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[ INFO ] En Gedi Pride : Basic Info :

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Wind Tribe Balam

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:16 pm
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Welcome to En Gedi
~ The Land of Peace ~
PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:30 pm
Basic Info:
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
~ Psalm 34:14

Every pride has a ‘theme’ or an English title that helps to identify it from the others. The theme of En Gedi, in short, is peace. The En Gedi pride believes that through faith and unity, they maintain peace within their lands, within each other, and within their pride. Peace to them is not something that comes to the passive, the lazy, or those that avoid conflict. Peace is a delicate thing that must be earned, fought for, and protected. Peace is gained through strife and hardship, overcoming obstacles, and hard work. Peace is not self-sustaining nor is it able to defend itself so it is something that must be defended.

The pride was created with Biblical themes, lessons, parables, and verses in mind. They are not a Christian pride (in the SoA setting this is pretty near impossible with all the gods floating around) but there are biblical principals implemented into the pride.


You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
~Isaiah 55:12

En-Gedi is actually the name of a spring which flows from a height of 656 feet above the Dead Sea. In biblical times, King David sought refuge from Saul at this very location. In those days, it was not uncommon for wild beasts such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs to live their lives either as icons of wealth or as a means of punishing criminals. When the city was abandoned, these beasts were left behind. The lions who once dwelt within the lion’s dens managed to escape, the leopards, cheetahs, and hyenas who had lived as pets also escaped their prisons and bonds. A quarrel soon erupted between the lions from the dens and the beasts who had lived as companions of man, both sought to claim the territory for themselves.

The late god of peace, Lewe, calmed the hearts of the warring beasts and united their numbers to form the grassroots that would soon become the En Gedi pride. The lions soon began to form a kinship with the other species as they found common traits between themselves. The ability to see through the eyes of another creature and find kinship of spirits soon engrained itself into the culture of the pride. As time passed, it became more and more common for the lions to seek out a companion from another species. In time, it became a rite of passage. A young lion would journey from the pride to seek out a kindred spirit to bring back to the pride as a symbol of their understanding of peace and understanding. The kindred spirits would soon come to be known as ‘totems’. Certain trends began to crop up between the nature of the lion’s spirit and the creature that would agree to serve as their totem. More patient spirits would find kinship in the vultures, passionate spirits found kinship in the falcons, individuals who were more timid found kinship in the meerkats, etc.

The pride existed in such a way for hundreds of generations. Unknown to them, their kind was becoming increasingly rare as hunting increased. The Barbary lions became near-extinct by the time man first arrived within En Gedi. Terrified of the explorers and their guns, the pride was forced to migrate away from their ancestral homelands to the lands towards the south. Led by their reborn god, much of the pride arrived safely at the Blue Nile Falls. Many, however, were lost in the migration.

The pride is currently struggling to get themselves back up on their feet. Many families are dealing with the loss of their sons, daughters, sisters, and brothers. Some of the lions are growing weak in the wake of the migration and are fading in health. Despite Li Wei’s blessing and near-constant presence within the lands, the spirits of the pride members are weak. As their numbers dwindle, they fear they may not survive as a pride.


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
~John 14:27

The pride’s primary god is Li Wei, the god of peace (played by Thalion). The god’s original incarnation calmed the hearts of the first members of the pride and continued to return every time a new king was named. It’s the god of peace that blesses the pride with prosperity, peace of mind, and peace of spirit. Currently, Li Wei is the only god that the pride pays any sort of tribute to.
• Blood is restricted from within the pride's territory. When prey is brought down for a number of lions, a group will leave the territory to feed. Animals within the territory are left alone and allowed to live in peace. If they leave the territory- it's free game!

• Guardians patrol far from the territory's border to keep any potential conflicts from spilling blood within the territory.

Family Tribes
Family structure is extremely important to the pride. The pride's territory is divided up into smaller territories that belong to these family tribes. This is done to help stretch resources out further, it allows each family tribe to form their own traditions and cultures, and it maintains peace and distance between rivals within the pride.

• The Patriarch is the founding male of the tribe. Patriarchs rise when a male begins his own family and is granted his own territory. His tribe takes his name as their identity and the family expands under that name. The Patriarch is a noble in his own right as his word is law within his territory. He answers only to the pride's king. Normally the Patriarch's eldest son will take his place upon passing. Even several generations down, the tribe will retain its founder's name as their own. If a son wishes to start his own tribe, he must have at least a wife and the blessing of the king.

