Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:48 am
asalamualykum to all friends.........i juz wanna ask all of u..have u ever fall in love..???..and share what is ur action?? neutral
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:21 am
oh yes sister. i would love to tell who is that special person but he has his account here too and a member of this guild. i'm afraid he will know it because i keep it as my secret for 4 years now, i think. biggrin
so how do i feel?? 1.im thinking him before i sleep. actually, i suddenly remember him. biggrin 2.i'm happy when i'm with him. biggrin 3.i feel sad/jealous when he's with someone, you know and when they are really sweet. crying 4. i can't explain actually all the feelings i have... LOL, sorry... sweatdrop 5. i always want him to be happy. biggrin
anyway, they say you don't actually know why do you love the person because you just suddenly feel it. biggrin sometimes you realize it when he is already gone... biggrin
it's my first time actually. biggrin let me share you more, but i'll PM to you for privacy, LOL.. biggrin
-keisha rayana hanaquil23 Crew