yet their friendship still remained. Any doubt about their friendship the lioness had felt in her younger days had long since passed - he was a staple in her life and it always gave her pleasure to meet him.

Today was no different.

The sunshine poured down upon the world, its heat almost overwhelming. It would be a good day to head to the Great Lake or at least cool off in the mudflats nearby; anything to get out of the heat! But first she had a task at hand. . . Unafraid of the borders (at least when she was on the prowl for her friend) a pair of golden eyes caught sight of a pale white and crimson rock. Such a form hadn't been there yesterday, and it was with a broad grin the lioness made a beeline towards the resting lion.

He was close to the borders today, as sometimes happened when she was late. Maybe . . .well. . . maybe this time she could convince him to visit her home lads. Maybe today she bring him to the great lake.

Quickly bridging the distance between them, making no attempt to hide herself from him, the lioness refrained from pouncing him in greeting. Despite all the time they spent together, the female adhered herself to strict rules. . . and physical contact was something she was crazy shy about. It was one thing to wrestle with her siblings or even havea friendly tussle with her pride mates but. . . Intuthu? Oh. . . oh no. She couldn't, not . . not really. Though she was crazy comfortable around him the young female was still far too coy or timid to do anything more than nap beside him on a lazy afternoon. To actually pounce him would be crossing the line she was sure! And heaven forbid she upset him. . . .

No. . . he was her only and dearest friend. It would be a terrible, awful day should she ever spurn such a thing. "I'm sorry I'm late," she apologized, dipping her head but unable to stop the smile. "I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long."


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:25 am
He raised his head as he heard some noise and a smile appeared instantly. She was coming, a little late but it didn't matter, in fact he was sure there wasn't anything in the world she could do that would upset him in some way or another. She was Jumuu and just seemed eager to please, though he did wonder why sometimes. She was his friend, his best friend and oh how he was happy to see her!

As she spoke he laughed and stood up, his body towering over her. He looked like a firekin now, his body was strong and muscular and he seemed to tower over everyone. However his personality was still the same as when they had first met and he still didn't really belong in his pride.

"You haven't kept me waiting long at all, I only just got here!"

It was partially the truth, he hadn't been waiting long but he hadn't just got there. He knew she worried easily and he wasn't about to make her worry even more.

"How are you today then?"

He looked her over and smiled, the amount of times he wished to get closer to her and nudge her or just play with her but he never did. He always held back though he knew he wouldn't always be able to. Though it kind of felt awkward. He and Jumuu had always just talked about well everying, no physical contact which he found weird but he just didn't have the guts to. What kind of male was he? He didn't even have the guts to nuzzle her. He definatly did not belong in his pride that was for sure.

He looked up at the sky briefly, its endless sea of blue with that yellow sun right in the middle of it. He was blessed unlike some in his pride, his white coat meant that he didn't get as hot as others did and when you live in a desert that is a blessing indeed! However he was well aware that Jumuu could be getting hot, her coat was a lot darker and he was sure that wouldn't help her keep cool.

"Do you want to find a tree or something?" He suggested with a smile on his face trying to be some sort of gentleman.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:17 am
Thankfully Jumuu wasn't a suspicious type, at least not when it came to the trust she gave her friends. When her friend claimed he hadn't been waiting long, the young lioness believed him. The ebony one had always been a bit of a worrier, had always been a little too mature for her own good. The world was a dangerous place and the golden eyed feline had always felt a need to protect her siblings and family from it; such care weighed heavily upon her and had as she grew had transformed in to a naturally anxious personality.

Even time couldn't change Jumuu's concerns.

Trotting once around her rather giant friend, Jumuu settled before him. It was hard to not treat him like she might one of her family members, to purr and cuddle up against his fluffy mane, but anytime she drew too close she felt far too shy and embarrassed. There was a chance he probably didn't even like contact or want her to get cuddly. . . . I n fact, he was probably the only lion outside of her family that she'd ever consider being so vulnerable around.

But perhaps that's what kept her from expressing herself. It was a vlunerability, and furthermore, she knew what sort of land Intuthu came from. The firekin were not meant to be crossed and she did fear ruining the relationship they had molded. So she resisted and instead smiled gently upon him. "I am quite well; we had a successful hunt last night so the entire pride is in good spirits," she informed, pleased that she had helped partake in the kill. Ah, but as great a mood as she had been in, her afternoon was even more grand now that she had met up with her friend.