• The Matriarch is the patriarch's wife. She is the lioness that attends to the other ladies within her tribe. She is often the first one to come to a pregnant lioness' side, aids in the birthing process, and can even assist in raising the cubs. She's seen as a mother figure to the rest of the tribe. This position within the tribe is not passed on through lineage, it's earned by marriage to the Patriarch.

Sons are the workers, the hunters, and the protectors of each tribe. They keep the pride running and maintain peace within their own territory. If conflict arises, a male may be cast out of his tribe and forced to join another or found his own. The sons are expected to obey and respect their elders, their fathers, and the patriarch himself. In sustaining their tribe, they work to sustain the pride itself.

Daughters are the caretakers, the mothers, and the huntresses of each tribe. They generally exist within the core of their tribe's territory, living under the protection of the males and socializing with one another. They typically become the story-tellers, the healers, and the nannies to lionesses who need a hand raising their little ones. Daughters are often expected to take a husband from another tribe so they can keep fresh blood moving between families. They are not, however, obligated to take a mate not of their choosing. Females frequently leave tribes for another, taking their husband's patron's name as her own from that day on.

Items normally have something to do with their trade. Hunters and huntresses will often wear pelts from their kills. Mummers will decorate themselves with smooth stones, feathers, and sticks. Warriors will wear leather and bracers to defend themselves in combat. The royals wear articles taken from the ruins of their ancient homeland- these are articles passed down from their ancestors.

Names should be Hebrew or Egyption in origin. Every pride has a culture they prefer to draw their names from, this is ours. The names normally are reflections of what the parents hope for their offspring.

The lions of the En Gedi are classified are made up mostly of Barbary lions and some cross-breeding/ancestors of the Asiatic Lion. The Barbary lion formerly ranged in North Africa from Morocco to Egypt, and were assumed to be extinct by the early 1920's. They were kept by the Romans, Egyptions, and other cultures for various reasons.

Totems & Rite of Passage

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
~Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Upon reaching adolescence, a young lion is set away from his or her tribe to explore the pride's large territory or the territory just beyond their borders. This is a spiritual journey of self discovery that the lion sets out on. Upon this journey, they are expected to avoid all contact with their kind. They must survive on their own and are not allowed to return until they have another companion at their side. How they seek out a totem is up to the individual, but the nature of the creature that joins them is said to speak of the lion's true nature. This creature is asked to join the lion for life, serving as their constant companion and guide. Sometimes, the two complement each other while at other times, the lion and their totem are on completely different ends of the spectrum.

This rite is done for many reasons. Firstly, the lion learns survival while learning the lay of the land around them. Secondly, the lion is forced to muse on their own spirit and nature. They must seek out a creature and convince them to join them. To do this, they must show that they are able to be peaceful towards even creatures that their instincts would tell them to kill. Lastly, this allows the lion a constant companion through their lifetime to assist with hardships and share in the good times.

Totems and their meanings:

Include but are not limited to:
○ Antelope – Free-spirited
○ Badger (Ratel) - Stubborn
○ Cheetah – Swiftness
○ Dove – Tranquility
○ Eagle – Leadership
○ Falcon – Passionate
○ Genet - Resourceful
○ Hare – Humility
○ Hyena – Ferocity
○ Jackal - Cunning
○ Klipspringer – Perseverance
○ Leopard – Strength
○ Leotah – Strength/Swiftness
○ Maned Wolf – Wisdom
○ Meerkat – Timid
○ Owl – Insightful
○ Raven – Courage
○ Serval - Precision
○ Snake – Impulsive
○ Vulture – Patience
○ Waterbuck - Dependability
○ Wild Dog – Loyalty
○ Zebra – Family Unity

** Creatures in olive are non-lined animals. Other species (native to Africa!) are allowed in case you have no familiar or other species to join with your lion! **

Wind Tribe Balam

Wind Tribe Balam

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:37 pm
Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching.
~ Proverbs 1:8

These can be observed in character within each family tribe or assumed to have happened.

The Rite of Birth:
Newly born cubs are taken to a pool to be bathed and blessed by the king or heir of the pride. It’s during this rite that the cubs are given their names and blessings for the future. Each name is chosen carefully, as they speak volumes of the individual who bears it. The king brings the cubs out one by one and carefully dips them into the water. The parents call out the name of the cub as they return from their blessing.

