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[PRP] The Impression That I Get: Anupu x Xiu Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:44 pm
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Anupu stretched and yawned before folding his wings across his spine and glancing about bored. Oh it was wonderfully peaceful here in the haven of the gods, but really what could one DO all the time. Sleep had been his choice most of the time along with trying to recall memories long past and forgotten to him. He had neglected seeing any of his family or even any other Gods or Goddesses. Hmph maybe he was bored enough now to venture down into the mortal realm. Still that thought didn't quite appeal to him yet, he preferred to wait until he was actually needed. Still wasting away in the beautiful glittering realm of the immortals seemed just as bad to him as wasting away in the banal realm of the mortals.

"I suppose I should...socialize..." He murmured to himself and stood. With a paw brushing at his chest and another regal stretch he moved. Unlike other Gods or Goddesses that flew or floated gracefully along anupu made each step a solid one. He liked the feeling of movement far more then the weightlessness of flying. Even when he did see fit to fly he pumped his wings like a mighty dragon to keep full control of his considerably sized frame. Why bother? Some might question, but he bothered because it was one of those wonderful things that he could DO to feel more alive then he normally did. And Conversation was another one of those things, with that thought he refocused and scanned about hoping to find someone to speak to. Maybe he would run into someone who had visited the mortals recently and could tell him a little bit about what had been going on. He had to admit to a little curiosity.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:48 pm
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Xiu's golden eyes narrowed as her wings drifted to her sides. She had been sleeping most of the afternoon, having found nothing to do around the open lands. Her dark pelt shifted as she stood and yawned, her wolf-like eyes narrowing to fine slits as she chuckled and spotted someone drawing near. A new face to this dull place- she thought herself as she opened her wings and spoke out to the scaled god.

"And you are?" She snorted.

Xiu sat on a high horse, for sure. She truly felt above the rest- always. At the end of her tail a dark flame flickered, the heat from it cold, oddly. She was lean in frame and her wings were rather small. She seemed bitter, this could be seen from the never ending frown she seemed to carry.  

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:50 pm
Ah finally! His gaze traveled curiously over the Goddess, no one he knew...yet that was hardly a surprise he couldn't remember anyone lately. Time alone had been terrible for him, hopefully he still possessed his manners.

"I am Anupu, and you would be?" He peered at her curiously moving a bit closer before seating himself with a flourish and a nod of his head. It was amazing how he managed to keep his crown the way he moved about.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:07 pm
"Xiu Xiu."

She spat out, her tone unchanged. Her eyes never left him as he spoke, she was taking her time in looking him over, his figure, his size; she even noticed his crown and snickered to herself. What? He thought he was some kind of king? Pish.

"And your domain is?"

Again, never seeing him before made her wonder.  

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:20 pm
"Pleasure to meet you..." He wondered what she was looking him over so closely for until he felt the uneasy suspicion that she was looking for his weak points. Surely not...were things changed so much that violence abounded and this type of examination was needed? Or was this female just paranoid?

"Royalty, and yours?" His reply was cooler now he was wary of being friendly to one who came off so harsh. Still he smiled, maybe she had the right to be paranoid...maybe she was the Goddess of Paranoia? The thought almost made him laugh but he doubted she would respond kindly to being laughed at.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:25 pm
The goddess shifted places as he spoke to her, her ears pinning backward slowly. She flashed him her fangs as she yawned, feeling rather dull again, this conversation was going nowhere, and thus it meant nothing to her at this point.


She chuckled stating her domain. It was a powerful domain, strong and full of promise; Xiu Xiu loved her power, her control. Her tail slapped from on side to the other as she nodded at his answer, snickering to herself.


She repeated, as if to make sure that is what he said. The idea of being royal simply made her laugh. Xiu Xiu was royalty, at least in her eyes.

“So, why have I not seen you around here before?"

She blurted out without any respect for personal space or privacy.  

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:38 pm
Well now she was just being rude...what a pity...no wonder he had retreated into a solitary and dormant existence for so long. It could be so unpleasant to deal with the everyday, the polite and the rude. Still he forced himself to continue without any inflection in his voice.

