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PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:01 pm
The prologue is enormous, and you'll be able to read the books some day, so I'm gonna try to keep it short. I'll mainly give you a setting for now and maybe a little background... Trust me, you'd be reading all day if I even just gave you a summary.

Anyways, it's post apocalyptic, of course. The world has humans, furries, and vampires (trust me... there's a story to that) The vampires are rather passive right now, though. They don't care to get involved, but they're accepted by the majority of everyone as FRIENDS. For the most part, the world is at peace with each other working in harmony and is prosperous in general.
Ancient technologies have been and are still being discovered by various human scientists. Furries and vampires alike are discovering new powers and abilities (called magic by humans, but power(s) by furries and vampires)
There is electricity, electric lights, music with electric guitar, speakers, etc... Music was one aspect that was researched greatly from the ancients. Most everything except weapons and forms of transportation involving internal combustion (cars, trucks, airplanes, etc...). Those were removed by the avatars long ago to keep them from being rediscovered in the new world.
The avatars are the dieties of the world. Each furry species has an avatar, and each avatar has a specific job in the celestial hierarchy.

There are small pockets of dissenters, assassins, cabaals, and antagonists to the ideals of those who would keep the peace with the whole of society. These may or may not come into play here. It really depends.

Also, considering I'm much of a writer and have been practicing a lot, I may be controlling multitudes of characters all at once. I also reserve the right to move a storyline away from somewhere it does not need to go, though I highly doubt I'll be doing that unless you do something like "evoke the powers of hell to unleash a ton of demons into the world to generate chaos" in one fell swoop... sorry. Those things take preparation, time, resources, etc... that would probably be quickly noticed by the celestial hierarchy and corrected quickly via a strong hero being notified of this impending doom.
Small things like... destroying a village with a giant fireball are acceptible, but will be punishable, of course. xD

If I deem it necessary to solve a conflict, a 20 sided die will be rolled, such as in a battle deciding whether or not someone was able to block/dodge/parry an attack. Sometimes it's obvious. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes a character has an ingenious plan up his sleeve...

If you have any questions, ask me.

1) BE LITERATE. I don't want any L33T SP34k in mai r0l3p14y. I hate it! Also, if you can, please have at least a paragraph per post. Some posts can only have a single line, because it's a conversation or interactive action between two players, and I understand that.
2) No godmoding... pretty much explanatory. Even I won't be doing that. I'll try to keep the avatars out as much as possible... except the avatar of chaos. He's important... But even he is not all powerful...
3) Be respectful.
4) Follow the TOS
5) Be active in the RP. That doesn't mean post 30 times a day. It means, if you start posting, keep posting, even if that means just once a day... If you are in contact with another character forcing them to wait for you to post to make an action, you'd better post so the story can continue. If you want to leave, make sure you are no longer in contact with other characters so you can leave. That's allowed.
6) For god's sake, have fun people. xD That's what this is for, right?

Character profiles will be posted in the profiles forum at the top of the RP subforum and then also sent to me via PM. As soon as you send it, go ahead and post. You don't need to wait for authorization. Follow the rules, and everything will be just great. ^^

Characters: (you don't have to read this part if you don't want to)

Name: Wesley Drayke
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lb
Species: Fennec Fox
Fur Color: Light Golden Brown (blonde). (google fennecs)
eyes: Blue with slitted pupils. (His eyes changed colors when he switched dimensions)
Age: Appears to be in his mid 20's
Power(s)/Weapon(s): His main weapon of choice is his gold plated one hand long sword. The sword is enchanted to work much like a mage's staff for helping focus one's arcane abilities. The gold helps focus and strengthen elemental magics especially. It's also enchanted so that the gold doesn't chip off when he hits things with it.
As you probably guessed, he's also a mage. An elemental mage specifically. He favors ice, though he can also use fire and lightning briefly.
Short Bio: Wesley was born to a society of fennec warriors. He grew up in an underground community and was taught how to battle with a sword. He specialized in the one handed long sword.
He didn't much care for the monotonous life of training to be a fighter and found the work dull and unfulfilling. He spoke with the scholars of the community and learned as much as he could. He wanted to be a sorcerer, but that was forbidden by his society's laws.
One day, a group of bloodthirsty power mad Hyenas attacked and ravaged their underground community, slaughtering many trained warriors in their path and enslaving most everyone else.
Wesley managed to escape the attack and left to find help. He came upon a mage and wizard training school in his search and asked for help. One of the teachers there offered to train him so he could return and help them. He accepted and trained to be a mage. Unfortunately, do to many generations of neglecting magic, he was not as adept at it as most others would be. However, he was skilled in the manipulation of elements as long as he had something to focus his abilities. Thus, he trained as an elemental mage.
He returned home shortly to see what had become of his home. Many of his family were dead. The rest were enslaved, doing the bidding of the `yenas.
Wesley challenged the leader and managed to slaughter him without contest. He drove out the hyenas and freed the fennecs from their bondage. However, because their laws forbade the arcane arts in their society, Wesley was banished from his home never to return again.