The Rite of Passage:
When cubs grow to adolescents they are sent away from the pride to seek out a totem creature. The creature must join with the pride member willingly and form a lifelong pact. When a member returns successfully with their totem, they are accepted into the pride as an adult and assigned their ranking. The type of totem that the pride member returns with often times helps determine their ranking.

Rite of Marriage:
The pride believes in the life-long union of one male and one female. To them, it's among the most precious of events one can experience. When a male and a female decide to mate for life, those closest to them gather to witness a blessing upon the couple. The king names the couple a married pair and offers a blessing for success, a large family, and happiness. After the ceremony, the couple will often leave the pride to spend a day solely in each other’s company.

The Rite of Burial:
When a pride member dies, their body is buried facing the north. If their familiar lives on, they will often sleep on the grave of their bonded until the day that they, too, pass on. Any possessions that the pride member wore on their person is laid atop their grave. The entire pride gathers to say their final good-bye and to pray for the soul of their departed loved one.


Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.
~Psalm 119:165

◘ Yes, the pride does have some Biblical principals built into it. No, the pride is not a “Christian pride”. Again, this is near impossible within the setting of SoA where there’s gods for just about everything under the sun. The primary god of the pride is the god of Peace. They do acknowledge and know of other gods, but their rules are made through their understanding and admiration of peace.

◘ En Gedi is a very isolated pride. They were a tight-knit group that was forced to migrate out of En Gedi (where the pride gets its name) south into their current home at the Blue Nile Falls around Lake Tana in Africa. If your lion is coming into the pride, he or she may meet with opposition at first. The lions are peaceful in nature, but they will protect their lands from hostile outsiders. Newcomers will be checked at the boarders.

◘ The lions within the En Gedi pride take totems as a sign of their understanding and acceptance of the true meaning of peace. When they become adolescents, many venture out in search of a kindred spirit in the form of another animal. This animal will follow them back into the territory and assist the lion in their given task. You do not have to own a familiar in order to have your lion find his or her totem! Some totems, like monkeys and wild sheep, do not have official art within SoA. If you do want a totem on official lines, you can say that you are questing for one and that will suffice as their right of passage.

◘ Because of their isolated state, leaving the pride is a difficult affair. Most born-in lions have no understanding of the world beyond. The born-in lions from the original members (see the family tree page) will be Barbary Lions, which were native to their territory of origin. If your lion decides to leave, it will be a large deal for the rest of the pride. Please don’t make it out to be a silent affair, the pride was founded as very tight-knit.

◘ If you want to run a plot where there are cubs being taken please run it by Thalion first! The pride secures its borders well to maintain peace within their lands. It won’t be easy for cubs to leave in any way.

◘ Hostile gods may enter the land, but currently the pride is under Li Wei’s blessing of prosperity. Domains like Plague, Famine, etc. would be hard-pressed to come close to the territory.

◘ Homosexual lions are absolutely not allowed within the pride. No born-in member would come to that mentality. As far as they’re concerned- it’s a foreign concept that never crosses their minds. The culture is very family-oriented, genders have definite roles, and the importance of bearing children and raising a family does not provide an environment for this mentality to crop up. Outsiders of this chosen orientation will not find welcome within the territory.

◘ Likewise; incest, relationships between adults and minors, and relationships between different kinds of animals (lion/wild dog, leopard/hyena, etc.) is not allowed. Relationships between like-species (lions/cheetahs, lions/leopards, leopards/cheetahs) is fine. If the couple can bring forth (ie- produce offspring) they are a legitimate pair.

◘ While it’s not required, we would like to maintain a mostly natural-colored population within the pride. Bright neon colors would be a shock to the current pride members.

◘ If you are given a cub from a breeding or win a lion(ess) in a contest, you are not allowed to remove that character from the pride! Contest lions are destined to remain within the pride for the entirety of their lives. Offspring must gain permission from the owners of their character’s parents before leaving. Remember- this pride is very dedicated to the family unit. For a lion to just up and leave would be very uncommon and devastating to their family clan.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:19 am
Ranks & Roles:
Pride Ranks:

The ranks have been re-done, but there’s no dramatic changes. These ranks will go in effect more as the pride grows in number and the locals become comfortable in their new territory and their new way of life.

