(This is an ORP welcome for Firekin Cubs, Juves and adolescents or mothers if they wish to watch in.
Other cubsitters are also MORE then welcome to come join! )

Over time, the male had watched many youngsters being born into the new pride.
All of different shades of red, all with different markings, all unique in their own way.

Dragging himself from his cave, the huge cub sitter known as Damu shook his equally large mane free of the grains of sand that had clung to him in his sleep and in doing so created a soft, snowy spray of the matter that clattered near whisper quiet against the the ground from whence it came.
Such wonderful stuff to lay upon, the red goliath thought to himself, but so hard to get out of the fur.

Upon stepping out his cave he could see how late in the day it was and inwardly grimaced slightly as the harsh bright sunlight hit his still sensitive eyes, he could've happily slept till the sunset, but, as most of the others around here he now had a job to keep up with.
Especially with the late baby boom.
In the depth of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what he would look like with a few cubs trailing behind him that shared the same blood as he did.
The thought tickled him and he chuckled deeply, bordering on full laughter as he leisurely made his way to the oasis where most of the Kin congregated and lay himself down to lap his huge, dry tongue at the waters.
Thankful for how so little of it could quench his thirst so easily.

Now, all he had to do was wait and see if he would meet any others in the heat of this blistering day.
Maybe even a cub or two.