Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:44 pm
 8D Welcome to my plot thread! Here's where you can read up on the crazy schemes my Soquili are going to endure as they find out what Fate has in store for them.
Or something like that.
You can check out ideas I have for plots, and offer your own suggestions. :3 Nothing is 100% set in stone, these are just things I'd like to see happen. If you'd like to work out a plot with me, you can post here, or shoot me a PM. I'm open to all types and methods of RP. If you'd like IM RPs, I have MSN and AIM. I don't use AIM often though, so you'll probably have to PM me to let me know you'd like to RP. x3 If I'm online, I'm pretty much always available to RP.
MSN: geckoxechoes@hotmail.com AIM: mystereochild
Sometimes I tend to forget about my RPs. D: If you feel that I've taken a rather long time to tag you, shoot me a message. Please keep in mind I do have a life, and sometimes I can't answer back right away. :3
I also have the right to decline RP and plot offers. D: Please don't take it personally, it might be because I have too much going on at the moment, or that I feel that your plot idea might not be exactly what I'm looking for. I'll pretty much always agree to general RP though!
That's it, thanks for taking the time to poke around! I hope we can work something out. x3
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:49 pm

Name; Auster Breed&Type; Angeni; Spirited Temper; Hot-headed and free spirited Orientation; Straight Parents; Unknown Siblings; Unknown Mate; None Children; None Can Be Found; Deep in the depths of the forest or by the river RP Color; Steel blue
Personality; Very cold and distant. He doesn't like others, and is often sarcastic if spoken to. He has a nasty temper, and will get angry easily. Bit of a jerk? Oh yeah. And he doesn't care. He does what he wants, when he wants, with no regard to what anyone else may think and he'll never explain why he does what he does. If you're going to be around Auster, you might as well get used to frustration. He's also stubborn as a mule, and quite the elitist. If you don't have wings, this boy isn't going to treat you very nice. Ground mares are insignificant to him, and flutters just barely make it into the winged category. He's sure his breed is the greatest of them all, and nothing will change his opinion on that.
History; Not much is known at the moment. He doesn't seem to remember, whether from actual forgetting, or blocking it out. He becomes very snappy and disagreeable if asked about his past, so it is advised that you do not. Occasionally he will admit to small things. This will never happen if he has just met you, or dislikes you. Which is the case 99.9% of the time.
Likes; To be alone, running through the forest, the dark, water, flying. Dislikes; Other creatures--be they animal or human--, having his hair played with, non-winged creatures, you, annoying and irritating people, bright colours, pink, anything cheerful really. Its annoying.
Main Plot; I came to the somewhat ridiculous comparison the other day (it can be ridiculous and still make sense!). Auster is quite like Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. "Handsome, tall, and intelligent, but not convivial, his aloof decorum and moral rectitude is seen by many as an excessive pride and concern for social status. He makes a poor impression on strangers . . ." This description fits him almost to a T. And it makes me giggle to think of him as Mr. Darcy.
On to the relevant info! Mr. Darcy isn't looking for his Elizabeth Bennet. No! He's looking for his Mr. Bingley! Bingley is Darcy's best friend and closest confidant. "Twenty-two years old at the start of the novel, handsome, good-natured, and wealthy, he is contrasted with his friend Darcy as being less intelligent but kinder and more charming, and hence more popular in Meryton. He lacks resolve and is easily influenced by others."
I'm looking for a male horse that can play the role of Mr. Bingley and become Auster's friend, despite his short-comings.
This means a stallion that is:
• good-natured • somewhat intelligent, but not incredibly so • very kind • very charming • can put up with Auster's grumpiness • somewhat easily influenced, especially by Auster's opinions • must have wings, preferably wind or angeni. Since riches don't play a part in the Soq world, wings are the class distinction in Auster's eyes.