There was something about him that she always look forward to. . . . And that feeling had ceased to wane with time.

Black ears pricked as e suggested finding a tree, and the lioness couldn't believe her good fortune. Maybe this was the opening she needed. . . "It is rather warm this afternoon. And I am feeling a little parched. . . Would you care to take a walk with me? We'll. . . . We'll have to go a bit inland but I promise it'll be worth it." Her eyes lit up and she held her breath, hopeful that he might accompany her.

The warnings to stay off others pride lands were ingrained in every lion, it seemed, but if he'd just come with her she could show him how welcome he would be!



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:58 am
Intuthu always felt awkward when she just came and there was no contact he was sure it was wrong in fact he would bring it up in conversation at some point. He couldn't help but smile though, after all she was his best friend and the prettiest... though she was his only friend but he still thought her beautiful though he had never said. He wasn't quite sure how to say it but at the same time he knew he should as her confidence was something that needed a boost.

"You actually caught something?" He teased. He could remember how she mentioned she wasn't good at hunting all that time ago. He had to tease her about some things just because it was what friends did!

"I am glad you had a good hunt though!" He smiled. He wanted to nuzzle her, do the normal friend things but something always held him back and it just annoyed him.

Then she mentioned moving, well she was answering his question but into her pride lands? Was she serious? He took in a deep breath and then let it out, very slowly.

"Okay then, you better lead the way though." He smiled, really unsure of whether or not he should go into her pridelands but well, there was no harm in it now was there? He smiled making himself relax a little. It would be okay, her pride wasn't like his. This was scary, it really was.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:37 pm
"I'm not sure who was more surprised - my teeth for actually landing their mark or the antelope!" Oh, Jumuu had botched many a hunt in her lifetime and took her friends teasing with nothing but a smile. Intuthu truly did allow the young lioness to relax and temporarily forget about her cares.

Jumuu's smile broadened as the large male accepted her offer. Though they often lingered near the Nchi' borders, this would be the first time he'd set foot upon her lands. This was indeed to be a special day and the lioness was most certain her pride and family would accept him; they certainly knew of him, from the stories she told and the scent of him upon her coat. But for the firekin to actually be seen and to have him welcomed in her home. . .well. . . today just had to be a good day.

"You're going to love it, I promise," she encouraged, reaching out to lightly swat at the male. She missed her mark purposely, tossing him another smile before retreating back in to her pride. She kept her eyes on Intuthu, encouraging him to follow. "It'll be a bit of a journey, I'm afraid. . . think you'll be up to it?" Now it was her turn to tease, though she knew without a doubt who the stronger of the two was. If any of them were to collapse from fatigue it would be her. . .

Intuthu was just too damn strong! One of the perks of being a Firekin, she supposed. . .


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:11 pm
He laughed at her reply to his tease. Oh he was a lucky lion to have a friend he could mess about with like her!

He followed her, trying to keep a smile on his maw though inside he was sure that this was wrong in many many ways. He should be doing something, anything but instead he was going into pridelands he really shouldn't be going into. Oh this was wrong but there she was watching him, smiling. He let out a soft sigh, he had to start relaxing.

"As if I wouldn't be up for it." At that point he ran towards her and nudged her playfully without even realising what he was doing. In a way she had challenged him in though she hadn't and he had just reacted though he soon realised what he had done and moved away a little.

"Sorry." He mumbled.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:49 pm
Jumuu understood that it might feel strange walking on another's land; it was instinctual and bred in to many a lion that to cross such borders was taboo. But, Intuthu was no stranger, and he certainly wasn't coming alone! No, even if the Nchi'mahadhi were wary of strangers (which they were not) Jumuu could vouch for his good heart and intentions. Besides, he wasn't going to be alone. . . . She had him for a guide!

Stepping happily in to the lands, the golden eyed femme tossed her friend a smile. He was beginning to relax, or so she fervantly hoped, and tried ot think of any way to make the situation less awkward. Perhaps if she had him meet Binafsi or some of the other members?

Well. . . no . . . maybe that wouldn't. She trusted him, and she was sure her pride mates would have no objection to his visit, but. . . . Intuthu might feel even more awkward! Yes, perhaps it was best if their afternoon adventure continued to be just the pair of them. For now. And Jumuu, being the shy and coy femme she was, knew all the back routes to take at this time of day. "Well of course you--" She hesitated and paused, suddenly forgetting her words as the large lion ran up and nudged her.

