Hakuna was growing restless. Her young ones were grown enough that it was time for them to start seeking their own dens. And she...well, she found she missed having cubs around. Her little ones were certainly not 'little' anymore. She sighed and stood up from where she sat in her den. Both of Verge's litters had grown, and they had gained a few more adults...
Hakuna felt it was time for her to bring the pride cubs again. There was one problem however....
The pride needed more new blood. Lest they fall to the one thing that killed many a pride: inbreeding. She snorted. Hakuna would not see that happen to the pride she guarded! The crimson lioness thought a few moments, then nodded to herself. Yes...it was time to seek Verge'lian out and ask him a question...She started off in search of the Aran'shale, purpose in the expression on her un-masked face.

Verge was currently on his favorite rock...brooding and monitoring the comings and goings of the pride members. He knew Iar and one or two of the younglings were out on the borders, so there was no need for him. No littlelings to babysit, and only one juve in this pride that immediately came to mind. Goodness but things had changed. Yawning softly, he rather wondered if there wasn't some time to take a venture out from their lands...even if only to relax.

Hakuna would have smiled when she spotted Verge...but she wasn't much in the mood for that yet. Not when she had something so serious to ask. Once she was a good bit closer, she hailed him.
"Good evening, Aran'shale! Might I discuss something with you that has decided to plague my mind?" That was a good way of putting it. But the thoughts would not leave until she got a 'yay' or 'nay' from him...

Head turning to consider her, he bobbed his head in agreement, "Go right ahead." He murmured, glad, really, for her intrusion on his watch. The things he had thinking about had been dismal, as they seemed to all be lately, but now he had something different to focus his attentions on. He liked Hakuna well enough, she was a proper, demonic soul, and a pleasant enough individual to interact with. He liked her better than most, at least.

She nodded and sat. "As you know...most of the cubs are nearly full-grown now. And a pride cannot thrive with adults alone." Even she, who had been a rogue so long, knew this. "But nor can a pride survive if it does not gain new blood. I have the wish to bring the pride new cubs once again...but I seek permission to find a suitable father outside our borders." Though many might cringe as they asked such a thing, Hakuna kept her expression calm and determined. After all, she was not asking something impossible. The pride was still new, after all. They did not have enough bloodlines to be able to not think of the risks of inbreeding.

Verge'lian had noted the same thing, and he actually smiled faintly. She was a smart one, Hakuna, thus why he had found himself quite attracted to her. "Very true, my lady..." He replied quietly, "I know that you have the wisdom to pick a strong, suitable father for demon children." Verge made an almost amused sound, "You have not only my permission for this venture, but also my blessing."

Hakuna smiled, relief in the lines of the expression as she bowed. "I thank you, Aran'shale." She rose from the bow. "I shall find a father that is not only strong of body, but strong of mind." Yes...they needed more of that in the pride. Loyal, but cunning minds, to better serve the pride.

Of course she would. She had found him the first time...two of like mind...he was quite sure she would do thusly again. "You are most welcome, and I trust your judgement. Perhaps I flatter myself in saying that you possess good taste." That bemused little smirk touched his maw again. "It had been long, however, since we have truly talked. What have you been about, Hakuna?"

Hakuna chuckled. "Ah, but it is flattery well-deserved, else you would not have been Aran'shale, yes?" The smirk on her face was reminiscient of her wilder days, not so long ago. "It has been a long while. But there's been so much to do...so many to protect." She enjoyed her job however...She never would have thought her paws could protect as they had. But protect the pride they did, and she got to get bloody in the process now and again.
"I have been well. The wounds I received getting Bavu have healed nicely, and I have found something I may like to do once our numbers are much stronger, with your permission of course."

Brows raised at that, and he tilted his head curiously.
And pray tell, what is that something?" It was coaxing, curious. He honestly did want to know what she had in mind, now that their pride numbers were increasing...the ranks were truly growing, steadily turning into the pride that the gods had foreseen...surely the founding members were coming to that place where they could do as they pleased.

"I have found, Aran'shale...that I rather enjoy teaching others how to fight. And so...once I am no longer needed at the border patrols, I would like to teach the coming generations." She chuckled. "Though the cubs grow up fighting...most do not know how to truly read an opponent, how to move with a strike or the value of a dodge." She sighed. "And sadly...many fight with their mind and judgement clouded by bloodlust. That is all well and good...IF they can be taught to think through that."

Ah, she was thinking ahead, truly planning, and it pleased him. She truly was of his ilk, just as he'd thought back then, when he'd first met her. Rumbling low in his throat, he nodded, "So many of our youth are on the verge of adulthood...I think that time for you is drawing near, and for that, you need cubs to teach. I encourage you to pursue that wish, Hakuna, you are much-needed." Strange, how this pride was fraught with people that he could actually stand to be around.

Hakuna smiled. "Thank you." With a final, quick bow, she took her leave. Already, so many ideas were running through her mind. The best places to search, based on what she'd seen as a rogue. Perhaps she would dare to travel during the day a bit. Day-blood would not be bad for the demons...perhaps bring in another sort of strength for the pride.

Verge'lian watched her go, ice-blue gaze distant and thoughtful. This pride had changed in so many ways...and already...though it was his very life, he was looking forward to that day when it was not duty alone that drove him. Wistfully, he envied Hakuna...for for himself, perhaps that day was never to come.