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The Perfect Weapon Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:09 pm
The future.

War is no longer about nations, it's about money.

After a severe economic overhaul, nations that were in debt were forced to pay.

Who bought up their debt? Corporations. Corporations that now owned whole militaries.

You now fight for a company, boy.

Eventually, one such company decided to pump money into the research of making the hidden potential inside warriors blossum.

We only use 10% of our brains, folks. What does the other 90% hide?

Hundreds of thousands volunteered, almost all of them died.

Those that survived became warriors of a different breed, placed into special categories of fighters. What is the perfect weapon?

The human mind, it seems.

My name is Prowler, I am a member of the Marksman sect of this research.

After blossoming, we were forced to fight for this military contractor. Eventually, dissent set in and we decided to revolt.

Some fought with the rebels, some fought against them.

My part of this story started when the door to my holding cell was unlocked by a stray bullet.

I stood slowly from my bunk, threw my large black duster over my shoulders and placed my Stetson on my head.

Gloves were slipped over my hands as my boots tread a path outside my cell.

I spied a frightened looking guard to my right, toting a silenced sub-machine gun.

I dashed over. He spied me and leveled the gun at me.

I was unarmed, other than my mind. My abilities.

I can use a firearm like a painter uses a brush. It is writ into me. I can make bullets do things that would make your head spin. But there was no iron in my grip, so my other ability would have to do it's job.

Precognition, children.

So far i've noticed it's manifestation in three forms.

One: dreams or trances that let me see unavoidable, important future events.

Two: Flashes of detail from the near future, give or take ten minutes. Ambush waiting to happen? I'll know about it.

Three: small flashes of things to come in split-seconds. It allows me a slight advantage in combat and lets me dodge things. Like bullets.

So I did.

I blasted to my right, ran along the wall as the guard opened fire. The ground where I'd been standing was riddled with bullets, but I remained unscathed as I landed before him and drove my palm up, striking him in the chin, breaking his jaw and neck.

I grasped his firearm in my left hand as he fell, flipped it into my right hand as I turned, opening fire into the cellblock I occupied.

Time to get out of this godforsaken prison.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:59 am
I was a happy young man before i decided to help my family earn a little money.

But i really didn't know what i was signing up for.

I was examined and was picked to the assassin sector.

they messed with my mind and erased part of my memories.

all i have now is a number and a code name, 548793 and Salfos.

I can have the ability to translocate short distances.

Clairvoyance makes me see everything around.

you can't hide, nor can you run.

they augemented my body to be faster than anything.

given me the ability of all combative weapons and martial arts ranging from the prehistoric to now.

I am just a weapon in this pawn game.

I seen the countless numbers of failed experiments in these giant holds to be destoryed.

I lost all emotion in myself and just become the silence of death.

I was wandering the commons when the riot broke out.

my chance to get out. sucks to be a guard.  

Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:50 am
As I've mentioned before, my strength lies in guns. I am nigh invincible with a firearm in my hand, and this SMG would only last me so long. I hoofed it under the cover of riot to the armory, where a scuffle was going on. I ended the scuffle with a hail of surgically placed bullets and threw the SMG aside. In I went, putting on a gunbelt. I selected a pair of double action revolvers, loaded them and placed them in the holsters. Then I deposited a combat knife on my right leg.

Time to head for the exit.

I drew the guns as I left the room, bounding and checking every angle, focusing my mind for the inevitable ambushes that would be waiting for me or my kind.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:39 am
As a business man I like to keep things straight, make money and well, have a few sandwiches. I’ll tell ya, I have had many sandwiches in my day but never had I seen so much money thrown in my face. I would have been insulted if not each individual green bill had so many 0’s on it. I practically gagged when the CEO of the big corporation made the offer of 10 billion dollars. He told me that should cover most of the expenses and well anything else you get distracted with and buy. Laying just underneath all that money, and cleverly so, was the contract that would change the world. Of course with my kind of distracted self I had forgotten all about the reason there was that much money in front of me and gladly excepted. I probably would have excepted any way but I would of loved to at least remembered while doing it.

As soon as I said the words yes as bound under a contract of blood. A swift little scrap of robot zoomed to our location in the nice mans office and pricked both of our fingers. I didn’t like that very much. I told the CEO, he laughed. Now it was a legal binding document that stated I must complete the contract given to me by the CEO. He seemed to be a little more nervous about this one then he was with previous packages. I could see it in his face. The man just nodded and meshed together many incoherent goodbyes. I shock the man’s hand and out I went.  


Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:56 pm
As I killed the guard with my bare hands i looked at his googgles they where solid black and couldn't see his eyes. So i took them, because my eyes were slight red, for a kind of intimidating factor, and they would stare at anything i gazed at. To cover my eyes. I also lack emotions that i previously had. just a side effect of experiments done to me. So i keep quiet. I felt the cold barrel of an 2105x pulse rifle on my neck. The guard said submit, but i just stood there. then in a blink of an eye i gave him a chop to his throat and a twist of his arm had an inverted elbow. Giving me the gun i bounded for the door that would lead me to the armory where i could get my gear. I shot some guards who where about to go after a few people who left through the doors. Shortly i walked out those doors passing from some of the more frantic experiments. Using my clairvoyance to see any threats coming at me.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:59 pm
Swarms of guards take cover in the hallways as psyker teams become assembled. more parts of the station become in riot as guards supress some of the first ones. station goes into code 4 lockdown.  

Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin


PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:35 pm
My name is Sher Khan. I am a weapon. I am built and augmented to have a specific set of skills that make me very dangerous. Danger is my friend and he follows me where ever I go. I am danger and I will follow you until you are dead. Sher Khan 662157. In the beginning, the day all time started anew, I awoke to a loud siren. Startled and annoyed I find the door to my casing open. Like a strip of bullets falling to the ground I slip out. I am approached by few. Immediately, even before I hear their voices they are tossed, thrown from me like garbage. My mind bulges. I can feel the rush of adrenalin seep throughout my body like a drug. The rush is comforting. Without a word or care I turn myself to the walk made hundreds of times before. I used to dread this walk. The end of the hall always meant more poking, probing, and cutting. Simply all because I signed a piece of paper stating they where not liable for any tragedy, $100,000 deposited to my bank account, and that I am now an employee of Big Corporation, just because of that, I am now a slave to mass weapons race.

Continuing with the walk, I make a few steps. There are guards all around. Most disoriented from the scene around. I hardly pay any attention. My mind is so focused I could already be dead and that wouldn’t stop me. Of course If someone would of wanted to stop me I would of already knew about it. I have this way of knowing what people are thinking. It’s like they never stop talking, even when there mouth is closed. I have been through countless of training classes to learn to suppress this occurrence. Now I can read people and things like a book. It comes natural to me. I am naturally dangerous. Another few guards, they are tossed back and against a wall. I throw them down the hall with the lift of my hand. They are dead to me.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:48 am
Step one, find my body armor. Step two, get out of here. Step three, kill the b*****d that did this to me.

My mission was simple and simple it would be. A machine of disaster stirs within my blood and I feel it cooling. Somewhere inside me a soul suppressed by my own will is screaming for me to stop. I don’t listen. I kill the being in front of me like I eat my cereal in the morning. It’s just what I do.

Change of plans, Big corp seems to be using some of their projects against us. Those sacs of raw burning skin mean nothing to me. I have no sympathy for my own kind. If you’re a pych, and you raise a violent thought at me, your dead before your body figures out how to act it out. With one wave of my hand your thrown up against a wall, with the other there goes your bone structure. Without that your pudding scraped along the walls of this asylum. I like pudding. I would have no problem turning everyone into pudding. So why the change of plans, I may be a killing machine, but so is every other big corp program. Most of them are easy to fight one on one, none of them are as advanced as I am, but a team of them could be trouble. Fortunately for big corp they had figured out how to set up these teams and utilize them for mass killing. Their only problem now was getting them together. I couldn’t waste any time, I had to be on step two before they had those teams up and running. If another percussion pych picks me up, a dud pych will turn me off, and then I’m the one turned into pudding by a juggernaught. Not good for our plans. What to do, oh yes, pych physics 301. I push both of my hands downward and then curl them inward. This breaks apart the thin layer of floor below me. Then with skill I lock one hand to keep the piece together as the other pushes me off the ground and down the halls. That’s right folks, I’m flying, and there’s nothing to stop me.  


Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:02 pm
The whole sector of the prision goes into lockdown. all the doors become shut and locked. esp blockers start to ring causing psychic powers to fade away. Guards began organizing and supress the riot in the main dormitory.

I feel my powers draining i use the physical enhamcements to the best of ability killing two more guards and sacking them for their ammo. I look up to see panels. I rip one down and find a vent. The place went into lockdown. Time to make some ground before im notice. I jump up into the vents and begin crawling around blindly.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:57 pm
It’s my duty now to uphold the items contained within the contract. Being that it is a legally binding document by blood, I am forced to uphold whatever the document with my life. It is my life and if it should ever be broken I would be sentenced to death. Not sentenced by my contractor but by my very own conscience. I really wish I had been completely sober when I made the contract, had I been maybe I would have thought a bit more before taking it. I was hard on money at time though. Money, that sneaking devilish obstacle, always holding me back from my wildest dreams. If I had it my way I would be rolling around with Giget in a pool of sandwiches with nothing to listen to but old fashion jazz. Yeah that would be the life.

“Sir your losing focus again.”

