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Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:39 pm

.:: Welcome! ::.
.:: To Leo's Plot Thread! ::.

Again, I say welcome! Here you can figure out who's in need of what and feel free to PM me any questions you might have! And, if you feel one of my Soq. would fit into one of your plots, just ask me about it, I'm always willing to throw someone into someone else's plot ideas, I'm never amazing at coming up with my own. XP

My AIM is LeoTheMagicLion if you'd like to chat on there instead of PM or this thread! If you want a fast reply in this thread, please quote me! For whatever reason it won't alert me to new posts even though I started the thread. Thank you! :)

Love, Leo! ~<3

PS - Here's a link to my Teepee!

User Image

Quick Review

Who exactly is open to Plots?

1. Edel
2. Melody Forté
3. Danae (Co-owned)
4. Lt. Samual
5. Jouko
6. Minuet Amachi
7. Lior
8. Calibor (Co-Owned)
9. Baroque Amachi
10. Echo Amachi
11. Eleftheria
12. Alyssia Flew
PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:41 pm

♥ ...Edel

User Image
Breed...Dragon Fly
DOB...January 6th, 2009

Mate...Eventually, Al'ar
Children... With Arithyl;Danae and Aquila
With Sciophobia Orion and Lior

Height...14 Hands at Normal Height.
Eye Color...Light Green
Obtained...Masquerade Raffle

Likes...Unique Encounters, Oddities, Sight, and sweet fruits
Dislikes...Anger, Frustration, and the World

Personality...Edel, well let's say, she enjoys her peace. She didn't always used to be that way. When you first run into her, she can give off a bad 'all about me' vibe, and it's hard to really get over at first. She says a lot of snobby things, just in an attempt to get you to leave her alone. But, if you can ever manage to get past her safeguard, she'll stand up for you whenever you ask.

RP Color...Darkblue

Plots Ideas...1. Friends and Acquaintances - Edel is in need of some people she can really rely on. This doesn't exactly man she'll reveal her whole past to them, but it does mean someone she can talk about everyday issues with.

2. A Mate - Edel does have plans for a little ONS, so the lucky Stallion will have to understand that. We can even think futher into that issue later on. However, a mate is a huge issue for Edel. She doesn't exactly believe in 'true love' and she pretty much laughs at any stallion who tries to win her heart. So he'll have to work his way into a friendship first, and then build on from that. I'm thinking an adventure together would be nice.

UPDATE TO PLOT 2. Edel just recently had a fling, and is now stuck being a single mother! She'll need someone that can understand her...um...mood swings. However, they'd need to accept the fact Edel will always be there for her children. She's not the abandoning type. She's not exactly looking for another fling.

ANOTHER UPDATE TO PLOT 2. Edel had another fling! This time, it was with a sweet guy, but unfortunately he was a little to dominated by his fears. So, she's open to a mate again! I'd really like for her last breeding to be with a lifemate, of course, you'd have to keep in mind she only has ONE breeding left! A fling would be possible though.

3. Oddities - Edel has a strange fascination with anything unusual or one of a kind. I don't mind if enemies come from this, but basically if you have an odd Soq., personality or looks wise, then feel free to throw them at her.

NEW PLOT IDEA 4. Adoption? - Do you have a foal in need of some kind of parental figure? Well, since Edel's gone through raising two sets of her own kids, she's really come to love foals, and would willingly take in any lost soul! She would be a loving parent to anyone in need! ♥ This could even be filled by a basket, maybe it's been abandoned and she simply stumbles upon it? It could obviously be more then one too! She's raised all of her kids on her own, so she can handle any number of lost souls at once! ( Obviously some of this would require simple background plotting, but I would obviously want RP too. :P )

Breedings Used ( 2/3 )
1. Arithyl ( Danae and Aquila )
2. Sciophobia ( Orion and Lior )
3. Reserved for Al'ar~ 83


Eloquent Hunter


Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:51 pm

♥ ...Melody Fortè

User Image
Nickname...Mel, or simply Melody
Breed...Poke'Soq - Chingling
DOB...April 26th, 2009

Mate...Mecho Amachi. ♥
Children...Minuet, Rondel, Cabriole, Farruca, Baroque, Rhapsody, Mezzo, and Echo.