Later, he met a fox and had a crazy adventure with this strange being. After words, he was sent to this fox's dimension where he came from to be a guardian over the artifacts he collected through his training.
Wes then met a lynx who he had more "adventures" with and they became very close, and eventually lovers. Problems with a cabaal led to miscontent and then it's destruction which ultimately brought about the death of this beloved lynx Wes loved so much. Wes had to save this lynx from an eternity of anguish in the citadel of chaos and was able to get him to be apprenticed with the jackal avatar, guardian of dead souls that leads them on to the proper afterlife. Unfortunately, Wes was not ready to join him there and was sent back to earth to continue his life of exploration and discovery of all these new beings. (These are some books I will be writing soon... That was a VERY SHORT summary of about 4 of them)

* * *

Name: Carina
Age: 23
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 130
Race: Italian Wolf
Fur color: tan/sandy brown
Eyes: Bright forest green
Sex: female
Sexuality: straight/single (same as Michiko)
Bio: Carina lived in the steadily sinking Venice for the majority of her life. Her family earned a great deal by replicating the artwork and architecture of old Italy. Once she was old enough, she also assumed the family title, but once she came of age, she found her passion lied with the ever changing wind. She packed her things and began to travel in an attempt to sate her ever growing curiosity. It's gotten her into some trouble in the past, but she's always been able to worm her way out of it.
(still drawing)
Usually wears clothing according to the places she visits  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:29 pm
Wesley sighed contentedly as he found the entrance to his desert home. He walked in through the large back entrance through the temporary stable he had there for guests who visited with feral camels or horses. There were no animals stabled there currently, of course. He had just returned from a voyage of his own for yet more ancient artifacts of who the humans called "egyptians." Wesley liked to call them ancient furries, because many of their gods had the body of a man and the head of an animal, which was odd considering that furries did not exist yet. It was fascinating nevertheless, and as a result, gave him a healthy obsession with the symbol of the ankh.
He took off his baggy traveling cloak to reveal his chest and arms. On both upper arms he had the symbol of the ankh tattooed. They were not exactly the same, but were similar and complimented each other. He also wore a golden chain with a golden ankh hanging from his neck. The ankh had a ruby in the center which glowed slightly in the dark. On both arms he wore golden bangles just above the elbow and gold braces on his wrists.
The gold enhanced his elemental powers, but mostly, he thought it looked good.
For trousers, he was wearing white baggy silk pants, much like you would see Persian royalty wearing. On his waist he wore his gold plated, enchanted, long sword. It was enchanted so that the gold didn't chip off when he hit things, but also to act much like a mage's staff when he wasn't using it as a sword. It was an amazing weapon, one of a kind. There was no other like it in this world.
He walked into his small home and smiled weakly. Everything was as he left it. A little dusty, but that's to be expected. He felt a small tinge of sadness knowing that there would be noone to greet him when he got home this time. Nor for the past year. It was an empty feeling that he hoped he would have gotten over by now.
Cerb was still alive, and he could communicate with him whenever he wanted. He just couldn't... visit... Could come back home to give a hug or stay the night. Nor, could Wes go see him for any physical act of affection. And from what the Avatars told him, it would be a long time before he could.
Wesley sighed and hung his off white cloak over the empty coat rack nearby. He plopped down on his sofa and contemplated a game of "Go" but then remembered that noone was there to play it with.
Slowly, he drifted off to sleep as he dreamed of someone to share his affection with again. Someone to have adventures with to ancient ruins with zombies or ancient stone guardians guarding treasure...  


