Flicking a speck of snow from off of one paw, Tukutu sighed.

Up in the God's Haven, there was nothing to do. Yet, time and time again, she found herself returning to these familiar grounds, having found herself bored time and time again of the mortals and their antics. One could only perform so many tricks on the same mortals before growing tired and repetitive.

She had to find something to do, and she had to find it fast.

He arrived himself with, one of the least graceful landings to probably grace the haven, righting himself again with an 'I mean to do that' expression and flexing of the spiderleg like wings like one might curl toes. "Mmmmmm" He said delighted and swatted an evidently stolen satchel spilling out some very unlion like food. Roasted yams... "Ahhh delightful!" He said twitching his tail back and forth

Her ears perked up at the loud thud nearby, and her head swiveled to see a familiar large brown form close by. She hadn't expected any other to teleport so quickly after she herself had, so it was double the delight to find that other to be none other than her own father.

Hopefully, this time, he'll at least remember who she was.

"Anansi!" She called, rising from her snowy resting spot. "Anansi, what have you got there?"

"YAMS!" He said with enormous delight. "Do you want one!"

One eyebrow quirked up curiously. She knew her father to be eccentric, and even herself to be a bit of an oddball at times, but on occasion he still managed to surprise her.

"Yams?" She asked, peering at his obviously stolen satchel. "What are Yams, and where in the world did you find them? Are they a creature?"

"Nooo...their -delicious- though...I steal these -all- the time! TRY one! they roast them in the ground and thier so soft and nice and filling! I have -lots- of storries about them...like this one time I climbed in the pot and...well thats...not a good story but..."

Oh no, not another story!

"Not meat?" She commented quickly, preventing yet another far-fetched bumbled story from the endearing old coot. "If they're not meat, why are you eating them? Have you been wandering around the human creatures again, Anansi?"

Leaning over, she swatted at one of the brown objects that had plopped out of his bag. It was certainly soft, like he'd said they were, but the smell was suspiciously unfamiliar, even for a creature as old as she (or so she'd have like to thought she was old!)

"Ummmmmm......" He saidlooking around shiftily.... "Wwwwwhyyy would you think that? look just TRY one! their -warm!"

She gave him a look, and then shook her head. It was a wonder how the 'ol fellow stayed out of trouble, as careless and forgetful he seemed to be growing.

"Same old Anansi," She tsked before leaning down and gingerly nipping at the brown form. Her nose immediately scrunched up as the taste filled her mouth, and she dropped it as quickly as she'd picked it up. The sweet flavor wasn't terrible, but at the same time, unappealing to her taste buds.

"You find the oddest things, old guy." She commented, then choosing to lean down and take a bite of the snow, to clear her mouth of the lingering flavor of the mysterious Yam. "So what have you been up to, aside from stealing the humans' food?"

"MudonIkeit?" he said through a mouthful of the strange things... "Mo-ell" He swollowed and licked his whiskers. "Hmmmm... Not too much, My tribe..." He said pausing with pride... "Is starting a new chapter, they moved, and their growing, I'm so proud of them" He swished his tail "What about you?"

Ah, that silly pride of his. Well, that shouldn't surprise her, he was always a fan of stories and collecting not only more to tell, but those to tell them to others.

Tukutu herself had never been a fan of following in with a crowd, much less organizing one to follow her. If they respected her or not, she still had her fun with them. Most creatures seemingly preferred to stay away from the likes of her, less attempt to follow her and be forever tricked the rest of their lives.

"Prides do that, over time. Like most things, they grow or they die." she commented, debating whether or not it'd be worth it to pay the spider group a visit. It would be humoring to impersonate her father in front of the others, stir up a bit of trouble. But ehhh...

"Not much," came the casual reply, her wings spreading out and stretching, before settling closer to her side. "Here and there, like always. Trying to figure out a new place to go, new creatures to watch. Nothing... out of the ordinary, I guess."

He pounted at her "well it made -me- happy..." he sulked. "You should come see them sometime! You'd like it! Poping out of caves and scaring the -crud- out of intruders"

She laughed.

"I think I will visit them at some point, if you don't mind the intrusion, Anansi." Shaking her head, she smiled. She would visit him at some point, but not now. No, the caves were fun, but she was in the mood for a different sort of mischief.... a havoc wreaking sort of mischief.

Her ears twitched as she heard a familiar voice...what... was that Tapelo?

She hmm'd to herself as she stretched out her legs. It seemed her rabbit friend had found something... perhaps she would get her wish, after all!

"Anansi, I must attend to my companion's needs. Would you care to come along, or shall I leave you to your uh... humanfood?"

Ananasi nodded and curled a contented tail around his Yams, "Unless you'd like some to take with you?" he offered, though the tone of his voice was not so much an offer as the words might have indicated

She giggled, swatting her wing in his direction. "You're a silly old fool. A lovable one, but still dreadfully silly." she remarked, stretching out her wings. She knew she'd see him again, be it soon or in distant years to come, but it was always nice to run into her father now and again.

Smiling, she lifted up her wings and took a leap out into the clouds, making her way down onto the Earth in search of her hare companion.