It wasn't as if the touch had bothered her. . .oh no, not at all! In fact, it was rather pleasant and a small part of Jumuu protested rather loudly at the fact he'd shrugged himself away. Contact wasn't a bad thing, oh no, but the golden eyed lioness was too afraid to actually try it on her friend. The firekin was far too important for her to be so careless and scare him away. . . .

As a youth it had been out of politeness and a reminder that every lion had his personal space. But now, such politeness had changed to a fear. . . a fear he might realize how much she did enjoy his company. And yet, why should it matter? They were best-friends. . . right? Wasn't it only natural to want to be near. . .?

Oh. . . oh it was all very confusing as of late, which was another reason the lioness didn't dare do anything rash. She herself couldn't seem to sort or figure out exactly what was changing in their relationship. . . if anything was at all! Jumuu was probaly being ridiculous, at any rate, and was just over thinking everything.

But now wasn't a good time to do it. Dipping her head, giving it a little shake, she grinned. "Nothing to be sorry about," she explained gently, inwardly deciding to do something bold. He had been the one to nudge her, so that only meant that she had ever right to do the same. . right? Just a quick one, just so he knew she wasn't upset. Brushing against him, she gave his neck (well, mostly his mane, at any rate) a gentle nuzzle before allowing a little space to appear between them. She walked shoulder to shoulder with him (she didn't want him to think SHE didn't want him to be near) but was incredibly conscious about exactly where he walked and his body language.

Yes, Jumuu was treading on delicate ground, and it would only get more and more foreign and complicated as their friendship progressed.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:06 pm
Intuthu watched her ever so carefully, a hundred and one reasons why what he did was wrong were going through his head. Neither of them had really had any contact with each other, they had a great friendship but it lacked contact and he was worried she didn't like it. Oh he didn't want to upset her far from it, which is why he had quickly apologised but yet it still seemed to... well....

Then she spoke and said there was nothing to be sorry for and at last he let out a breath, one that he had been holding for what seemed forever. Then she did something even more unexpected. She nuzzled his mane. She actually initiated contact. Did that mean she liked to be close to him? Then as they walked, she was so close. He could smell her, oh what a wonderful scent she had.

This was getting slightly weird now. What was he thinking? She was his best friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. He looked over at her, was she just... could she be... no she wouldn't want it. He couldn't risk it. She was beautiful and gentle and there was so much about her that he adored and would always adore but she wouldn't want more then friends. He knew that for sure.

So he looked around where they were walking though his gaze always lingered on her for a while before moving on.

"Your lands are beautiful."

He thought he might as well break the silence, he didn't want her to start worrying and he knew she probably would be. Though as she had initiated contact, maybe next time he could be more daring and create some kind of physical contact while meaning to!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:29 pm
The young lioness was content to walk with him. The coy female, so typically shy, felt emboldened by his presence. She truly was comfortable around him and couldn't hang her head low when he was near. Though she wasn't ready to introduce him to all in her pride - for his sake and nerves - she did hope that maybe one or two might see them together. Why shouldn't she feel proud of having such a friend?

Honestly. . . she was very lucky to have met him so long ago.

If the ebony lioness felt his eyes dance on her now and then; such knowledge did cause her stomach to tumble and knot but it was almost normal for the femme. Somewhere in their friendship and time spent together she found herself horribly interested in the male. . . And it was even worse that she had to remind herself consistantly that they were friends.

Just friends. . only friends.

He was far too handsome a lion to be interested in her and quite out of her league. Furthermore, he was from a pride not of her own and pride made up of pure blood and power. She had learned of the pride during her lessons and now understood (somewhere) of what problems Intuthu faced. It couldn't be easy for him to get away to see her everyday, and hse was more than certain she had caused more problems than he let on, but he was valient. . . and never missed a meeting. But just because they were friends didn't mean she could even toy with the idea that maybe, just maybe, he might see her as something more.

Who was she kidding? She was a nobody, that's what. . . she was no great dancer or singer, just a huntress and one still learning at that. Scaredy-cat Jumuu. . . . No, any confusion she felt about Intuthu was solely her own doing and something she just had to stop.

But for now she was going to think about him. . . and how soft his mane had been. Had she really cuddled against him for a moment? And had he not objected? Ooooh, a shame she couldn't have made the contact last a moment longer but that would push the limit. Yep . . . walking this close was dangerous enough, no need to let it get to her head.