Kitsune no Gatsu Mei

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:47 pm
The sun beat down, scorching everything that it touched. The blinding heat drove back any chance of water in the barren waste that Carina was forced to traverse. The sand rose up in little puffs as a lone horse plodded through the deserts near what was once Egypt, it's head bent low in exhaustion. The steed's rider wasn't it any better condition: tired, dehydrated and very close to unconscious.

As she was jostled about atop her mount, Carina couldn't help but think that this was the end. She had always managed to find a way out of these predicaments, but it seemed that the desert would be her undoing. The waves of heat rose from the ground, leaving mirages that left her throat aching. If she didn't find water soon, she was sure to pass out.

How in the world did she get into this predicament, you might ask. The answer wasn't very complicated, but still altogether unpleasant. As she was traveling through Ethiopia up to Cairo, she was robbed by a band of human raiders who cut loose her mule in the night and stole all of her food and water as well as some of the goods she was trading. Now she was in the biggest mess she had ever been in with no way of getting out.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:24 am
Wesley awoke close to noon the next day. He had definitely slept in.
He got up and cleaned himself up in the shower before thinking about what he should do. There wasn't much he COULD do. At least, not here. He could continue to mine and cut daimonds from his cellar, but then he was already ridiculously wealthy, and he already didn't know what do do with it. The interest he collected alone would be enough for the rest of his life...
Other than that, the only thing he could think of was training...
He shook his head and sighed. He put on his billowing robe and wandered outside to gaze across the burning desert and the heat waves across the sand. Here and there he saw a cactus or two.
Down south a little ways he saw a moving black dot on the horizon. He conjured a magnifying lens of ice and held it to his eye to get a better view of the dot.
There was a female wolf riding on a horse. She lloked lost and alone. She was either a runaway or the poor victim of bandits Wesley growled and let the lens melt into his paw. He knew what he was going to do today. He wagged his tail and looked around to see if there was anything else he'd need. He grabbed his golden sword and strapped that to his torso underneath the robe. He then grabbed an extra leather water pouch before he bolted off into the desert. He had no mount, but then for that short distance, he really didn't need one. From experience, he knew that the desert made distances look a lot further away than what they really were, unless you were on high ground.

He ran at a good loping trot and kept an eye on the wolf. She fell off her horse only seconds before he reached her. She was unconscious, and probably had heat stroke. He wetted her lips with some water from the pouch before settting her back on the saddle and covering her head with her hood. He took the reins of the horse and began leading her back to his home. She would have been dead within the hour if he hadn't seen her. Poor wolf.
He created some snow and sprayed a little bit of that into her hood behind her head. It sizzled and boiled away almost instantly. Wes concluded that she definitely had heat stroke. He brain was literally boiling in its own fluids. She would have a massive headache when she woke up.
the horse wasn't looking too good either, but Wes could tell it was a strong horse.

He pulled the horse into his small holding stable and led it into one of the stalls before promptly picking up the wolf and carrying her inside. He laid her on one of his sofas to rest and uncovered her head. He left the water pouch on the table nearby so she could have a drink when she awoke. she was in a cool place, so she'd be fine.
All he needed to do now was to take care of the horse. He went back outside to the stable to take off the saddle and feed and water the horse.
Before he walked inside he muttered to himself contentedly, "I have a guest for dinner..." He walked back inside to start making some beef stew. He also had some steaks in the icebox that he started thawing out...  


Kitsune no Gatsu Mei

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:09 pm
As the sun rose up in the sky, the heat began to become unbearable. Every Inch of her skull burned beneath her head-wrap, and her eyes felt like they were on fire. The sand that rose up from her horses hoofs covered her from heat to toe, reflecting the sunlight and making her sunburn worse. Perhaps, if she could just last one more day, then maybe she'd make it. Her vision swam in and out of blackness, threatening to leave her senseless and surely dead. As she was near passing out, she saw something through swollen eyelids. It looked to be a tan someone, but then again, it could be a mirage just like everything else.