Height...16 Hands
Eye Color...Bright Red
Obtained...Pokemon V.2 Raffle

Likes...Bells, Music, Caves, and anything Mysterious.
Dislikes...Silence, Dark thing, the color orange, and bugs with more then eight legs.

Personality...Melody Fortè likes to think of herself as a Mystery solver, and willing to take on any challenge that presents itself to her. Once she picks a side, she'll fight for it till the end, unless something comes a long that can seriously, honestly convince her other wise. For the most part she's playful and easy to be around with, though she can often completely blank out of a conversation if she's distracted or finds it boring.

Plots Ideas...1. Friends and Acquaintances - Melody is always looking for people she can hang out with. The only problem is she tends to get bored easily and eventually grows away from people. So, she needs RPs in general, and one really amazing friend that she can never find boring!

2. Mysteries - Melody absolutely loves a good brain challenge. So, if you have something that's got cha puzzled, come to Melody for a quick solution!

3. Dancing - Melody absolutely loves to teach others how to dance. If you're looking for a dance teacher, then look no further! Melody is the person for you, as long as you don't mind one of her kids tagging along, but if you'd like her all to yourself, that can be arranged too.

4. NEW Need to Talk? - Melody has been through a lot, from loosing a child (to harpies) to having doubts in her love of Mecho. Somehow she has pulled through all of this and has become quite happy with her life once again. If you have a Soquili in need of console, Melody is your girl. She may not sugar coat things, but that's only because she like people being straight with her, so she does the same in return.

Breedings Used ( 3/3 )
1. Mecho Amachi ( Rondel, Cabriole, and Minuet )
2. Mecho Amachi ( Farruca and Baroque )
3. Mecho Amachi ( Rhapsody, Mezzo, and Echo )

RP Color...Crimson
PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:53 pm

♥ ...Danae

User Image
Breed...½ Uni | ½ Mutant Flutter | 2nd Gen.
DOB...June 4th, 2009

Parents...Edel and Arithyl
Mate...Open for Plots. Would have to discuss with co-owner though. ♥
Children...None yet.

Height...15 Hands
Eye Color...Lavender
Obtained...Nerpin Breeding

Likes...Daydreaming, Flowers, Fun, and the Sky.
Dislikes...Cloudy Days, Smelly Things, and Rain.

Personality...Danae likes to think of himself as the boss in his own life. He doesn't take orders from anyone and isn't easily scared. He likes to think of himself as a missing Prince, since he never met his father. He's a big day dreamer, and loves to have happy conversations with just about everyone he bumps into.

Of course, that doesn't mean he's a total pushover. He knows when someone is being rude to him, and he doesn't take kindly to that kind of behavior.

RP Color...Darkorchid

Plots Ideas...1. Friends and Acquaintances - Everyone can use friend, and Danae is the type of foal to love on everyone. He's not much a of flirt or anything, and he almost like a fun-loving prince. He loves to hold himself above others at times, but he's always willing to get down and dirty.

2. The Accident - As you can see Danae has a blindfold, but ICly wise I play him without one. I'd like for him to be involved in some plot in which he falls into some scenario that leaves him blind. This can be a big fight against some 'badie' soq, or just a fun adventure gone wrong. If you have need of a hero, well he'd love to play that role! - Taken care of, thanks to a very nasty run in with Demon. ( Poor Danae. D: )

3. Healing - Well, as you can see Danae is half Uni, which means he does have a bit of a natural healing ability. Although it's fulled a lot by his mother's flutter/mutant genes. Still, he's taught himself countless techniques that would help a Soquili in need, he may not be the best as the natural uni technique, but he makes up for that in practical use. He doesn't just heal physical wounds, he'll heal the mental ones too. Or try to his best ability to help.