"They are beautiful," she agreed, oblivious to his gaze. She wasn't so conceited to believe that he was actually looking at her; there was just so much scenery around him that she had to fall in his line of sight now and then. "I was quite lucky to have been brought here as a cub. But this is nothing compared to where I'm taking you," she added with another smile, changing her walk in to a trot. "I'll show you a place where the greatest treasure of the Nchi'mahadhi lies upon display everyday!" And oh, wasn't it grand!

Intuthu might live in the desert but Jumuu was bound and determined to get him to enjoy his stay.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:44 am
He was content, completely content. His paws were use to the grass and solid ground beneath his paws. It took a while for him to get use to it as the sand had been all he knew but now, it was easy and he felt as much at home as he did in the desert though there was something here that made these lands much better then the desert.

"Nothing compared? Oh I am curious now!" He chuckled and watched her a little more. She was beautiful. She really was! He knew one thing for sure where ever she was taking him she would always be more beautiful then those things around him. Of course he would not mention this though he may compliment her a little. He was sure if she were to like anyone more then friends it would be a lion from her own pride, one that loved the same things she did, knew the pride. He was sure of it.

Then again, they were best friends. She had chosen to be his best friend and not any other males or females at that. He smiled at that thought, maybe... maybe there was a chance, she had nuzzled him after all!

"Tell me then, where are we going?" He smiled, still looking around the lands. He couldn't see anyone else though there was evidence all over the place that would allow him to assume that a pride lived here. He hoped they would get to this place soon, he wanted to try something.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:53 pm
Jumuu gave a little chuckle at her friends enthusiasm. At least he genuinely seemed interested in their adventure inland. Perhaps he wouldn't be disappointed by the sight. . . . Then again, worry and doubt began to whirl within her and she wondered if perhaps she hoped too much. The lands that she took him were a personal favorite of hers but that didn't mean the lion would find them nearly as amazing; he was a desert soul, after all, accustomed to life within the barren and sandy desert. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea afterall. . . .

Oh, but it was too late now. Besides which, she'd been bold and actually had a chance to nuzzle against his side. Even now as she walked he was close enough that all she had to do was swing her tail a bit too wide and it might tangle and brush against his side. She was being very bold and it pleased and terrified her all at once.

Honestly, her little crush had to be kept a huge secret. Though she was much more confident than a cub, there were still areas of uncertainty for the young female and dealing with boys was one of them. Still, Intuthu was no boy, just as she was no girl. . . Their adolescent days had long since passed and she was now well and truly an adult. Ah, but that made things even more complicated, did it not? Others in her pride probably looked upon her as a fool. . . .

Maybe she need to talk to Binafsi or her mother. Maybe one of them would better understand exactly what was going on and how she should appropriately respond. Too late to do such a thing now. . . Besides which, "We're almost there," she encouraged, golden eyes bright. "If I told you where we were going it wouldn't be a surprise now, would it?" She laughed, picking up her pace to a full out run.

It felt good to release some energy, and her bracelets made out of bone clunked against her paws. Unlike some of the dancers she wasn't allowed much jewelry else it interfere with the hunt, but every now and then she was able to don such accessories. Jumuu did like to try to make a good impression when meeting Intuthu. . . and today was one of those days!

The scent of water had always overwhelmed the Nchi'mahadhi pride, what with being located directly against the great Lake Victoria. And it was here that Jumuu had brought her friend, with the sight of eagles and various other birds flying high overhead. Coming to a stop among a dune to the beach, Jumuu flicked her tail anxiously as she peered out at the vast lake. The sunlight caused the waves and water to ripple with reflected light that looked like diamonds. Great hills loomed to their east, the mountains and mud flats keeping potential enemies out. "Isn't it lovely?" She breathed with a sigh, watching the diamonds dance upon the water. "You should see it during sunset. . . . It's absolutely amazing then." She murmured, more to herself than Intuthu. A shame he coudln't stay later and see the actual setting of the sun. . .

But at least, for now, he got to witness the diamonds. Jumuu hadn't been lying when she had told him she'd take him to the prides great treasure.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:07 pm
Intuthu watched her move, he couldn't help it. He wondered if the fact that he couldn't keep his eyes off her most of the time made her nervous but at the same time he didn't care. If anyone could keep their eyes of someone as beautiful as she then well they had discipline or were just completely crazy! He couldn't help but smile, watching the jewelry move with her body, then she spoke.

