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Today, Kya was wandering along the borders of the pride's lands - just exploring, really. She had practiced for a while earlier and she was pretty happy with how much she was learning and new things she could do now. Still, the young cheetah knew that she needed to get a drum, but that could always come later!

Today, she was just trying to see what might be around here, maybe make some friends too... that would be nice.

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
Kamau was out for a run. He'd met a leopard just the other day, and she had told him that running back and forth would make you stronger. Well, running back and forth looked rather silly to him, so instead, he'd settled for just running. He'd have to go back at some point, but...the short distance bit was boring and got him absolutely nowhere. Tearing through foliage and grasses, he plowed a path before him, eyes narrowed with the determination of the young. Already his legs were aching and he wanted a drink of water, but that meant it was working...right?

Quite suddenly, Kya heard something crashing through the bushes and such up ahead and froze, eyes widening. Something that maybe was coming after her? Did it want to eat her? With a little squeak, the small cheetah turned and started running - never knowing she was still right on the other's path.

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
It was a few moments before the path cleared before him, and he caught a glimpse of her, fleeting green for a moment. Oh my. Was someone running away from him. Breathlessly, he called out, "Hey! Hey! You don't have to run!" It wasn't like he woulld hurt anyone, not unless they deserved it, of course, in which case he would give them a good, solid smacking.

Kya jumped at the first 'hey!' and at first ran faster... until his words sank in, and then she slowed a bit, glancing back over her shoulder. "But...then why are you -chasing- me?!" she called back, staring at him whilst still running. Or trying to anyway. What she didn't see was that there was a nice root sticking up from the ground just in front of her...

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
"I'm not! You're running ahead of me! I was running first! I'm training!!!" Just then, he slowed, espying the root. "Stop! Look out in front of you!" He called in alarm, hoping that the girl didn't hurt herself, the hybrid juvenile screeched to a halt, claws leaving skid marks in the dirt beneath him. He really hadn't meant to scare her...

Kya turned around and made a sort of startled squeaking noise when she saw the root, quickly jumping -over- it. But because she hadn't really been ready to do that, she tumbled when she landed, going head over paws to end up flopped in the dust - unhurt, but a bit dizzy now.

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
Eyes widening, he scampered closer, putting large paws atop the root to peer over at her. "Uhm...I'm sorry...are you ok?" There was concern in those bright crimson orbs, and very carefully he inched over the root to get closer. He felt horrible for having possibly caused her harm...that was exactly the opposite of what he was supposed to stupid could he be?

Kya blinked and looked up at the other, then shook her head and got to her feet just a little shakily. "Yea... I think so," she replied, smiling at him a bit shyly. He looked different from anyone she'd seen before... but she wasnt' about to ask rude questions. "I'm Morayo'kya... but you can just call me Kya if you want."

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
Oh, oh my, and she was PRETTY too. Feeling his cheeks heat beneath his fur, he fumbled for a moment before clearing his throat, puffing his chest out and tapping a paw to it, trying to seem somewhat larger than he actually was. "I'm Kamau! And uhm..." Deflating slightly, he realized that he had no easy, friendly nickname, "And my name's short enough, I guess." Ending that with a sheepish smile, he glanced at her sidelong. "And I really am sorry I startled you, I was training."

"Training... for what?" Kya asked, frowning slightly as she tried to think what in the world he could have been training for running around like that. And without looking where he was going too. "Oh... it's okay. I'm not really hurt or anything..."

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
"Well..." He appeared slightly embarrassed, "I want to be able to be big and strong...grow up and be able to protect people, keep bad things from happening to them." Ears swiveling towards her, he grinned playfully, "I want to be a knight, to protect fair ladies like you..." That just, came out...oops, curse his runaway tongue.

Pink eyes widened slightly at that, and Kya flushed under dark fur, a bit of it showing through the lighter green on her cheeks. "I'm not really a fair lady..." she murmured, shy again suddenly, looking down at her paws.

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
Pawing idly at the dirt beneath his feet, he felt even more awkward still, and shuffling a bit, he forced himself to go on. Couldn't have her thinking THAT, and surely a knight was supposed to protect a lady's self-esteem too, right? "Sure you are! Just look how pretty your coat is! And you have awesome eyes..." It was quiet, but sincere, his own ruby-red orbs blinking at her, forcing himself to look at her to combat his own shyness.

Kya looked up at that, startled. She'd always thought her eyes were a little weird... "You ... you really think that?" she asked, almost hesitantly, a faint smile flickering at the edges of her mouth.

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
He nodded quickly, "UhmmmyesIdo." They words tumbled out of his mouth, and before things could get too terribly awkward all over again, he nodded towards where they'd been headed, tail flicking to and fro. "Hey, you wanna run with me?"

"Run?" Kya repeated, flustered by the sudden change of topic. But then she recovered and nodded. "Uhm, run where though?" Looking off where he did, she tried to see some kind of goal there, not getting that he'd been running just... to run and for no other real reason.

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
"Well...I was just trains your legs and makes you stronger. Though, if you know of any place we could get some water around here...that would be great." Another one of his sheepish little smiles. Yes, his body was going to be complaining if he didn't get it something wet and refreshing.

The young cheetah thought about that for a minute and then nodded. "Yea, there's a stream not far from here... follow me and I'll show you!" Then -she- took off running, not really thinking that she might actually be faster. The stream she was headed for was farther inside the pride lands, but... she didn't really think anyone would mind Kamau getting a drink there. Everyone she had met was friendly after all.

o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o
Eyes widening at that, he pushed off his hind legs enthusiastically, paddering after her as quickly as he could manage. "Hey wait for me!" He called, knowing that the little cheetah was likely speedier than he was, after all, he'd been accidentally chasing her before. Ah well, at least he'd made a new friend, right? Even if she did want to wear his paws out on their very first run.