Breedings Used ( 0/3 )


Eloquent Hunter


Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:54 pm

♥ ...Lt. Samual

User Image
DOB...June 30th, 2009

Children...None yet~

Height...17 Hands
Eye Color...Blue
Other Images...---
Obtained...Lil June Customs

Likes...Stars, Different Rocks / Stones, Rivers, Mountains, and Winter.
Dislikes...Deserts, Sour Fruits, Dry Days, and Frilly Mares.

Personality...Sammy is Quirky and oblivious to most of his surroundings. Her prefers to spend his time alone, but likes to think of himself as the happy-go-lucky type. He's friendly when you approach him, but can easily be distracted by just about anything.

RP Color...Firebrick

Plots Ideas...1. Friends and Acquaintances - Kinda obvious. Everyone needs some friends, Sammy would probably prefers someone level-headed and open minded. He's not a huge fan of straight line personalities, preferring to deal with someone with a spunky personality like himself.

2. Royalty - Since Lt. Samual come from a Kingdom where he worked directly with the King, it'd be interesting for him to meet up with some wandering Royalty in the Soq lands. This can be a pleasant encounter in which Sam might offer to stick around and help this Soq out in some way. Or it could be something that reminds him too much of his old past and causes a rivalry. Of course, any ideas on your part are welcome! 8D

Breedings Used ( 0/3 )
1. Reserved for Edana
2. Reserved for Edana
3. Reserved for Edana
PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:57 pm

♥ ...Jouko

User Image
Breed...Grounded | Ninja OC Cosplay
DOB...July 5th, 2009

Children...None yet.

Height...15 Hands
Eye Color...Blue
Other Images...Uncert
Obtained...Dawnie; July Customs Month

Likes...Flowers, Shades of Red, Helping, and Laughing.
Dislikes...Gray Skies, The Dark, Enemies, and Falling/Tripping.

Personality...Jouko is naturally sweet and trusting to anyone she meets. When it comes to meeting other she'd always upfront with them, not really caring if anyone likes what she has to saw, though she very rarely says anything bad about people. She's a wonderful conversation starter. In fact, the only real problem anyone has with her, is that fact she's awfully klutzy. She trips over just about anything. Most of the time, her own scarf.

RP Color...Gray

Plot Ideas...1. Friends and Acquaintances - Everyone needs some friend to hang out with! Jouko is fairly easy to deal with, she's spunky and trips a lot, so she's looking for someone that can be her loyal friend, but s/he also needs to help keep Jouko's head on straight and out of trouble.

2. Bad Experiences - Jouko is used to being pampered and treated exceptionally well around her new adopted family. ( AKA Koko and the herd ). She could use someone to really scare her into taking her life more seriously. not every day is a perfect walk through the forest.

3. Trading/Traveling - Jouko is always up for a new adventure, if you have someone that's getting ready to see the world and would like someone to tag along with them, Jouko's your girl. If you don't mind her getting in the way just a bit. She does make for cheerful company.

4. A Mate - It's not at the top of her list, but Jouko is always willing to flirt a bit and meet the men in the area. She's a little worried about scaring some of them away though. She's not likely the type for a fling, but with the proper plot she could be up for it. It's easy to take advantage of her.

5. Training / Accident? - Jouko will eventually get tired of being called weak by other Soquili. So, to prove herself, she'd like to travel with someone, and learn to be as tough as she can! Obviously, I'd like a tough Stallion for this, but I'm not opposed to a tough Mare.

Breedings Used ( 0/3 )
1. Reserved for Price
2. Reserved for Price
3. Reserved for Price


Eloquent Hunter


Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:59 pm

♥ ...Minuet Amachi

User Image
DOB...December 14, 2009

Parents...Melody Forte and Mecho Amachi
Siblings...Rondel and Cabriole
Mate...Rakko Aquila

Height...16 Hands
Eye Color...Gold
Other Images...None.
Obtained...DiHi. Breedings Slot! <3

Likes...Collections, Dancing, Laughing, Playing, and generally being Innocent.
Dislikes...Storms, Getting Lost, Crying, and feeling Abandoned.