Patron God:
The patron god is the protector of the pride. While he‘s not always around, after overseeing his duties as a god, he comes to rest among the pride members. When a new king ascends the throne, the god judges the merit of his heart. If the ruler is a good one, he will bless the lands. If not, he will flee from the lands, taking his blessing with him, until a new ruler is named. Most of the time, the patron god exists among the pride as one of the pride members. Currently, he’s posing as one of the offspring of Yakhoved. So far, the mute female is the only one that knows of the connection between the young lion and the patron god.

"It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness,
for the throne is established by righteousness."

~Proverbs 16:12

The king serves as the head of the pride. All decisions are final through him. It is the job of the king to lead, to protect, and govern the family that is his pride. While it is more common for the king to have been from the old royal line, there have been occasions where a ruler sees a cub that is not of his own as more worthy of the rank than his own offspring. The oldest offspring doesn’t necessarily win the throne by birthright either, while all royals are considered as such, it’s the most skilled and most powerful of the litter that succeeds his father. The rite of succession begins with trails chosen from the king and his advisers to test the candidate’s power, strength, and endurance. The one who accomplishes them all to the satisfactory of the king and his advisers succeeds.

The king’s role is to protect the pride. He is in charge of the warriors and establishes rank among them, often times having a significant role in the training of the young.

A good king will take council from his queen and from the elders of the pride. And while he may take their council, a wise king will make his own decisions in the end, whether or not the source(s) of his council agree.

The king, and his family tribe, live at the center of the pride and are in charge of overseeing and maintaining peace between the tribes. The patriarchs are his council and will often gather to voice their collective concerns or settle disagreements between tribes.

"But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.
Matthew 20:26

It’s the duty of the queen to maintain social order under her mate. She overhears any of the concerns that the pride presents and does her best to find a peaceful and equal resolve for both parties. The queen is more of a diplomatic figure, more praised for her wisdom and tact than power.

A queen is selected by the pride and betrothed to the successor. Queens are normally selected by their performance during hunts, their manners within the pride, and sometimes by their bloodline. A queen is often time selected during her adolescent period and must wait until a male successor is selected before she is mated. The tribe that produces the queen is often blessed with the king's favor during his reign.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the
rights of the poor and needy."

~ Proverbs 31: 8-9

The heir is the chosen successor of the king. More often than not, the heir is the firstborn male of the king’s first litter but there are times when a more worthy successor is found in a younger cub. Even rarer are times when the king selects a cub outside of his bloodline. It’s very rare- but it has happened in the past. The heir learns alongside his father, shadowing the king from a very early age to assist in his duties and learn his future role first-hand. The heir will accompany the warrior-chief on his hunts, learning directly from the strongest of the pride’s lions as it will be his duty to protect the pride by his own paw. It is very common for the heir to be betrothed to a female of the pride’s choosing. If the pride does not offer their favorite female for the union, it then falls on the king to select an ideal mate for his son. It is very rare for the heir to select his own mate. If he decides to defy his father’s orders, he must defeat his father in a duel for his right to choose.

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:
but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."

~Proverbs 29:2

The princes are the male offspring of the ruling king and queen. They are labeled as princes but they will take on the role of a warrior as they grow into adulthood. The princes are given special opportunity in their training and normally grow to become the most talented of warriors. Often times, the warrior chief is a royal himself or has some tie to the royal family. Princes are expected to assist their father in defending the pride, they are expected to honor their chosen brother as the heir, and they are expected to strengthen the royal blood by taking strong females as their mates.
Princesses are the female offspring of the ruling king and queen. While they carry the title of princess, they serve the role as either a huntress or a nanny. The royal huntresses are often given special opportunity in their training and more likely than not, the head huntress is a princess or has ties to the royal family.

Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.
~ Proverbs 19:20

The advisers are often the siblings of the ruling king but they can be selected from the elders and the wiser individuals of the pride. The king will surround himself with learned lions to assist in the major decisions of the pride. There are no gender restrictions to this rule, but lions are typically in their prime or older.

Warrior Chief:
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.
~ Isaiah 40:29

The warrior chief is in charge of the warriors. Under the king, he’s the most accomplished fighter and answers only to the king’s orders. It’s the chief that determines rank among the warriors, unless otherwise instructed by the king. Only a male can become the warrior chief.