I'm willing to skip the initial meet and greet and just plot that out over PMs or IMs and go straight to them being old friends. <3
Taken care of~ Here's what I'm looking for. Due to spending time with Phaedra as a foal and spending time while he healed after a nasty fall in the breeding grounds of another herd, Auster has developed a fascination for foals (no, not in that way! ]<). He wants one of his own that he can raise and... basically mold into what he wants it to be. He's noticed the easy-trusting nature of foals and has realized that he can pretty much raise the foal however he so desires. BASICALLY, HE'S LONELY, I GUESS. And its much easier to start from the beginning than to try to mold someone else to be like him. x3 Technically, this plot could go one of two ways. One, he could "adopt" a basket and raise it, or two, the result of a breeding of course. I'm leaning more to the breeding option, however. This would be a fling--he's really not looking for love atm if ever--and would solely be for the baskets. No romance. I don't mean there'd be no RP, just that the relationship will go no further. The mare in question would need to have wings (CAUSE IT WOULD BE A TRAVESTY IF HIS OFFSPRING DID NOT HAVE WINGS). Other physical attributes wouldn't really matter, other than I would like the mare to be an aesthetically pleasing match. Meaning, no clash please! He doesn't like brightly coloured things. xD; Hair edits would also be a bonus, I'm a sucker for pretty hair. I BET YOU COULDN'T TELL. I definitely would like the mare to have the same goal as his--baskets. No heartbreaking going on here! The ideal mare would be cold and very vain, perhaps breeding with him because 1, he's an angeni and 2, he'd make very pretty offspring. RP is required, cause while Auster doesn't have to like the mare, nor really even trust her, he'd have to know her. He won't breed with just anyone. The RP doesn't have to be super heavy, but would require a first meeting (why and how did they meet each other?), a few other meetings perhaps (they'd need to spend a bit more time together), coming to a decision (why'd she decide she wanted him to be the sire of her baskets? why'd he agree to it?), and the arrival of the baskets and inevitable break off of the relationship. If you'd call it that. x3;Other Plots; I don't really have anything in mind. xDD; He's kind of a solitary guy, in case you couldn't tell. =D; He doesn't have much need for friends, they can be rather annoying after all. I do think it'd be nice for him to have a repertoire of acquaintances though, people he knows and gets along with--for the most part. So any general RP would be nice as well. :3
TL;DR (THOUGH YOU SHOULD READ IT ALL D<): Grumpyface is looking for: a Mr. Bingley to his Mr. Darcy, acquaintances, general RP. Grumpyface is not looking for: a mate, real enemies, death or injury.
Focusing on at the moment: finding Mr. Bingley!
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:51 pm
Name; Vasilisa, Vasi Breed&Type; Usida, 2 gen Temper; Enchanting Orientation; Straight Parents; Leap x Ayasha Siblings; Dx I forget her name... Mate; None Children; None Can Be Found; In the meadows, usually. RP Color; #8dac5c
Personality; Sweet and kind. Affectionately nicknamed the Frog Princess by her two-legger, Vasi is a true romantic and loves happy endings. She's looking for a prince of her own--but don't underestimate her, she's no damsel in distress. She can take care of herself, she's not a demure little princess.
History; Sadly.. Vasi doesn't have much in the way of history. My fault entirely. Dx Lets make a history for her? =D;;
Likes; foals, playing with others, flowers, true love stories
Dislikes; mean horses/people, people who give up too easily, bullies, broken hearts
Main Plots; None really. I don't really have a plot for her. ^^; I'd like her to find her 'prince' someday, though. Got someone you think would work for that role? Lemme know! 8D; Keep in mind her personality though, she's not a weak damsel in distress. I'd just like general RP for the moment. :3 She needs friends! Family RP is always welcome too. heart
TL;DR: The Frog Princess is looking for: friends, general RP, family RP The Frog Princess is not looking for: enemies, death or injury.
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:53 pm
Name; Ravyn Breed&Type; Wind, Spirited Temper; Withdrawn Orientation; Straight Parents; N/A Siblings; N/A Mate; None Children; None Can Be Found; In the shadows. RP Color; black
Main Plots;
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:54 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:55 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:56 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:57 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:58 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:59 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:00 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:01 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:02 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:03 pm
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:04 pm
Credits: Soquili shop © Sirenz Soquili lineart © Leelakin Coloring © the colorists Concepts&graphics © Kaitaia