Personality...Minuet is typically a very quiet Mare. Although she loves to interact and meet with new Soquili, she'll usually wait for them to notice her or she'll slyly begin a conversation about them. She can be a bit nerdy at first, asking them silly questions about themselves. She knows not to go too far with her questioning though. She loves to help around the herd, and she absolutely loves to be with her father.

She's a mare that could easily become heartbroken however. With her mother having left them before she was old enough to remember her, she typically feels abandoned, and with often ask what was wrong with her, that her mother had to leave them. She's a quiet ponderer, but she tend to be very intuitive about others.

RP Color...Dodgerblue

Plots Ideas...1. Friends - At the moment all Minuet is looking for are friends! Some Soquili her own age would be nice, but anyone will do! She'd LOVE to meet other Poke'soq! 83

2. Hoarder! - Minuet isn't exactly like her parents when it comes to trading goods, nope. She prefers to collect things! She found a perfect hiding spot when she was young, and has been collecting random objects ever since! Examples of items you might fine in here would be, acorns, broken bells, seashells, and other things from her adventures. It'd been fun if maybe someone caught her with her collection? And sought to steal it, only to discover it was basically junk. Or maybe RP with just another collector?

3. Adventure? - Minuet loves to travel! I'd like her to come across several different things along her way. A possible attacker? Someone who might want to harm her? Obviously then, she'd need a healer. Maybe, she could find mister right in her travels? Maybe he could even be her travel buddy at some point?

4. Mr. Right - This will be a hard role to place, because even though Minuet has such great, loving parents, she finds it hard to believe in true love. Though, she does envy those who have found it. It would take a lot of RP, and I'd really prefer if he were sweet, but no insistent with his feelings. Like, they become friends before anything else. Someone she would least expect! I would prefer is she stay mated to the same stallion at all times, so yes, this would be lifemate, not flings! I'd only consider that is it was a REALLY REALLY good plot!

Breedings Used ( 0/3 )
1. Reserved for Rakko
2. Reserved for Rakko
3. Reserved for Rakko
PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:00 pm

♥ ...Lior

User Image
Nickname...Lili? o 3o
Breed...Flutter Mutant
DOB...February 28, 2010.

Parents...Edel and Sciophobia
Siblings...Orion Half-Siblings; Danae and Aquila
Children...Trying~ <3

Height...15 Hands
Eye Color...Pale-silver, Not Blind
Other Images...Basket Foal AdultUncert
Obtained...Drunken Cupid Singles Mixer! || Breeding by Rapidashtrainer

Likes...Stars, Traveling, Adventure, Herself, Her brother, Lovely objects/soquili/anything, and Flying.
Dislikes...Water, Anything ugly/untasteful, Anywhere she can't see stars, Hot climates/days, and Jerks.

Personality...It's almost as if Orion and Lior have switched parts in your typical brother/sister duo. Orion tends to space out a lot, and can be easily distracted, living in his own world. Where as Lior is all about reality, and often sticks close to her brother to watch out for him. She pampers herself like crazy, and like her mother has a love of the stars. The only time she ever becomes spaced out like her brother would be on a clear starry night. She tends to not get along with others when she first meets them, and she'll hate anyone that makes fun of her petite size.