I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
~Philippians 4:13

Every family tribe will have one, and only one, Guardian. This lion (or lioness in very rare cases) was chosen by the Patriarch of that family tribe as the tribe's protector. This individual leads a very lonely life. With exception to their totem, they keep far from their tribe members to patrol the outskirts of their territory. They face conflicts from within and without and are the first to meet any threats. The guardians alert the king if there is a threat to the pride as a whole or their patriarch if there is a threat to their family tribe. The guardians may have to shed blood, so they often keep far from the rest of their family so the scent of blood does not drive peace away from them. The guardians can retire to start a family, but so long as they hold this rank they are expected to remain single so they are not distracted in their duty.

Head Huntress:
You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will court your favor.
~ Job 11:18-19

The head huntress is in charge of the huntresses under the queen, often times a sister to the queen. She organizes the hunts and oversees the development of the young lionesses, often assigning them their positions within the hunting party. The head huntress works with the matriarchs of each family to organize multiple hunts to provide for each family within the pride and insure that everyone is well fed. The head huntress is in charge of keeping track of herd migrations and resources. Only females can become the head huntress.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
~ 2 Timothy 4:7

Sages are often times the elder lions of the pride, the lions born with disabilities that prevent them from carrying out their expected duties, and hybrids who are unable to produce offspring. Sages are put in charge of learning the stories, history, and songs of the pride and passing them on to the younger generations. While sages are no longer able to perform functional roles within the pride, and/or are no longer able to create a family of their own, they are revered for their wisdom. There is no gender restriction on sages.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
~ Hebrews 11:1

During Maji’s stay within the pride, he took an apprentice and taught her the art of record keeping. Scribes are trained to read and write so they might preserve the pride’s history. They are a non-combatant class. Scribes are hand-picked from any other class and educated by an elder scribe. There are no gender restrictions and it is a rank that seems to appeal to non-fertile hybrids as well.

Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
~ James 1:3

Warriors are male lions between the adolescent and adult age. From their juvenile years they’re trained by older warriors how to fight and defend their territories. While the pride is not particularly war-like, they are very aware of the fact that peace sometimes is something that must be earned and protected. The primary goal of a warrior is to protect the pride and their family tribes. This is the default rank for males of the pride. Warrior is a male-only rank.

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
~ Matthew 10:28

The huntresses are female lions between adolescent and adult age. From their juvenile years they’re trained by older huntresses how to hunt. They learn to work in formations and are often assigned positions based on their individual talents. This is the default rank for females of the pride. Only females can be huntresses.

They sing to the music of tambourine and harp; they make merry to the sound of the flute.
Job 21:12

Mummers are the performers of the pride. They’re in charge of singing, dancing, and performing during festivities. They keep the culture alive through their songs, give praise, and pay tribute to the fallen. The mummers are non-combatant. It is not exclusive to any gender or species though it is rare that a young fertile male takes the role. Rare, but not unheard of.

Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of
peace and truth.

~ Jeremiah 33:6

Healers are the care-takers of the pride. They learn herbs that can cure ailments and ways to cure injuries. They look after the sick and the elderly, insuring that they make their recovery or keeping them company if it seems they are mortally ill or wounded.

The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother
~ Proverbs 29:15

Nannies are typically elderly females, unable to bear any more children for themselves. They assist in raising the children of the pride and watch over the cubs when their mothers leave for a hunt. Nannies are not species-exclusive, but only females may take the role.
Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
~ Mark 13:33

Scouts are normally non-lions. Hyenas, wild dogs, leopards, and cheetahs mainly. They’re in charge of keeping watch on the pride’s boarders and informing the royals of any significant change in weather, migration patterns of nearby herds, and of any incoming threats.

Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
~ Mark 13:33

Scouts are normally non-lions. Hyenas, wild dogs, leopards, and cheetahs mainly. They’re in charge of keeping watch on the pride’s boarders and informing the royals of any significant change in weather, migration patterns of nearby herds, and of any incoming threats.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
~ Proverbs 22:6

The cubs and juveniles of the pride. They are kept close to their mothers and are not permitted near the border of the pride lands.

Totems are the creatures that pride members ‘tame’ to themselves. They serve as constant companions and normally serve within the same rank as them. Totems are often times obtained in the form of a pact between the two. Grazers, for instance, offer their service in exchange from protection from hunts. Predators often receive parts of the kills for their loyalty, as do winged creatures. All totems are protected from the hunt. To kill a totem will result in severe punishment ranging between exile and death.