With a jolt, she faded into the black abyss, giving way to the darkness. She fell into a deep dreamless sleep, finally letting go of the pain. She remained completely still as Wesley escorted her back to his home. It would be a welcome comfort if she was awake. Somewhere in the back of her mind, something shifted when she felt the cool shade of his home, but she didn't wake. She wouldn't wake for a while, most likely a full day if she was fortunate. Once he set her on the couch, her mind slowly crept past being unconscious and a dream formed. Her tail twitched back and forth for a second, then she fell still once more.

~In her dream, she sat in a large and spacious field, surrounded by trees on all sides but one. She stone upon which she rested was worn smooth with time, but it shone so brightly in the soft morning sun. A cool breeze played through her hair, flicking it to and fro across her face. As she brushed it away from her eyes, a figure approached from a distance, visible through the break in the trees. She couldn't see them well enough to tell a gender or even a species, but their stride was proud and purposeful. Unconcerned, she sank down into the wheat and used the rock to prop her back. As the stalks around her swayed in the breeze, she closed her eyes and listened to the still sounds around her. She lost track of time and fell asleep. The sun rose high when she woke once more. Above her stood a smiling figure that was gazing down at her, his image blurred from the sun behind him. She felt her heart leap with joy, as if he were a long lost friend. As he reached his hand out to her, she took it without hesitation, and he lifted her up.

As she rose, the wheat vanished from around her, immediately turning into sand. The trees faded off into the distance and were replaced with the ever rising waves of heat. She watched all of this happen as if the world slowed down, feeling the anguish as her paradise faded. She turned to face the man and found that he too vanished, replaced with a rattlesnake that bit ferociously at everything it could reach. Her skin burned as if on fire as she tried to throw the snake down, but it clung to her, still biting every inch of her skin that was exposed. She reached back and pulled out one of her knifes, attempting to sever it's head. The snake writhed as she grabbed it's head and slew it. Once the corpse hit the ground, it turned into water and sank into the sand.~

Carina woke at about this point, her eyes opening slowly. Her mouth felt bone dry and hard to open, and her tongue had dried and cracked while she slept. Dehydration was definitely a problem at the moment, but she didn't feel like making any movements. She just lay still, afraid to move or speak in case the pain worsened.

(You can post however long you think she was asleep, it doesn't matter to me.)  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:31 am
"Well, good morning," Wesley said. He was sitting on one of his sofas messing with the chess pieces. He had been thinking that the knights would look really good with sapphires and rubies in the eyes, until he saw the wolf jolt awake.
"My name is Wesley. I found you as you fell unconscious near my home. I must say, you're a very lucky wolf."
Wesley stood and walked to the Kitchen. "I had hoped you would wake up last night, because I made some stew. But, that's okay. You needed some rest. I'll just warm it up. I'm sure you're dying of thirst and hunger right now."
Wes stopped in his tracks and put up his left paw with his pointer-finger digit and said, "Which reminds me... There's a leather water pouch on the table right next to you. Try not to drink it too fast, you can hurt yourself."  


Kitsune no Gatsu Mei

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:58 pm
Nodding slowly, she sat up with care and said, in a cracked voice, "Thanks, I'll try to remember that." It was at that point that she reached over and took the leather pouch in her hands. I was rather similar to the one that had been stolen, but it was darker, and smelled much older. Her hands shook as she fumbled with the stopper. Once she had managed to open it, she began to take a swig, but forced herself to drink only a small bit. The last thing she wanted was to get sick.

Once she had taken a drink, she stopped it back up and set it down next to her. Carina lay there, feeling stiff and miserable, not to mention the headache and saddle sores. She knew she would heal, she just hoped it would happen sooner. Once she had enough strength, she'd see what she could do, but at this point, she wouldn't be able to do any magic.

"Sew sounds good." She finally replied, her voice sounding somewhat normal again. As she took a curious look around, her stomach growled audibly. Blushing, she sank back down into the sofa cushions.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:12 pm
(( She might have been dreaming she was human without realizing it. ninja But that's okay. ^^ ))

Wesley scooped some stew into a wooden bowl from the icebox. He generated some flames from the tips of his claws to warm the stew to boiling. Luckily, the wooden bowl was make of dense black oak, so the flames didn't harm it.
As soon as it was steaming, he found a metal spoon and stuck that in the bowl. He set it on the coffee table in front of the wolf and smiled. "You're probably in a lot of pain from your trip. Behind that purple drape is five doors." He pointed behind him to a purple drape next to a book case. "The second one on the left is the bathroom. I'll set you up with a nice hot bath. It'll soothe your sores and stiffened muscles."  