RP Color...Mediumblue

Plot Ideas...1. Friends/Acquaintances - If you're willing to try and befriend her, give it a shot! She'd probably be the type to befriend someone that would make her look good, or is willing to remind her of how awesome she is constantly. Or if you have an idea, you can throw it out there. 8D

2. Are you picking on my BROTHER? D8< - Exactly what it says, of course, we'd have to get Sya involved with this. Or, you could just be picking on her. Warning, though she is small, she will be fairly tough with anyone that picks on her. She also knows how to use WORDS (dundunduuuun) to hurt others. ♥

3. The ONE THING I HATE is water - I'd like if maybe a kelpie picked on her? And this time he/she could actually freak her out. Or maybe, anything...with water involved? xD

4. Anything and Everything - Do you think Lior would fit into one of your plots based on her personality or something? Then you're welcome to throw your ideas at me! 8D

Breedings Used (0/3)

1. Reserved for Quirrel
2. Reserved for Quirrel
3. Reserved for Quirrel


Eloquent Hunter


Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:01 pm

♥ ...Calibor

User Image
Nickname...Cali, but please don't use it! D8
Breed...Second Gen. Grounded
DOB...February 2nd, 2010

Parents...Bella Swan and Callan MacTaíl
Siblings...Renesme, Fearthainn, Edana, Arthur, Searlait

Height...16.5 Hands
Eye Color...Green
Other Images...
Obtained...Co-Ownership between myself and Paynes Gray! <33


Personality...Calibor is the type of Soquili that can get along with just about anyone, he knows how to act around someone to gain their trust or affections. Though, deep down he really is a kind hearted stallion. He would never gain someone's trust with the thought of hurting them in the end. Sure, he's a bit of a klepto like his older sister Edana, but he's actually more of a small time thief then she ever was. He can be a bit childish at time, but that's only because he never really wanted to grow up in the first place. He enjoys he life with no responsibility, and he wouldn't change it for the world.

RP Color....Green

Plot Ideas.... 1. Friends/Acquaintances - I have the same deal for all of my Soquili! They're all in need of friendships and random encounters. Think you have someone that would click well with Calibor? Throw them at him! ♥

2. The Thief - As stated before, Calibor isn't exactly a big, well known thief. In fact, he's lucky if anyone ever remembers his name that isn't his family. He's at the point now where he's not sure if he could be a good thief, or if he should take after his dad and be noble. ( haha! ) Basically this is a plot that would determine his future. He could either run into someone that could teach him all there is about stealing. Or, he could run into someone a bit more noble and turn his devious ways around.

3. Love of his life? - Calibor is open to any interesting ladies that pass his way. Just remember that he is a bit of a smooth talker around anyone, and dishes out compliments very easily. However, he's not the type to instantly fall in love either. He might be up for a fling, but he's much more likely to find the 'right' girl and stick with her.

Breedings Used ( 0/3 )
PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:02 pm

♥ ...Baroque Amachi

User Image
Nickname...CUTIEPIE! <3
Breed...2nd Gen. PokèSoq (Wing throwback!!)
DOB...December 7th, 2010

Parents...Melody Forte and Mecho Amachi
Siblings...Minuet, Rondel, Cabriole, and Farruca
Children...None, yet~

Height...16.5 Hands
Eye Color...Red
Temper...Dulce 'Sweetly and Softly'
Other Images...Basket | Foal | Adult
Obtained...August Samularity Breedings; Reassigned to Beejoux! ♥

Likes...Sweet yummies
Dislikes...Bitter food

Personality...Dulce, which means 'sweetly and softy'. Baroque is one of the biggest sweethearts out there, always putting others before himself. He'll do an random job around the herd just to be helpful, a sort of 'master of all trades' Soquili. Of course, he's only a foal and barely a master at anything. However, just because he'll do just about anything for a random stranger, doesn't mean he doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. Trust me, he's been raised better then that!