"I've been alone for quite some time...resting...Have you been down to the mortal realm? I'm most curious about what their up to..." His eyes trailed to her slapping tail and over her form once again. She certainly looked capable of protecting herself from harm, and with that attitude she probably needed it  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:39 pm
“I have some kin in the mortal realm.”

She stated simply with a nod. She never spoke of her offspring to other gods; her past was one she would forever keep to herself. Her eyes, though they were very wicked seemed to sparkle with an underlining tone of lostness, loneliness. With a soft sigh she sat back down and glanced at him.

“You slept the years away, I see. My sister did the same.”

She nodded. Maybe her rudeness was a test, or maybe that was just the way she carried herself, who knew. Her tone was never changing. She still sounded as annoyed as before… but maybe that wasn’t how she wanted it to be.

“So, god of royals, tell me something: Why did you stay dormant for so long, hiding from something, mmm?”  

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:06 pm
"Kin? then you must visit often...and be rather attached to the mortals..." He peered at her curiously a moment before nodding. "Indeed I am well rested." He wasn't very proud of the fact though, what a waste of time. Ah well no use being upset over that which could not be changed.

"Not hiding, I simply tired of always being in mortal affairs...it becomes troubling to grow attached and then watch them fade away over and over. Yet now I realize that I miss my duties, my connection to them. It's time I return, I'm rather ashamed of my absence."

He wondered what her role was among the mortals as the Goddess of Sorcery, unless things had changed drastically the mortals did not possess the ability to wield any such powers.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:29 pm
At his words she felt what was left of her heartache in both pain and anger.

“Don’t comment on matters you know nothing of.”

She hissed as he commented about her attachment to the mortal realm.

“My sister the Goddess of Purity lives in the mortal realm, with her family.”

She couldn’t talk about her own half-blooded mutts, never ever. Xiu Xiu was ashamed. She didn’t comment on his emotions about the matter because in all truths she could not relate. She could hardly relate to anyone anymore. With a deep with she simply nodded and looked past his bat-like wings.

When others spoke of mortals… it really got under her skin. She felt sick to her core.  

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:47 pm
“If my sister spawned with a mortal I’d cut all ties from her and kill the bastards myself.”

Xiu glared at him, as heartless as she was inside she felt a pain like on one else could imagine. She had failed as a mother to her mortal cubs, thus she had failed at life in her eyes, and she would keep her past a secret if it killed her. No one needed to know of her mistake. No one. That is why she blinded the male she once loved. No one would listen to a wacked out blind lion. No one.

She felt the fur on the back of her neck bristle as he poked question at her, she did not like this.

“Why are you so nosy anyway? Back off.”

She gave him a warning. Xiu Never let anyone in, especially males, and God male at that. Her heart was stone now, cold and warn.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:59 pm
"Surely the mortals are not all that bad? Of course, I should take your word for it since I haven't been awake to witness them of late." Her hostility made him all the more curious, she seemed to hate the mortals...to the point of willing to kill her own family if they had mortal blood.

Her next words made his eyes narrowed and a soft rumble started in his throat.

"Why are you so hostile?" He leaned in closer to her fearless...maybe foolish, but he couldn't help it. She hadn't responded in kind to any of his questions and she was clearly hiding something.

"Your past with the mortals must be quite colorful indeed..." He mumbled.  

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:13 pm
She couldn’t stand his prying anymore, she felt so trapped, cornered. With a deep snarl the Goddess took to her native instincts and attacked him, pulling her large claws out as she pounced; pinning him back against the ground below. She gazed down at him with eyes filled of flames, her tone harsh-heartless even.

“I said back off.”

She warned again, but she didn’t let go. She kept her body above his for a long second, his claws digging into his shoulders as she inched in to speak to him again, her wolf-like eyes narrowed to fine slits.

“My past is my own and if you want to live to see your future you best learn to leave my past alone.”

She.. had never felt so naked. It was like he wanted her to explode. Why was he being so ******** stupid. WHY was he pushing her to the extreme.

He saw her about to spring, but really he wasn't going to lash out at her...she was after all female. Besides he was still curious how far she would be pushed so he loosened his muscles and watched. Her pounce might not have been effective in forcing him to his back but he let himself rock back, his wings spreading to keep them from being pinned under him. His eyes narrowed on hers trying to look past the anger there.

