Name: Hitsauke Yujimura

Aliases/ Nicknames
: Yuji

Age: T.O.D. 9:23PM, 6-13-1990

Physical Description:

Unmasked Appearance
Standing at a stature of about 5’7, Hitsauke’s body is seemingly frail and barely visible behind any large piece of clothing he may be wearing at the time. He does, in fact, have a few tattoos on his body. The only visible tattoo on his person is on his wrist and tends to appear as if it’s igniting when the pressure from his spirit begins to over flow. The others are on his back and wrap around his rib cage on both sides and expanding like the wings of a bird as the near his abdomen. As for his physical facial features, Hitsauke’s face is round and smooth as if he were a preteen, hosting a scar on his left cheek that appears to be a slice from a Zanpakutou. Once the hood of a ninja is removed from his face, visibly red eyes are revealed as a direct contradiction of his pale skin that gleams in the sunlight. The second thing to become visible after the removal of the hoods is his shoulder length hair that is the color of a dove’s feather and flows fluently as he moves through the air.
Masked Appearance
His body is wrapped, from head to toe, in Ninja style garments that are traditionally black, but in this case, white. The sheath of his Zanpakutou would be tied diagonally across his back with the hilt pointing up over his left shoulder where it would be grabbed with the right hand.

Katsuki Uchiri (No Translation) is the name of this Zanpakutou and is also apart of its release call in both Bankai and Shikai. The ordinary appearance of this Zanpakutou is katana that appears to have been forged by a master craftsmen and custom made for Yuji. That’s said only because the hilt is laced in a white material and it appears to blend in with the material on Yuji’s fists. The material must be some type of glove for grip; however, it is the same as the hilt. As for appearance, Katsuki Urichi is a crying woman. She’s curvaceous and is carrying a basket of assorted floral arrangements. Apparently, her favorite is the white rose, because whenever she chooses to appear, she weeping and holding the rose close to her face.

Shikai… Katsuki Uchiri, rain on me… [Not Achieved]
Followed by this phrase is breeze of beautiful white rose petals the shower Hitsauke, uttering beams of soft light that uproar from the scattered petals that have fallen at his feet. Once these gently casted lights fade, the katana extends slightly and become a bit thin, almost weak looking. This is not the case. Once it extends, he spins it rapidly in a circle out in front of his body, disappearing into a burst reiatsu. Once masked inside of this reiatsu, he relies on the pure speed of this transition to cause as many cuts to the opponents’ body as possible. The only that could be referred to as a flaw in this is the trail of white petals left behind as a trail in the skies as he dances around, making his numerous attacks.

Special Accessories: N/A

… Katsuki Uchiri, dry your tears [Not Achieved]
Following this phrase is Yuji’s body landing on the ground with out his reiatsu shielding his visibility or increasing his speed. Yuji drops both arms at his side and only to return the left arm back up and extend it out on the side of his body horizontally, spreading all five fingers. Having done this, Yuji drops to his knee and allows his ninja hood to flail off and reveal his white locks of hair. With the right hand, he slings Katsuki Uchiri around and aligns the front of his left hand, which is now spread, with the tip of the of Katsuki’s blade. The blade shatters on contact with Yuji’s palm and produces broken shards that began to glow as they touch the ground in front of Hitsauke Yujimura’s knee. Instantaneously, the shards borough into the ground, whatever the surface texture, and causes a white rose to sprout and grow to its full potential with in seconds. Yuji picks this rose and allows its stem to wrap around his wrist and become apart of his being.
At this point, his reiatsu begins to spike, probably causing a commotion with whoever is monitoring the situation close enough to feel any increase. Bringing this rose to his nose, Yuji sniffs it and pulls a visible scent from within it. The smell does something; it causes black lines that appear to be tear drops to stain Yuji’s face and fun neatly down his chin. Here comes the finale. As these lines complete, the bulb of the rose fades and the stem becomes a hilt. This hilt has fused with Yuji’s arm and given him the option to bring forth the blade, or simply choose to keep it concealed and focus on hand to hand combat. The focus point of this transformation is on speed and physical strength. Not naturally powerful, Hitsauke Yujimura tends to shock whoever his opponent may be with brute strength he acquired from his Bankai’s abilities. The speed goes without mentioning. With a combo of the speed from the sheer spirit pressure and flash step, Yuji has become a speed demon (Not really a demon) with deadly precision.


Shupo (Flash Step –Under developed)
Way of Destruction Number 33: Blue Fire, Crash Down (Sokatsui) - Fires a big blue ball surge of reiatsu at your target. A very powerful kidou but Considered to be a low level Kidou due to its simplicity. This requires a long chant before use if the user hasn't mastered it yet, i.e. Hitsauke
Chant: "O Lord, mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man, truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws!"

Abilities: Hitsauke Yujimura is a skilled martial artist whose philosophy is “The best offense is a good defense.” Should you manage to take away his speed, he would be forced to engage you in hand to hand combat and strategically attempt to pick you apart by signaling out your pressure points. On the other hand, he is a master swordsman and chooses not to kill any opponent immediately. Hitsauke will case as many small cuts to the body as possible and finish with a laceration they would hopefully immobilize the opponent, leaving them to perish by mass blood loss.

Personality: Hitsauke Yujimura is a kind hearted soul who seems to try an add light to any dark situation with kind words and witty humor. His poison or “Kryptonite” seems to be sobbing females. Seeing a truly hurt or depressed woman enrages him and causes a conflict of interest, in most cases. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, Hitsauke will do the best he can to resolve the problems of the woman. This, of course, comes second to the commands of his captain of higher ranked Shinigami orders… Most of the time.

Biography/History: Hitsauke Yujimura was, in the living world, an accomplished student who had just completed high school as an honors student. As a gift for his graduation, he was given a car and a new watch. Upon leaving a celebration party with a few friends in the car, he stopped for gas, leaving the vehicle to pay. Upon exiting the store, he was mugged by someone who just wanted a few dollars or anything of value. He resisted, but the mugger had back up. After Hitsauke had successfully defended himself from the first mugger, the second peered off from behind a dumpster on the side of the gas station with a pocket knife. Off guard as he could have possibly been, Hitsuake’s throat was slit and his body was dragged to the back of the gas station.
After he had taken too long inside the gas station, his friends entered looking for him, but saw no signs of him. After the exited, a trail of his blood was seen and followed to the back. What they saw was gruesome. There he would lay, lifeless with an emptied wallet and a large cut across his throat. There was also a cut going down his cheek. His soul was rescued by an unnamed Shinigami and he was sent to the soul society. For some reason, his body was not that of it 18 appearance, but instead, the appearance he had at the start of the 9th grade. He ventured off into the martial upon being taken in by a family of farmers.