RP Color...Orchid

Plot Ideas...1. Friends/Acquaintances - Everyone needs friends! Don't have a certain plot idea and just want a sort of meet and greet, have fun sorta RP? Just ask! 8D

2. You're Lost? - Do you have a Soquili that just doesn't have a home? One that's maybe a bit of a misfit, and just can't find somewhere they can fit in? Well have no fear! Baroque knows exactly where you can go if you need a comforting place to stay! The Yectenehua Herd will welcome just about anyone with a pure heart! ♥

3. Meeting Everyone - Except for anyone to nasty! I'd love if Baroque could meet a bunch of different species of Soquili, being in the Yectenehua Herd he's already met quite a few, but they're all like family and barely count! And pof course, I would absolutely love if he could meet up with other Poke'Soq! 8'D

Breedings Used ( 0/3 )
1. Reserved for Bellezza
2. Reserved for Bellezza
3. Reserved for Bellezza


Eloquent Hunter


Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:04 pm

° ...Echo Amachi

User Image
Breed...2nd Gen. Poke'Soq
DOB...June 19, 2011

Parents...Melody Forte and Mecho Amachi
Siblings...Minuet, Rondel, Cabriole, Baroque, Farruca, Rhapsody, Mezzo, Fermata, Allegro, and Opus
Mate...Can be stumbled Upon.

Height...16 Hands
Eye Color...Crimson
Temper...Eroico [ 'heroically' ]
Other Images...Basket | Foal | Mare
Obtained...Nerpin Breeding!

Likes...Helping, Running, Dancing, the Sound of Bells and her family.
Dislikes...Pain, Screeching, Getting Lost, and being thought of a too young.

Personality...Echo is one of the youngest Amachi children, only her younger sister is in the way of her being the youngest herself. And she does not enjoy being looked down upon as young and inexperienced. She tries her hardest to seem mature like her elders. Still, she enjoys to run around and get out her excess energy. She usually does that by learning to dance with her mother and older siblings.
Still, Echo has adopted a personality like one might expect to see from an older sibling. She cares very much for others and loves to care for the siblings that are her own age. Sometimes she puzzles over the fact that she's so pink compared to all of her other siblings, but she doesn't let that get her down. She loves to help out when she can, and often fantasies about being a hero in her own right.

RP Color...Fuchsia

Plot Ideas...1. Friends and Acquaintances - First off, I'll let you know that I will be RPing Echo mostly as a foal still. Although she is also open for Adult RP as well. I didn't get much of a chance to RP her as a youngin', so I'm making up for that. Echo mostly sticks to her herd, but she does have a habit to wander, like many of the Amachi kids. And she's easy to get along with. If you're mean to her, she won't hesitate to leave you be. If you're nice, she'll probably stick to you like glue!

2. Flying - Echo is one of two Amachi kids that were born with a set of wings, a throw back in her father's family. She loves it, and what she loves most of all is soaring over the water. Oceans and lakes, ponds, anything wet! She of course will enjoy an adventure in flight with anyone. ( This has to be an Adult RP for obvious reasons :p )

3. Quest for Pearls - That's right, those string of pearls you see on her back, were all gathered by this little Mare when she was younger. Accessories always have to mean something in the Amachi family. And sometimes Echo wishes she was born with fins instead of her wings. So, to show her connection to the ocean she search for pearls and had them strung up to hang around her. I would love for her to meet different water Soquili this way. Or other interested in the ocean. I would even like it if this Soquili (If it was a Kelpie) to possibly end up as her future mate. Of course, it could just be another land soquili, with an attachment to the ocean like herself.

4. Anyone looking for a Doctor? - Echo does enjoy dancing, like many of her family members, and even singing as well. However, she had a calling as a young filly for healing. It started with her discovering a hurt hummingbird in the forest and nursing it back to health. Since then, she's always been interested in helping others. Echo is better with healing emotional scars however. Such as, getting over a major injury, versus her actually healing said injury. After all, she's not a Uni and doesn't have any natural healing skills of her own. She just has a really good heart and knows how to put it to use!

Breedings Used ( 0/3 )
1. Available on Dec. 16th.
2. Available on Dec. 16th.
3. Available on Dec. 16th.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:40 pm

♥ ...Eleftheria

User Image
DOB...September 9th, 2011


Height...16.5 Hands
Eye Color...Orange
Other Images... Uncert
Obtained...Alliance Raffle

Likes...Rain, Clouds, Fruits
Dislikes...Sand, Sand, and more Sand.