“Blahh….who said that?” I yell back as I jump in my old rusty desk chair. I grip Giget tighter in my hand as if to use her like a weapon. I calm down then… think for a second, Giget wouldn’t like me to use her as a weapon right now. I better not.

“Umm…sir this is your secretary, you hired me this just the other day to help you stay on task. I wouldn’t taken the job had I known the job would of actually taken this much work.”

“Oh yeah, It is going to take some time to get used to this.” I wasn’t going to lie only hired her to look at her. Don’t tell Giget. Well I guess it’s not to big of a deal because I already forgot she was there. I mean you can’t blame a guy. Giget isn’t exactly gentle on the eyes. She’s so hard, rough, and well, you know, lacking on the curves. I guess I could install some sometime but right now she’s more useful as a wrench.

“Back to work”

“yes…I guess so. If you could please, work on getting those applications set up. I want the world to know that Barney’s comp needs some able people. We need lots and we need them for everything. Heck even hire some freaking machineries if you can find some. I’m sure we will have to get durty.”

“You got it sir.”



PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:19 pm
The force of my free movements slowed. I could feel slight draining of my powers. I knew it was coming and through the strength of the activity I knew where it was coming too. I was already far from it. Happy to say I had thought well through this day. My course led me through the back end where more of the factories worked. I skidded to a stop along the ground. There where a few scientist running for the emergency exits. I killed them like flys. My next move brought me to the big bath of radioactive genes. The whole tub of things growing out of control with the pych template would be my target. I will not allow this company to continue growing things similar to me. I couldn’t have them figuring out how to control us or build better ones. This would be the end of it.

With a furry of power surging through my veins, I brought my hands up from the ground as if lifting the tub from the ground and then pushed them forward. The results of my motions caused the giant thing to tip and shoot against the wall respectively. The mess filled the room like blood. I may be twisted but now it was my turn to rule this company. I deserve this after what I had been through.

My head turned to the west side of the plant. I would have to get ahold of all the right enzymes. The template for more was gone, but I needed to know all about how all the other groups worked. I would create the most powerful fighting force on the whole universe. They would follow me and we would control everything.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:24 pm
The company shuts off all terminals and locks the doors. the psychic blocker has enhanced its wave and psychic troops modified to defy the blocker are sent in elminating those who are out of the main dormitory. Two movers (those you have telekinesis and telekinetics), along with a controller (one who makes you calm and bends your actions to their will by them keeping sight on you) walk into a lab to extract any species just finding one lone psyker. The controller begins to take control and makes the psyker walk to them. one of the movers out to the hll to eliminate some scared subjects. Salfos crawled thru the vents with speed and silence. he looked down to see the situation going on. he pointed at the mover first with the assault rifle. and fired before he thought two much. the shots made him crash thru the ceiling and as he fell he shot the controller in the head. he was then slammed into a counter from the other mover and he had pinned both psykers on the wall choking them.

"you think you can escape from what will eventually come to you. well you would of been working and making money. now your choice has caused your death."  

Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin


PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:40 pm
Sher Khan thought as quickly as he could. His powers where blocked but he still had his intelligence. He knew this kind of pych. They where a percussion unit just like him. He knew they could read his mind so he thought of the most random stuff at once to break their concentration. He was sure it worked when he finally got a second to breathe. For a brief moment the grasp of the mans pressure broke, this would give the assassin his chance to kill.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:58 pm
Salfos noticed his brief moment to take a shot and he let the gun blaze up. the mover was startled by the noise and was able to fling some of the bullets off. He got a few scrapes. very pissed about this he flung both of the psykers over to the other side of the room. Salfos laid on the group thinking of how much pain he had. the mover walked over to salfos and picked him up.

"your a little nusiance arent ya punk." the mover growled.

"you will be eliminated...." Salfos gasped.

"What...how can you... look at you so patheic....ur mind is too easy and you think your life is ruff."

As the mover kept rambling Khan took the moment to tackle the mover and Salfos shot a bullet thru the movers throat and slipping into his rib cage. killing him instanly. Salfos just sat up against the wall and check his ammo. He got two clips left and 33 bullets in the current cartridge.  

Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin


PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:05 pm
“I am in your debt sir!” Sher Khan said with a hesitant voice. He seemed a bit shaken up. He felt helpless under the effects of the pych block. He didn’t like it. The noise was long past but it still quenched their powers. Sher Khan knew his plan but would his life line follow.

“I don’t know where you are headed but you are far more skilled then I am without your powers. I find it useful and with your skill and our team work we might get out of here alive. I have just one stop to make and then we should head to the armory for our suits. Do you have any plans of your own?” Sher Khan asked with a simple tone of friendly gesture. He knew from the brief moments they chocked together that it was very unlikely that the man would reply. Luckily for Sher Khan his powers stood for a bit and he could read minds. Maybe that would be their exchange for conversation.  
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