Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:20 pm
Here's where you can leave requests for RP. Don't feel offended if I don't choose your Soquili for something. All my pretties are looking for plots. All I need from you is an offer!
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:21 pm
ZuilianMateTaken by ShtrDrNGry's Lukou BreedingReserved for lifemate Friends: Claude Sweetpea Scarlet (All owned by Sweenys_Revenge) Candy Heart (I own her!) Crystalline (owned by pandaxx) more to be added soon Enemies: None yet. If I missed you I'm sorry. PM me and I'll add you. Description: Since he is a co-own with Lorako, I've put a slight spin on his history since he's in my teepee.
Zuilian came to live with his two-legger Adsali, after a terrible accident that left the stallion with severe amnesia. He has no idea if he has a family, though he's been told that he does. He can't remember anything about his life before. That doesn't stop him from (usually) being cheerful and full of energy. During their nomadic travels, he and his two-legger stumbled upon a regular mare named Vidia. Zui (as he prefers to be called) treated her with the utmost respect due only to a lady of noble birth. The pair soon became friends and Zuilian fell hard for the pretty mare. He began to court her in his own way by bringing her treats and small gifts. Soon he began searching for a proper item to give Vidia in preparation for when he asked her to be his mate. Upon returning from one of these outings, he found that she had simply vanished into thin air.
This devastated him and now he wanders the Kawani lands, trying his best to either find her or rid himself of the hole in his heart. He no longer cares for himself well and is quite frightening in appearance. He is half mad with grief and needs some mare to snap him out of it. The problem is, he tends to try and avoid social situations and mares in general. Who can save this gallant stallion from himself? It seems one of Candy's little foal friends grew up to be quite the lovely mare. The rose-colored mare Lukou was the one to save Zuilian from himself. So the pair have fallen for each other and Zuilian has asked the family's permission to court the lovely mare. Things are going very well for the pair. Now with foals of his own on the way, Zuilian wonders if he's ready for this newest development. Will he be a good father and mate? He'll find out soon enough.Plots: Open, make a suggestion. Romance: Closed Breeding: 1 Reserved for Lukou Troll babehs ftw!! 2 Reserved for Lukou 3 Reserved for Lukou RP text color: Tan. As above.
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:24 pm
Candy Heart Mate- none offspring- None Family- Akuba (owned by Yumitoko): Adopted big brother Niele (owned by Cowwy264): Akuba's mate 3 baskets (as yet genders/names are unknown to me)
Friends- Corine Duskai (both owned by Makette) Jumanjii' (owned by Silent Artist) Maion (owned by Syaoran Puu) Gaspard (owned by Siddah) Zuilian (owned by Lorako and myself) Scarlet Claude Sweet (all owned by Sweenys_Revenge) Tulgey Cat (Mindsend) Ai'jinn (owned by teh Meegs!) Eros (owned by Draco) Lukou (owned by teh Meegs) ~to be editted to include the troll stallions, Lukou's brothers~
Enemies- None
Description: Candy Heart is first and foremost a wanderer. This is how she came upon Adsali and Zuilian. It's also how she's made friends. Though shy and timid, with the help of her friends, she is slowly getting over both personality flaws and becoming more adventurous. This quirk of her nature was brought out by an encounter with Tulgey. She has gone into the mountains with Gaspard and on an adventure with Manjii' (who she is quite fond of in that 'He's my dearest friend' kind of way). She's a friendly, thoughtful, and patient mare so she'd make a really good friend for someone most others wouldn't understand (or give a chance to). I think she'd make some stallion a wonderful mate one day and be an awesome mother. Plots - Bad Things happen to Good Soquili: Looking for a kalona and skinwalker for long term harassment. I'd really like someone who won't mind sticking around to cause some strife between her and Rockstar when they end up having baskets. - Heal my Heart: After the tragedy that breaks up Candy and Rock, she's going to need a stallion that will help her recover. Romance- Open Fling being RPed with Pale Mist/Sweenys_Revenge's Rockstar. Breeding- 1. Reserved for Rockstar Done! Woo hoo! 2. Available 3. AvailableNote about her mate: I'm open to any color/edits/breed you wanna throw at her, but no one who isn't going to be a serious lifemate. She'd even give having a kalona as a mate so long as he wasn't trying to kill her/the babies and as long as he isn't evil (for Zuilian's sake).