Personality...Eleftheria is one spunky mare with a lot of guts, and an up-beat positive personality to match. She knows when to get straight to business and she knows when the times call for a more casual existence as well. She's none for her bit of a lucky streak and has always thought she was so lucky because she has such a bright outlook on everything. There's one thing we know for sure, and it's that you want this lady here on your side.
RP Color...Teal

Plot Ideas....1. Friends and Acquaintances - Well, as you can see Ele is new to these lands, but is happy to be returning after so many years of being separated (as she knows through legend). She's looking to meet all the interesting characters of the Soquili lands and will not hesitate to talk to just about anyone she comes across. She's not shy by any means, and can sometimes come off a bit too forward.

2. Guardians of the Alliance - Ele is well aware of her role. She had always known of the Alliance between the two breeds. She has always been aware, despite some of her fellow hippogryphs having lost this information over time. She is welcome to interact with both sides of the fence, and even bring the two together at times.

Breedings Used ( 0/3 )


Eloquent Hunter


Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:08 pm

♥ ...Alyssia Flew

User Image
Breed...Gen. 2, half Kirin, half Grounded
DOB...August 16th, 2012

Parents... Aalun and Arthur Flew
Siblings...Alexander & Ruada
Mate...Too young!
Children...Too young!

Height...18 Hands
Eye Color...Blue
Other Images...Basket | Foal | Adult
Obtained...Gifted Basket! From Arge! Agneza breeding!

Likes...Fighting, Exploring, Training, and her Family.
Dislikes...Storms or continuous rain. (They keep her from adventure!)

Personality...Alyssia wants to be the perfect example for her siblings. She has a bit of an eldest sibling complex and even though she's not the son in the family, she still thinks of herself as the baddest of the bad due to her size. She can come off as a bit of a tomboy around strangers and she'll often grow on people and become more dignified around those she has known for some time. She knows when to be polite to the right people, taking to the lessons taught to her from her mother.
RP Color...Purple

Plot Ideas....1. Friends and Acquaintances - Alyssia can be RPed as either a foal or a young adult right now. I didn't get many chances to RP her young, so this is a perfect opportunity. She is a very kind individual, but aside from that she has a warrior's heart. She can be fierce and certainly know how to protect those she loves. Her father made sure of that. She doesn't back down from a challenge easily, especially in her younger years when she was very stubborn. She does however know when to give in if she's sure she'll loose.

2. WoW Based Mount Soquili - Alyssia is the offspring of a pinto horse mount and a purple Elekk mount. While their origins their own world isn't quite the same the resemblance can be uncanny. You'll notice that unlike the rest of her family she doesn't have a traditional saddle. She doesn't really like to take riders, unless they can handle her bareback with her simple blanket covering her scales. If you can't handle her, back off! Other WoW based Soquili are welcome! Alyssia would likely try to talk you into joining a herd her family is trying to get started.

Breedings Used ( 0/3 )
1. Open on October 31st.
2. ---
3. ---
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:35 pm

-skitters in- Pokesoq Rp? 8D <3333 -shoves out Hocus- I'm not sure he'd be able to fill in Melody's mystery role (grats on her by the way, she's so cute! >w< <3) unless a mystery is how to wake him up without him going psychic BS upon returning to full consciousness =w=;;;

Or mystery - is he awake and talking to ya... or sleeping and he's thinkin' everything's a dream~?
-shot for horrible ideas-

Or it could be part of the six hours when he's actually awake and up and about when they meet. That'll probably be the easiest xD;;;


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:37 pm

Sorry for the uber late response. XD

I think The best chance at them meeting, would to have Hocus curled up asleep, and Melody completely confused by the fact she can't wake him. I think she'd love to sit there and think out all the different possibilities to wake him. X3
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