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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:56 am

Meeki's Plot & Breeding Library

Please note that I don't have much time to roleplay anymore so I'm really into plots & background stories as well as breedings and perhaps plots to explain those as well. Breedings will be labeled in Red and Plots will be labeled with blue when they are added.

Current Priority Couples: Wyrm x Pan
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:59 am


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Name: Wyrm (Black Spiral Dancer Werewolf Skinwalker)
Personality: Wyrm is insane. He'll have moments where he will rip something to shreds and he'll have others in which he'll want to play mind games. There's no telling what you will get with him because of his madness. One thing's for certain, he has no conscience.
Bio: Wyrm has lived in Hell for hundreds of years. As such, he's got no strip of conscience left if he ever had any to begin with. He loves torturing others, be it physical or mental. When he heard that the Skinwalkers on Earth were slacking off, he decided it was time to bring "Hell" to Earth. Since then, he's made it his point to hurt as many as he could.
Wyrm has recently adopted a pet kitty. Of course, she happens to be a Skinwalker but he considers her his pet anyway. He finds her fascinating. Never before had he met one of his kind that tried so desperately to NOT be a Skinwalker. While this would usually infuriate him, he is drawn to Pan's frenzies. When she loses control, she reminds him very much of Abyss, his mate. Perhaps it is for this reason that he keeps her around and refuses to end her life. Then again, it could be because he sees Pandora as a ticking timebomb. When she explodes, she could be a Skinwalker unlike anything ever seen before and he wanted to be around to experience it. If only he could get her to lose control.. once and for all.
Status: Single
About Mate: N/A
Enemies: Reaper. Wyrm had a run in with Reaper when the mutant came to protect his daughter. The two had a big fight in which Reaper had come out on top. Wyrm will never forget it. To him, Reaper and any family members simply must be destroyed now.
Offspring: N/A

// Breedings //

Breeding One :: Available
Breeding Two :: Available
Breeding Three :: Available

// Plots //

Wyrm is always looking for plots that require a villain. I am up to him losing some fights but if he does, it has to be to a special stallion in some way. He will not be defeated by any normal race such as Kalona, Unicorn, etc. I'm sorry, but Wyrm is really bad a**. He's been fighting long before he came back out of Hell.


Apocalyptic Girl

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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:00 am


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Name: Reaper (Fallen Angeni Mutant)
Theme Song: Even Angels Fall by Jessica Riddle
Personality: Lately, Reaper has been more mature and down to earth. While he has a darkness and a mean streak that lurks within him, he has matured to the point that he is in control of it. He's trying to concentrate on the light within him, even if the darkness is much bigger.
Bio: Here.
Status: Single
About Mate: N/A
Enemies: Wyrm, Nimue, Ezriel, Gabriel
Offspring: Ezriel, Dante, Meera, Sabriel, Airlia, Gabriel
Grandchildren of Interest: Dirge, ???
Plots: Reaper is at the point where he'd probably give decent advice. I'm really up to just about anything with him though I favor family roleplays more.
Future Plans: I landed a big bribe and Reaper and Angelique are going to breed to have three children, and I customed two extra daughters to have on the side.
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //

Breeding One :: Used with Lady Korrine
Breeding Two :: Used with Nimue
Breeding Three :: Used with Angelique

Note: I am still interested in bribing for custom babies if anyone is interested. This has been done with Reaver, Serenity, Jor, Moloch and Iyzebel

// Plots //

Reaper is always open to roleplay interaction with family members. Immediate family always has priority.

Random Encounters
These can be really interesting and form friendships and whatnot. Reaper can also come to aid in a fight or depending on the situation, be a villain. He still has a mean streak to him.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:02 am


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Name: Pandora (White Tiger)
Personality: Pan isn't a very predictable creature. One minute, she won't act much like a Skinwalker at all and another, she'll be at your throat without a care in the world.
Bio: Pandora was abandoned at birth, which isn't very uncommon with Skinwalkers. She was adopted by a mare that did not know any better and she raised Pandora with her own two children. One night, an urge came over Pandora that she could not control. She transformed into her cat form for the first time and before she knew it, her brother and sister lay dead at her paws, their bodies mangled and broken. Her thirst satiated, the 'cub' fell back asleep. She awoke to her mother frantic, yelling for help. By this time, she was once again in her foal form but the blood from the crime gave her away. In self defense, she was forced to kill her own 'mother'.

Pan doesn't try to be evil. She doesn't want to be bad. She simply cannot resist the urge once the frenzy takes control.

Currently, she's been hanging around Wyrm. He has adopted her as a 'pet kitty', and she goes along with it because of her dire need to feel wanted and accepted. He is also the only one that she's been able to kill while in a frenzy state so far which she is secretly thankful for. She finds it curious though that he does not kill her when she attacks him in a frenzied state since he's the most bloodthirsty of her kind she had ever seen.
Status: Single
About Mate: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Plots: Fights, fights and more fights!
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //
(No Particular Order)
Breeding One :: Available
Breeding Two :: Available
Breeding Three :: Available

// Plots //

She'd only consider pure skinwalkers. Even then, the stallion would have to be pretty bad a** in some way.