"Your hostility is most unladylike..." He held back a soft snarl as he felt her claws moving in deeper, now she was trying his patience...luckily he seemed to have more then she did.

"I was hardly prying, but you must admit your reactions are overly sensitive..."

What was it? He ached to know...litterally for now it seemed she was willing to draw blood if he did dare pry. Still the words came unbidden from his lips.

"Normally such strong reactions are reserved for lovers, mothers, fathers...those who have a deep bond...yet-" He shrugged and his eyes narrowed as the movement caused her claws to make their presence better known. "If you want to keep it your own secret, I am hardly about to try and drag it out of you...it's none of MY concern." No, not at all any concern of his...except to assuage his peaked curiosity.

“You know nothing of pain and loss, true emotions. You sit here in this world, with your head held so high, topped with a golden crown, going in and out of existence as you please; you will never understand any of this.”

She spat and pulled herself off of him, her wings at her sides as she looked away, her temper flaring from every inch of her being. No one ever asked her about things like this, no one ever really cared to… well, most feared it. Most feared her. Xiu Xiu had a bad reputation, one this God clearly knew nothing of.
She turned her back to him for a long second while trying to regain some of her sanity.

"You would never understand."  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:30 pm
"I didn't always sit here...I wasn't always so oblivious to the mortals below...I once lived among them, shared their joys and pains, watched them come and go. I loved them too deeply, and felt each loss more and more...like a small piece of your soul being torn away until your too tired to continue. I came here to rest, and I admit my mistake, I overdid my period of rest. I am willing to go back though, willing to face the world again...not hide from it even knowing it
will hurt."

He stayed where he was reclined and looking rather comfortable for a long moment. He rolled onto his side after a bit and folded his wings against his spine. For a long moment he watched her his eyes narrowed on her, it was like watching someone piece a puzzle back together after it had been mussed.

"Perhaps if you explained, it would be better understood...but...I am sorry if I've upset you."

“You have never felt what I did; I do not think anyone has.”

Xiu sighed deeply and in a tone she was not very familiar with she spoke out to him, her chest filled with an odd sensation.

“What I tell you is for your ears alone. If you so much as mutter this to anyone else, I swear to the stars I will rip your heart from your cheat and feed it to the dogs.”

She wasn’t kidding, she’d do it.

“My first love was mortal.”

She admitted as if it was the worst thing she could have ever done.

“I loved that male with such passion, even I was blinded by his true nature.”

A deep sigh passed her as she turned to face him, her golden and black eyes now fixed upon his; never once did she blind while she spoke.

“I gave birth to his cubs, three of them. One day while I was out hunting he took off with them, he left me with nothing but shame.”

She felt shame for the first time in years draw over her before stopping.  

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

March Moth

Conservative Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:45 pm
"Shame? Why should you be ashamed for the actions of a wretched male? Do you think yourself weak for being blinded by your emotions? We are all privy to that weakness...hard as it may be." Her words explained so much of her bitterness, yet he wondered if there wasn't more. Still best not to pry, her affairs were her own and he was glad she had shared as much as she did.

He wondered if there were any words that would reach her, anything he could say or do to console her. Yet deep down he knew that the wound was one she would need to find a balm for herself. Nothing he said now could erase her pain and anger, it was such a deep part of her eyes that he almost felt pity for her. Indeed he might feel pity if she had been a weak female succumbing to her pain, but instead she seemed to turn it in on itself and use it to steel herself.

"Weak? Never.”

She chuckled a bit, as if she was going to tell him more, but she didn’t. For now he knew enough.

In all truths she had gotten back at the male for what he had done, but inside she still felt that pain she felt the day it happened. Perhaps it was a curse for what she had done, maybe she would always feel this way.

“So now you know.”

She sighed and took her gaze elsewhere, as if she were having second thoughts on telling him.

And why she did she hardly knew. True, she felt an attraction toward, but that was because he was one of the only people in her lifetime that had stood up to her in the way he did, she hated it but loved it at the same time. With a dull look she turned back to him and stood still. What else was to say?  
[IC/OOC] Gods' Haven [IC/OOC]

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