Gender Roles:
• Males are always of a higher status than females. A king will always rule the pride. If a king dies, the widowed queen becomes an advisor to the chosen heir. If an heir has not been selected before the time of the king’s death, the queen must decide on one.

• A male always heads up his family. The first male of a family line is known as the grand patriarch. The patriarch is the male who currently sits as the head of his family. While the pride is one unit, the family ‘tribes’ will eventually develop within the pride. The eldest living male will dictate nearly every aspect of his family. This includes arranged marriages for his daughters, mate offers for his sons, and bringing any issues to the king.

• Females will always be submissive to males. A female marries into a family and the family of her husband becomes her family. She cares for her husband, assists in hunts, and bears cubs for her new family. She raises her offspring in the ways and traditions of the pride.

Age roles:
• Cubs are simply that- cubs. Youths raised by their mothers, their fathers, and the nannies of the pride.

• Juveniles begin their training as soon as their guardians allow them to. Males become squires under warriors and the warrior chief, females become squires under huntresses and the head huntress.

• Adolescents have concluded their training and are sent out to put their knowledge to the test. They begin their rite of passage and are not considered adults, or old enough to breed, until they have returned sucessful.

• Adults, now with their tamed familiar, are given their life-long roles within the pride. Some become scouts, others become warriors or huntresses, others still become sages or mummers.

Species Roles:
• Lions are the only creatures permitted to obtain the higher ranks- king/queen, warrior chief/head huntress, heir/betrothed princess.

• Leopards, hyenas, and the few cheetahs that prove themselves may become warriors. Leopards, hyenas, and cheetahs can serve as hunters, scouts, sages, and mummers if they so choose.

Wind Tribe Balam

Wind Tribe Balam

PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:30 am
Location Info:
The pride will eventually find themselves in Ethiopia, They'll be situated along the Blue Nile Falls and Lake Tana.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:43 pm
OOC Info & Likely-to-be-asked Questions

question So this pride is kind of like U'W and Bonelands?
A || This pride actually pre-dates both! We had the same structure back in the day, but it was a little unclear. We were founded back in the days of Winterfalcon and we've gone through days of many and famine as far as players go. The only real change to how the pride has been run is the fact that the pride relocated to fit within the new map's location constraints and the rank of 'guardian' was added. As for similarities, En Gedi is more based on the tribes of the middle-east back in the BC days. It has themes from Native American culture and natural lion pride structure.

question I don't have a familiar! Can my lion(ess) not breed or get married?
A || Nope! Your lion(ess) has to have a totem. This can be a lined creature from the shop (avians, genets, etc.) or you can bring in a species that does not have lines within the shop! If you do not have a totem, just make one up for them.

question Do I have to rp my character's rite of passage?
A || Nope, just let us know that you have found a totem so we can update the member's list accordingly.

question How do I start my own tribe?
A || First of all, you need a male lion. Second, he needs to be a member. Thirdly, he needs a wife! Shoot the mule a PM with the Patron and his wife's info and we'll create a sub category for you in the owner's list. The offspring of that pair and any that migrate in or marry in will be members of that family tribe.

question Can a male move from one family tribe to another?
A || It's very uncommon but yes. If a male does not fit in well with his own tribe, if he has a best friend in another tribe, or he just wants a change of scenery, he can migrate in. Most family tribes aren't too keen on strange males coming in. Males are sons, brothers, and sons. An intruder is seen as a bit of a threat to that family dynamic. If it makes sense in-character, that's fine. Males cannot, however, marry into another family. If they meet love after migrating, that's fine, but marriage cannot be the cause of migration.

question Is there betrothal?
A || It's a common practice but it's not the norm. Sometimes tribes will trade daughters between each other to maintain a friendly connection and to keep new blood flowing in. The female must agree to the betrothal, however! No one's being forced to get married.

question Can a couple separate?
A || This is heavily looked down upon. We understand that sometimes players vanish and things happen. If that's the case, let us know and we can come up with an in-character reason for this to happen.

question Can I enter mix and match?
A || No. Flings are not looked well upon here and remember- we are extremely isolated! It's very uncommon for a random passer-by to come around without being bumped by one of the guardians.

question I have a special case for a fling!
A || Feel free to pm us! We don't encourage flings here, but if you have a plot we can definitely work with you.  

Wind Tribe Balam

[OOC] Archived [OOC]

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