Pan knows nothing of her past. This has driven her to a point of jealousy and obsession. She rabidly and openly dislikes family interaction though secretly yearns to be a part of one herself. She would never admit to it though as it's not the Skinwalker way.


Apocalyptic Girl

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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:04 am


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Name: Reaver
Personality: Reaver will be as violent as she is beautiful, reflecting both her parents (Angelique and Reaper) quite well. She will also be quite mean. Approach with caution.
Bio: Reaver will be a daddy's girl. She'll take after him more physically than she will her mother and she couldn't be more proud. Everything she does, she does to please Daddy. Like her brother, Gabriel, she has the malicious streak that her father was hoping for, but she also has emotions and feelings which let her avoid going too far. She wants to be Daddy's perfect little girl and in many ways, she is.
Status: Single
About Mate: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Plots: None yet. She'll be arriving in the coming months as she was acquired through a big bribe. Will fill this part out then.
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //
No Particular Order
Breeding One Available
Breeding Two Available
Breeding Three :: Available

// Plots //

I'd love to flesh Reaver out with potential friends and enemies so if you are interested, let me know?

Highly welcome, especially immediate family members such as parents, sisters and brothers, grandparents. <3
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:05 am

Crying Wolf

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Name: Crying Wolf
Personality: Crying Wolf cries a lot but don't let that fool you. She's really quite mean at times.. and a murderer of foals...
Bio: When Crying Wolf was young, Skinwalkers attacked her herd. She tried to take her baby brother and hide but he was just a newborn and cried. She tried to cover his face between her head and the ground to silence out the cries as it was drawing attention from the Skinwalkers. Little did she know that in that period, she had smothered and killed her baby brother. She positioned her body to carry him and had for many weeks, even though he was starting to decay. She began to go mad at this point, envisioning a wolf walking at her side, keeping her company.

She was taken in by another herd but the cries of their own foals started to drive her even more mad. One night, she envisioned the wolf going along and silencing all the foals. In reality, she was the one silencing them.. by killing them one by one. She is the wolf.
Status: Single
About Mate: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //
No Particular Order
Breeding One :: Available
Breeding Two :: Available
Breeding Three :: Reserved (Not set in stone)

// Plots //

Coming Soon?


Apocalyptic Girl

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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:06 am

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:07 am



Apocalyptic Girl

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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:09 am


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Summoned from the middle ring of the 7th Level of the Inferno, Hanging Forest represents the level of those who perished by their own hands. Himself in torture by the eternal noose tied around his neck, he is unable to lean down and must be forced to eat and drink at eyelevel. Cursed with the plants that adorn his back, where he wanders, weeds and roots soon grow after, choking out plantlife in its pathway.

Name: Giovanni (Suicide Mutant)
Personality: Giovanni is a tortured individually forced to live his life in agony day in and day out. He has no love for life, no respect for others and is nearly devoid of all emotions.
Bio: Giovanni had tried to kill himself many times. Eventually he had managed to coerce some small animals into helping him out. Using a rope he had stolen from a two legger, he had the animals run it around the tree -- and his neck. When it was tight, he pushed forward and soon the life faded from his bodies.

Someone or something in hell had noticed the stallion. Soon, Giovanni found himself alive once more but in eternal agony. Growing from within his body was a tree, similar to the one he had used previously in his death. The branches were twisted and almost seemed to scream in agony, mirroring Giovanni's own horror. Around his neck was a noose tied around the tree. Even the small rodents could not break away at that cursed rope.

It was then that Giovanni knew that he was being punished. Punished for trying to take his own life. Now he was trapped somewhere between life and death and every day was a punishment. Even the ground responded to him. He brought death wherever he stepped.
Status: Taken
About Mate: Healing Whale
Enemies: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Plots: Open maybe?
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //
No Particular Order
Breeding One :: Healing Whale
Breeding Two :: Healing Whale
Breeding Three :: Healing Whale

// Plots //

Not quite looking officially but if any mare has tried to kill herself, or found herself on the brink of death at times, it would probably catch his eye. Giovanni is very depressed due to his being cursed for his attempted suicide. Someone that could understand his grief would be nice. Not only is he forced to live a life unwanted, he must do it with so much physical hardship. The weight of the tree bears down on his back and he can't even lower his head to simply take a drink of water. It's a hard life. Someone understanding would be a plus.