He wasn't expecting her to speak and it took him a back slightly that she was talking, not that he minded obviously, he loved her voice just as much but he just was well in his own little world, allowing his mind to take over. So he was snapped back to earth by the most beautiful voice he could ever hear. It was like a heavenly song in his ears. However she then ran, something else he didn't expect but he let out a laugh and bounded after her. His rather large body not able to move in the elegant way hers seemed to.

Maybe it was today he was realising what he was feeling or maybe he already half knew. He was falling in love with Jumuu and her pride and her lands and everything about her, but it was forbidden. Yet it being forbidden seemed to make it all even more exciting especially as he wasn't sure whether he would ever be able to tell Jumuu! He wondered whether he should ask his mother for some advice but then what if she reported him? He doubted it but he had to wonder.

He followed Jumuu to the lake and stopped and stared. It was amazing. It was so beautiful, much nicer then the water hole he had at home that he was use to laying in to try and keep himself cool. This was stunning, breath taking. She really had shown him something amazing and he adored it.

"It's beautiful..."

What else could he say? It was! She then spoke again and an idea came into his head.

"I can stay till sunset, it's not like anyone will realise I am missing...." He looked at Jumuu hoping she wouldn't mind. He was offering to stay, for the sunset, for the night, for however long she wanted though of course that wouldn't have been that obvious in the comment. He should have just said something along the lines of, 'I can stay here if you want' but he was too chicken for that.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:42 pm
Perhaps it was a good thing Jumuu didn't know Intuthu's thoughts. On the one hand, it might allow her to relax and forget her fears about his judgement; knowing he felt strongly for her might encourage her to better realize her own emotions and let him know. Then again, finding out that he did think of her as something special might cause the female to go in to such a great shock she'd be liable to faint. Perhaps, for her own health, it was best the two remained oblivious to the others feelings.

At least until the young adult better came to an understanding of such things.

One small blessing was Jumuu's oblivious nature; she had trouble looking Intuthu in the eye, too afraid he might notice her secret. If she stared at him she might catch her breath or lose her words; worse, he might think she did like him and then, in his own embarrassment, might never wish to speak to her again! So, the golden eyed lioness had decided it best to avoid staring at him when she could. Therefor she frequently missed his gazes and otherwise had no idea he found her remotely attractive.

Once again, it was probably for the best. Self-conscious and naturally shy, his staring cold easily be perceived as something negative; exactly what, only Jumuu's mind could construe so again, it was only for the best she remain oblivious.

At the lions words, the lioness couldn't help but be pleased. Her concerns about him not liking the view were swiftly brushed to the wayside as he found the great lake beautiful. Oh, she truly was glad to have the opportunity to share it with him. . . . Furthermore, if her ears hadn't deceived her he claimed he could stay until sunset!

Tossing him a radiant grin, pleased at this extended visit, Jumuu reached over and ever so delicately nudged his shoulder with her head. It was a quick brush, pulling back before the touch became awkward or uncomfortable for either of them, but it was hard not pouncing him in delight. "So long as you won't get in trouble for it," she quickly added, glancing over her shoulder as if some of his pride might be waiting to drag him back. "I don't want to cause you any inconvenience, mind." And wasn't that the truth!

Sunsets were great but it would be horrible if he returned home only to trouble or violence. Jumuu didn't really understand the workings of his pride, but they scared her (slightly) and she worried continuously about her friend.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:34 am
Intuthu hadn't really picked up on the fact that she was avoiding his gaze or anything at that. He just didn't notice, mostly because everytime he looked at her he just saw the most beautiful lioness to walk the planet. He couldn't help but be distracted every time he looked at her. Whatever he had been thinking just vanished and he was thinking of her, just her and nothing but her. She was amazing.

Her comments made him laugh a little and as she nudged him, he couldn't help it. Her happiness was slightly infectious and so he nudged her back, though it was harder and in a playful way as if trying to knock her over to pin her down. He had a stupid smile on his face and all he really wanted to do was just be as close as he could to her and he planned to do that while playing with her because she seemed so distant and he didn't like that. He wanted to be as close as he could get to her.

"I am happy to get in trouble to spend time with you." He smiled and then pounced at her, gently and playfully. He didn't want to hurt her and so made sure everything he did shouted out play and nothing else. He would never want to see her get hurt and who ever did hurt her, well he would be paying them a visit.
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