Hope that wasn't too much XD
~I'll post any new sketches or art work here as a little sketch journal kinda thing I guess and if I finish it I'll add to above, maybe take out things as I start getting more in that gallery XD don't want to over load anyone.
Thanks for stopping by!
heart JOURNAL:
A little rough sketch in open canvas I did while trying to plan out a character for a roleplay with a friend. I didn't know what I wanted him to look like so I played a bit until I figured it out. I was going for scales on his face, like the coarse hide type scales, but I think it ended up looking more like mold or rock >.< if I ever get the ambition to I'll probably try something else for the scales. Until then this is fine and I'll share it here to break into this journal thing ^.^ Enjoy!
Pencil sketch for the win! I won't lie, I'm a bit lazy about my work, so I draw it right onto the computer with my loverly tablet of doom, but i do know I need to keep my pencil drawing skills up too. So, I took the opurtunity to practice pencil sketches today because I've finally gone and made myself an art journal blog thing, and I wanted to make some custom art for it. I named the blog Omen Pixie *shrug* kinda silly, but oh well. Anyway, I'm making a pixie mascot for it for the banner and I've been sketching all day, finally got something decent, even used that light box I got for christmas to clean up the sketch! Whoot! I'm taking a break before I ink it so if anyone sees things to fix before then, that'd be great! ^.^