Though depressing as hell, he would probably be able to talk sense into others that were very depressed and considering ending their life. One look at his misery should do the trick.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:10 am


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Name: Azrael (Angeni of Lost Souls)
Personality: Azrael keeps to himself for the most part. Due to his 'job status', he isn't the most appealing stallion. Still, he isn't as mean as one might assume.
Bio: Azrael is the one in charge of deciding which souls go to Heaven and which souls go to Hell. In many ways, he is seen as the Angel of Death though he is not. He does not bring Death to others. He simply decides on what happens after one dies. He is based on the Death/Pale Horse of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Status: Single
Mate: None
Enemies: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //
No Particular Order
Breeding One :: Available
Breeding Two :: Available
Breeding Three :: Available/size]


Apocalyptic Girl

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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:12 am


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Name: Gabriel
Personality: Gabriel is hateful of the world and those around him. There's not much he likes in it and he's grown very resentful of everything around him. He also lacks any positive emotions at all. If he has respect for someone, he'll tolerate them. That's the closest he'll get to 'love'.
Bio: Gabriel was born to Reaper and Nimue. He has his mothers madness in him, though corrupted to the point that it's numbed him to any real emotions outside of angry ones. He resents his father because there's so much potential for destruction in him yet it seems his father has reserved himself to a peaceful and solitary life.
All Gabriel really wants is to have a normal life, though he won't let it on. He wants to have a reason to live and he's been failing at finding one. The most contentment he has found to date is the company of Mari Llwyd, a mare that seems to reflect himself in many ways.
Status: Taken
Mate Mari Llwyd (Need to see if this is still the case)
Enemies: Nimue, Reaper, Everyone other than Mari Llwyd.

// Breedings //
No Particular Order
Breeding One :: Used with Mari Llwyd
Breeding Two :: Reserved for Mari Llwyd (May not be set in stone)
Breeding Three :: Reserved for Mari Llwyd (May not be set in stone)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:13 am


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Name: Dirge
Personality: Dirge is a mix of both good and evil though definitely leaning towards the side of good.
Bio: Dirge will be raised by Reaper. Basically, Louie will take the daughter most like him and skedaddle, leaving Meera with Mihr and Dirge. Dirge will remind her heavily of her father. Ashamed of the monstrous son, she will leave him in her father's care.
Status: Possibly Taken
About Mate: Possibly Sonata (Need to check on this)
Enemies: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Plots: N/A
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //
No Particular Order
Breeding One :: Reserved for Sonata (Need to check)
Breeding Two :: Reserved for Sonata (Need to check)
Breeding Three :: Reserved for Sonata (Need to check)


Apocalyptic Girl

21,875 Points
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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:14 am


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Name: Murmur
Personality: N/A
Bio: I think I will have Murmur be raised by Reaper as well, in an attempt for him to 'save' one of his grandchildren, as he worries that Gabriel and Mari Llwyd will kill them. Gabriel will know of it and not care. Instead, he will see it as a competition and will be curious to the outcome of his child raised by his father versus the children he and Mari will raise.
Status: Single?
Mate: Previously mated to Phobos
Enemies: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Plots: N/A
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //
No Particular Order
Breeding One :: Used with Phobos
Breeding Two :: Reserved for Phobos
Breeding Three :: Reserved for Phobos
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:15 am


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Name: Ashriel
Personality: Ashriel wants to see that justice prevails, by any means necessary. Though he is nice, he will have a stubborn and reserved personality. It might be a little hard to bring his true feelings to the surface.
Bio: Ashriel loves his parents very much. He's not too fond of his brother, Reaper or any of the other 'questionable' relatives he has but he will try to do right by them for the sake of family. This fails a lot as he sees them as evil forces that must be annihilated in order to bring honor back to the family.

Ash hates that there's so much darkness and evil in the lands. He wants to force them out and will use brutality if needed. Anything for the better good, that's his motto. It is there that he's separate from his father and other family members and in many ways, he's got a hint of darkness in him, just like the other black sheep members. He just doesn't realize it.
Status: Single
About Mate: N/A heart wahmbulance
Enemies: All evil creatures.
Offspring: N/A
Plots: None Yet.
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //
No Particular Order
Breeding One :: Available
Breeding Two :: Available
Breeding Three :: Available


Apocalyptic Girl

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Apocalyptic Girl

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:17 am


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Name: Ariel
Personality: Ariel is a very carefree and loving individual. She has a bit of a childish side that comes out at times but is a lot more mature than she lets on.
Bio: Ariel loves stories. She enjoys making them up and weaving the tales to her family and others in the area. She caters to foals more than anything else and has been seen as a 'mother hen' or 'babysitter' many times. She simply loves bringing enjoyment to their lives and sticking in the occasional moral to boot.
Status: Ballendu
About Mate: Ballendu is very much the inspiration for the heroes of Ariel's stories and a symbol of the love that is displayed within them.
Enemies: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Plots: Open to plots involving storytelling, babysitting or family and interactions with Ballendu.
Current Roleplays: N/A

// Breedings //
No Particular Order
Breeding One :: Used with Balendu
Breeding Two :: Reserved for Balendu
Breeding Three :: Reserved for Balendu
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