Kitsune no Gatsu Mei

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:26 pm
"If I can get up." she mused, sitting up ever so slowly. Her head swam as she moved, like something hit her in the back of the head. Everything faded and came back, leaving her dizzy. After a minute or so of siting still, her head stopped spinning and she could move without feeling like she were about to fall over. The bowl of soup in front of her smelled so wonderful, her stomach growled so loudly that it carried across the room. After two days of no food, hunger was imminent.

She reached over towards the bowl and set it in her lap, making sure not to spill a drop. Taking a bite, she closed her eyes and grinned. The warm soup felt so good on her raw throat. She ate the soup slowly, making sure not to upset her stomach. After eating half of the bowl, she set it down, unable to eat any more. After another moment, she decided to try and stand, curious if her feet would hold her. As she started to put weight on her legs, they shook, but otherwise held her weight.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:17 pm
Wesley wagged his tail as she took a bite of his stew.
He then left to go draw the bath for her. He walked through the drape and to the bathroom. Inside he had a ceramic sink, toilet, and large tub. They were all well polished and kept clean.
He drew apart the purple drapes with gold lining hanging around the bath and started it pouring hot water inside. Wesley didn't know exactly how that worked, considering he was in the desert. When the avatars teleported him here from his dimension, they set it up that way. He didn't argue. He had an endless supply of water, and some sort of pumping system so he didn't need to go outside and bring it in bucket by bucket. Truly, a gift from the gods.
As the water poured into the bath, he added some soothing bath salts and a few drops of soap for bubbles and cleansing.
He walked back outside to the living room and saw the wolf standing by the couch still.
"There are some silk and satin clothes hanging in the little towel closet near the bath, so you can get dressed into something clean after your bath. You can leave the dirty ones on the floor and I'll have those cleaned later. If there's anything else you need, just ask.
"By the way, may I ask you your name?"  


Kitsune no Gatsu Mei

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:38 pm
(I just realized that I was using actual locations from Earth for your roleplay, even though it's not. I'll fix that as soon as I get the time, 'kay? Oh, and I'm back from camp!)

Taking a step forward, she found that her legs still held her weight when she walked. It wasn't quite natural, but at least she was able to move on her own. Picking up her bowl, she was about to take it to the sink when her host walked out from behind the curtain. His sudden arrival made her jump, and she dropped the bowl back on the table in her surprise. He didn't seem to mind, and began to explain where she could find things. Once he was finished, she replied, "My name is Carina. I'm so sorry about my manners, but I can't thank you enough. I feel so bad for intruding." She had a slight lilt and accent; a combination of many dialogs that combined to create her own unique voice. She looked down at her feet, unsure of what to do next. If she went to go take a bath too quickly, then she'd appear rude and ungrateful, but she really didn't know what to do. "May I be so curious as to ask your name?"  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:01 am
((It's alright. Besides, the world is pretty much in the same shape as it used to be, and the furries used old texts from the ancient humans to name some of them. The nile works for the river, though they probably called it the "Old Nile" and then another large river, the "New Nile" or something.... anyways, I'm glad you're back. ^^ ))

Wesley smiled and sat down on one of his 4 sofas. He sat on the one adjacent to hers on her left side and replied. "My name is Wesley. It's good to meet you, Carina. Do not feel as if you're intruding. I don't get visitors very often, so I'm glad to have you here."
Wesley started messing with his chess set again and began taking the pieces off of the board to place them in wooden containers. "The bath is ready for you now, by the way. You don't want the water to get cold now, do you?"
His tail muscles wagged, though his tail was stuck between him and the cushions. He flipped over the chess board to reveal a board that looked like a giant chess board with hundreds of tiny squares, but none of them were colored in. It was an Igo board. Under the table were two more little wooden containers that held white and black stones.  



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