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:26 pm
AllanMate None Breeding: Fling with Katjive's Lyssa, eventual lifemating to Pippi's Lavanya Friends:Open Enemies: Open Description: Allan is a good stallion, likes to makes friends, and loves his herdmate Candy. Maybe that's what started the problems. Candy didn't return his feelings. He wanders the land around his teepee trying to keep his mind off the fact that Candy is with another. He's hurt and angry, so now most mares are kept at a cool distance. He's also a big flirt now as a result of how badly he got hurt by Candy.So far Celandine, the angeni, and Lyssa, the pretty spotted mare, are the only two who have, as of today, been able to get past that guard. Plots: -Snap out of it: Allan's angry and hurt. Celandine and Lyssa can only do so much. He needs someone to make him realize that there's nothing wrong with him. (Open to any stallion or mare) - Don't I deserve Love too?: Allan's needs a mare to convince him that he's worthy of love. Is your mare the one? Maybe, but she needs to be very very patient and understanding.
Romance: Open Fling with Katjive's Lyssa Breeding: 1. Reserved for Katjive's Lyssa 2. Reserved for lifemate 3. Reserved for lifemate
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:28 pm
PorfirioMate: Squishy Offspring: None yet Family: Friends: Enemies: Description: *to be fleshed out* Plots: Romance: Lifemated to Sayuri_Nita's Squishy Breeding: 1 Reserved for Squishy Done! Mini babehs ftw! 2 Reserved for Squishy 3 Reserved for Squishy
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:29 pm
AerlinnielMate: None yet Friends: Candy Heart Allan Maiara the lioness Porfirio (All owned by me) Family: Father- Tokidoki Mother- Elurune Adopted Father- Zuilian Adopted mother- Lukou Adopted Uncles- Claude Sweetpea Suichii Adopted Aunts- Istas Misae Giada Selena Poppins Adopted Grandmother- Scarlet Adopted cousins- Lafayette Nadia Chevalier Breeding: Reserved for lifemate 1. 2. 3.Possibly lifemated to Elfy's Ganesha. (Or so we're hoping!) Plots- I think this is self explanatory. Looking for lifelong friends for Aerlinniel. They shouldn't mind that she is boisterous and outgoing at times while other times she can be ladylike and dainty. Are you my knight in not so shiny armor? I'd like to find Aer a lifemate. NO FLINGS NEED APPLY! She has a fondness for knights having grown up around Claude and his kids. I'd love for someone to sweep her off her feet. She's very special to me so I'm going to be stricter then normal when it comes to her mate. Complimentary colors only. I will refuse anyone with clashing colors. Secondly breed matter. Unicorns, winds, flutters, and kirin along with their cross breds (ie alicorns) are more than welcome to try for her hoof (hand?). I'd even allow an angeni or crossbreed thereof to apply. Other breeds while welcome will likely be nixed, especially any evil Soq. Again, self explanatory. Leave your suggestion in the thread.
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:31 pm
Hoshi- A pleasure to make your acquittance: A friend plot. I'd like Hoshi to have a best friend. Male or female, doesn't matter. - A knight's work is never done: Being brought up with Claude's children Lady Nadia Misae and Sir Lafayette Misae, Hoshi was taught his knightly duty. Is there a task that your Soq needs done, but can't do it themselves? Hoshi is your man Soq! No stealing or anything bad like that. - I will protect you my princess! I'm looking for a mare to be his princess (lifemate only!) Breeding/colors don't matter. She shouldn't be snobby or rude. No evil Soquili need apply. Breedings: 1. Lifemate only 2. Lifemate only 3. Lifemate only
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:35 pm
Baileys plots- I don't think you can handle this: Baileys is not the nicest mare in the herd. She's snarky, petty, and honestly a bit of a b***h. I'd like to find either a stallion that nurtures this attitude or one that thinks he can break her of it. -Girlfriends? Please, I don't do girlfriends. Looking for a cheerful, but co-dependant mare that doesn't mind verbal/emotional abuse. Breedings: 1. Available 2. Available 3. Available
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:35 pm
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:38 pm
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:40 pm
Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:07 pm
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 10:40 pm
Aethereal (flutter mare) would be interested in a plot if said relationship doesn't work.